Том 330, № 8 (2009)


Санитарные потери: классификация, понятия и проблемы

Белевитин А.Б., Шелепов А.М., Русев И.Т., Прокин И.Г., Столяр В.П.


The nowdays all possible damages and diseases by the staff during a war, are systematized in a special classification of combat damages and diseases, which is based on effect of main damage factors of weapon. Analyzing existent classification and determination «sanitarium casualty», it should be pointed out that they were formed more then 50 years ago, and they have gone out of date. Theirs significs is projected not adequately in practice of medical supply. Therefore determinations of sanitarium casualty, used in practice and in documentation, are not full and not always clearly explain about which casualty is talking. Moreover, several authors (frequently it is functionary of hospital) faultily or by reason of not-understanding write and talk about sanitarium casualty, meaning wounded and ill persons, admitted to hospital and being treated there.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):4-10
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Система медицинской реабилитации в Вооруженных Силах: история, современность и перспективы развития

Фисун А.Я., Щегольков А.М., Юдин В.Е., Белякин С.А., Иванов В.Н., Будко А.А., Овечкин И.Г.


There are two main directions of development of medical rehabilitation in the Armed Forces of RF for now-days: medical-psychological rehabilitation of military service men among special contingents, realizing special military duty (air- and NAVY-staff, staff duty shift of Missile Force of Special Purpose) and medical rehabilitation of military service men, participants of battle action in accordance with sub-program «Social support and rehabilitation of invalids in consequence of battle action or battle trauma» of Federal Purpose Program in the sphere of social support of invalids. The authors mark necessity of reorientation of medical strategy from evaluation of determination of symptoms of already existent disease to evaluation of determination of adaptation reserves of organism of military service men, determination of changes in organism on the stage of pre-disease.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):11-15
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Методологические основы реабилитационного лечения военнослужащих с последствиями увечий конечностей после минно-взрывных ранений

Поправка С.Н., Адонин А.И., Цуканов Д.В.


The article is devoted to solving questions of complex medical rehabilitation of military service men, became invalids owing to military trauma, participants of the armed local conflicts and controterror operations. Was formed a unitary organizational system of rehabilitation treatment and social adaptation of injured persons by optimization of prosthetic-orthopedic aid, as out-of-alternative method of rehabilitation of patients with amputating defects of limbs, caused by mine wounds. Were determined methods of explorations of patients, medical conditions to surgical and conservative preparation of stumps, criterions of preparedness of stumps and terms of beginnings of prosthesis, was introduced an algorithm of rehabilitation measures. All that has permitted to accelerate the process of rehabilitation, to raise quality of prosthetic-orthopedic aid, attain good functional results and, finally, to create conditions of promotion of health, rising of health quality of invalids and appropriation of psychological assurance and of independence.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):16-19
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Способ определения типа реакции кровообращения на шокогенную травму на догоспитальном этапе

Муллов А.Б., Баширов Р.С.


Was proposed a method of determination of type of reaction of blood circulation on pre-hospital stage by patients with shock-producing trauma on the base of signs of saturation of hemoglobin by oxygen and on the base of endurance of period of isolation, without using difficult apparatuses and devices. It permits to individualize contra-shock therapy at early stages of traumatic disease on pre-hospital period.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):20-23
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Особенности огнестрельных ран челюстнолицевой области, нанесенных из современного стрелкового оружия

Прохватилов Г.И., Вареница В.И., Логаткин С.М., Асфендиаров Д.Д.


The article presents data of a comparative investigation of volume of ballistic damages of maxillo-facial area, given by different ballistic weapon (from usual PM to newest GSh-18). The article says that was set up a large volume of damages of sort and bone tissues of maxillo-facial area, given by bullet of cartridge of GSh-18 in all searched parameters. All materials, received in investigation, could be used in science substantiation and in elaboration of recommendations in planning of structure of sanitarium casualty, methods of investigations, surgical treatment and rehabilitation of wounded with damages, given by modern ballistic weapon.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):24-29
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Комплексная медицинская реабилитация больных ишемической болезнью сердца, перенесших коронарное шунтирование, с применением воздушно-озоновых ванн

Щегольков А.М., Будко А.А., Сычёв В.В., Азарова Е.К., Арсений Т.В.


