
Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Review to the Military-Encyclopedic Dictionary of A. Harutyunyan «Armenians are Heroes of the Soviet Union, Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Heroes of Russia». Yerevan. 2020. 187 p PDF
Zapariy V., Shunyakov D.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) On the System of Watermarks Used at Various Factories of Goznak for the Manufacture of the First Paper Banknotes in the RSFSR in 1919-1922 PDF
Alyamkin A., Baranov A.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Reforms of the Late 19th -Early 20th Centuries: Controversial Issues and Discussions in Modern Russian Historiography PDF
Speransky P.
ed B.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Educational Level of the Population in 1970-1979 (On the Materials of the Sverdlovsk Region) PDF
Kornilov G., Zharkov A.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Occupants or Allies: The Views of Modern Ukrainian Historians on the Intervention of the Central Powers in Ukraine in 1918 PDF
Smirnova Y., Starodubtsev A.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) The Reconceptualization of the Craft Workshop in the Context of Small and Medium-Sized Industries PDF
Azarenko S., Keller A.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Military and Patriotic Education of School Youth in the Ural Region during the Great Patriotic War PDF
Speransky A.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Kulunigiy 5 Settlement: The History of Archaeological Research and New Discoveries PDF
Vizgalov G., Frolov I., Nikulin M.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Discussions on the Financial Foundations of Local Authorities in the 1920s PDF
Bakanov S., Krivoruchko V.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Department of History of Science and Technology Ural State University - UPI (1999-2017) PDF
Zapariy V., Zaitseva E., Doroshenko V.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Postcard Portrait: Life and Fate Artists of the Imperial Mariinsky Ballet Theater Lydia Muromskaya (Chupyatova) PDF
Lizunov P.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Interregional and Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Russia: Review PDF
Bersenev V.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Studying the 1938 Munich Treaty in Modern Russia: Observations by a Historiographer PDF
Kamynin V.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Book Review «Ryzhkov N.I. The Great Patriotic War: Lend-lease». Second edition. Augmented. Publishing House «Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta». M. 2020. 479 p PDF
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) The Malorossian Foreman before and after the Northern War: Maximovichs Family Portrait against the Background of the Epoch PDF
Lukashova S.
Том 4, № 4 (2022) Relations between Japan and the European Union in the Mirror of World and National Historiography PDF
Karenin D.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) The Results of Reforms in the Field of Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Late XX- Early XXI Century: Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies PDF
Zaitseva E., Zapariy V., Asryan G.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Towards a Discussion about the Causes of the Russian Revolution and the Standard of Living in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries PDF
Nefedov S.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Tyumen Museum of the History of Science and Technology Trans-Ural: People and Collections PDF
Karpov V., Gavrilova N., Golovanova O.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) «Medical Television»: Historical Stage of Scientific and Technical Development of the Telecommunications in Medicine (1930-1960) PDF
Vladzymyrskyy A.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Interview with Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, as an Example of «Living History» PDF
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) The Modern Value of Mohist Theory in Ancient China PDF
Xin H., Xiao C.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Results of Excavations of the Cultural Layer of «Old» Chelyabinsk on St. Krasnoarmeiskaya, 79: Petty-bourgeois Life at the Turn of Eras PDF
Yakovleva E., Ogolikhina M.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Decision Mechanism on Reparations by the State Defense Committee During the War PDF
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Professor Zapary - Scientist and Teacher (On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday) PDF
Motrevich V.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) K 70-letiyu professora kafedry istorii Rossii Vladimira Vasil'evicha Zapariya PDF
Editorial B.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Review on the Book Lev Feoktistov: Remembering the Past, Thought about the Future / ed. A.F. Emelyanenkov, B.K. Vodolaga, S.K. Kovaleva, V.N. Kuznetsov. - Ekaterinburg: Bank of Cultural Information, 2022. (Ser. «Outstanding Scientists of the Urals») PDF
Zapariy V., Trofimov A.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Coverage of Soviet Diplomats’ Activity at the United Nations on the Pages of «Pravda» and «Izvestiya» as a Factor of Political Mobilization of the Population of the USSR during Korean War PDF
Antoshin A., Zapariy J.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Review of the Monograph of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Victor I. Kozodoi «Alikhan Bukeykhanov: The Man of the Era». Novosibirsk, 2021. 312 p PDF
Ayagan B.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Evaluation of the Reforms of Peter I: An Idealistic Approach PDF
Gerasimov G.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) The Sociocultural Environment in Closed Administrative-territorial Formations of the Nuclear Industry in the Urals PDF
Kuznetsov V., Konstantinova A.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) To the Problem of New Industrialization and Distribution of Productive Forces on the Basis of Updating the Historical Experience and Practices of Transition to the Next Technological Modes in the Urals and Related Territories. Part 2. Soviet Practices PDF
Litovskiy V.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Monuments of the Church Necropolis: And their Historical and Economic Reflection in Present PDF
Moroz V., Solovtsov A.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Ego-documents as a Source on the History of the Political Crisis in the Middle Urals in 1993 PDF
Kamynin V.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) Climate Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean PDF
Kovalev Y.
