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Nº 7 (2017)


The interview with N.D.Boeva

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Dairy industry. 2017;(7):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Methodology of projecting names and labels inscriptions

Makeeva I., Stratonova N., Pryanichnikova N., Belyakova Z.


The problem of forming names for food products including milk products and milk-vegetable products is actual for producers and for experts. Practical application of the Methodology of projecting names based on the classic knowledge of terms has been offered. According to the theory terms are considered to be a combination of elements that form certain entireness and professional language integrity. Principle definitions (terms) are defined in the technical regulations of the Customs Union, documents on standardization and technical documentation. The authors of the article propose to standardize terminological and classification requirements for the groups of products with mixed composition (milk-vegetable products). The most complicated items that can be met at projecting label inscriptions (labeling of consumer package) have been considered. The authors recommend to use for projecting label inscriptions the Methodology taking into account requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, documents on standardization and also proving materials from the products manufacturers. Technical regulations of the Customs Union define obligatory data that should be given on labels. Norms and requirements in the documents on standardization and proving materials serve as confirmation of authenticity of the information given in the label. Practical application of the methodologies made it possible for the authors to formulate some rules that had been recommended to the specialists working at designing of label inscriptions (labeling of consumers package). The rules should meet following requirements: «All that is given on the label should be confirmed with documents», «Picture on the package is half of the success at selling the product», «No any abbreviations on the label», «Labeling is intended for a consumer».
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Explanations to the amendments in the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 005/2011 «About safety of package»

Kilesso S.


Amendments 3 in the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union «About safety of package» (TP TC 005/2011) came into effect. Changes that have been made in the document are explained in the article.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):11-13
pages 11-13 views

New old equipment

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Dairy industry. 2017;(7):14-15
pages 14-15 views

Milk drying. Experience of the Slovak and Mongolian specialists

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In the interview of the Director and owner of the company Vitafit Group (Mongolia) S. Bolorsaikhan and Director of the company VZDUCHOTORG (Slovakia) P. Mertin results of the implementation of the project of milk drying and possibilities to use equipment for drying cow, sheep, goat, mare and camel milk are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Pasteurisation of mare's milk - a guarantee of safety

Kanareikina S., Kanareikin V.


A selection of optimal regimes of pasteurization of raw mare's milk, studied the quality indicators of pasteurized mare's milk: organoleptic (taste and smell, consistency, colour), physicochemical (mass fraction of fat, protein, carbohydrates, titratable acidity, density) and microbiological parameters (number of mesophilic aerobic, facultative anaerobic microorganisms, E. coli titer). In experimental studies, the optimum regimes of pasteuri zation of fermented mare's milk, ensuring the microbiological safety of the product.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):19-20
pages 19-20 views

Baromembrane technology of milk processing

Timkin V., Lazarev V.


The article presents the results of research of micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration processes at curds production, processing of milk whey and skim milk concentrating. The authors have developed recommendations on launching the technology in the production using membranes of domestic production. The investigations were carried out in the laboratory of the Ural State Agrarian University and at the production site of the company The Yugov combine of milk products, at the Peasant Farm owned by Anikiev A.V. and at the Polevskoi milk combine. The parameters for obtaining UF curds on the membranes KUFE-19(0,01) produced by the company «Keramikfiltr» (Russia, Moscow) were established: the temperature of the coagulum formation was 55-60 °С, concentrating was carried out until the content of dry soluble matters in curds reached about 20 %. Concentrated skim milk was received at the temperatures 35-40 °C. During the process of the UF separation the concentrate of skim milk was received with the dry soluble matters content about 16 %. Whey was concentrated at the pilot plant produced by the company «Membrana» (Ekaterinburg). The plant consists of the UF and nanofiltration modules. In the ultrafiltration module the membranes KUFE-19 (0,02) were applied and in the nanofiltration module the membranes manufactured by the company «Vladipor». At the lactose concentrate production the solution was transported to the nano-filtration module without any preparation. In the course of the separation process, lactose concentrate was obtained in the form of the transparent solution of the intensive yellow-green color with the content of the dissolved dry matters more than 20%. The permeat received was actually water with a small quantity of dissolved salts (<1 %).
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):21-23
pages 21-23 views

Complex method of milk whey clarification

Babenyshev S., Mamay D., Shapakov N., Molodtsov S.


