

栏目 标题 文件
编号 9 (2003) Articles Bifidogenous preparation «Lactobel»
编号 4 (2005) Articles Phenomenon of lactose and its derivatives
编号 10 (2005) Articles Systemology of the products from lactose and its derivatives
编号 2 (2006) Articles Necessity of the bacterial sanitation of raw milk
编号 3 (2006) Articles Neobkhodimost' bakterial'noy sanatsii moloka-syr'ya
编号 6 (2006) Articles Galaktooligosakharidy: vozmozhnosti sinteza i napravleniya ispol'zovaniya
编号 6 (2006) Articles Ispol'zovanie laktozy i ee proizvodnykh
编号 6 (2006) Articles Napitki novogo pokoleniya iz molochnoy syvorotki
编号 6 (2006) Articles Original'nye napitki iz molochnoy syvorotki pod brendom «Peyte na zdorov'e!»
编号 4 (2008) Articles Doctrine of the innovative technologies for milk products -possible ways for implementing
编号 6 (2008) Articles Informatsionnoe obespechenie innovatsiy po molochnoy syvorotke
编号 12 (2008) Articles Bacterial sanation of milk whey
编号 12 (2008) Articles Methods for carbohydrates determination at lactulose biosynthesis
编号 12 (2008) Articles Scientific and technical basis of the lactose anomers technology
编号 12 (2008) Articles Lactobionic acid and prospects of its application
编号 12 (2008) Articles Galaktooligosakharidy: sostoyanie i perspektivy proizvodstva
编号 12 (2008) Articles Bifidogenous concentrate «Lactobel-ED»
编号 12 (2008) Articles Milk-vegetative extracts from amaranth and food supplement from Echinacea
编号 12 (2008) Articles Feedsupplements on the basis of milk whey fortified with nonprotein nitrogen
编号 12 (2008) Articles Marketing of milk sugar: situation, problems and prospects