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No 5 (2014)


Priority directions of food technologies developments

Haritonov V.D.


The Russian dairy sector as one of the most important among other food sectors is analyzed. Factors restraining development of production and processing of milk are outlined and ways to overcome lagging behind are offered.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):4-5
pages 4-5 views

The world milk market: present day trends and developments

Dairy industry. 2014;(5):6-8
pages 6-8 views

The strategy of Russian dairy industry development



В начале февраля на сайте Национального союза производителей молока «СОЮЗМОЛОКО» появилось сообщение о намерении Союза подготовить долгосрочную стратегию развития отрасли и добиваться ее включения в Государственную программу развития АПК до 202О-2ОЗО гг. В связи с интересом специалистов отрасли к разработке такой госпрограммы редакция провла интервью с А.Л. Даниленко, председателем правления Национального союза производителей молока.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):9-12
pages 9-12 views

Exhibition «The Dairy Industry - 2014»

Dvinskiy B.M., Girinovich O.A.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):14-21
pages 14-21 views

New horizons of efficiency

Baranov S.


Special features, principles of operation and advantages of the two-saddle valves of new generation from the company «Kieselmann» are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Determination of the residual quantity of inhibiting agents in milk

Kerhof Y.


Problems related with quality and safety of milk and milk products and determination of the inhibiting substances in milk are considered in the article.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):24-24
pages 24-24 views

Application of food supplements and ingredients in the dairy industry

Tihomirova N.A.


Existing requirements to food supplements, classification of supplements, normative documents of the RF and foreign countries in the field of application and regulation of circulation in the market are considered.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Unprecedented activity and involvement: new generation of consumers over 50 years old

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Современное поколение «50+» стало энергичнее, активнее и обладает большей покупательной способностью. Различные сегменты отрасли смещают акценты на «новое» поколение потребителей старшей возрастной категории. Задача состоит в разработке концепций продуктов и маркетинговых кампаний, нацеленных на данную аудиторию. Такие продукты и рекламные кампании должны привлекать потребителей и соответствовать их представлениям о самих себе.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):28-29
pages 28-29 views

Technical regulation of food ingredients - realities and prospects

Nechaev A.P., Kotkova T.V.


Principle basis of legislations in the sphere of production and circulation of food ingredients in the Customs Union market as well as the problems related with fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulation are considered.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):30-33
pages 30-33 views

About necessity to make amendments to the legislation of the Customs Union in the field of food supplements and aroma substances application

Bagryantseva O.V., Shatrov G.N.


Offers about introduction of amendments and changes to the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union «Requirements to the safety of food supplements, aromas and technological auxiliary means» (TP TC 029/2012) are made in relation with necessity to adapt to the requirements of the legislations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the European Union.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Standard sample of the citric acid

Kulev D.H., Nikolaev A.G., Osintseva E.V., Kremleva O.N.


The program of trials needed for confirmation of the type of the standard sample of the citric acid composition according to the level of the main substance and methodology for determining its attested level were worked out. Certifying metrological characteristics of the standard sample were determined: attested characteristic, range of permitted attested levels, limits of the permitted levels of the error. The Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology has given the certificate about confirmation of the standard composition of the citric acid № 3367/1 of 22.11.2013 with registration number in the State Register GCO 10300-2013. Technical documentation was worked out and approved for production of the citric acid with standard composition.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):40-42
pages 40-42 views

Epoch of the group package

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Dairy industry. 2014;(5):43-43
pages 43-43 views
pages 44-44 views

Probiotic bacteria reducing cholesterol in milk products

Golovin M.A., Ganina V.I., Mashentseva N.G.


Results of the study of the ability of probiotic lactic acid cultures to adhere to the walls of the intestine of a human being and to fulfill the function of cholecterol levels reduction in vitro are given. Ability of the probiotic bacteria strains studied to reduce cholesterol was supported. Possible combinations of some of the probiotic strains that demonstrated more profound cholesterol reduction by the consortium received were found. Application of such probiotic bacteria strains is promising in the fermented milk products and biologically active supplements.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Antibiotic activity of the lactic acid bacteria against staphylococci

Polyanskaya I.S., Semenihina V.F.


Lactic acid microorganisms of probiotic action added to the functional foods including those ones possessing properties for staphylococcus infection prophylaxis should undergo preliminary confirmation of probiotic potential and high antibiotic activity of cultures. Screening research works for comparing antibiotic activity against staphylococci, lactococci and lactobacillus traditionally present in various fermented milk products were carried out. Specific nature of the strains antibiotic activity was confirmed. It was recommended also to include study of the antibiotic activity in the integral assessment of the starter cultures used for the functional products manufacturing.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Microbial symbiosis of the fermented milk product «The Tibet delight»

Smirnova I.A., Eremina I.A., Lobacheva E.M., Gulbani A.J.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Rapid method for determination of yeasts and moulds with application of Petrifilms 3M™ Petrifilm™ Rapid Yeast and Mould Count Plate

Sokolov D.M., Sokolov M.S.


Methods for determination of yeasts and moulds in food products are considered. Their characteristics are compared and advantages of using Petrifilms are shown.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Effects of the microbial transglutaminase on the processes of milk protein modification at yogurt production

Zobkova Z.S., Fursova T.P., Zenina D.V., Gavrilina A.D., Shelaginova I.R.


Results of the study of the impacts of transglutaminase on functional technological properties of yogurt are given in the article.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):57-59
pages 57-59 views

The use of mulberry syrup in the technology of dairy-whey drink

Gabrielyan D.S., Grunskaya V.A., Kuzin A.A.


Possibility of the use of mulberry syrup white in the technology of dairy-whey drink. The influence of syrup on the formation organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties, and the optimal dose of its submission. It is shown that the milk-whey drink with mulberry syrup has a high biological value.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):60-61
pages 60-61 views

Production of the fermented ice-cream. Improvement of the normative-technical basis

Tvorogova A.A., Kazakova N.V.


Ways to produce fermented ice-cream and requirements to the products established in the active legislation of the RF and the Customs Union are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):62-63
pages 62-63 views

Secrets of the French ice-cream

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Dairy industry. 2014;(5):64-65
pages 64-65 views

Production of the sour cream product «SolPro»

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Dairy industry. 2014;(5):66-67
pages 66-67 views

Study of the raw materials composition of the non-traditional products in the cheese market

Roshchupkina N.V., Konopleva A.A., Ponomar T.V.


Possibilities to receive quality products using cheese technologies but under conditions when milk fat was replaced with vegetable oil and reconstituted milk was used instead of skim milk were studied. Results of the investigations are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2014;(5):68-68
pages 68-68 views

Health of children - health of a nation

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Dairy industry. 2014;(5):69-70
pages 69-70 views

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