Results of the study of the process of milk whey separation that had been preliminary clarified by addition of the vegetable raw materials extract demonstrated that besides the trans-membrane pressure, permeability of the membranes during ultrafiltration in a tangential flow of liquid polydisperse systems is significantly effected by the speed of their circulation in the channel of the baromembrane apparatus. Usually the growth of this parameter leads to a proportional increase in the permeability of membranes and is limited by special features of the design and economic feasibility of increasing the capacity of the ultra-filtration equipment. The range of the optimal values of the circulation rate of the separating system in the channel of the baromembrane apparatus was established and its type (flat frame) was chosen.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):24-26
pages 24-26 views

Technological bases for vacuum concentrating of milk whey

Buyanova I., Kotlyarova M.


Technological features of whey concentrating based on the thermoradiation vacuum dewatering method with the aim to obtain high quality concentrates with mass fraction of solids up to 40 % at the lowest energy consumption have been studied. The data about changes in water content depending on forms of bounds during dehydration at the thermoradiation heating were received. The main regularities of water evaporation with substantiation of rational regimes of organization of the concentration process have been found. Kinetics of the infrared vacuum dehydration of whey has been studied that allows to manage duration of the process until the desired concentration of solids. Chemical composition, physical-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of whey concentrates depending on the degree of concentration have been determined. Shelf lives were scientifically substantiated and recipes for production of whey products based on the concentrates (fresh and fermented drinks, jelly, yogurt) were developed.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):27-31
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Express-methods «Charm» for antibiotics detection and starter cultures «Crealat»

Karychev R., Lastochkina V.


The company «Uniline» offers express-tests for antibiotics detection, lumenmeters assessing cleanness of the working surface, starter cultures «Crealat».
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):32-33
pages 32-33 views

The problem of milk products safety as an important source of the food toxic infections

Sviridenko G.


Problems of the milk products safety are considered and prohibition to apply raw milk in cheese making.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Freezing of lactic acid bacteria with high level of survival

Zharko M., Belukov S.


The problem of maintaining stability and survival of the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris has been considered. The effect of forced convection at freezing on the survival of lactic acid bacteria was studied. The factors affecting survival of the bacteria were identified.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Selection of the cryoprotective media for Lactobacillus reuteri

Sokolova O., Rojkova I.


The fragment of the study of the probiotic microorganism Lactobacillus reuteri is given in the article. To obtain bacterial concentrate, a concentrated biomass of L. reuteri has been subjected to sublimation. Before freeze-drying the cryoprotective media were added to the biomass of the cells. Results of the study showed that survival of the cells of L. reuteri during freeze-drying process was higher when the cryoprotective media had been applied than in the control samples.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):42-43
pages 42-43 views

How to make the right curds

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Dairy industry. 2017;(7):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Practical issues of curds and curds products manufacturing

Gushcha Y., Maltsev N.


Practical issues of curds and curds products receiving (selection of starters, definition of regimes, storage life) are discussed as well as some special features of curds manufacturing at unsteadiness of the raw materials quality.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):46-47
pages 46-47 views

The starter culture AiBi Golden Time 20.12 FS -an innovative development for improving nutrition value of curds

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The specialists of the company NPO «Zelenye linii» have studied effects of the starter cultures microflora on curds characteristics at different ways of production. The experience gained was used for development of the starter culture AiBi Golden Time 20.12 FS. Application of the starter at the acid method of curds receiving on the automated lines and in vats allows to reduce protein and fat losses.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Application of ß-glucan in the curds technology: resource-saving and functionality

Bogdanova E., Ponomarev A., Melnikova E., Bolgova M.


The possibility of using ß-glucan in production of the enriched curds has been studied in order to reduce the raw milk consumption. It is the food fiber which is able to strengthen the framework of the protein matrix at acid and acid-rennet coagulation, providing the transition of whey proteins into the finished product and preventing syneresis. The objects of the study were normalized milk mixtures with the fat mass fraction of 0,78 % (for the production of curds with a fat content of 5 %) containing 0,3, 0,5 and 0,8 % of ß-glucan, respectively. The control sample was an aqueous solution of ß-glucan with a mass fraction of 0,5 %. The process of food fibers swelling in these technological media has been investigated depending on the temperature and duration. The swelling ratio and the swelling speed constant have been chosen as the quantitative characteristics of the process. It has been discovered that the binding ratio of free moisture in the studied system is increased with increasing of ß-glucan content. The application of food fibers more than 0,5 % of the normalized mixture weight is impractical because it deteriorates the organoleptic properties of the finished product. ß-glucan swells restrictedly in the studied solutions. The binding ratio of free moisture in the normalized mixture is higher than in drinking water. The limiting swelling ratio of food fibers increases with the temperature growth of the normalized mixture due to the increase of the diffusion coefficient. The optimum temperature of the normalized mixture for the ß-glucan application is 50 °С. The developed resource-saving technological solution of the curds production allows to reduce the raw material consumption rate by 8 %, it also enriches the finished product with food fibers which are characterized by prebiotic properties.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Assessment of the fatty acids composition of milk fat

Stepycheva N., Vasina N., Petrova S.


