Vol 14, No 6 (2015)


Evaluation of rehabilitation potential of premature children on the basis of international classification of functioning, disability and health

Nefedeva D.L., Bodrova R.A.


Justification of the methods aiming on the assessing of rehabilitation potential in premature children is one of the actual problems for the development of a unified approach to the habilitation and rehabilitation of this category of patients at all stages of medical treatment and nursing. For the first time, we use clinical and instrumental data reflecting the infringement of structure, function, activity and participation from the standpoint of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to determine the rehabilitation potential of premature children. The structure of rehabilitation potential includes several classification categories. Their choice was determined by two groups of reasons: by the unity of the pathogenesis of all considered violations and by their statistically valid contribution to the level of primary disability of a premature children. Consequently, the list of studied domains includes the structures of the nervous system, visual and related functions, auditory and vestibular functions, neuromuscular, skeletal and motor functions, digestive and metabolic functions, functions of the respiratory system and a mobility within the component activity and involvement. Evaluation of rehabilitation potential is suitable when children are transferred from the first or second stage of rehabilitation to the next one. It is necessary for prediction the level of somatic prosperity and psychological development of a child to the first year of life. We argue that children acquiring a disability in the first year of life are characterized by lower values of rehabilitation potential, than the children with high indices of development. The data suggest that most premature children have a high and medium rehabilitation potential; the patients without any value of rehabilitation potential are not revealed. It can be concluded that the knowledge of rehabilitation potential value should simplify the justification of short - term goals of rehabilitation and help to identify key expert within the staff of multidisciplinary medical team.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):2-9
pages 2-9 views

Personalized approach to diagnosis and correction of cerebral metabolism in the children with mental disorders

Rakhmanina I.N., Turok G.A., Ryabova E.N., Kulakova I.N., Zimina N.V., Barsukova N.V., Mykhailova O.A.


The article is devoted to actual medical and social problem - the development of new diagnostic technologies for individualized assessment, monitoring of the functional body state and improvement the rehabilitation effectiveness of children with disabilities. The results and effectiveness of using personalized diagnosis of cerebral metabolism in the children with disabilities are shown. The study was conducted in the State Center for Rehabilitation of the children with disabilities «Correction and development», Astrakhan Region. The study included 64 patients (from 4 to 14 years old with symptoms of cognitive and behavioral disorders). The children were divided into 5 groups; each group received the treatment - monotherapy or a course of physical therapy for 10 days (hypoxic therapy or DENAS-therapy). The necessity of taking into account the level of cerebral metabolism in the appointment of drugs and physical therapy to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation of children is shown in the article. Nootropic drugs with neuroprotective effect are recommended to patients, suffered from the phenomena of brain hypoxia with the reduction of energy. The drugs and physical therapy with antioxidant effect are recommended for children with disabilities, suffered from brain hypoxia and increased cerebral metabolism.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):10-17
pages 10-17 views

Features kinezioteypirovaniya in the medical rehabilitation of children

Podgornaya O.V., Hromov A.N.


This article highlights the issues devoted to the implementation in practice of specialists in sports medicine, traumatology and orthopedics, medical physical culture, neurology effective method for correction of the functional state of the bone-ligament-articular and muscular structures. Appeared in the second half of the last century, the method kinezioteypirovaniya already firmly established itself in many ways as a therapeutic, prophylactic agent. The most widely used method in the world after the Olympic Games was in 1988 in Seoul. The founder of the method, a Japanese doctor Kenzo Kase, first of all recommend the use of its methods in traumatological patients. Application kinezioteypinga contributes to the normalization of microcirculation, relieve pain, restore functional activity of muscles, greatly accelerates the compensatory processes. Kinezioteypirovaniya method is based on numerous studies, considers the basics of biomechanics and functional anatomy. The difference method of applied orthotics and rigid fixation of dressings, is to create more favorable conditions for the restoration of disturbed during disease or self-injury, and the damaged segment is not excluded from the physiological motion and in the rehabilitation process creates favorable conditions for negative feedback, while keeping it conditions of homeostasis. New Drug - free methods brought invaluable assistance of Pediatrics, which found a positive response among parents and young patients, especially when the use of kinezioteypov with children's symbols, which greatly facilitates the conditions of manipulation, creates a favorable background procedures. Kinezioteypirovanie effectively as an independent method and in combination with physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy techniques, mechanotherapy, manual therapy that can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment programs for various diseases, including in pediatric practice.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Non-drug technologies of medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal pathology

Khan M.A., Kuyantseva L.V., Novikova E.V.


