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Issue Title File
Vol 336, No 12 (2015) 1026th Center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation celebrates 80th anniversary
Kalmykov A.A., Korotaev V.I., Polyakov V.S., Zykov A.G.
Vol 341, No 10 (2020) 1465th Naval Hospital celebrates the 70th anniversary
Murynin V.A., Sokolov A.P., Ivanchikhin N.I., Khomitskii A.A., Zhabin A.V.
Vol 338, No 1 (2017) 1469th Naval Clinical Hospital Ministry of the Ministry of Defense celebrates the 80th anniversary PDF
Shevchenko A.G., Zakrevskii Y.N., Arkhangel’skii D.A., Panina T.V., Peretechikov A.V., Balakhnov D.O., Serdyuk V.I.
Vol 337, No 10 (2016) 1586th military clinical hospital of the Western military district celebrates the 75th anniversary
Valevskii V.V., Dolgov E.N., Kukoz G.V., Gorbunov Y.G., Dmitrievskii E.E.
Vol 337, No 6 (2016) 1602nd Military clinical hospital celebrates the 75th anniversary
Papko S.V., Kokoev V.G.
Vol 342, No 12 (2021) 1602nd Military Clinical Hospital – 80 years
Papko S.V., Kokoev V.G.
Vol 332, No 6 (2011) 1602-th district military hospital - 70 years
Novikov V.A., Kraynyukov P.E.
Vol 335, No 5 (2014) 1st Naval Hospital during the Great Patriotic War
Chernikov O.G., Chernyi V.S., Mishin Y.A., Soshkin P.A.
Vol 340, No 1 (2019) 235 years guarding health of navy men of the Black sea fleet
Murynin V.A., Zubarev A.A.
Vol 340, No 6 (2019) 30th Anniversary of the Organizational Planning Directorate of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Kalachev O.V., Plakhov A.N., Murzo A.V., Zyabkin S.V., Loginov A.E.
Vol 337, No 8 (2016) 321st Military clinical hospital of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation celebrates the 165th anniversary PDF
Leonidov A.B., Lim V.S., Kunitskii N.T., Khazhikhanova E.V.
Vol 339, No 5 (2018) 32nd central naval clinical hospital celebrates the 35th anniversary PDF
Balashov E.V., Marchik V.V., Kozovoi M.Y.
Vol 331, No 10 (2010) 35-year practice of treatment of acute coronary syndrome in 3rd Central military clinical hospital n. a. A.A.Vishnevsky
Belyakin S.A., Prokhorchik A.A.
Vol 333, No 11 (2012) 40th anniversary of the 736th Main Center of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Defense Ministry
Solovey E.P., Bersky O.V., Yanshin L.A.
Vol 335, No 6 (2014) 40th World Congress on Miliary Medicine in Saudi Arabia
Samokhvalov I.M., Kholikov I.V.
Vol 333, No 3 (2012) 44th World Congress of Surgery
Bryusov P.G.
Vol 337, No 9 (2016) 451st Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defence Russia celebrates the 90 years anniversary PDF
Kalmykov A.A., Magomedov M.M., Gmyzov D.V.
Vol 339, No 9 (2018) 53rd Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver PDF
Zhdanov K.V., Kozlov K.V., Zhabrov S.S., Sukachev V.S.
Vol 334, No 3 (2013) 70th anniversary of 111th Main state center of medicolegal and criminalistic examination of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Pinchuk P.V., Fokin A.A.
Vol 342, No 1 (2021) 70th anniversary of the direction of biomedical research at the 12th Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Erofeev G.G., Chebanov S.Y., Pankratov V.V.
Vol 334, No 3 (2013) 75 years safeguarding health of warriors of Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad) garrison
Tsymbal A.N.
Vol 343, No 1 (2022) 988 Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological supervision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation celebrates the 100th anniversary
Sobolev A.A., Kazantsev A.Y.
Vol 342, No 8 (2021) A case of alcoholic myocardial injury with infarction - like symptoms
Solodyannikova Y.M., Solovyanovich E.V., Trushcheleva T.P.
Vol 344, No 4 (2023) A case of an early diagnosis of a pancreatic tail tumor in a patient with isolated gastric vein dilatation
Kuzmichev S.B., Gryaznova M.E., Chumakov R.Y.
Vol 342, No 1 (2021) A case of long - term extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome in a patient with COVID-19
Kryukov E.V., Chernetsov V.A., Shestopalov A.E., Stets V.V., Zhuravlev A.G., Morgachev V.V., Meshcheryakov D.S.
Vol 341, No 9 (2020) A case of tolerance to neprilysin inhibitors as a new factor in the cumulation of mortality in patients with chronic heart failure
Tsygvintsev A.A., Lishchuk A.N., Storozhilov V.A.