In this work the fatty acids composition of some milk fat samples was determined by the method of a gas-liquid chromatography. The calculation method was used to assess composition of the studied milk fat samples regarding their compliance to physiologically fullvalue food fat. It was shown that the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk fat is very low. Prospects of creation of the combined milk products with functional properties due to addition of vegetable oils had been substantiated.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):52-53
pages 52-53 views
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Synbiotic component for functional products

Gavrilova N., Moliboga E.


Synbiotic component playing the role of the functional food ingredient in the technology of processed cheese and cheese products has been developed. Existence of the specially selected variants of probiotic and prebiotic is considered to be an essential element of the technology. The recipe of the component is based on the processes of activation of the lactic acid culture microorganisms by addition to the media of the factors promoting their growth. The activating media includes the products of the fermentative hydrolysis of milk protein (fermentative proteolysis), cells and metabolites of the lactic acid bacteria. The most suitable according to the probiotic indices starter cultures have been studied that are able to provide in the experimental products needed volume of microflora corresponding to the norms for the food functional products. As a result, it became possible to work out synbiotic component that helps to correct mass share of fat of the cheese or processed cheese product, to give probiotic properties to the product and provide high consuming properties in new produ cts. Microbiological indices in the finished product do not exceed the norms. The developed symbiotic component is safe for introduction in the product and contains 1-107 cfu/g of the living microorganisms at the end of the storage life. Normative and technical documentation for the elements of the complex technology has been prepared and approved. Novelty of the technological and recipe solutions is given in the patents of the RF.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Milk fat replacers and healthy nutrition

Konopleva G., Lapshyna L.


The main groups of the fat components for milk fat replacers have been discussed. Technological properties, fatty acids composition of liquid, semiliquid and solid fats are characterized and possibilities to apply them in the products of healthy nutrition.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Bitter truth about sugar

Rybalova T.


The problem of excessive sugar consumption is considered and application of sugar in foods including milk products.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Cooked concentrated milk with sugar: quality, safety, falsification

Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Illarionova E., Turovskaya S., Petrov A.


In 2016 the workers of the All-Russian Dairy Research Institute (VNIMI) have developed new intergovernmental standard GOST-33921 -2016 «Canned milk products. Concentrated milk with sugar, cooked. Technical regulation» on the base of actualization of the GOST R 54540-2011 valid on the territory of the RF. Terms and definitions, classification, organoleptic and physical-chemical indices, requirements to transportation and storage of the product have been left without changes. Introduction of new amendments is explained for the first, by organization of the Customs Union and joining the United economic territory and, as a result adoption of some technical regulations related with food products and, for the second by development of new methods for detection of falsified milk products. The new standard was amended with requirements ensuring production of safe and high quality product and helping to detect falsification of the product. In particular, for the first time identification of the fat phase has been included that must contain only milk fat of cow milk. The standard also includes data about fatty acids composition of the fat phase of the cooked concentrated milk with sugar. Additionally in the new standard the method to determined mass share of saccharose by the HPLC was added and the method to detect preservatives in case of their non-substantiated application. Besides, the sections «Requirements to the raw materials» and «Methods of control» have been considerably changed. In the sections «Labeling» and «Packaging» some commonly used today definitions have been corrected. The section «The rules of reception» is given in a new version that contains stages of the product control when trials of receipt and delivering and periodic trials are carried out.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):66-68
pages 66-68 views

Sorbets. Ice-cream and frozen desserts

Tvorogova A., Kazakova N.


Special features of the production of ice-cream sorbets and frozen desserts in compliance with acting normative documents are analyzed. Effects of the sorbets constituents on formation of the organoleptic properties are shown. Requirements to the fruit raw materials that should be taken into account when mass share of fruits in the finished product is determined are outlined. It is advisable to produce sorbets as products with lower cost as compared with those for traditional ice- cream manufacturing.
Dairy industry. 2017;(7):69-70
pages 69-70 views

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