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编号 5 (2017)


Russian cheese and butter making in the first half of 2017

Rybalova T.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Aroma-forming substances: cheese assortment

- -.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):9-9
pages 9-9 views

Cheese market in the USA

Kozlova L.


Basic trends of development of the cheese market in USA, dynamic of production, export, import, consumption, stocks are considered in the article.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Shell we have «Camamber» in Russia?

Prokopenko G., Bednyh B.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):14-15
pages 14-15 views

Technological special features of making cheese from goat milk

Mordvinova V., Ostrouhova I., Ostrouhov D.


Goat milk market in the world and in the RF is outlined. Special issues of the goat milk composition are shown. Cheese suitability properties of goat milk as compared with those of cow milk are discussed. Some technological techniques to improve cheese suitability properties are given. Varieties of the goat milk cheese have been studied.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Special features of salting new type of the hard cheese

Delitskaya I., Mordvinova V.


Hard or ground cheeses are the cheeses with high temperature of the second heating. Cheese grains intended for their production is treated at rather high temperatures from 52 to 58 °C depending on the cheese name. Increased temperature ( as compared with the cheeses of the Dutch group) of the cheese mass remains unchanged also during the period of self-pressing-pressing. It is not advisable to put the cheese with such temperature in brine. The cheese should be cooled before salting. In the article results of the study are given that has been aimed at finding the way to prepare cheese for salting in brine and optimizing duration of salting in view of the effects of ripening process and formation of the taste of the new ground cheese.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):20-21
pages 20-21 views

Modeling of the cream cheese production by the thermo-acid method using glucono-d-lactone

Mironenko I., Usatyuk D.


Process of thermo-acid coagulation of cream with fat content 15% has been studied when water solutions of glucono-δ-lactone (GDL) and citric acid have been used as acidifying agents. Brief characteristics of gluc onic acid and GDL are given, their properties and ways of receiving. Advantages of using GDL at the thermo-acid way of milk mixtures coagulation are shown. Results of the model experiment carried out to study thermo-acid cream coagulation on the pilot plant developed at the FGBNU SibNIlS are given. The method of thermo-effectometria was used to find out differences in the rates of temperatures changes (thermoeffects), and zones of the intensive structures formation were defined at heating normalized cream with different acidifies. Results of the modeling experiments allowed choose regimes of the thermo-acid coagulation when test production of cream cheese was carried out in the laboratory. Organoleptic profile of the tasting assessment of the experimental cheese depending on acidifying agents applied and three chosen coagulation temperatures (85,90 and 95 °C) is given. At all the regimes of the thermo-acid coagulation the score evaluation of the cheese with GDL was higher than evaluation of cheese with citric acid. Differences in the organoleptic assessment of pilot cheese are explained by the differences in the process of cream coagulation depending on acidifier. Differences in the duration of the processes of coagulation and self-pressing of the pilot cheese have been also found. The results received demonstrate perspective of using GDL in the thermo-acid cheese production.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Consumption trends-2017: positioning of cheese and cheese products

Smagina Y.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Cheese products with vegetable ingredient curcuma

Gavrilova N., Moliboga E., Moiseikina D.


Разработана технология плавленого сырного продукта с добавлением функционального растительного ингредиента - куркумы. В процессе разработки технологии плавленого сырного продукта авторы особое внимание уделяли созданию рецептуры, не противоречащей основным канонам проектирования функциональных пищевых продуктов. Особенность рецептуры - использование куркумы, которая является антиоксидантом и природным антибиотиком. Значительное количество витаминов группы B (B1, B2, В3, В6, В9), А, С, К, Е, входящие в ее состав эфирные масла, селен, йод и фосфор подтверждают пользу куркумы. Экспериментально установлено оптимальное количество внесения растительного ингредиента в пищевой функциональный продукт.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):28-29
pages 28-29 views

Milk whey - a source of valuable food ingredients and additional profit

Zolotareva M., Topalov V., Evdokimov I., Hramtsov A.


