
Water you are the life yourself
Babina T.
Curds whey hydrolyzates for curds emulsion products
Zolotaryov N., Fedotova O., Agarkova E.
Aseptic two-saddle valve «GEMBRA»
About complex application of the foods supplements that stabilize consistency and modify milk protein in yogurt
Zobkova Z., Fursova T., Zenina D., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova I.
Yogurt with application of the whey protein concentrate: rheological characteristics
Gordienko L., Kulikova I., Evdokimov I.
Some technological aspects of receiving whey proteins of cow milk. 2. Production of milk whey and products fortified with whey proteins
El’chaninov V.
Calculation of the rheological characteristics of curds received by ultra-filtration.
Pyatkin P., Alyukhanova O., Vodyakov V., Sysuev S., Lyalin V., Pyatkin P., Alyuhanova O., Vodyakov V., Sysuev S., Lyalin V.
Some technological aspects of receiving cow milk whey proteins. 1. Introduction. Principle strategies of the group division of whey proteins and caseins
Elchaninov V., Koval A., Belov A.
Genotype and metabolic characteristics of the Enterococcus bacteria isolated from milk products
Botina S., Semenikhina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I.
Standard sample of the citric acid
Kulev D., Nikolaev A., Osintseva E., Kremleva O.
Safety of raw milk - animal health (foot-and-mouth disease)
Sviridenko G., Sviridenko G.
Modeling of the mixing aggregate of the centrifugal type on the basis of cybernetic approach
Haritonov V., Borodulin D., Suhorukov D., Komarov S.
Technology of fermented milk with food fibers application
Kaledina M., Evdokimov I., Salatkova N., Zhigulina O., Shramko M., Fedosova A.
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