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Nº 10 (2009)


Summing up

Kulev D., Kulev D.


On 9-10 September in Uglich the All-Russian scientific and practical conference Existing biotechnologies of agricultural raw materials and secondary resources took place. The subject is actual today as far as biotechnologies allow solve the most urgent problems of mankind - foods manufacturing, health and ecology. For Russia it means maintenance of food safety, increasing competitiveness of the domestic food sector as well as production of biologically valuable and safe food products. Scientists from the institutes of the Department of Storage and Processing of the Agricultural Raw Materials of the Russian Agricultural Academy, leading specialists of the Department of Food and Processing Industries of the Ministry of Agriculture, scientists of the State University of the Applied Biotechnology and Foods (Moscow), Institute of Food Technologies and Commodities (Vladivostok) and specialists of the testing centers participated in the work of the event. 27 reports were delivered at the conference.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):17-18
pages 17-18 views

Crisis - time to share markets

- -.


Today the company NHM Limited offers to its customers a whole range of equipment for packaging milk products in the Doy-Pak and pillow packs, filling lines, ESL and aseptic as well as a group of robotized automated machines End of line with complex solutions of practically all the production processes. The company is also prepared to propose complex measures for installation, putting into operation, guaranteed and qualified maintenance with the program for seminars developed for training personnel and operators at your enterprise.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):20-21
pages 20-21 views

Application of pumps in the dairy sector

Bartlome V., Bartlome V.


Pumps are used for pumping various liquid and viscous products. Main technological principles are given. Proper choice of the pump for the product and principles of installation and operation of a pump provide continuous and reliable work of the device.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):23-24
pages 23-24 views

About strength of the details of centrifugal machines

Burykin A., Burykin A.


Centrifugal machines (separators, centrifuges etc.) installed directly in the enterprises areas receive enormous loads in the course of operation that makes the equipment potentially dangerous. Safe operation of such equipment is defined by fulfillment of the requirements provided in technical documentation related with both design and operation.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):25-26
pages 25-26 views

Ways to save energy

Doyl B., Doyle B.


Drying plants are considered to be the largest energy consumers in the dairy sector, and in most cases there are possibilities of their updating aimed at total efficiency increase. The company European Spraydry Technology has recently made a review of energy consumption by spray dryers and boilers. It was noted that besides implementing requirements of new documents concerning exhausted carbon energy economy is greatly dependent on fuel prices.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):27-28
pages 27-28 views

Domestic normative basis for food supplements is widening

Kulev D., Kovaleva L., Kulev D., Kovaleva L.


Technical standard committee TK 154 "Food supplements and aromas" is actively forming national standards basis for food supplements. These standards are first of all needed for proving basis of the technical regulations "About food products safety" and "About safety of food supplements and aromas" that are expected to be prepared in the first half of 2010. In 2008-2009 the Technical committee issued following standards that would become valid since 1 January 2010: GOST R 53045-2008 "Food supplements. Acids and acidity regulators of food products. Terms and definitions" GOST R 53039-2008 "Food supplements. Potassium lactate. Technical conditions" GOST R 53119-2008 "Food supplements. Natrium lactate. Technical conditions" GOST R 53040-2008 "Food supplements. Citric acid dewatered. Technical conditions" GOST R 53069-2008 "Food supplements. Potassium phosphate. Technical conditions" GOST R 53089-2008 Food supplements. Natrium polyphosphate. Technical conditions" GOST R ISO 7540-2008 "Paprica ground, powdered. Technical conditions"
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):30-30
pages 30-30 views

Prospects of applying Procsagel agars in low fat yogurts

Bondarenko N., Mironenko I., Arkhipov A., Nesterova A., Bondarenko N., Mironenko I., Arhipov A., Nesterova A.


At yogurts production coagulum is often subjected to mechanical effects and as a result it becomes less viscous and strong. In the course of storage it may lead to whey separation. To prevent syneresis it is advisable to apply stabilizers.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):34-35
pages 34-35 views

Biotesting of food supplements and milk products

Cheremnykh E., Tikhomirova N., Ignat'eva O., Cheremnyh E., Tihomirova N., Ignat'eva O.


New method of the automated biotesting and procedure of the biological evaluation on infusoria based on their several test-reactions allow receive objective determination of the biological effect on alive cells of food supplements, food raw materials and products studied. Results of the study of various raw materials for whey drinks are also given. The study was carried out with the purpose to choose optimal raw materials for obtaining whey drinks of maximum nutritive value.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):36-38
pages 36-38 views

AT-curds from subconcentrated milk

Dorotova A., Val'ter G., Dorotova A., Val'ter G.