Vol 336, No 5 (2015) A clinical case concerning the combination of viral and bacterial pneumonia with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in a soldier.
Ivanov V.V., Ovchinnikov Y.V., Dantsev V.V., Kharitonov M.A., Zaitsev A.A., Nikolaev A.V., Azanchevskaya S.V.
Vol 342, No 6 (2021) A clinical case of a severe course of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and a pronounced leukemoid reaction
Bragin S.V., Artemiev S.A., Khabibrakhman E.P.
Vol 344, No 1 (2023) A clinical case of progressive supranuclear palsy
Gegenya N.V., Kravchenko T.A., Popov A.P.
Vol 342, No 3 (2021) A clinical case of pulmonary embolism occurring as a community - acquired pneumonia in a conscript soldier
Bekmurzov S.M., Makarevich A.M., Morozov M.A., Khabibrakhman E.P., Isakov D.V., Davidovich I.M.
Vol 336, No 11 (2015) A clinical picture and treatment of vertebral arrhythmia
Davydov O.V.
Vol 330, No 1 (2009) A compact digitial radiodiagnostics complex «PARDUS-Stoma» PDF
Prokhvatilov G.I., Potrahov N.N., Grebnev G.A., Gordeev S.A., Gryaznov A.Y.
Vol 330, No 8 (2009) A complex medical rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease, underwent coronary shunting, using air-ozone baths PDF
Shchegol’kov A.M., Budko A.A., Sychyov V.V., Azarova E.K., Arseniy T.V.
Vol 335, No 2 (2014) A conference devoted to the anniversary of the first Russian department of ophthalmology PDF
Boiko E.V., Reituzov V.A., Kirillov Y.A.
Vol 336, No 4 (2015) A contribution of scientists worked at the Military Medical Academy to military medicine development in pre-war period (1930 yrs.).
Karpenko I.V.
Vol 331, No 3 (2010) A famous figure of military medicine (Zamyatin A.I. -the first chairman of science-technical committee of military-sanitary government of RKKA)
Belevitin A.B., Nikitin A.E., Poddubny M.V.
Vol 336, No 5 (2015) A feat of military medical attendant S.A.Bogomolov.
Goncharova S.G.
Vol 342, No 1 (2021) A hybrid approach to the surgical treatment of acute pulmonary embolism with a high risk of early death
Koltunov A.N., Lishchuk A.N., Esipov A.V., Esion G.A., Brovko L.E., Karpenko I.G., Baksheev V.I.
Vol 345, No 6 (2024) A method for restoring the closure function of the internal inguinal ring in order to increase the effectiveness of the Lichtenstein operation
Chernykh V.G., Efremov K.N., Belov M.V., Bondareva N.V., Chernykh A.V.
Vol 336, No 10 (2015) A method of experimental evaluation of anxiogenic effects of pharmacological agents
Mikhailov V.G., Nesteruk A.V., Malinin A.V.
Vol 345, No 1 (2024) A military surgeon, major general of the medical service Fyodor Berezkin: memories of his time in the Polish captivity (1920–1921)
Kryukov Е.V., Davydov D.V., Samokhvalov I.М., Onnitsev I.Е., Ovchinnikova М.B.
Vol 341, No 5 (2020) A model of expert decisions in cases of medical care of a cardiological profile
Gruzdeva A.A., Khubulava G.G., Il’in M.V., Kharitonova E.A., Mushnikov D.L.
Vol 343, No 7 (2022) A modern system of medical rehabilitation of patients who have had a myocardial infarction in the health-resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense
Kosov V.A., Kirsanova A.A., Kovlen D.V., Kondrina E.F., Obrezan A.G., Trebina N.P., Adkhamov B.M., Ivashchev V.V.
Vol 344, No 10 (2023) A new classification of combat mechanical damage to the ENT organs
Makiev R.G., Mironov V.G., Golovanov A.E., Shelepov A.M., Krainyukov I.P.
Vol 336, No 9 (2015) A new light on professional fitness expertise of patients with highly curable arrhythmia after hi-tech methods of treatment.
Simonenko V.B., Hubulava G.G., Chaplyuk A.L., Steklov V.I., Morozov D.A., Emelyanenko M.V.
Vol 341, No 9 (2020) A process approach to managing the quality and safety of patients with superficial thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities against the background of varicose disease of the lower extremities
Voskanyan Y.E., Nikolaev K.N., Kurdyukov S.I., Golubov E.A., Chemurziev R.A., Alborov Y.R.
