Vol 6, No 12 (1892)

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Bidder E.F.


Currently, the question of eclampsia has again come up on the agenda and touches upon all aspects of this subject, both theoretical and practical. New views on pathogenesis are being expressed, even prospects are opening up for a new therapy of this suffering. Many years ago I experimented in this area, of course in a different direction than what is being done now, which is why I found it interesting to use the large amount of material accumulated since then, at my fingertips, to review what we have developed so far in the struggle with this dangerous disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1151-1169
pages 1151-1169 views


Belilovsky K.A.


Not without some embarrassment, I begin to present the stories of the nine gluttonies I performed in Siberia - this is for the reason that I have to make my message in society, many members of which have long passed between the hundredth ovaryotomy and forever immortalized their name, linking it with in one way or another operative way, generally with the history of chavosexual in our country. But my cases, if they are not of particular interest for a specialist, a gynecologist-surgeon, then, I hope, they will be presented as such for those doctors who, like me for 6 years, every day, by force of necessity, are forced to provide medical assistance to all who turn to them sick, whatever diseases they may be obsessed with.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1170-1197
pages 1170-1197 views


Fisher A.P.


If I allow myself to take your attention for a few minutes today, then only in order to be able to present to you a woman with an absolute contraction of the pelvis, a phenomenon, as you know, is quite rare in our country.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1198-1201
pages 1198-1201 views


Rachinsky N.


Communications of various parts of the intestine with the genital area are relatively rare phenomena in gynecological practice; in any case, they are less common than urinary fistulas, which is understandable in view of the anatomical features of the pelvis. Infrequently and descriptions of individual cases of these fistulas. The case, which will be discussed here, is of some interest for its anatomical features, for the diagnostic difficulties encountered during its recognition and for those operational procedures that were applied here.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1201-1205
pages 1201-1205 views


Massen V.N.


Our 1921 women in labor gave a total of 1972 fetuses. If from this number we discard the fetuses during miscarriages (43), then we get all babies in 1929. Of this number, 1847 or 95.78% were born alive, 34 or 1.79% were born dead, 48 or 2.43% were macerated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1205-1219
pages 1205-1219 views

PROTOCOL No. 7. Meeting on October 28, 1892

Slavyanskiy K.F.


39 members were present: Baskin, Baikov, Batsevich, Bidder, Vasten, Viridarskiy, Goraiskiy, Grinev, Danilovich, Dobradin, Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Lichkus, Mazurkevich, Martsynkevich, Massen, Miller, Ott, Petrov, Petrovich, Popov, Radetskiy, Rachinskiy, Ruzi, Rutkovskiy, Salmanov, Sokolovskiy, Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Tarnovskiy, Ulrikh, Urvich, Fisher, A.R., Frank, Tsyrskiy, Chagin, Chernyshev, Shverdlov, Eichfus and 22 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1220-1230
pages 1220-1230 views

PROTOCOL No. VII. Administrative meeting on October 28, 1892

Slavyanskiy K.F.


35 members attended.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1230
pages 1230 views

Asepsis in obstetrics

Fisher A.


The author's views on the dietetics of normal childbirth (mainly, not in clinics, but in private practice) boil down to the following. If possible, the woman in labor should have a shared bath. Recognizing that there are microorganisms on the external genital organs of each woman in labor, he considers their disinfection at the beginning of labor to be unnecessary, since it would only make sense if possible to apply an aseptic bandage to the disinfected parts, which, for obvious reasons, is not feasible; in view of this, he advises at the beginning of labor to make only a thorough washing of the external genital organs and surrounding parts with well-boiled (depleted) water and soap, repeated after each urination or excrement.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1231-1232
pages 1231-1232 views

On the issue of multiple pregnancy. Birth by triplets

Rutkovskiy A.


D. 23 years old, married 29 years old; menstruation from 14 years after 31/2 weeks, but 3-5 days. The size of the pelvis is 25, 27, 30, 37; growth 253. 3 years ago urgent normal childbirth with one child. In the middle of March 1991, the last regulations, fetal movements do not remember. December 11, 1892 gave birth to triplets.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1232
pages 1232 views

A case of indomitable vomiting in an ectopic pregnancy. Injection of morphine into the fetal sac. Recovery

Zabolotskiy A.


