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编号 4 (2016)


The milk pride of Russia

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С 20 по 24 июня 2016 г. во ВНИИ маслоделия и сыроделия состоялась ежегодная Международная молочная неделя. В рамках форума традиционно прошел конкурс качества молочной и молокосодержащей продукции. На дегустацию было представлено 143 образца молочных продуктов из разных регионов России, включая Республики Северная Осетия - Алания, Мордовия, Башкортостан, Алтайский, Красноярский, Краснодарский, Пермский, Ставропольский края, Брянскую, Белгородскую, Вологодскую, Воронежскую, Владимирскую, Калужскую, Кировскую, Костромскую, Ленинградскую, Московскую, Нижегородскую, Орловскую, Смоленскую, Тамбовскую, Тюменскую, Ярославскую, Пензенскую, Ростовскую, Тульскую, Омскую области. Образцы своей продукции представили 91 предприятие, в том числе пять небольших предприятий фермерского производства. Ассортимент представленных образцов - продукция сыроделия - 63 образца; маслоделия: масло из коровьего молока - 39 образцов, спреды - 1 образец; кисломолочная продукция - 40 образцов; творог и творожный продукт - 20 образцов.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Russian production of the dairy butter and spreads in 2015 and in the first quarter of 2016

Goroshchenko L.


Dynamics of the dairy butter and spreads manufacturing is considered and analysis of the statistics data for 2015 and the first quarter of 2016 is given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Cheese. New areas for selling. International seminar for cheese makers organized by the company Sealed Air

Raicheva E.


21-22 апреля компания Sealed Air - ведущий поставщик упаковочных материалов и оборудования провела семинар для сыроделов из разных стан, где обсуждались новые тенденции и концепции сыродельной отрасли -новые возможности расширения продаж, развития брендов, повышения операционной эффективности, новые подходы для привлечения клиентов, инновационные упаковочные решения. Семинар проходил в Париже в выставочном центре «Пакфорум», который был создан компанией Sealed Air в 2002 г. Выставочный центр открыт для специалистов в течение всего года, здесь можно увидеть инновационные упаковочные решения и оборудование, познакомиться с разработками компании. В настоящее время компания имеет представительства в более чем 60 странах и дистрибьютерскую сеть в 175 государствах, в России и странах СНГ успешно работает более 20 лет. Sealed Air была пионером по внедрению инновационной технологии «CRYOVAC®» для созревания сыра в пленке в нашей стране, разработчик и владелец уникальной технологии и системы упаковки CRYOVAC® BDF для порционной упаковки сыров. В 2011 г. компания вывела на российский рынок упаковку «Darfresh®», что также повлияло на развитие в нашей стране производства сыров в порционной упаковке. В этом году в работе Международного семинара для сыроделов приняли участие ведущие производители сыров премиум-класса - сыродельный завод «Ичалковский» (Республика Мордовия) и компания «Киприно» (Алтайский край).
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):12-15
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Doeschot cheese treatment systems

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Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):16-16
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Formation of the varieties policy at a cheese plant in the context of embargo

Kriger A., Sturova Y.


One of the promising areas in the covering the cheese deficiency may be the wide development of the production of the soft cheeses. The research of the market and of the own assortment of the enterprises showed that the introduction in the production of the soft cheese will allow to increase the coefficient of the completeness of manufactured assortment of production, will increase profitability, will cover the needs of customers in this group of cheeses. The application of the proposed measures, in practice, is advantageous for the enterprise, both in terms of economic efficiency and in terms of the strengthening of its own position in the target market, of the improving of the product range.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):17-21
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A new laboratory equipment series - new opportunities for fundamental and applied research

Mayorov A., Musina O.