In the last decade there has been a steady increase in the number of children with disorders of the nervous system. Up to 70% of the child's disability and impaired social adaptation of children and adolescents associated with damage to the nervous system in the perinatal period. In this regard, the issue of early rehabilitation of children becomes a priority. Medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal encephalopathy is based on the following principles: early correction, individualization of treatment and rehabilitation actions; consider the nature and severity of the main and concomitant pathology, the degree of maturity of the child; the integrated use of various means of rehabilitation, phasing, continuity when carrying out rehabilitation; the close interaction of physicians with the family of a sick child at all stages of treatment and rehabilitation. Among the important tasks of medical rehabilitation in children is to improve blood circulation and metabolism in cerebral tissue, neuromuscular conduction, normalization of the Central and peripheral regulation of muscle tone. To perform these tasks using the following methods of physiotherapy: sinusoidal modulated currents, galvanization, electrophoresis, alternating magnetic field, paraffin baths, mineral and medicinal baths. At the present time, scientifically substantiated and proposed for inclusion in the complex medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal lesions of the Central nervous system innovative technology: structural - resonance therapy, polarized light. The importance of rehabilitation of children with perinatal pathology has kinesitherapy: medical massage, medical gymnastics, treatment by "position" (laying, splints, "collars", etc.), therapy Vojta; fitball - gymnastics, the thin finger training, exercise in water; dry immersion (simulated weightlessness); using cots "Saturn" (effect of weightlessness and vibratory); "dry pool", homeopathy, music therapy, methods of psycho-pedagogical correction. Thus, modern non-drug technologies are widely introduced in the program of medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal pathology, reduce pill burden, improve overall treatment efficiency.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Physical factors in complex medical rehabilitation of children with congenital dislocation of the hip

Podgornaya O.V., Vyibornov D.Y., Krestyashin V.M., Tarasov N.I., Darinskaya L.Y.


This article discusses the etiology, clinic, conservative tactics, and if necessary, surgical treatment of children with varying degrees of severity of dysplastic hip dislocation and the possibility of using medical rehabilitation methods, in accordance with the stage of the pathological process and the stage of treatment. With a view to the early detection of hip dislocation in children, diagnosis and treatment of patients should be carried out by experts specialized in specialized medical institutions. Analysis of anamnestic data, clinical examination results, modern diagnostic methods of data before the treatment, and reasonable treatment strategy in order to create the most favorable conditions for the development of the hip joint structures or gradual elimination of dislocation of the hip, allowing to achieve the full anatomical and functional restoration of the broken relationship between hip structures joint, the most rational approach in such pathology. The objectives of medical rehabilitation at the various stages of treatment are to provide trophico stimulating and during surgery-analgesic effect, correction of microcirculatory disorders, the creation of prevention conditions contractures, accelerating the timing of the amplitude restore movement and function of the musculo-ligamentous concerned joint unit, maintaining optimal conditions for ripening acetabulum. Complex program of medical rehabilitation of children with various forms of dysplasia of the hip with the inclusion of funds orthopedic correction, medication, natural and preformed physical factors, therapeutic physical training and massage allow to significantly improve prognosis, reduce the time of treatment, to prevent further coxarthrosis development, to reduce the percentage of disability of children.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Medical rehabilitation of children with syndromes myelodysplastic

Novikova E.V., Popova O.F., Nikolaev S.N., Fanaskova E.R., Trunova O.V.


