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Nº 9 (2009)


How full are the milk streams

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Review of the dairy sector and situation in the world trade in the first half of the year has been prepared and published by the FAO. Principle conclusions are: as a whole milk production volumes will be sufficient but in the group of leading producers some changes are being expected. Milk production can be reduced in the EC and the USA. It was noted that the dairy sector in Belarus is being successfully developing, and the country is becoming the largest regional exporter. As far as Russia is concerned the country is considered to be the main importer of milk products in the world.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):5-6
pages 5-6 views

Present day situation in the dairy sector of Russia

Anan'eva N., Ana'eva N.


Due to low purchasing prices 90% of the Russian milk producers are close to the edge. Producers incur significant losses (2.5 roubles per l of milk) that effect cows' number. Milk herd has been reduced by 200 thousand heads. Before autumn the major part of small and medium producers will leave dairy breeding and as a result Russian market will suffer from milk products deficiency. This is the forecast given by the Chairman of the National Union of Milk Producers, President of the companies group The Russian Farms A. Danilenko at the press conference that took place on 11 August at the Press Center of the RIA Novosty. The urgent problems of the agriculture and milk processing sector including prices formation were reviewed.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):7-7
pages 7-7 views

Dairy sector of the Penza region: problems and prospects

Stolyarova O., Stolyarova O.


Dairy sector development is directly connected with raw materials basis. Due to the insufficient milk supplies dairies are not operating with full capacity. In order to stabilize situation in the animal breeding measures of governmental support through implementation of the national project Development of Agricultural Complex were undertaken. Necessity to provide food safety put forward fulfillment of the urgent task - development of the domestic milk products manufacturing.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):9-11
pages 9-11 views

40 years to the Serdobskii butter making plant

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The Serdobskii butter making plant started to operate in 1969. For 40 years the plant has passed the way from manual labor to production lines of last generation. Today it is a JSC Mechta - a modern milk processing operator supplying milk products to various regions of Russia and neighbouring countries. Milk products are manufactured according to traditional recipes with application of advanced technologies. The variety range is so large that the most sophisticated consumer would find something for his taste from more than 25 items.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):12-12
pages 12-12 views

International standard for assessing food products suppliers

Kuznetsova O., Kuznetsova O.


International Food Standard is a commonly admitted standard for assessing food suppliers in the EC countries. It was prepared in 2002 by the German association of retailers (HDE). Further in the work at the standard also participated Federation of trade and distribution of France (FCD) and retailers from Italy. In 2007 the fifth version of the IFS appeared that is valid also at present days.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):13-14
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Management systems of milk products safety and quality: information component

Mitaseva E., Mitaseva E.


Efficient management of any production is impossible without prompt and regular exchange of information. It is explained by dynamics of market relations development, high competition, complicated production processes, active application of new technological techniques and methods of production and control, widening of the market etc. All these issues are of special importance at food production. That's why in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 22000:2005 (GOST R ISO 22000:2007) and International standard ISO 9001:2008 (GOST R 9001:2001) one of the key elements of the management system of safety and quality of milk products is provision of efficient exchange of information both between departments inside an enterprise and with outer interested ones.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Developments of the Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making

Mayorov A., Volkov V., Fogel' V., Dobrovol'skiy A., Mayorov A., Volkov V., Fogel' V., Dobrovol'skii A.


The Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making of the Siberian Department of the Russian Agricultural Academy (The Altai affiliation of the Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making before 1998) works at development of the equipment for cheese production. First domestic camera vacuum-packaging apparatus, different cheese presses (vacuum, centrifugal, tunnel) complex production lines for the cheese Bogatyr and Sovetskii, plants Alamin for cheese salting, air ionizers for cheese storage Alion - these are some of the examples created by the specialists of the Institute. In 1990 programs of research and developments were reduced. Sources of the centralized financing were exhausted and all subjects were closed. Principle source of financing for continuation of the work are agreements between enterprises of the dairy sector and some support from the regional governments.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):18-19
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Livanov V., Livanov V.