A series of new laboratory equipment created by scientists of Siberian research Institute of cheesemaking is described. The design features and advantages of the fermenter, pasteuriser-cooler and the instrument for thermal analysis are described. The fermenter allows the following: heat treatment, pasteurization or fermentation of milk, churning and aeration of liquids, production of fermented milk products. Pasteuriser-cooler allows the following: heat treatment of milk and other liquid food mixtures, allows to study the pasteurization or cooling modes and to simulate the processes occurring in industrial settings. The device for thermal analysis allows registering the thermal effects occurring during heating or cooling of the samples and to carry out thermal analysis of liquid and pasty samples. Laboratory equipment is designed for fundamental and applied research and can also be used for laboratory work in secondary and higher educational institutions of the relevant profile.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):22-25
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Bacterial starters for cheese production

Sorokina N., Kuraeva E., Kucherenko I.


The market of the foreign and domestic bacterial starters for production of various cheese types is analyzed and practical recommendations are given how to apply the starters.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):26-31
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Emulsifying salt as a risk factor effecting keepability and microbiological safety of processed cheese

Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Babkina N.


The study was carried out with the aim to assess effects of the emulsifying salts including ortho- and polyphosphates as well as addition of the long chains polyphosphates to phosphates on the quality and keepability of processed cheese. It was found that the kind of the salt applied is one of the important factors determining level of microbiological risks at processed cheese production and storage.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):32-35
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Prevention and fighting with moulds, coli-bacteria in cheese making

Efimov K., Dityuk A., Bogdanov A., Efimova E., Snejko A., Dusov E.


Advantages of applying disinfecting means of the prolong action «Biopag» produced by the «Institute of Ecological and Technological Problems» (ROO IEJP) for providing good sanitarian state are discussed in the article. Results of application in practice for prophylaxis and liquidation of undesirable microflora at the cheese making plants are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):36-38
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Food fibers «Citri-Fi» for spreads with reduced fat levels

Pirogova E., Topnikova E., Gubina I.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):39-39
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Physical - chemical and fermentative methods of sanitarian treatment of the equipment for spreads manufacturing

Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kosiyanenko T., Haritonova E.


Approaches to the development and application of means and ways to clean equipment for spreads manufacturing -equipment for melting milk fat replacers and butter are outlined. For the melting equipment of the closed type where circulating method of cleaning (CIP-cleaning) is used high alkali agent that does not give foam was created and regimes of its application were tested in the production site. The melting equipment of the open type is advisable to clean with the aid the cleaning compositions based on the enzymes mixture (protease and lipase), and this method is considered to be the promising one.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):40-41
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Investigation of the processes of the cyclic barovacuum drying of soft cheese

Ravnyushkin E.


Optimal technological regimes of barovacuum drying of soft cheeses were selected. As objects of research following soft cheeses were chosen: «Adygeiskii», «Roquefort», the «Russian Camembert». Baro-vacuum drying was performed at alterating of the cycles of pressure rise and vacuuming. For this purpose, earlier selected efficient regimes were applied. Duration of the exposure under residual pressure varied in the following values: 15, 30, 45, 60 min. Kinetics of the process of cyclic barovacuum drying of cheese was studied. The time for drying in the case of exposure under vacuum for 15 minutes is 300 minutes. Increasing exposure time to 30 min resulted in reduction of the drying time for another 10 min. Further increase in the duration of exposure leads to increased dehydration time due to the entry into force of certain factors. It has been established that decrease of vacuum treatment resulted in reduction of specific energy consumption. Lowering of this indicator is on average of 7,15 and 23% if drying time reduces from 60 to 45,30 and 15 minutes respectively. Organoleptic evaluation of dry cheese was carried out by various parameters. It was found that the highest quality characteristic (70-71 points out of 75) received the cheeses, dried at the largest period of vacuuming. On the base of the research work it was found that the most effective barovacuum drying of soft cheeses in terms of duration, energy consumption and quality of the finished product is achieved when the time of vacuum treatment is 30 minutes.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Jelly product on the base of curds mass with the paste from Jerusalem artichoke

Polyanskii K., Magomedov M., Lobosova L., Juravlev A., Varvarina O.