Development of medical rehabilitation of the landmark health care system of children with spinal dizrafizmom is an important and urgent task of Pediatrics. Spinal dizrafizm accompanied by flaccid paresis or paralysis of the lower limbs, as well as violation of the pelvic organs. In most cases, there are a variety of foot deformities, uncommon congenital hip dislocation. Basic principles of medical rehabilitation of children with spinal dizrafizmom include: early start of rehabilitation measures, subject to phasing and continuity, the development of individual rehabilitation programs. Medical rehabilitation of children is carried out on stationary and outpatient stages to include physical factors, means physical therapy and other methods, carried out in medical institutions multidisciplinary team of specialists with higher and secondary medical education, with appropriate training. Medical rehabilitation begins immediately after surgical treatment in intensive care units and specialized offices. In the first stage a great attention is paid to the correction of pelvic disorders. For this purpose, administered electrostimulation, iontophoresis, magnetic, depending on the type of neurogenic bladder dysfunction. The efficiency of magnetic stimulation in children with areflektornym bladder. The second stage of medical rehabilitation is performed in rehabilitation departments and medical rehabilitation centers, aimed at correction of motor disorders. Along with the hardware physiotherapy recent years actively introducing modern technology exercise therapy. The third stage of medical rehabilitation is the longest, conducted in outpatient and includes a variety of health technologies, such as aeroionotherapy, halotherapy, balneotherapy, mud therapy. Thus, currently under development - stage system of medical rehabilitation of children with spinal dizrafizmom, introduction of modern medical rehabilitation technologies that have an impact on various pathogenetic links of the disease and improve their quality of life.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):32-35
pages 32-35 views

The role of halotherapy in preventive health care and rehabilitation in children

Khan M.A., Rassulova M.A., Chervinskaya A.V., Mikitchenko N.A., Lyan N.A., Filatova T.A., Kovalchuk L.V.


The article is devoted to the use halotherapy in the medical rehabilitation in children. The current factor of halotherapy is the dry fine-grained sodium chloride aerosol. The main mass of particles in aerodispersed environment consists of respirable fraction having a particle size of 1 to 5 microns, that offers the possibility provide therapeutic effects on all sections of respiratory tract. The therapeutic effect of halotherapy is determined by the biophysical properties of dry sodium chloride aerosol. This article describes the biophysical characteristics and mechanism of therapeutic action of dry fine - grained sodium chloride aerosol. The article describes anti-inflammatory, draining, mucolytic, immunomodulatory, sanogenetic action of haloaerosol. High effectiveness of different forms of halotherapy is presents (in the salt chamber, haloroom, by inhalation), the optimum technologies of various kinds of halotherapy, and exposure parameters are specified In pediatric practice haloaerosol therapy is described for medical rehabilitation of children with respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis), otorhinolaryngologic pathology (rhinosinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis), skin diseases. Halotherapy is a method of choice in the prevention of acute respiratory diseases and children's rehabilitation in educational institutions. Combined application of halotherapy is highly effictive of the in treatment of various diseases in children. High efficiency of application haloinhalation therapy (83.3%) in the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis in children is proved, especially in combination with magnetotherapy (96.7%). Beneficial effects of halotherapy in complex usage together with flutter therapy on clinical and functional parameters in children with asthma are found/ Simplicity, safety and tolerability of procedures expands the possibilities for use of halotherapy in pediatric practice.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Current issues of magnetotherapy in pediatrics

Khan M.A., Ivanov A.V., Rassulova M.A., Prikuls V.F., Mikitchenko N.A.


The article is devoted to topical issues of the use of magnetic therapy in pediatric practice. Magnetic therapy - a method based on the use of a preventive, curative and rehabilitative purpose of various types of magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are among the most physiological, benign and easily portable physical factors. At present ongoing research on the scientific rationale for the use of various types of magnetic fields in pediatrics (alternating, rotating, running, impulse, pulsing), expanded age range. There were opportunities to influence the magnetic field in a gentle pulse mode, which is extremely important for pediatrics due to the reduction of energy load. The advantages of pulsed magnetic therapy is the possibility of a wider variation of dosimetric parameters impact on the availability of a more deep - seated organs and tissues, more pronounced specificity and physiological influence. Established therapeutic efficacy of pulsed magnetic therapy in traumatic injuries of extremities and scoliosis in children. At present, scientifically grounded the possibility of applying high - intensity pulsed magnetic therapy, that has a stimulating effect on the neuromuscular system in patients with chronic constipation, enuresis, neurogenic bladder dysfunction in children. The expediency of integration of magnetic stimulation in complex regenerative treatment in children operated on for scoliosis III - IV degree was found. One of the important areas of modern magnetic therapy is to study the phoretic properties of magnetic fields. Magnetophoresis - is the combined use of magnetic fields and drugs. Magnetic fields accelerate the diffusion processes, improve the epithelial and vascular permeability, increase the bioavailability of drugs. Methods of transcranial magnetic therapy in pediatrics require further scientific substantiation. A new area of children's physiotherapy is to study the possibility of using a common low - intensity magnetic therapy in pediatrics. However, you need to study the optimal parameters biotropic total magnetic therapy in pediatrics from the standpoint of evidence - based medicine. Latest research on use in children of various combined and the combined effects of magnetic fields. We need to study the optimal parameters of total magnetic therapy in pediatrics from the standpoint of evidence - based medicine. Research on the use of various combined magnetic fields in children are relevant.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Dry carbon dioxide baths in the medical rehabilitation of children