Ozone therapeutics is one of not medicated methods of treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD). For external application of ozone therapeutics was elaborated an air-ozone bath. Endurance of procedure is 20 minutes, ozone concentration is 8-10 mg/l in ozonized water and temperature of air-ozone mix is 36 °C. Course of treatment consisted of 10 daily procedures. Searches are founded on the base of analyze of results of remedial treatment of 160 patients with CHD. Patient - men, aged from 41 to 65 years (average age is 55,6±5,6). 130 patients of them, underwent an operation of coronary shunting (CS), admitted to unit on 7-18th day after operation (in average - on 14,4±3,6th) and 30 patients without operational treatment. Program of patient observe consisted of general-clinical, laboratorial, functional and psychological methods of searches. It was established that using of air-ozone bath in complex program of rehabilitation of patients with CHD, after operation of CS, promotes to improvement of oxygen transporting, flow characteristics of blood, microcirculation, lowering of hypoxemia and hypoxia of tissue.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):30-32
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Фаллоэндопротези-рование в комплексном восстановительном лечении раненых и больных с эректильными дисфункциями

Мягков Ю.А., Иванов В.Н., Аплетаев В.В., Аблизина Л.М.


Morbidity of erectile disfunction among men of every age is 10%. It’s supposed that now-days in the world about 100 mln of men have organic erectile disfunction. Specialist of the 6th MMCH of Ministry of Defense have elaborated a rehabilitation program for military service men with erectile disfunctions. This program includes a complex clinical-psychological checkup, methods of reconstruction of copulative capacity, evaluation of effectiveness of realized treatment. Evaluation of quality of result of phalloendoprosthesis has shown that 92,3% of patients estimate the result as excellent and good, 5,2% - as satisfactory, 2,5% have not sex life.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):33-36
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Профилактика алкогольной болезни печени

Белякин С.А.


Now alcohol is the basic pathogenic factor in development of a lethal cirrhosis of a liver. The most known sayings justifying the use of alcohol, are insolvent. Useful doses of alcohol does not exist. The quantity of used alcohol has the great value. Only at achievement of age 21 year it is possible to use safe doses of alcohol. A safe dose of pure alcohol (ethanol) less than 30,0 in day. In a basis of prophylaxis of a cirrhosis of a liver there is a medical educational activity.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):36-41
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Оптимизация хирургической тактики при узловых образованиях щитовидной железы

Скоробогатов В.М.


There was effectuated an analyze of results of treatment of 1006 patients with different knot lumps of thyroid gland, operated in surgical departments of the 2nd CMCH by Mandryka P.V. for the period 1990-2007. Using of organ-saving operations is caused by necessity of maximum decreasing of afteroperation complications and by necessity of saving of presecretion-producing function of thyroid gland. The substantiation of operation in volume of exsection with deleting of knot in the limit of healthy tissue is the results of analyze of anatomical structure not only of knot lump, but also of tissue of thyroid gland, beds to it: devascularization with appearance of fibroid changers was marked in 69,7%, dystrophic processes with thyroadentis - in 38,8% of examinations. Analyze of repeated operations brought to light, that in pathogenesis of development of backset the main role is played by etiology and anatomical structure of knot lump, but not the volume of effectuated operation. Using of organ-saving operations and accounting of endocrinological aspects permitted to heal 89,3% of patients.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):41-46
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Особенности течения кандидозов у пациентов с иммунодефицитом

Харахордин О.Е.


The article suggests the observed phylactic and non-phylactic mechanisms of defense from mycotic infection, primary and secondary immunodeficiency (ID) and causes of appearance. There were analyzed different forms of course of candidiasis, were given theirs specific manifestations by the patients with different ID. There were described allergic reactions in condition of candidiasis. There were found out peculiarities of course of mycosis by persons with ID: a system character of disease with combined damage of derma and hypoderm, of mucosa and visceras; predominance of opportunist mycosis; a mixed mycotic infection of frequent occurrence; deep-rooted, progressive, sever course of disease; existence of non-typical forms.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):46-53
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Пути совершенствования эпидемиологического надзора за менингококковой инфекцией и ее селективная профилактика в войсках

Огарков П.И., Белов А.Б., Коротченко С.И., Харченко В.И.


