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No 3 (2016)


The main result of 2015 - crisis reduction of consumption

Rybalova T.І.


Analysis of the situation on the milk products market in the RF is made on the base of the statistics: raw materials production volumes, raw milk processing, production and consumption of the finished milk products, import and export.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):4-9
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Up-grading of the drying plants for milk products

Kuznetsov P.V., Gabrielova V.T., Mertin P.


Measures intended for up-grading of spray drying plants that allow improve technological, ecological and economic characteristics of the dry milk products are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Some special issues of introducing membrane technologies in the dairy sector

Chilton M., Vidyakin M.


Actuality of introduction of the membrane technologies at different stages of milk and milk products processing is noted. Principle processes where membrane technologies are being applied already are outlined. Efficiency of the processes is assessed and ways of further developments of the membrane technologies in the dairy industry are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):19-21
pages 19-21 views

«Milk Hydrosan» - the leader in whey processing

Homyakov S.


The company offers complex solutions for processing whey and production of wide range of the products: whey powder, whey protein concentrates, protein isolates et al.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Microparticulates of proteins

Hramtsov A.G.


The items of receiving of the new food composition and its application in the technology of the symbiotic product are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):24-24
pages 24-24 views

Shiny cleanliness and safety

Baranov S.A.


The main stages of the up-grading of the clean-in-place stations intended for cleaning equipment are given.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Equipment of the company ALPMA for production of «Camembert»

Bekturova R.


Characteristics of the cheese «Camembert» and equipment for production of the cheese from the company ALPMA are given in the article.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):28-29
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Assessment of the quality indices and identification of milk powder characteristics

Kobzeva T.V., Yurova E.A.


Principle indices to evaluate quality of the milk powder intended for production of reconstituted milk products are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Intergovernmental standard on milk powder

Radaeva I.A., Chervetsov V.V., Galstyan A.G., Turovskaya S.N., Illarionova E.E., Petrov A.N.


The GOST 33629-2015 «Canned milk products. Milk powder. Technical Regulations» complies with the acting in Russia technical regulations that set requirements to the food, including milk, products as well as requirements to labeling and packaging. The standard has been prepared on the base of the working in the RF document the GOST R 52791-2007 (with Amendment N1), harmonized with requirements of the international food codes and the standard of the Republic of Belarus. In the article most important issues present in the sections of the standard are outlined such as classification, organoleptic and physical-chemical indices of milk powder, list of the raw materials applied et al. Besides requirements to the skim and whole milk powders the norms for the partially skimmed milk were added for the first time, that corresponds to the TP TC 033/2013 and the Codex Standard 207-1999. The fist of the milk raw materials has been widened due to the application of the raw material - cow milk pasteurized. It is worth to note as a positive item the fact that in Russia the relevant normative document has been worked out for each type of the milk raw material intended for milk powder production. Besides, for improving quality and preventing oxidative spoilage of milk fat in the whole and partially skimmed dry milks and to extend their storage fife it is allowed to apply domestic antioxidant of the vegetable origin dihydroquercetin. At present the technology has been developed and the GOST 33504-2015 «Food supplements. Dihydroquercetin. Technical Conditions» was approved. The intergovernmental methodology for determination of the dihydroquercetin level in canned milk products has been certified, and commercial production of the supplement started.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Factors improving efficiency of milk protein coagulation

Zobkova Z.S., Zenina D.V., Fursova T.P., Gavrilina A.D., Shelaginova I.R.


Effects of the methods applied for milk coagulation on formation of the milk protein curds coagulum and dependence of the physical-chemical properties of the finished product on protein content in milk including casein are considered.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Production control

Kutenyova N.N.


One of the main sections of the program for production control is discussed - the fist of measures and action ensuring milk products safety.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):42-42
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Traceability as the most important element of ensuring quality and safety of food products

Shepeleva E.V.


Ensuranceoftraceabilityof food products is a requirement of both international and Russian legislations. There exist inside and outside traceabilities. The main instrument used to carryout traceability is identification.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Both, effective and profitable

Gusarova N.A.


The company «Protemol» has been manufacturing the line and separate pieces of equipment for production of the traditional curds since 2016. The technology «Mkc- Pro» has been also worked out that includes preliminary concentration of milk in the ultra-filtration plants.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):46-47
pages 46-47 views

The line for dosing and packing crumble curds

Pradun P.D.


In order to solve the problem of dosing crumble curds that needs mild mechanical impacts the company «Signal- Pack» offers to apply the lines in which specialized combined dosers SP10-2C (multiheads) are used. The further filling of the product can be made in different types of package including three weld packs of the polymer films.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):48-49
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Ahead to the future

Podol S.R., Ulkina M.A.


The agromilk combine «Ryazanskii» produces curds by the acid coagulation method using up-to-date equipment of the companies Tewes Bis and Trepko.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):50-50
pages 50-50 views

Effects of microflora on the curds quality

Semenihina V.F., Rozhkova I.V., Begunova A.V., Shyrshova T.I.