To reduce sugar level and improve food value the jelly product on the base of curds mass with addition of the concentrated paste with Jerusalem artichoke was developed. Optimal ratio of melasse and curds mass 1:1 was chosen in the recipe of the jelly product made with agar. Natural low calorie sugar replacer ste-vioside was applied as a sweetener that has no medical-biological restriction for using in the food products manufacturing. Stevioside quantity in the recipe was calculated with the account of its sweetness coefficient (Csw = 300) and quantity of the melasse replaced. The jelly formed marmalade made according to the unified recipe «Jelly formed» by traditional method was taken as a control sample. Rheological properties of the jelly masses, organoleptic and physical-chemical indices of the products quality were determined. Food and energy values were calculated. Technical documentation was prepared (TC, TI, RC)
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):44-45
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Investigation of cheese whey concentrating by ultrafiltration

Lazarev S., Bogomolov V., Lazarev K., Pronina O., Polyanskii K.


Specific flow of the solvent and specific flow of the solute of the ultrafiltration separation of cheese whey were studied. Approximative relationships and numeral meanings of the empiric coeficients for analysis and theoretical calculation of the specific flow of solvent and diffusion penetration coefficient were received. Technological scheme for the UF-concentrating of cheese whey for the Bondarskii cheese plant was worked out. Expected economic effect after introduction is 500 thousand roubles per year in the prices of 2015.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):46-48
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About rennet properties of milk

Murunova G., Municheva T.


Effects of the variability of milk on ability to rennet coagulation were studied. Titratable acidity (°T) and active acidity (pH), calcium levels in skim milk were determined. The rennet coagulation was assessed by the cup of the VNIIMC and by the time of curd appearance. The rennet, bovine pepcine and chicken pepcine we used as coagulants. Correlation between active and titratable acidities and results received with the cup of the VNIIMC was evaluated. The pH value appeared to be the most stable index (the average 6.69 and standard deviation 0,05). Maximum variations were observed in the results received with the VNIIMC cup (2,85 and 0,7 correspondingly). It was shown that activity of the rennet powder, bovine pepcine and chicken pepcine greatly depends on the concrete milk sample and is not compensated by the pH correction. For the enzymes tested natural level of calcium in milk in the range from 113 to 134 mg % (deviation is approximately by 20%) is not connected by dependence with time of rennet coagulation. Complex preparations containing rennet, bovine and chicken pepcines are more sensitive to the change of milk as compared with rennet: the relative impact of some separate components of the complex preparations can become stronger or weaker in various milks. The conclusion was made that physical-chemical indices (acidity and calcium level) do not allow foresee rennet properties of milk. It is impossible to expect standard behavior of the milk clotting enzyme preparations of varying compositions in the random samples of natural milk.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):49-50
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New method of machine milking

Amerhanov H., Ganeev A., Solovieva O., Zykov S.


The apparatus intended for the new method of machine milking with improved characteristics of milk receiving and prevention of the animals' milk gland disease is presented in the article. The drawbacks of the teat elements of the existing milking apparatus and problems connected with milking process that are common for all types of farms have been analyzed. Special issues of design of the milking apparatus of the new type have been outlined.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):51-53
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Marii El: presentation of the new type of goat of the zaanenskaya breed

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Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):54-55
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The final of the game «Beginning farmer»: the winners - 6 teams!

Tsyganok V.


Игра «Начинающий фермер» проводится Российским союзом сельской молодежи (РССМ) при поддержке Минсельхоза России в целях развития у студентов навыков бизнес-планирования, а также менеджмента, экономики и управления сельскохозяйственными организациями, сбора и анализа информации, выработки управленческих решений и умения работать в команде. Старт соревнованиям был дан еще осенью, в конце ноября 2015 г., а затем были определены лучшие проекты регионов.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(4):56-56
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