Vol 341, No 7 (2020) A rare case of ventral extradural arachnoid cyst in the cervical spine in combination with type I neurofibromatosis
Churilov Y.K., Richei I.I., Gorbunov A.V., Myasoedova O.O., Lisenkov K.A., Glukhov S.G., Kuleshov D.Y., Ishunin I.E., Vovkodav O.O., Moskovskikh T.A.
Vol 340, No 10 (2019) A risk-based model of control and surveillance activities in the implementation of the federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in the Armed Forces
Azarov I.I., Golubkov A.V., Polyakov V.S.
Vol 342, No 6 (2021) A scientist, a teacher, an artist (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor N.P.Bisenkov)
Fomin N.F., Nisht A.Y.
Vol 341, No 6 (2020) A simplified method for calculating the deficiency of lung perfusion by perfusion scintigrams
Krashutskii V.V.
Vol 331, No 2 (2010) A surgical treatment of patients with trachelokyphosis
Svetashov A.N., Epifantsev A.G.
Vol 343, No 8 (2022) A working meeting of the heads of medical services of the defense departments of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) on improving the medical support of Troops (Collective Forces)
Ovechkin V.B., Pchelnikov I.A.
Vol 336, No 5 (2015) A «difficult» pneumonia: problems of differential diagnosis.
Zaitsev A.A., Sinopalnikov A.I.
Vol 337, No 8 (2016) About airevacuation of the wounded and sick during the Great Patriotic War. PDF
Sushilnikov S.I.
Vol 344, No 8 (2023) About arterial hypertension against the background of a new coronavirus infection
Alikberova D.A., Khachaturyan L.E., Tsedenova L.A., Didenko O.I.
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) About creation of interdepartment center of remedial treatment and expertise of air staff PDF
Zubkov A.D.
Vol 334, No 10 (2013) About development of All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine at the present stage
Goncharov S.F., Fisun A.Y., Bobiy B.V.
Vol 335, No 7 (2014) About development of educational and material base of Man-dryka Medical Scientific and Educational Clinical center PDF
Aleksandrov A.S.
Vol 331, No 10 (2010) About development of medical maintenance of Military air forces in modern conditions
Radchenko S.N., Arcentyev U.G.
Vol 333, No 10 (2012) About development of operativeness of medical information data system of Central Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko
Novikov V.A., Maksimov I.B., Stolyar V.P., Sobakin S.L., Ivanov V.V.
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) About experience of work of hospital for slightly wounded in medical supplying of offensive operations of the 1st Ukrainian front (1944-1945) PDF
Voropaj A.V., Lerner E.L -.
Vol 337, No 11 (2016) About foreign experience of evacuation of wounded and sick in armed conflicts in the second half of the 20th century
Sushilnikov S.I.
Vol 334, No 10 (2013) About formation and application of mobile specialized subunits of the Armed Forces
Pastukhov A.G.
Vol 341, No 5 (2020) About graduates of the Military Medical Academy - participants of the war
Prakhin E.I.
Vol 343, No 10 (2022) About heart rhythm disturbances in patients after the coronavirus infection
Steklov V.I., Morozova N.V., Silant’eva L.B., Alimova E.R., Gustova S.V.
Vol 334, No 3 (2013) About improvement of outpatient dental health service for young serviceman
Klimov A.S., Grebnev G.A., Slivkin A.A., Iordanishvili A.K., Potrakhov N.N.
Vol 332, No 9 (2011) About improving of treatment-and-preventive measures with regard to flight personnel in surgical diseases
Shelepov A.M., Bochenkov A.A., Romanov P.A., Peshkov V.V.
Vol 334, No 11 (2013) About military medical examination of patients with paroxysmal supraventricular reciprocating tachycardia
Simonenko V.B., Kuvshinov K.E., Steklov V.I., Gorbatov E.A., Morozov D.A., Emelyanenko M.V.
Vol 337, No 2 (2016) About modern aspects and trends in military out-patient institutions’ activity PDF
Popov A.P.
Vol 333, No 11 (2012) About non-specific prophylaxis of infections typical for organized groups
Valevsky V.V., Alekseyev V.V., Maryin G.G., Sobolev A.A., Gruzdeva O.A., Tsapkova N.N., Tutelyan A.V., Poryadina G.I., Salmina T.A., Ryazanova A.Y., Sokolov M.A., Sibilyov D.V.
Vol 337, No 6 (2016) About participation of military forensic experts in the work of the commission for the Causes of Saints
Pinchuk P.V., Volkov A.V.
Vol 331, No 7 (2010) About perfection of the complex system of the treatment of the wounded with the gunshot fractures of the limb’s long bones
Perekhodov S.N., Brizhan L.K., Davydov D.V., Marchenko M.G.