Possibilities to process whey into the food ingredients with high added value are outlined. Production of dry demineralized whey, whey protein concentrates and dry demineralized permeate with the aid of membrane processes using equipment of the company «MEGA» are also discussed.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Protein snack with the concentrate of whey protein for sportsmen nutrition

Magomedov G., Magomedov M., Rybina A., Polyanskii K., Pronina O.


Developing new functional products with the use of whey, we solved several problems: we rationally used secondary raw materials with high biological and nutritional value, we protect the environment, and we received a product with an increased biological value, contributing to an increase in muscle mass and that can be applied as a supplement to food. Whey protein is considered the best source of high quality protein. Proteins of milk whey (lactalbumin, lactoglobulin and immunoglobulin) have the highest rate of cleavage among whole proteins. The amino acid composition of whey proteins is closest to the amino acid composition of human muscle tissue, and the content of essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAA) - valine, leucine and isoleucine whey proteins exceeds all other proteins of animal and vegetable origin. Protein snacks provide the daily need of an adult with calcium by 36,5 %, potassium - by 20,96 % and magnesium - by 13 %. Production of protein snacks is based on the preparation of dough consisting of dry whey protein concentrate and avoring substances (dried basil, garlic, paprika, Provence herbs) and further baking. This product contains about 80 % protein by weight of the product.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):32-33
pages 32-33 views

Some aspects of keepability of the packaged cheese

Orlova E., Mordvinova V., Il'ina S.


Packaged cheese taken from the shelves of the shops was assessed. The ways of packaging and packaging solutions and materials applied in cheese production are outlined. Results of the study of changes of the quality indices during storing of packaged cheese such as semi-hard with low and high temperatures of the secondary heating, soft and brine cheese depending on the complex of effecting factors (storage temperature, gas forming activity of the starter cultures microorganisms, barrier quality of the films materials, ways of packaging and ripening age of the cheese before packaging) are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):34-36
pages 34-36 views
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The system for traceability of microbiological risks effecting quality and keepability of processed cheese

Sviridenko G., Sviridenko Y., Zaharova M., Babkina N.


В статье приведены результаты исследований по моделированию системы прослеживаемости влияния уровня микробиологических рисков на качество и хранимоспособность плавленых сыров. Отражены риски снижения хранимоспособности плавленых сыров, определяемые количеством МАФАнМ и БГКП, количеством споровых бактерий рода Bacillus и рода Clostridium, дрожжами и плесневыми грибами. Показаны микробиологические риски, связанные с бактериальной обсемененностью сырья, применяемыми солями-плавителями, температурами плавления, используемым упаковочным материалом и способом упаковки, температурами хранения готового продукта. Дан прогноз хранимоспособности плавленых сыров в зависимости от сочетания разных факторов.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Effects of the packaging materials on the quality of the smoked sausage and processed cheese and cheese products

Orlova E., Dunaev A., Kalabushkin V.


Review of the varieties and properties of coatings used in the production of smoked processed sausage cheese and cheese products has been made. Formation of quality indices of the smoked sausage cheese and cheese products depending of the barrier properties of the coating, smoking regimes, types and physical-chemical characteristics of the product to be packed has been analyzed.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):44-46
pages 44-46 views
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The film «ARMYSTYLE HP»: be distinguished, it attracts everyone

Eliseeva A.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):48-49
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Sanitarian treatment of cheese forms

Hanumyan A.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):50-50
pages 50-50 views

Role of the arbitration methods in detection of milk products falsification

Lepilkina O., Topnikova E.


In the article importance of arbitration methods and qualification of experts working in the controlling organizations in identifying falsification of milk products with vegetable fats have been underlined.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Identification of the fatty acids composition of milk products

Svyatkina L., Andruhova V., Hangajeev S.


Identification of the fatty phase of the eleven samples of milk and milk products taken in the shops of Irkutsk was carried out. To study fatty acids composition the method of capillary gas-liquid chromatography had been used. Falsification of the fatty acids composition in the five samples by the oils of the non milk origin was established that did not correspond to the declared names of the products.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2017;(5):54-56
pages 54-56 views