Appearance and consistency of the product correspond to characteristics of curds basis that is used for curds desserts manufacturing. AT-curds production excludes whey separation stage as far as syneresis is present in invisible form, and whey is evenly spread in the product mass. The yield of the curds basis is 100% of the normalized mixture mass.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):44-44
pages 44-44 views

Curds production: new technologies

Lyalin V., Fedotov A., Lyalin V., Fedotov A.


Application of membrane technologies at curds manufacturing gives possibility to preserve whey proteins in the finished product. Meanwhile filtrate does not contain protein fraction, is sterile and can be used for drinks, milk sugar and other products manufacturing.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):45-45
pages 45-45 views

Improvement of refrigerating treatment of milk and curds

Anistratova O., Anistratova O.


Results of the study of low temperature agent-liquid nitrogen effects on quality indices of raw milk and curds are given. Cooling of milk with application of liquid nitrogen preserves unique properties of freshly received milk during long transportation. Freezing of curds with liquid nitrogen makes it possible to receive quality products with extended shelf life.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Technological specialties of dry curds manufacturing

Ermolaev V., Zakharov S., Ermolaev V., Zaharov S.


Special features of food products vacuum drying are described. Technological scheme of dry curds manufacturing by vacuum drying method is presented. Every technological stage of dry curds receiving is described in details. Special attention is paid to the vacuum drying process. Parameters of the process are given. Results of the experimental-analytical study show that quality indices of dry curds greatly depend on every technological operation.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Food safety of Russia

Anan'eva N., Anan'eva N.


The tenth jubilee All Russian scientific and practical conference Targets and directions of the dairy sector development in the context of implementation of the Doctrine of food safety of the Russian Federation took place in Adler in September. The Doctrine has been adopted in 2008. Active part in its development has been taken by the leading specialists of the Russian Agricultural Academy. The Doctrine has been used as a basis for normative, legal documentation, concepts and programs. The Document is an aggregate of the official views on targets, tasks, principles, main directions and mechanisms of the state social-economical policy providing food safety of the country. Implementation of its issues will allow forecast and prevent threats and risks arising for the country's economy, increase food independence, create conditions for dynamic development of the domestic agro-industrial complex and improve peoples well being.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Curds dessert

Kryuchkova V., Klopova A., Sorokina L., Kryuchkova V., Klopova A., Sorokina L.


Enrichment of curds products with ground cedar, whey proteins and complex prebiotic Lael makes it possible to obtain products with predetermined chemical composition, improved organoleptic indices, hepatoprotective and bifidogenous properties and high biological value, extended shelf life and beneficial effects. Application of the HACCP principles in quality management guarantees manufacturing of quality and safe products.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Sour cream product

Kryuchkova V., Chervyakova O., Tishchenko E., Kryuchkova V., Chevyakova O., Tishchenko E.


Possibility to fortify sour cream products with ground cedar and complex prebiotic Lael was studied. The results were rather positive: products received were characterized by high fat levels, improved organoleptic characteristics, high biological values, hepatoprotective and bifidogenous properties. Possible variant of the HACCP system application has been worked out.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):57-58
pages 57-58 views

Tonic drinks with enzyme preparations

Krupin A., Krupin A.


Technology of the ethanol-metabolizing preparation based on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been developed. Technological scheme of the tonic drinks with application of enzyme preparations intended for reducing toxic effect of alcohol and products of its metabolism is described.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):59-60
pages 59-60 views

Analogue of cooked condensed milk

Brusentsev A., Arsen'eva T., Zabodalova L., Brusentsev A., Aesen'eva T., Zabodalova L.


At cooked condensed milk and its analogue made of milk powder and vegetable oils production in the course of cooling after cooking process to the temperature below 400C viscosity of the product increases. As a result it becomes difficult to make lactose crystallization process with seeds inoculation at temperatures most favorable for lactose crystallization. Research work has been carried out with the aim to evaluate application of the beta-galactosidase Maxilact 2000 with activity 2000 NEL/dm3 for lactose hydrolysis. It was found that addition of the enzyme at the rate of 0.1-0.15% at the stage of product cooling at 40-450C allows exclude process of lactose crystallization. Lactose crystals have not been found in products samples within 12 months of storage
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):61-61
pages 61-61 views

Condensed non-fat canned milks with microparticulated whey proteins

Smirnova I., Manylov S., Rumyantseva E., Smirnova I., Manylov S., Rumyantseva E.