Vakhova E.L., Lyan N.A., Grigoreva O.K.


Continuing negative tendencies in children’s health, the complexity of pharmacological correction of chronic diseases determine the advantage of physical factors usage in the complex rehabilitation programs. Dry carbon dioxide baths are a promising method of preventing and treating children's diseases. In order to validate the use of dry carbon dioxide baths in pediatric clinical observations and special studies were conducted in 84 children with bronchial asthma and in 100 children with frequent episodes of acute respiratory diseases. The results of the research allowed to prove the feasibility of usage of dry carbon dioxide baths in children with bronchial asthma. Beneficial effects of dry carbon dioxide baths on the clinical course of the disease, indicators of allergic inflammation were found. Improved bronchial patency, reducing the airiness of the lung tissue and increase the diaphragm excursion in children with asthma were revealed. A comprehensive evaluation of application of dry carbon dioxide baths in frequently ill children allowed to reveal peculiarities of the influence of balneotherapy on the clinical course of acute respiratory disease, the condition of the autonomic nervous system, mucosal immunity. It was estimated to reduce the number of cases of acute respiratory diseases, permits days of illness in child care centers.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Modern technology assessment of climate and weather information for optimizing the methods of climatotherapy in complex sanatorium treatment of children with bronchial asthma

Uyanaeva A.I., Lyan N.A., Tupitsyina Y.Y., Chukina I.M., Maksimova G.A.


Among the natural healing factors important place belongs to bio-climatic resources, which are present at each resort, regardless of their profile. Turning climatotherapy methods in medical and rehabilitation programs have a positive impact on the psycho - emotional state, contribute to the back - up capacity and nonspecific resistance. One of the basic conditions for the effective application of climatic factors in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation is the knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of their action on the body, as the impact of climate and weather cause responses. For rational and scientifically sound assessment of the use of climate - needed weather conditions derived from meteopoint or modern medical and meteorological systems that monitor weather conditions in real time. Perform automated medical-meteorological monitoring micro - climatic conditions of the territory of a sanatorium complex "Vulan" (Gelendzhik) allowed us to determine bioclimatic potential and the most comfortable weather conditions aerotherapy (air bath) and heliotherapy (sun baths) in the seasonal aspect. In this work the first time, on the basis of automated medical - meteorological monitoring of the main meteorological parameters in the 10 - minute mode of the 8 major periods of observation defined repeatability of comfortable conditions in the seasonal aspect of the assessment of thermal and radiation regime that allowed the inclusion of a sanatorium in the program the treatment of children suffering from bronchial asthma, klimato procedure determine the comfort zone and the most favorable timing for climate. Application climatotherapy improves the functional condition of the body after a spa treatment and improve the body's tolerance to external adverse factors. Complex use klimatotherapeutic factors in the sanatorium treatment of children with asthma, significantly reduced the number of exacerbations caused by the weather and promote positive changes in the structure of the manifestations meteosensitivity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):53-56
pages 53-56 views

Physical and medical technology pharmacological rehabilitation of children with respiratory diseases

Lyan N.A., Vakhova E.L., Mikitchenko N.A.