The article is devoted to a critical analyze of existent system of epidemiological surveillance for morbidity of meningococcus infection among population and military service men, and to condition and perspectives of imunno- and chemoprophylaxis of correspondent generalized forms of diseases in the world, Russia and it’s Army and NAVY. It is proposed a differentiated approach to realization of these measures in organized (military) collectives on the base of microbiological monitoring of epidemic officials (serogroups) of causative agents, on the base of prediction of morbidity by generalized forms and on the base of clinical-epidemical diagnostics at early stages of development of epidemic process.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):55-61
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Особенности течения травматической болезни у раненых с висцеральной патологией и их комплексная медицинская реабилитация

Ярошенко В.П., Щегольков А.М., Юдин В.Е., Лямин М.В.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):63-64
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Современные методы диагностики и лечения больных цереброваскулярными заболеваниями

Афанасьев Б.Г., Ойноткинова О.Ш., Торопова Г.М., Карпова С.Н.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):67-69
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Психосоматические основы тревожно-депрессивных нарушений у больных ревматическими заболеваниями

Грехов Р.А., Сулейманова Г.П., Харченко С.А., Папков А.Ю., Рудыкина О.А., Бондаренко Е.А., Никифорова Н.В., Шилова Л.Н., Зборовская И.А.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):69-72
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Прогностическое значение исследования уровня интерлейкинов у больных с синдромом диабетической стопы, осложненным гангреной

Штильман М.Ю., Нефедов В.И., Чумбуридзе И.П., Явруян О.А.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):72-73
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Анализ знаний военных врачей о лечении внебольничной пневмонии

Зайцев А.А., Гучев И.А., Миронов М.Б., Клочков О.И.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):73-74
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Особенности психомоторной координированности военнослужащих ВВС

Есипов А.В., Суздальцев С.В., Комаров А.В.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):74-75
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Послеоперационнные осложнения в хирургии толстой кишки

Воленко А.В., Тонкоглаз В.Н., Титков Б.Е.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):76-77
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Медицинская служба Русской армии в Первой мировой войне 1914-1918 гг. (К 95-летию начала войны)

Корнюшко И.Г., Гладких П.Ф., Локтев А.Е.


Evacuation of wounded and ill persons was an affair of Evacuation Governance of Main Governance the General Staff Process of treatment in field and stationary medical formations was administered by sanitarium chiefs of armies and theaters of operation, bureaucrats of Russian Red Cross Society, Russian Union of Cities and Territorial Union. Supply by medical property, accounting and arrangement of medical staff was administered by Main Military-Sanitarium Governance, supply by sanitarium-houshold property - by Main Indent Governance, health resort affair - by Governance of Supreme chief of sanitarium and evacuation part in Empire of prince Ol’denburgskiy P.A. On the base of different sources were characterized casualty of Russian Army during the war.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):78-81
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Вклад российских хирургов - участников Первой мировой войны в развитие сосудистой хирургии

Кохан Е.П., Глянцев С.П., Галик Н.И.


During the First World War wounds of vessels took 0,3-1,5% of all wounds, and lethality - 10-22%. Experience of vascular treatment, get by military-field surgeons during this war, was great. They have demonstrated advantage of vascular seam of bandage of vessels in conditions of their damages. Russian surgeons-participants of the First World War have formed the base, on which russian vascular surgery was advancing not only during wars, but also during peace-time.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):81-84
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Юбилей ФГУ «6-й Центральный военный клинический госпиталь Минобороны России»

Будко А.А., Овечкин И.Г.


The 6th Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation celebrates the 20th anniversary in September of 2009. The hospital is one of the greatest and well-known in the world specialized science-practical rehabilitation centers, equipped by original and unique methods, based on modern knowledge-intensive technologies. It permits resolve the most difficult tasks of reconstructive treatment of military service men of Russian Army.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):84-88
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Военному госпиталю в Комсомольске-на-Амуре - 75 лет

Захарчук Л.Ф., Лапин А.Н.


The article is devoted to the 75th anniversary of post hospital in Komsomolsk-on-Amur - chief treatmentprophylaxis institute of Far Eastern Region. Zone of it’s responsibility covers 600 km with numerous taiga cities and posts. Hospital is a methodic center, where physicians, pharmaceutists and medical staff of military units improve their qualification. Now-days hospital has three multistage bulks, a separated brick building of hospital cuisine and etc. Hospital has achieved governmental license for 105 types of medical activity up to 2012.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):88-90
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Официальный отдел

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):91-92
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Участие Военно-медицинского музея МО РФ в новых музейных проектах

Чигарева Н.Г.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):93-94
pages 93-94 views

Конференция по актуальным вопросам совершенствования врачебно-летной экспертизы

Есипов А.В., Трегубов В.Н.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2009;330(8):94-95
pages 94-95 views

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