Effects of the denatured whey proteins concentrate on efficient viscosity of non-fat concentrated canned milks were studied. Trial lots of canned products were produced with application of the above concentrate (trade mark Simpless-100) added at rates 2, 4, and 8%. Viscosity was measured with rotation automated viscosimeter. Figures of the efficient viscosity and denatured whey proteins concentrate content dependence at different shear rates are presented. The summary of the results is creation of the mathematical model of viscosity changes of non-fat condensed canned milk products at different doses of the above mentioned concentrate in milk mixtures. The model allows predetermine viscous properties of the finished product when denatured whey protein concentrate is applied as a thickening agent and milk fat imitator.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):62-62
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Control of milk-protein coagulum formation by the method of small amplitudes dynamic fluctuations

Shilov A., Pirogov A., Osintsev A., Zakharova L., Shilov A., Pirogov A., Osintsev A., Zaharova L.


The work was devoted to establishing relations between deformation and shear tension in viscous media at small amplitude low rate linear deformation. Dependence of phase differences on time at rennet milk coagulation is presented that properly describes process of acid-rennet coagulum formation. Possibilities to determine principle rheological parameters of the media studied such as viscosity and gel strength coefficient are given.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):63-64
pages 63-64 views

Competitiveness of the enriched fermented milks

Kryuchkova V., Kolodenskiy A., Kryuchkova V., Kolodenskii A.


Technologies of the fermented milk biodrinks fortified with ground cedar and lactulose have been developed based on the results of the investigations made. Besides analysis of organoleptic, physical-chemical and microbiological indices, food and nutritive values competitiveness of the products was also evaluated by comparing products characteristics with parameters of the basis for comparison. Studies and calculation taking into account complex quality indices, prices and consumers preferences confirm high competitiveness of fermented milks fortified with ground cedar and lactulose. The technology gives opportunities to widen varieties of fermented milks possessing improved consuming properties that can find demand in this market sector.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):65-65
pages 65-65 views

Operation of the equipment for animal husbandry

Sukhorukov Y., Suhorukov Y.


Crisis had great impact on producers and suppliers of equipment. Sales volumes reduced. However there are some positive moments for the market of technological equipment. Supplying companies started to more actively work at maintenance of operating equipment, and quality service is a guarantee of the company well-being. Proper functioning of technological equipment at farms depends on three equal conditions: equipment quality, management of supplies and mode of operation in the farm.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):71-72
pages 71-72 views

Antioxidant properties of milks in different zones of the Omsk region

Vysokogorskiy V., Voronova T., Veselov P., Vysokogorskii V., Voronova T., Veselov P.


Results of comparing antioxidant properties of milks of the south and north zones of the Omsk region are given. Milk from the north zone is characterized by more profound antioxidant properties. This is the result of higher content of substances inhibiting milk fat oxidation such as ascorbic acid and SH-groups. Differences have been found in the contents of products of lipids peroxide oxidation, including TBK-active substances.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):73-74
pages 73-74 views

Improvement of physical-chemical and technological properties of milk

Tedtova V., Baeva Z., Temiraev V., Tedtova V., Baeva Z., Temiraev V.


Application of the preparation ferrocine in the rations of lactating cows containing carbohydrates of the paraffin group improves physical-chemical and technological characteristics of milk preventing absorption and accumulation of toxic substances in the body by excreting them from the animals.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):75-75
pages 75-75 views

Milk of the Holstein black-and-white cows of the Hungarian selection

Kovaleva G., Sulyga N., Kovaleva G., Sulyga N.


Productive properties of the Holstein black-and-white cows of the Hungarian selection after first calving were evaluated. Realization of the genetic potential of the imported animals according to the fist lactation in new ecological conditions was determined as well as quality indices of milk depending on season and lipids.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Application of milk whey in animal breeding

Prozorov A., Burykina I., Ozhiganova E., Prozorov A., Burykina I., Ozhyganova E.


Application of milk whey for animals feeding is possible in several ways: untreated whey, products based on whey (concentrated and powdered), whey as preservative for feeds. Possibilities to apply whey in animal breeding were studied in the agricultural enterprises of the Vologda region. Testing groups included calves of the age of 0-6 months and lactating cows (average lactation age 1.8 years).
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Whey in the young animals rations

Kulakova T., Burykina I., Pozdnyakova V., Baranova N., Kulakova T., Burykina I., Pozdnyakova V., Baranova N.


Results of the work confirm that application of fermented concentrated milk whey in calves' rations results in nutritive substances transformation into easily digestable form. Lactic acid microorganisms promote formation of symbionic microflora and stomach microfauna providing increased cellulosolitic activity of the digestive system. Feeding calves with supplement prepared with fermented concentrated milk whey promotes intensive growth and development, formation of the passive immunity and helps to form digestive status.
Dairy industry. 2009;(10):80-80
pages 80-80 views

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