Many well known and deserving attention companies exist among the Russian manufactures of dairy equipment. One of the best known is the JSC Plavskii machine building plant Smychka. An important event that took place this year was the decision of the shareholders on 26 May to change the name of the plant. Since July 2009 JSC Plavskii Machine Building Plant has got the name JSC Plavskii Machine Building Plant Plava. The main reason for this decision was widening of geography and increasing of sale volumes of new separators models under the trade mark Plava. These are the bactofuge Plava OB-5, separators-milk clarifiers Plava OO-10 and Plava OO-15, cream separators Plava OC-5. As a result both the plant itself and its products have got the same name. The other event of great importance will take place later: at the end of September the JSC Plava will celebrate its 135 anniversary.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):20-20
pages 20-20 views

Milk products safety.Review of the existing methods providing microbiological norms

Gel'fand A., Gel'fand A.


Under conditions of growing competition in the today milk products market in Russia producers have to improve consuming properties of products with the aim to get advantages and to have possibility to widen geography of supplies. Milk and milk products require special storage and transportation conditions. In this relation the question arises about new production facilities and distribution. The company Tetra Pak offers a wide range of instruments for implementation of the program for improvement of milk products safety on all the production stages and extending their storage life. For strengthening hygienic effects of heat treatment traditional pasteurization in combination with bactofugation or microfiltration as well as combination of the methods are applied.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):23-23
pages 23-23 views

System approach to the technological lines development (at the example of the Osetinskii cheese)

Kaytukov A., Kaitukov A.


Improvement, development of a technological line by the way of process optimization only in one apparatus or in one machine without accounting for connections with other equipment often results in failure to receive optimal complete technological scheme. Hereat technologists and designers, engineers and operators are looking for possibilities to improve efficiency in their own way that corresponds to their speciality. However at lines improvements, creation of completely new lines or lines of new generation it is advisable to choose interdisciplinary approach. In this relation a very interesting is considered to be the system approach to the theory of technological stream.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):24-27
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Permeability of the polymer package and storage life of the packed milk products

Anan'ev V., Videnin O., Shishimarov A., Anan'ev V., Videnin O., Shishimarov A.


One of the principle tasks of a package is products preserving from negative factors of environment. Packaging materials that fulfill the function are often called barrier. Major part of milk products possesses ability to adsorb heavy metals, various organic compound and as a result they can become unsuitable for consumption. For milk products a negative factor is considered to be presence of oxygen in the package volume. Quality of the products can be deteriorated also after moisture penetration or removal. These factors acquire special meaning when we store high fat products, for example, oils as well as products that intensively adsorb moisture and have large specific area - milk powders and dry baby food mixtures.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):30-32
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Earn money with packaging!!!

Savicheva O., Savicheva O.


To-day under conditions of crisis price competitiveness of the finished product is of special actuality. Polyethylene film greatly solves the problem. Recently packing in films is returning its positions in the market, and many consumers buy products in such package because of a lower price. It is worth to mention that price of milk packed in polyethylene film is by 20-30% lower than that of milk in paperboard package.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):33-33
pages 33-33 views

Licensing of the activity related with application of the infection diseases inducers of the III-IV pathogenic groups

Gorbatenkova L., Gorbatenkova L.


The article is intended for juridical and physical persons engaged in activity related with the infection diseases application in laboratories of food plants, scientific establishments etc.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Kefir turnover

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Any food product is a puzzle that consists of small details having individual form and size. In order to make a complete picture a technologist, as a rule thoroughly and successively tailor each detail (ingredient) for receiving the whole picture (product). And now imagine a kefir product that besides standard ingredients contains living microflora - a detail (ingredient) that does not have clearly defined borders, constantly changes and is difficult to be controlled. Very often producers try to put into frames this living kefir organism and to replace kefir grains with kefir DVS starter cultures. This replacement makes the whole technological process of kefir manufacturing easier, provides its consistent rheological characteristics. This fact is important for both producers and consumers. In order to occupy strong position in the market a producer has to supply an individual, recognizable product of consistent quality
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):40-42
pages 40-42 views

Systematization of the standard methods for determination of inhibiting substances and antibiotics in milk and milk products.

