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No 5 (2009)


Priority of the Dominanta -Cheddar

Dvinskiy B.M., Dvinskii B.M.


On 30 June 2009 in the Liskinskii milk plant (Voronezh region) an official launching of the large specialized department for the Cheddar cheese manufacturing took place. Principle set of the technological equipment that allows produce up to 18 t of cheese per day (in 20 kg blocks) has been manufactured and installed by the world known company Tetra Pak. Thus the Likinskii milk processing plant with annual capacity of 6000 t of cheese has opened the way to the top-list of the largest Russian cheese producers. The participants of the successful implementation of the complicated business project and guests were congratulated by the authorities of the Voronezh region the governer A.V. Gordeev and the head of the Liskinsk municipal area V.V. Shetsov.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Effect of propionic bacteria starter culture on soft cheeses quality

Khamagaeva I.S., Choyzhilsuren N.B., Kachanina L.M., Hamagaeva I.S., Choijilsuren N., Kachanina L.M.


Production of soft cheeses from cow and goat milks with application of propionic bacteria is an actual problem for the Mongolian food industry. Research work has been carried out with the aim to evaluate effects of propionic bacteria starter cultures on quality formation of soft cheeses. It was found that at application of propionic starters a considerable amount of volatile fatty acids, aroma substances, water soluble proteins is accumulated providing formation of the typical aromas and tastes of cheeses. Soft cheeses manufactured with the above starter cultures are characterized by high levels of living cells of propionic bacteria providing the products received with probiotic characteristics. Technological regimes for soft cheeses manufacturing from cow and goat milks with the help of propionic starters have been substantiated and chosen.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):10-11
pages 10-11 views

Effects of milk coagulating preparations of animal origin on ripening and quality of bryndza

Delitskaya I.N., Tetereva L.I., Gal'tseva O.G., Il'ina S.G., Delitskaya I.N., Tetereva L.I., Gal'tseva O.E., Il'ina S.G.


Results of the study of ripening process of bryndza manufactured with different domestic milk coagulating enzymes preparations, in brine and in the polymer packs under vacuum are given. Analysis of the results received due to organoleptic evaluation had shown that the best products had been obtained with application of rennets and rennet-chiken preparations. After storing for 30 days the products had been already characterized by sour milk, cheesy taste and aroma and rather dense, a bit crush consistency that is characteristic for bryndza.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Vegetable oil ingredients for processed cheese products

Dunaev A., Dunaev A.V.


The list of the largest producers and suppliers of milk fat replacers in the Russian market and brief characteristics of their products are given. The information has been prepared on the basis of advertising materials and specification provided by producers.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Effects of stabilizers on the structure of the albumin paste Dauriya

Sviridenko Y.Y., Delitskaya I.N., Gal'tseva O.G., Shergina I.N., Sviridenko Y.Y., Delitskaya I.N., Gal'tseva O.E., Shergina I.A.


Effects of the Palsgaard stabilizing compositions with different functions (emulsifiers and thickening agents) on the protein ingredient of the albumin paste in the course of heart treatment and storage were studied. The results of the work are given in the article.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):20-21
pages 20-21 views

Role of the organoleptic evaluation in assessing milk products quality

Ozhgikhina N.N., Tetereva L.I., Ojgihina N.N., Tetereva L.N.


Role of the organoleptic evaluation of milk products in determination of milk products quality is defined. Items related with improvement of objectivity of the organoleptic studies and professional approach to this method including preparation of the experts for samples tasting are outlined. The program for training is offered.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):22-22
pages 22-22 views

Rheological specialties of sheeses with cheddaring and thermo-mechanical treatment of cheese mass

Golubeva L.V., Avakimyan A.B., Meshcheryakov A.V., Golubeva L.V., Avakimyan A.B., Meshcheryakov A.V.


Rheological characteristics of the cheddarized cheese mass received with addition of reconstituted instant skim milk powder in the normalized mixture were studied. The dose of the reconstituted instant skim milk was found that allows produce cheese with high organoleptic indices.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):24-25
pages 24-25 views

Specific heat consumption at vacuum cheese drying

Prosekov A.Y., Ermolaev V.A., Prosekov A.Y., Ermolaev V.A.


Research work carried out for investigations of specific heat consumption of the infra-red heaters at vacuum cheese drying is described. As objects for drying such cheeses as Rizhskii, Sovetskii, Adygeiskii and non-fat curds were taken. It was established that it is advisable to use process of vacuum cheese drying at stage method of heat supply. Specific heat consumptions at vacuum drying of different cheeses are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Retrospective analysis of the combined products tailoring in the domestic cheese making

Musina O.N., Musina O.N.


Retrospective review of the patent documents referring to the combined products of the cheese making sector has been made. Inventive activity dynamics in this sphere was analysed, the most popular classes in the international patent classification as well as distribution of the protecting documents on the combined products according to the years of application were studied.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):28-29
pages 28-29 views

Present day situation in the dairy butter market

Rybalova T.I., Rybalova T.I.