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) About phaleristic of medical units and establishments of Leningrad Military Region PDF
Tsymbal A.N.
Vol 334, No 8 (2013) About professional education of future military physicians
Tregubov V.N.
Vol 338, No 6 (2017) About pyopneumothorax in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. PDF
Polyanskiy V.K., Savitskiy G.G.
Vol 330, No 6 (2009) About several questions of bestowaling the medical staff PDF
Tsymbal A.N.
Vol 333, No 5 (2012) About some features of formation of «spots of Vishnevsky» in general hypothermia
Tumanov E.V., Romanovich K.N., Kolkutin V.V.
Vol 331, No 2 (2010) About spatial orientation of flying staff in air
Chulaevsky A.O., Mel’nik S.G., Kovalenko P.A.
Vol 330, No 7 (2009) About standardization and control of quality of dental aid PDF
Zubov S.V., Sdobnov E.V.
Vol 332, No 8 (2011) About the administration of treatment and diagnostic process in the Main Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko
Maksimov I.B., Stolyar V.P., Nefedov A.V.
Vol 332, No 2 (2011) About the advantages of endophleboid laser congelation of sub cutaneous veins
Popov A.P., Zhdanovich V.V., Borodin I.A., Kochetkov V.A.
Vol 332, No 1 (2011) About the basics of the organization of medical supplement of the troops of the White Movement (To 90 anniversary of the end of Civil war and foreign armed intervention in Russia)
Yan’shin L.A.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) About the causes of cystitis progression in young women
Plekhanov V.N.
Vol 333, No 5 (2012) About the complex system of requirements on the everyday safety of servicemen
Kudrin I.D., Alexandrov V.N.
Vol 332, No 8 (2011) About the creation of a unified system of first aid in the Russian Federation
Voynovsky E.A., Lysenko K.I., Dezhurny L.I.
Vol 332, No 11 (2011) About the diagnostic significance of asymptomatic bacteriuria among the conscripts
Plekhanov V.N.
Vol 339, No 6 (2018) About the difficulties of diagnosing bleeding from the small intestine. PDF
Dolgikh R.N., Chalyi S.N., Parkhomenko S.A., Zavalii I.P., Timonina L.V.
Vol 333, No 10 (2012) About the estimation of non cpecific protective effect of vaccination against infections actual for military personnel
Maryin G.G., Gruzdeva O.A., Valevsky V.V., Tsapkova N.N., Alekseyev V.V., Sobolev A.A., Sokolov M.A., Sibilyov D.V.
Vol 333, No 9 (2012) About the fitness to work of sailors during the campaign of surface vessel in conditions of Polar Region
Zhiltsova I.I., Yarkov A.M., Myasnikov A.A.
Vol 332, No 12 (2011) About the improvement of urologic care for soldiers with erectile dysfunction
Shestayev A.Y., Savchenko I.F., Kushnirenko N.P., Kushnirenko K.N., Pitomtsev I.M., Skiba M.O., Jancev A.A.
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) About the improvement of work of chiefs of treatment-diagnostic units of hospitals - main medical specialists of military regions (NAVYs)
Tregubov V.N., Kostyuchenko A.I., Stetsenko B.G.
Vol 333, No 4 (2012) About the influence of factors of military service in conditions of North on the progress of urinary tract infections in women
Plekhanov V.N.
Vol 337, No 1 (2016) About the influence of geographical conditions of Kuril Islands on organization of medical support of anti-airborne defense PDF
Sushilnikov S.I.
Vol 332, No 6 (2011) About the microbiological criteria for air quality barracks in the Far North
Gavrik M.V., Gorin A.S., Domashov V.I., Suleymanov R.A.
Vol 333, No 5 (2012) About the problem of high-altitude decompression sickness and its treatment
Blaginin A.A., Torchilo V.V., Emelyanov Y.A., Zagorodnikov G.G.
Vol 332, No 8 (2011) About the problem of intraneural introduction of anesthetic at regional blocks
Belyakin S.A., Sinitsyn M.S., Tsaryov M.I., Azbarov A.A., Apevalov S.I.
Vol 332, No 10 (2011) About the problems and prospects of improving of governance by the modern hospital associations
Maksimov I.B., Stolyar V.P.
Vol 340, No 11 (2019) About the professional standard of a specialist in military medical examination
Khrapylina L.P., Koryakin S.V., Kabalin A.P., Datsko A.V.
Vol 330, No 2 (2009) About the results of using of vaccine «Pneumo-23» in Nort-11 hern fleet
Rybachenko V.V., Sementsov V.K., Manujlov V.M., Zabolotny S.P.
Vol 333, No 7 (2012) About the signumanistics of medical units and departments of North-West of Russia
Tsymbal A.N.
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