Том 4, № 3 (2022) The Volga-Don Canal: Historiography of River Connections and Engineering Thought of the XIX-XX Centuries PDF
Yurkin I.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Motrevich Vladimir Pavlovich: A Historiographical Portrait. To the 70th Anniversary of his Birth PDF
Kamynin V.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Review of the publication Boris Vasilyevich Lichman (1946-2020). Biobibliographic reference book. // Compiled by V.V. Zapariy, V.D. Kamynin, L.N. Martyushov, V.P. Motrevich, S.A. Nefedov, A.V. Speransky, G.N. Shaposhnikov. -Yekaterinburg. 2022. -56 p PDF
Zaitseva E.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) The Results of Reforms in the Field of Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Late XX- Early XXI Century: Scientific Personnel PDF
Zaitseva E., Zapariy V., Asryan G.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Anglo-American Historiography on the Legal Basis of the Activities of British Companies in Russia in 1892-1914 PDF
Bobrova I.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) The State of Labor Protection at Defense Enterprises in Wartime Conditions (1941-1945) PDF
Potemkina M., Zharkynbayeva R.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) On the Issue of the Capacity of Industrial Landscapes (Based on the Material of the Charcoal Metallurgy of the Urals of the Late XIX - Early XX Centuries) PDF
Shumkin G.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Attitude of the US Congress to the Nuclear Disarmament of Kazakhstan (1991-2001) PDF
Alexandrov S.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Games of the World Behind the Scenes: Views of the Jurist P. S. Romashkin PDF
Sushkova I.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) The Influence of Ostalgia and the Existence of the GDR on the Political and Social Agenda of Germany PDF
Bardin G.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) The Sverdlovsk Railway in 1941-1945: Transition to Military Rails PDF
Speransky A.
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) To the problem of new industrialization and evolution of technological modes in the Urals. Part 1. Primary Practices PDF
Litovskiy V.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Turkism in the Building of the Turkish Nation and its Influence on Sino-Turkish Relations PDF
Tao J.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Creating a Food Base around the Industrial Centers of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War PDF
Motrevich V.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) History of the Scientific Rationale of the «Telemedicine» Concept: Professor K.T. Bird’s Research Group Contribution PDF
Vladzymyrskyy A.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Transformation of Individual Peasant Farms in the Ural Region on the Eve and in the Initial Period of Collectivization PDF
Filatov V.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Chess Sport in the First Years of Soviet Power: From Amateur Hobbies to the Organized Movement of Intellectuals PDF
Demchik E., Gorovoy A.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) Genesis and Transformation of the Elite of the Moscow State. Review of the Monograph: Benetsianov M. M. the Service Elites of the Moscow State. Formation, Status, Integration. XV-XVI Centuries - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2021. - 254 p. - (The Latest Research on the History of Russia) PDF
Shishkin I., Shishkina S.
Том 4, № 2 (2022) The Press as a Source of Studying the Visual Heritage of Soviet Everyday Life PDF
Klinova M., Trofimov A.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) Centralization of Military Awards the Red Army after the End of the Civil War (1922-1933) PDF
Zapary V., Shunyakov D.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) Climate Policy of the United States: Features of Evolution and the Current State PDF
Kovalev Y.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) Expansion of Sowing Area and Change in the Structure of Crops in the Initial Period Great Patriotic War (By the Materials of the Decisions of the SNK of the USSR) PDF
Motrevich V.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) Worldview Reasons for the Evolution of the Image of the Past (XIX-XXI Centuries) PDF
Gerasimov G.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) Birthing Rites and Traditions of the Mordovian People: Past and Present PDF
Mokshina E., Narvatova M.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) «Bread at Any Price...» (Book Review: Motrevich V. P. Contribution to Victory: Agriculture of the Urals during the Great Patriotic War. - Yekaterinburg: Alfa Print, 2021. - 700 p. - ISBN 978-5-907502-20-8) PDF
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) The Role of a Person in History (On the Example of Kangxi and Peter I) PDF
Sun C.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) University Education through the Prism of Decades: The Experience of Studying History Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University PDF
Zapariy V.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) The Seven Unknown. Experience of Personality Attribution and Reconstruction of Biographies of Officers Shown on Photographs of the Period of the Civil War in Russia PDF
Emelyanov A., Silchenko I.