Situation in the Russian dairy butter market is discussed in the article. Statistics of production, consumption, imports in the first half of 2009 is given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Production of cow milk butter in compliance with new documents

Topnikova E.V., Ivanova N.V., Onosovskaya N.N., Topnikova E.V., Ivanova N.V., Onosvskaya N.N.


Brief contents of new normative and technical documents necessary for producing butter from cow milk in compliance with the Technical Regulation requirements are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Sour cream butter of increased taxotrophicity

Pavlova T.A., Vyshemirskiy F.A., Gavrilov G.B., Ervol'der T.M., Pavlova T.A., Vyshemirskii F.A., Gavrilov G.B., Ervol'der T.M.


Possible ways to improve taxotrophicity of sour cream butter due to increase of its non-fat component, application of functional components such as for example lactulose concentrate and introduction of biologilcally active microflora including bifidobacteria have been defined. Comparing investigations (organoleptic, physical-chemical, biochemical and microbiological) results permitted to optimize composition of low fat sour cream butter and to select ingredients improving its functionality.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Processed cheese - a flavor component for products of buttermaking

Topnikova E.V., Konovalova T.M., Topnikova E.V., Konovalova T.M.


Cheese is one of the components that perfectly combine with dairy butter and various flavor ingredients (spices, greens, smocked items). Specialists of the All Russia Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making have developed technology for the dairy butter Syrnoe supplemented with processed cheese in the range of 5-15%.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):38-38
pages 38-38 views

Combined material based on aluminium foil for dairy butter

Vyshemirskiy F.A., Smirnova O.I., Sviridenko G.M., Dergunova M.E., Vyshemirskii F.A., Smirnova O.I., Sviridenko G.M., Dergunova M.E.


Results of testing of physical-chemical characteristics of the new combined material based on aluminium foil are given in the article. Possibility to apply the material for dairy butter packaging in the consuming tare (bricks) with the help of domestic serial automated machines APM was established in the course of experiments. Quality of the dairy butter packed in the combined material on the aluminium foil basis at storage at three temperature regimes was evaluated. It was proved that quality indices at storage did not exceed permitted levels defined in the N88-FZ Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Effects of storage regimes on the sweet butter taste

Kustova T.P., Vyshemirskiy F.A., Panov V.P., Kustova T.P., Vyshemirskii F.A., Panov V.P.


In the article results of the investigations of the effects of storage regimes of dairy butter on its quality are given. The objects of the study were samples of freshly made sweet butter (mass fat share 82.5%) that had been stored at different temperature regimes. The butter quality was evaluated by indices that characterize fat phase state (butter acidity, fat acidity, peroxide value, fat acidification according to the probe with 2-ТБК) and butter plasma (active and titratable acidities). Taste intensity and smell of the butter were determined by the organoleptic method and by gas liquid chromatography of steam. It was found that in the course of storage changes of chemical-physical indices and organoleptic characteristics of the butter take place. The above changes demonstrate oxidative deterioration of butter and are accompanied by changes of aroma and taste spectrum. Formation of the surface layer proves increasing of butter and fat phase acidity, peroxide value and appearance of the prevailing compound propanal.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Development of the spread technology with hydrocolloid addition

Smirnova I.A., Vasil'eva G.V., Smirnova I.A., Vasil'eva G.V.


Prospects of new types of spreads are substantiated. Calculations for optimal composition of the fat phase of cream-vegetable spread were made. The most efficient ratio of milk fat and sunflower oil was found. Recipe of the cream-vegetable spread with 50% fat content was developed. Physical and chemical properties of the product are characterized in the tables presented in the article. Rational lipid criterion of the nutritive value of the spread was calculated.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):45-46
pages 45-46 views

Nomenclature and biochemical characteristics of the principle cow milk whey proteins. Alfa-lactalbumin and whey albumin

El'chaninov V.V., El'chaninov V.V.


This is a literature review devoted to nomenclature, physical-chemical and biochemical properties of the two whey proteins of cow milk - alfa-lactslbumin (alfa-LA) and whey albumin. Role of alfa-lactalbumin in the mechanism of formation and functioning of the lactose-syntase complex (lactose-syntase) has been studied. Importance of alfa-LA for normal functioning of mamma and milk secretion has been shown. Information is given about specialties of molecular organization of whey albumin and genetic variants of alfa-lactalbumin.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Technological properties of milk received from the cows fed with feeds supplemented with the chelate compound

Temiraev R.B., Baeva Z.T., Ter-Ter'yan N.G., Gazdarov A.A., Tebloeva L.R., Temiraev R.B., Baeva Z.T., Ter-Ter'yan N.G., Gazdarov A.A., Tebloeva L.R.


Macro- and microelements that are present in the chelates composition are easier absorbed from the intestine to blood and are metabolized as biologically active substances. Addition of the chelate compound calcium tetracycline in the dose of 2% of the total solids norm allowed increase total protein content, casein and especially alfa- and beta-fractions in milk. As a result such a supplement improved milk characteristics and organolepric quality of the Osetinskii cheese samples.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2009;(5):56-56
pages 56-56 views

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