Complex application of physical factors and medication is widely used in conservative treatment of various diseases. One of available and popular methods of a physicopharmacotherapy are inhalation therapy, a medicine electrophoresis, phonophoresis of medication. In article advantages of introduction of preparations by means of methods of physical therapy, the domestic antiseptic preparation possessing a wide range of the antimicrobic action, immunnoadjyuvant effect contributing to normalization of speed of mucociliary clearance are stated. Safety of application of a preparation, lack of an irritant action on a mucous membrane, toxic action, mutagen properties is shown, to embryotoxic and onkogen activity. and efficiency of application of a preparation in children's practice. The expressed anti - inflammatory action of a preparation at children with the acute respiratory diseases which are followed nasopharyngitis, the catarrhal sinusitis complicated by symptoms, sharp pharyngitis and laryngotracheitis, the receiving inhalations of a miramistin by means of the nebulizer with use of standard 0,01% of solution, an endonasal electrophoresis, at the children with sharp and chronic tonsillitis receiving the combined impact on palatal almonds in the form of their irrigation of 0,01% solution of a miramistin and ultrasonic therapy is revealed by the conducted researches. High efficiency, lack of collateral reactions at application of a domestic preparation miramistin expands a range the physicopharmacotherapy methods in pediatrics for the purpose of prevention and rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):57-61
pages 57-61 views

Cryotherapy in pediatrics (the review of literature)

Talkovsky E.M., Smirnov A.N.


Task of this review is synthesis of the data on a current state of cryotherapy published in scientific literature. Mechanisms of action of low temperatures on a human body are stated, clinical effects of cryotherapy are presented. Results of clinical supervision at application of cryomassage and a modern naprvleniye of cryoimpact on the patient - local air cryotherapy at treatment of various diseases at adults and children are given in the review. The special place in the presented material is allocated for a statement of new technologies of cryotherapy in pediatrics.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):62-68
pages 62-68 views

Some methodological approaches to the analysis of the fses of secondary education in the context of mental health and social health of students

Lyapin A.S., Syrkin L.D.


The article is devoted to the problem of correlation of requirements of the FSES to the graduates of educational institutions with the presence of personal traits, which had been identified during empirical research. The authors are supposed to analyze the definitions of "mental", "psychological", "social health". This approach opens possibilities of mental health, social health of students. Analysis of publications containing a variety of instructional and methodological approaches to the definition of social health, suggests that "the portrait of a graduate" is a collection of personally - relevant traits and characteristics of the composition and content of which reflect the social components of health are the result of the implementation of the Federal state educational standard, at the same time acting as indicators of mental health and psycho - content. Social health as an essential structural component of the bio-social nature of man, characterizes a person involved in the process of social adaptation, reproduction and creative transformation of the social environment through the implementation of social roles, status and functions. These aspects of social health may be more fully disclosed with position functionally-role approach, which reflects the interaction between society and the individual in the process of implementation of the requirements. Social needs can be thus expressed in terms of functions such as civic, patriotic, family and reproductive, professional. Personal needs, a system of roles and statuses. As a methodological tool for diagonostiki social student health can be used psychosemantic techniques to reflect, evaluate and interpret the value-semantic characteristics, the perception of a distant life perspective, Maturity of basic social roles and internal social health of the studied contingent, which, in turn, opens up opportunities for mental health social health of schoolchildren.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Ozone therapy usage in the treatment of climacteric syndrome

Kravchenko E.N., Tarichko V.G., Kozhevnikov S.N., Vasilyeva M.V.


Investigated women’s group (150 patients) ranging in age from 47 to 57 years: 50 - with a mild climacteric syndrome, 50 - with an average degree of gravity, 50 - with severe. Patients were prescribed 10 sessions of ozone therapy by the method of parenteral administration of ozonized physiological solution. The results of the study showed that ozone therapy used in the treatment of climacteric syndrome, has a direct positive effect on the clinical picture of this disease. The treatment of women with climacteric syndrome, regardless of its severity with the use of the ozonized solution is highly effective and can be used as an alternative therapy medicines in women premenopausal and menopausal age.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Statement of purpose in rehabilitation of patients young age with menstrual dysfunction and obesity

Glazkova O.L., Shmeleva S.V., Poletova T.N., Nazarova S.V.