Том 4, № 1 (2022) Historical Education in Russia at the Turning Point of Epochs (Based on the Materials of the Gorky Ural State University) PDF
Kamynin V.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Worldview Reasons for the Evolution of the Image of the Past (from Antiquity to the 19th Century) PDF
Gerasimov G.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Discrimination and Stigmatization of Political Refugees and Labor Migrants in the EUDuring the First Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic PDF
Khakhalkina E., Ryazantseva A.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) To the Actualization of Stimulation of Activities in the Field of Climate Study on the Example of Ensuring the Career Growth of the Caretakers of the Ekaterinburg Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory (by the 185th Anniversary of Observatory Observations in the Urals) PDF
Litovskiy V.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) On the Question of the Formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes: A Historical and Legal Study PDF
Polovchenko K., Klochko E., Leibo Y.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Illiberalism: What lies behind the modern political phenomenon? PDF
Mikhaylenko V.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Evolution of the Principle of Internationalism in Soviet Constitutions PDF
Vitale A.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Scientific Detective: or how England Counterfeited Russian Money with Someone Else's Hands PDF
Alyamkin A., Kuznetsov A.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) The Origins of Poland's Contemporary Eastern Policy PDF
Shustrov M.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Features of the US-Chinese Rivalry in the Light of the Problem of American Leadership PDF
Kamynin V., Zhang S.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Russia and Turkey: Historical Features of Interaction and Prospects for Cooperation PDF
Shangaraev R., Pospelov N.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) To the Question about the Organization of Higher Chemical Education in Ekaterinburg-Sverdlovsk PDF
Zapariy V., Deryabina A.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) US Congress and American Assistance to the Economic Development of Kazakhstan in the 1990 s PDF
Alexandrov S.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) The 1948 Newsreel Film on the Ob-Irtysh Expedition of Valerii N. Chernetsov: 70 Years on PDF
Barsukov E.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) Franco-German Cooperation at the Early Stages of European Monetary Integration PDF
Ovchinnikova V.
Том 3, № 4 (2021) International Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Participation in Inter-Parliamentary Associations PDF
Nadezhin A.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Towards the Creation of a Unified State: the Experience of the Yugoslav Peoples PDF
Polovchenko K., Klochko E., Insarov A.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Military Development and Military Formations in the Territory of Perm Province During the First World War: to the Historiography of the Problem PDF
Emelyanov A.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Features of Historical Education at the Turn of 1960-1970. (Based on the Materials of the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky) PDF
Kamynin V.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Historical Roots of the Xinjiang Problem as an Obstacle to the Development of Sino-Turkish Relations PDF
Tao J.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) La Resistenza a Roma durante l’occupazione nazista. Il ruolo dei socialisti e il martirio di Bruno Buozzi PDF
Neglie P.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Japan and the EU: Transnational Cooperation in the XXI Century PDF
Karenin D., Kuzmin V.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) «From One Metal a Medal for Battle is Poured, Medal for Labor...» (Review of the Book: Shunyakov D.V. Awarded System of the USSR in the Years of the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945) / Scientific Editor V.V. Zapariy. Ekaterinburg: «Bank of Cultural Information», 2021. - 196 p.) PDF
Trofimov A.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Modern Historiography of Problems of Metallurgy Development in Russia in the Second Half of the XIX Century and Industrial Policy PDF
Tarasov R., Zapariy V.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) The History of Science in the Continuity of Generations: a Review of a Scientific Publication, the Encyclopedia «Scientific Schools of the Ural Federal University» PDF
Zaitseva E.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Fabulous Folklore of Mordva as a Reflection of the Historical Memory of Ethnos PDF
Mokshina E., Narvatova M.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Preventing the Threat of Biological Weapons: Emigration to the United States of Kazakh Microbiologist Ken Alibek PDF
Alexandrov S.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) State Legal Tender Without Restrictions in Russia: on the Issue of Periodization PDF
Alyamkin A.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) «Do not Emphasize this Issue in the First Place...». The Study of Islam in Soviet Historical Science in the 1920s-1930s PDF
Rolskiy A.
Том 3, № 3 (2021) Historian Renato Risaliti in Search of «a Country of Happiness» PDF
Mikhaylenko V.
Mironov V.
Pogorelskaya A.
Sushkova I.
Zapariy V., Kamynin V.
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