
Molecular mechanisms of neuroinflammation and sleep deprivation in the development of age-associated cognitive dysfunction
Nazarova K., Kostromina R., Malinovskaya N., Khilazheva E., Komleva Y.
Mitochondria - intracellular targets of geroprotective effect of V007
Kvetnoy I., Mironova E., Krylova Y., Mylnikova A., Zubareva T., Leont’eva D., Polyakova V., Petrosyan M.
Premature aging (inflamaging) and diseases of the female reproductive system
Shteiman A., Krylova Y., Dokhov M., Zubareva T., Leontieva D., Botina A., Tikhomirova A.
Effect of dipeptides on cellular growth in organotypic culture of tissues from young and old rats
Chalisova N., Ryzhak G., Khavinson V.
Effect of polypeptide complexes on the development of skin organotypic tissue culture of different age rats
Chalisova N., Nikitina E., Gutop E., Fridman N.
Еffect of tripeptides on growth of organotypic culture of different genesis tissues
Chalisova N., Ryzhak G., Umnov R., Linkova N.
AED peptide activates gene expression and differentiation proteins synthesis of human skin fibroblasts during replicative aging
Gutop E., Linkova N., Fridman N., Kozhevnikova E., Polyakova V., Khavinson V.
Hyaluronic acid preparations regulate the expression of type I collagen and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in human skin
Khabarov V., Kvetnoy I., Linkova N., Paltsev M.
β2 Мicroglobulin and the aging process.
Kuznik B., Chalisova N.
Comparative evaluation of the efficiency of the impact of Aquashine line preparations on skin fibroblasts under aging in vitro (cell-molecular research)
Polyakova V., Gazitaeva Z., Kleimenova T., Drobintseva A., Prokopov A., Kvetnoy I.
Inflamaging: molecular-cellular mechanisms of female reproductive system aging
Rodichkina V., Kvetnoy I., Polyakova V.
Saliva concentration of sirtuins: perspectives of application for coronary heart disease diagnostics and aging rate
Linkova N., Pychalskaya A., Il’nitskii A., Novak-Bobarikina U., Osipova O., Rozhdestvenskaya O., Kozlov K.
Kvetnoy I., Drobintseva A., Kleimenova T., Polyakova V., Turkadze K.
Novacutan preparations as potential dermatogeroprotectors: molecular-microscopic study
Gazitaeva Z., Drobintseva A., Polyakova V., Kvetnoy I., Prokopov A.
Hormone adropine: its effect on age-associated diseases
Kuznik B., Chalisova N.
Comparative influence of hyaluronic acid on proliferation and apoptosis of skin cells in middle-aged women
Khabarov V., Kvetnoy I., Linkova N., Paltsev M.
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