
Original technologies of the brine cheese
Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I.
Brine cheese: from the past to the future
Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I.
«Mstinskoe moloko» -all the newest and advanced
Efimtsova T., Efimtsova T.
Norms of the main microorganisms levels in brine
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Sviridenko G., Zakharova M.
Some aspects of keepability of the packaged cheese
Orlova E., Mordvinova V., Il'ina S.
Technology of the new brine cheese
Vlasova J., Tsugkiev B., Vlasova, Z., Tsugkiev B.
Special features of salting new type of the hard cheese
Delitskaya I., Mordvinova V.
Microbiological risks in the critical control point- brine
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Sviridenko, G., Zakharova, M.
Biological value of the new type of the brine cheese «Ironskii»
Vlasova J.
Method of separating protein from brine
Pribolotnyi A., Pribolotnyy A.
Efficient treatment of cheese vats brine
Davidyan G.
Microstructure of the brine cheeses on based camel's milk
Dichanbaeva F.
Developments for cheese salting
Pribolotnyy A., Pribolotnyi A.
Cheeses salting. What's new?
Ostrouhova I., Ostrouhov D., Ostroukhova I., Ostroukhov D.
Effects of heat load on the vacuumdrying of brine cheeses
Prosekov A., Kushevskiy I., Prosekov A., Kushevskii I.
The packages «PREMIUMPACK» - new solution in the packaging for cheese making
Orlova E., Mordvinova V., Bol’shakova E.
New national standards in cheese making
Mordvinova V., Mordvinova V.
New brine cheese product«Grecheski»
Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I., Il'ina S., Mordvinova V., Delitskaya I., Ilina S.
Direct vat starters for the brine cheese production
Kaplenko A., Evdokimov I., Kaplenko N., Shramko M., Haritonova I.
Effects of milk coagulating preparations of animal origin on ripening and quality of bryndza
Delitskaya I., Tetereva L., Gal'tseva O., Il'ina S., Delitskaya I., Tetereva L., Gal'tseva O., Il'ina S.
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