Geraymovich O., Malinina Z., Geraimovich O., Malinina Z.


One of the points of the development process of the methods for measuring is their suitability for application in practice for production control. Recent progress of the receptor methods has reached the level allowing their usage for antibiotics control in milk and milk products.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Testo Saveris TM -an efficient solution for microclimate control in the dairy sector

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The company Testo Rus (Russian affiliation of the German company Testo AG - a world leader in production of portable measuring devices) is launching in the market a novelty - unique new development - system for collecting and transmission of temperature and moisture data Testo Saveris TM. This invention will become an ideal assistant for making continuous control of the surroundings in food production, at storage, in supermarkets and in other activities where climate control has a leading role. In Europe Testo Saveris is widely applied in milk processing as far as it is well known that milk products storage requires strict keeping of temperature and moisture levels.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Hydro-optical water decontamination

Luk'yanov A., Loseva E., Luik'yanov A., Loseva E.


Traditionally for receiving water with high microbiological characteristics milk processing plants apply pasteurization. The technology is the most reliable and efficient one but at the same time energy intensive and expensive. In this relation much effort are made for working out technology as efficient as pasteurization but consuming less energy and requiring lower costs. The task was successfully solved by the Israel company Atlantium Technologies in 2005. This is the technology of hydro-optical decontamination. The technology is based in ultra-violet irradiation. Advanced technologies and principles of fibre optics are used for removal of the principle drawbacks of traditional ways of water disinfection.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Application of pectin at milk-juice drinks manufacturing

Beregova I., Beregova I.


Pectin is applied in the technology of milk-juice drinks as a protective hydrocolloid providing possibility to mix milk basis and acid agent with following heating. The recommended minimal dose of pectin that gives stability for the complete shelf life depends on the type and quantity of milk basis. Increasing of the dose improves viscosity and organoleptic indices and gives body. Milk based drinks after acid or juice addition form protein particles of different sizes. As a rule the particle are too large to be stabilized. Introduction of the pectin AP (Andre Pectin) in milk before acid agent promotes the system stability and prevents sedimentation.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Reliable partners-beneficial cooperation

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The company EFCO manufactures a large variety of high quality specialized fats for the dairy sector. Trying to fulfill desire of its partners the company is carrying out work aimed at developing milk fat replacers with predetermined properties that completely satisfy consumers demand. Specialists of the company EFCO have developed high quality fat for spreads manufacturing for its reliable and constant consumer butter making plant Tul'chinka.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):58-59
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Improvement of quality and keepability of functional products.

Gavrilova N., Pas'ko O., Khitrik S., Gavrilova N., Pas'ko O., Hitrik S.


An important problem of food products manufacturing is achievement of high quality and safety. Research work has been directed towards actual social problem solution-formation of the healthy nutrition structure, improvement and supporting of the immune status of the RF population at the innovative level. As a result new technologies for fermented milk and milk containing products with extended shelf life, high nutritive and biological values have been developed.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):60-61
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Alterations of the fat component in milk containing drink at storage.

Golubeva L., Dolmatova O., Krysan O., Samoylova M., Golubeva L., Dolmatova O., Samoilova M.


Changes of the drink quality related with fat fraction state have been studied. For solving the problem research work was carried out using a control sample -a drink containing palm oil. Similar study was done with cream-and-vegetable product. It was found that milk containing drink Acidophilous is a full value one by its fat acids composition because it contains 40.4% of unsaturated and 59.6% of saturated fat acids. The content of polyunsaturated linoleic acid in the drink is 9.5%. The new product possesses high biological efficiency. This is the index of its fat components reflecting content of polyunsaturated fat acids referring to essential nutrition factors as well as it corresponds to the formula of hypothetically ideal fat.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):62-62
pages 62-62 views

From the secondary product to valuable one. Whey processing by membrane filtration

Bou-Khabib D., Tal'khammer V., Bou-Habib G., Talhammer V.