A patient, tall and strong, about 30 years old, a woman was always healthy and only a month before that she began to feel sometimes cramp-like pains in the lower abdomen and notice leucorrhoea, which either intensified or weakened. Menstruation is correct from the age of 13, but the last meager regulations on April 30 were caused artificially, and on the third day there were pains with contractions, bringing the patient to fainting.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1232-1234
pages 1232-1234 views

Indomitable vomiting in a woman in the fifth month of pregnancy, cured by suggestion

Markova S.


Patient 25 years old, four months pregnant; vomiting appeared from the very beginning of pregnancy, increased during the fourth month, contains a large admixture of blood; the patient is exhausted. All the usual therapy was applied unsuccessfully.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1235
pages 1235 views

On the issue of benefits for complications of pregnancy and childbirth uterine fibroids

Zabolotskiy A.


Fibroids complicated by pregnancy are rare, due to the age of patients, abortions with them and the fact that small tumors are often visible, and rarely increase; therefore the author reports his case. Having examined the literature on this issue, the author declares that the majority of authors favor waiting, if there are no threatening seizures; fewer are for reposition, even fewer for abortion, very few for artificial premature labor, and very few for surgery in the absence of severe seizures.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1235-1236
pages 1235-1236 views

Myomectomia in graviditate

Fisher A.


Patient 28 years old; about 9 years ago, had a six-month miscarriage, after which she suffered a febrile illness that made her lie in bed for 1 1/2 months; three years later, she underwent "inflammation of the lower abdomen" (gonorrhea origin?), which lasted 7 months and left behind a persistent dysmenorrhea, which was not inferior to any treatment (by the way, Kreuznach), until in May 1889 the author amputated her (excisio ) the vaginal part of the cervix.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1236
pages 1236 views

To the casuistry of infringement of a bent backward pregnant uterus

Ruzi D.


The author describes a case of retroflexionis uteri gradidi cum incarcerationе, which he had to observe a second time in the same woman.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1237-1238
pages 1237-1238 views

On indications for surgery for disorders observed in the regressive stages of ectopic pregnancy

Rutkovskiy A.


The subject of his report at the I-st ​​International Congress on Obstetrics and Women's Diseases, the author chose the development of the issue of therapy for ectopic pregnancy, which has stopped in its development, so to speak, "chronic" or prolonged ectopic pregnancy. Evaluating the signs of such a pregnancy, the author divides them into two main categories: 1) signs depending on the changes occurring in the most abnormal fetus and its contents, as well as in the surrounding parts, depending on the presence of extraneous education, and 2) signs depending on sympathetic changes in the rest of the genital apparatus and the uterus in particular.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1238-1239
pages 1238-1239 views

To the casuistry of laparotomy in ectopic pregnancy

Zabolotskiy A.


Passion for laparotomy at different times of ectopic pregnancy is considered by most authors to be mandatory in the first half of pregnancy and the sooner the better; and even some authors are beginning to speak out for expectant treatment, even with internal bleeding as a consequence of such a pregnancy. In view of his enthusiasm for operational assistance in such cases, the author considers it necessary to collect more facts for and against and thus solve the question: when it is necessary to operate and when not. To this end, he reports three cases: two operational and one non-operational.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1239-1241
pages 1239-1241 views

A case of complete cure of tubal pregnancy by galvanism. Subsequent normal pregnancy

Ruzi D.


Citing a case of curing an ectopic tubal pregnancy with electrification, the author expresses himself in the sense that this method should be considered one of the best at present. Where there are no life indications for gluttony, electricity must be tried first.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1241-1242
pages 1241-1242 views

Eclampsia bacillus and its relation to the origin of eclampsia in women in labor

Fisher A.


Having cited the scarce data available in the literature on this issue, the author proceeds to present the results of his pathological, anatomical and bacteriological investigation of one case of severe, fatal eclampsia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1242-1243
pages 1242-1243 views

Long-term preventive treatment of puerperal eclampsia with chloral

Markova S.


The best preventive treatment for eclampsia is an absolute milk diet for at least a week — it is not always possible to carry out, as many cannot tolerate it. Arnaud, based on observations from the clinic of prof. Magail, offers treatment with chloral, both in cases where, based on the usual precursors, the onset of eclamptic seizures can be expected after a few hours, and when it is possible to fear this in advance based on the history.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1243-1244
pages 1243-1244 views

Cholera in women

Feinberg B.


From June 15 of this year, from the date of admission of the first patient with cholera to the Saratov city hospital, to August 28, 243 women were admitted, 121 of them died. The ratio of men to women is 1: 0.66.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1244-1245
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Elephantiasis of the labia minora in clinical and pathoanatomical terms

Zabolotskiy A.