Main defects of curds caused by microorganisms are considered. Research work has been carried out in order to determine effects of some microbiological and technological factors on proliferation of coli bacteria in the course of curds production. Conditions were defined that promote receiving of the curds complying with the standard microbiological requirements. Such defects of the curds as blowing and yeast taste appear when yeast are present. Dynamics of the yeast growth during production process and storage has been studied. As a rule, yeast content in the curds with yeast taste and signs of blowing is 105-106 ctu/g.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):51-53
pages 51-53 views

Dry and frozen concentrated starters

Furik N.N., Zhabanos N.X., Vasilenko S.V.


The range of the starter cultures for production of sour cream, fermented milks, cheese, products with probiotic properties as well as for enrichment of milk products manufactured in the Republic of Belarus is outlined.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):54-57
pages 54-57 views

The page of a technologist

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Dairy industry. 2016;(3):58-59
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A new word in the Russian biotechnology - starter cultures AiBi® Golden Time for the dairy sector

Belkova M.D.


Advantages of applying a new line of the starter cultures АІВІ® Golden Time developed by the NPO «Zelenye Linii» (GK «SOYUZSNAB») are outlined. The starters are recommended for production of the fermented milk products.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):62-63
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At the aid of a microbiologist

Dairy industry. 2016;(3):64-65
pages 64-65 views

Traditions, innovations and import-substituting technologies

Babkina N.G.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):66-66
pages 66-66 views

Production of pectin and its application for the healthy foods development

Kukin M.Y., Nikolaev A.G.


Pectin (the food supplement E440) is one of the promising ingredients applied in the food sector, possessing not only technological but also functional properties. In the article classification of pectins is given and principle areas of their application are considered. Pectins are divided into high esterificated (mass fraction of the galacturonic acid more than 50%) and low esterificated (less than 50%). The higher the degree of esterification and the molecular weight, the greater is the ability of pectin to form gel, the lower degree of esterification, the stronger are sorption properties. The main property on which application of pectin in the food sector is based is considered to be its ability to form gel (as a gelling agent, consistency stabilizer, thickener, humectant). Pectins prevent whey separation during storage of the fermented milk products and allow decrease the temperature of the yogurt filling without reducing viscosity of the final product. Due to the sorption properties, pectins are also used as therapeutic and preventive agents, promote excretion of heavy metals and radioactive, carcinogenic substances. As a soluble dietary fiber, pectin serves as a substrate and a nutrient for bacteria of the intestine microflora, inhibit growth and activity of some opportunistic bacteria. The article analyzes existing methods for pectin production and shows the feasibility of the development and introduction of the domestic technology of the food additive E440.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):67-68
pages 67-68 views

All the matter is in casein

Kudishkina Y.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):69-69
pages 69-69 views

Biological activity of the fermentative hydrolyzates of milk whey proteins

Golovach T.N., Kravtsova O.I., Dudchik N.V., Kurchenko V.P.


Enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein (proteolysis) is used to obtain products with high nutritive value and different biological activities. Hydrolyzate is mainly applied as a component of the formulae for functional purposes (infant and sport nutrition, foods forthe elderly). Degree of protein hydrolysis, residual antigenicity, antioxidant capacity et al are considered to be the controlled parameters of the fermentative hydrolyzates. The aim of the research work was comparative analysis of peptide profile, residual antigenicity, antioxidant and antimutagenic activities of enzymatic hydrolyzates of whey proteins. Research of the biologically active properties of whey proteins and their fermentative hydrolyzates was carried out using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) Assay and Ames test. It was established that the studied sample of hydrolyzate corresponds by physical-chemical features, immunochemical and radical-reducing properties to the category of partial hydrolyzates intended for functional food products. Enzymatic hydrolysis of whey proteins resulted in decrease of residual antigenicity of peptide fraction and 2,9-3,5 times increase of antiradical activity of cleaved protein component. Reduction of mutation level in the experiment by the trial sample of the hydrolyzate of whey protein concentrate was 15,3-49,2% for the strain Salmonella typhimurium ТА 98 and 19,7-52,2% forthe strain ТА 100. The obtained partial fermentative hydrolyzate of whey proteins can be applied as a biologically active ingredient in the development of new specialized food products.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Milk fat replacers «SolPro» for receiving products containing milk

Kolpakova M.E.


Technological schemes for manufacture of the curds product and concentrated product containing milk with milk fat replacer «SolPro» are described.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):75-76
pages 75-76 views

Import and export of casein and albumin (the codes ТН ВЭД 35.01 and ТН ВЭД 35.02)

Goroshchenko L.G.


Statistics of the foreign economic activity on the market of casein and albumin is given.
Dairy industry. 2016;(3):77-79
pages 77-79 views

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