The paper addresses the issues of body weight loss, and changes in the parameters of carbohydrate, lipid and hormone metabolism in patients with obesity and menstrual irregularities. The duration of menstrual disorders could be from 1 to 7 years. The study included 30 obese women aged 20 to 35 years. The inclusion criterion was a violation of the menstrual cycle, 50% of irregular menstruation, 26% - irregular menstruation scarce, 23% - giperpolimenoreya. Body weight women surveyed before treatment ranged from 77 to 115 kg, body mass index ranged from 27 to 44 kg/m2. Found that fasting hyperinsulinemia was observed in 26% of women, while in the first and / or second post - exercise samples in glucose tolerance test, the rate was 100%. In 90% of identified insulin resistance, and in 16% of glucose intolerance. Hyperinsulinemia in poststimulyatsionnyh samples from a modern point of view, is an early manifestation of insulin resistance. Hypercholesterolemia was found in 53%, hypertriglyceridemia - 23%, and an increased concentration of LDL - 6%. Increasing concentrations of LH and ratio of LH / FSH greater than 2.5 was observed in 16%, and increases testosterone and/or androstenedione - 36%, 13% increase in performance of cortisol and DHEA - sulfate. To restore reproductive health basic principle of treatment is to normalize metabolic disorders. Revealed that every second woman after weight loss to normal rhythm / duration / script menstruation, ovulation is restored. The treatment significantly improved metabolism, as carbohydrates and fats. As well there was a significant decrease in the concentration of testosterone, androstenedione, and a significant increase in the concentration of PSSG after reducing body mass index. The correlation between a history of progression of disorders of lipid metabolism disorders and worsening menstrual function.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Assessment of the oxidative stress at inhabitants of the urbanized North (on the example of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region)

Korchina T.Y., Korchin V.I., Lapenko I.V.


Indicators of free radical oxidation and antioxidant system of protection of an organism at 176 adult not aboriginals of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region are studied (middle age - 39,6±11,2 g). It is established that average values of indicators of free radical oxidation (GPL and TBK) appeared above physiologically optimum sizes, and indicators of antioxidant system of protection (OAA, vitamin E, selenium) - below. The revealed considerable direct correlation connections between vitamin E and OAA (r=0,624) and Se and OAA (r=0,596) and the return strong interrelations between vitamin E and GPL ( - 0,737) and Se and GPL ( - 0,802) of adult not indigenous people of the North testify to possibility of increase of reserves of antioxidant protection of an organism by means of dietary supplements to food and the food enriched with these micronutrients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Radioprotective and antioxidant properties of the gel from brown algaE

Odinec A.G., Orlov O.I., Il’in V.K., Revina A.A., Antropova I.G., Fenin A.A., Tatarinova L.V., Prokof’ev A.S.


The aim of the work was to study a radioprotective and antioxidant action of pharmacologically active compounds belonging to the brown algae. The paper describes the structure and mechanisms of action of alginic acid and alginates: the ability to bind and remove radionuclides from the body, at high ion exchange and sorption properties; restore the functional activity of macrophages, providing antimicrobial and antifungal effect; provide regenerative, cytoprotective and immunomodulatory effects; contribute to the normalization of intestinal motility. The researches devoted to sulfated polysaccharide-fucoidan, confirming its anti - inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, anticoagulant and anti - tumor effect were presented. The process of obtaining from marine brown algae an alginate-containing dietary means, based on the TC Stanford technology, has been described in detail. The advanced method for producing a homogenized gel with particle size less than 500 microns was presented. We investigated the radiation stability of the gel from brown algae for further use in food to protect the human body from adverse environmental factors. The radiolysis of algal extracts was investigated by the method of radiation-chemical modeling of reactions. The dynamics of optical absorption ranges of an aerated extracts in acetone was determined based on the dose and its resistance to radiation dose to 1 kGy was revealed. The calculation of the conversion degree of the gel was carried out according to the changes in the values of the optical density at a wavelength of 410 nm and 672.6 nm when exposed to ionizing radiation. Disaggregation of gel particles under the influence of ionizing radiation dose of 30 kGy is not revealed. Spectrophotometric study of radiation - induced chemical reactions of algae extracts in various solvents was conducted. We have obtained data on the high acceptor ability of the compounds belonging to the brown algae to an active intermediate radiolysis products. It has proved highly radioprotective activity of algal extracts in vitro.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):89-96
pages 89-96 views

Anniversary. Zilov V.G

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):97-97
pages 97-97 views

Anniversary. Shenderov B.A

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(6):98-102
pages 98-102 views

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