Elefantiasis arabum most often affects the lower extremities, then the external genitals, male and female, and is rare in our climate.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1245-1246
pages 1245-1246 views

Elephant transformation of the mammary glands

Rutkovskiy A.


In view of the extreme rarity of this disease (the author was able to find in the literature only one case of Roussaeux in the Gazette medicale de Paris, 1857), I will cite the history of the disease with a photograph literally: on April 22, a peasant N; 21 years old, medium build, pretty, with delicate white skin, correctly developed. As a child, she did not get sick with special diseases; there are no hereditary diseases or syphilis in the family. Menstruation from 14 years in the correct 3-week terms, 3-5 days. She got married at 20 and soon became pregnant. Gave birth on time 5 months ago. She got sick at the end of pregnancy. At 7 months, I noticed a particular enlargement of the right breast with thickening of the skin near the nipple.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1246-1247
pages 1246-1247 views

Genital malformation case

Lapina A.


Jacobs reported the following interesting case at the Societé Belge de gyn. e d'obst. July 24, 1892: X .., 24 y., Strong constitution; at 14, pains in the lower abdomen appeared, which, repeating periodically (monthly), intensified and in recent years the patient had to lie in bed for 15 days every month. There was no menstrual bleeding.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1247-1248
pages 1247-1248 views

Case of haemelytrometra unilateralis with uterus duplex separatus

Ruzi D.


Patient Anna I., 18 y.o. by birth, a peasant woman of medium height, good physique, a year before admission to the Izhevsk zemstvo hospital, she noticed a swelling in the lower abdomen, gradually increasing and causing severe pain, especially during menstruation. The first menstruation appeared on the 14th year and were established in 4-week terms for 2-3 days. The pregnancy that came soon ended in a two-month miscarriage. After that, the blood was again established at the correct time, and at the same time, abdominal pains appeared, forcing the patient to go to the hospital.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1248-1249
pages 1248-1249 views

Cancer of the small lip, vaginal part of the uterus and breast

Feinberg B.


In the summer of 1887, Mrs. St., a well-built and well-fed country woman, 38 years old, mother of three children, came to the author with a complaint of swelling of the external genital parts, noticed for the first time 5 months ago, but until recently did not cause her any suffering ... Approximately 4 weeks after this swelling prevents her from walking and causes pain.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1249
pages 1249 views

Vaginal excision of the uterus due to multiple fibroids

Fisher A.


A 41-year-old patient who has not given birth; suffers from uterine bleeding for many years; systematic treatment with subcutaneous injections of ergotine; repeated curettage of the uterus with removal of fibroids the size of a volosh nut.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1250
pages 1250 views

Removal of ovarian cysts and uterine appendages through the vagina

Rutkovskiy A.


Contrary to the popular opinion of the authors about the advantages of laparotomiae over colpotomia in the treatment of these diseases, the author of the article argues for the latter, defining the indications for it by the following cases: neighboring parts; b) diseased Fallopian tubes and ovaries or wide ligaments of the uterus en masse, when they are firmly fused with the surrounding parts and are somewhat lowered posteriorly; c) diseased ovaries, lowered posteriorly, even if they are mobile.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1250
pages 1250 views

On the question of removing ovarian cysts and uterine appendages through the vagina

Rutkovskiy A.


This article is quite a solid objection to the article by Doctor Lvov: removal of ovarian cysts and uterine appendages through the vagina, placed in No. 11 and 12 of the Doctor for the current year.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1251
pages 1251 views

On the question of removing ovarian cysts and uterine appendages through the vagina. Article two

Rutkovskiy A.


Making several responses to the article by V.V. Tipyakov, the author adds 3 more cases of colpotomy to the already described 9 cases of colpotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1251-1252
pages 1251-1252 views

CRITICISM AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. I.P. LAZAREVICH. Obstetrics course. Second edition, completely revised and enlarged. 1892 g.

Feinberg B.I.


Brought up on foreign textbooks, we, Russian doctors, gladly welcome the appearance of any independent Russian textbook, and even more so one that, on the one hand, appears to be the fruit of tremendous theoretical erudition, on the other hand, an expression of experience acquired during "four decades" of practical activity. Midwifery course prof. Therefore, IP Lazarevich will inevitably and quite deservedly attract the attention of not only a specialist obstetrician, but also any Russian doctor who wishes to draw from him instructions and instructions for his difficult and responsible practical obstetric activity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(12):1253-1260
pages 1253-1260 views

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