Whey is a great ecological problem for the dairy industry due to high biological demand of oxygen needed for its utilization. In its initial form as a result of small concentration of its constituents whey has no value, but whey components can be applied as food supplements, in feeds as well as an industrial raw material for other sectors. Whey constituents can be concentrated and fractionated by membrane technology. As a result wastes are transformed in a valuable product for market.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Improvement of the lactose crystallization process

Fisenko D., Evdokimov I., Lodygin A., Fisenko D., Evdokimov I., Lodygin A.


Process diagram and operator model of the technological system of lactulose concentrate production were developed on the basis of research work. The technology was monitored with application of the HACCP principles. Critical control points of the technological process were determined providing safety and quality of the finished product. Results of the investigations were used for working out technical documentation for lactulose concentrate manufacturing CTO 02067965-003-2009 and technical conditions of the Belarus Republic TY BY 100377914.512-2008.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):67-67
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Once more about lactulose

Nasledova L., Nasledova L.


About 20 kinds of technical documentation for high quality fermented milk functional products of the line For health have been developed by the GU YaGILMCPP since 2000 till 2006. The products are enriched with lactulose and correspond to the latest requirements submitted to this type of products. In the process of documents preparation specialists of the Rospotrebnadzor department in the Yaroslavl region took an active part.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):68-69
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Useful seminar for the specialists

Bykovskaya G., Bykovskaya G.


Participants of the scientific-practical seminar Modern technologies, equipment and ingredients for curds and curds products manufacturing had opportunity to learn how to improve curds production and what novelties are offered in this area. The event was organized by the Educational Scientific and Technical Center of the Dairy Industry on 20-23 July in Saint Petersburg. The sponsor of the seminar was the company ECOKOM-DONIDO. About 30 managers and specialists from the enterprises of the North-West and other regions of the country and from Tadjikistan took part in the event.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):70-72
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Organization of students nutrition needs governmental support

Bykovskaya G., Bykovskaya G.


The round table devoted to the subject Organization of students nutrition under conditions of implementation of anticrisis program of the RF Government took place in the Gosudarstvennya Duma. The meeting was initiated by the Coordination Council of the presidium of the Council of Rectors of Moscow and Moscow region and by the Department of consuming market of the Moscow Government on students nutrition at the support of the fraction Edinaya Rossiya, committees of the Gosudarstvennaya Duma on agriculture and education. Representatives of various relevant structures and bodies took part in the discussions. The aim of the meeting was to give objective evaluation of the situation with students nutrition and to prepare recommendations for its improvement.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):74-76
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How social problems are solved in Nizhnii Novgorod

Malysheva I., Malysheva I.


The municipal enterprise Edinyi Tsentr Munitsipal'nogo Zakaza has been working on the territory of Nizhnii Novgorod for more than 6 years. The purpose of its activity is regular supply of high quality food products to the closed social sphere of the town and organization of schoolchildren nutrition. At present the Center supply products to 239 schools, 325 kindergardens and more than 80 hospitals in Nizhnii Novgorod and the region. The quality of work has been highly appreciated at the All-Russia competitions, and in 2007 the international certificate GOST R ISO 9001-2001 was received. The Center is an active participant of the regional programs Buy Nizhegorodskoe and About improvement of quality and safety of food products sold in the Nizhnii Novgorod region. In the frames of the program the Center supplies only quality, certified foods that do not contain artificial components and GMO.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):77-77
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Healthy nutrition for schoolchildren

Tikhomirova N., Tihomirova N.


Health care and life prolongation are related with healthy nutrition. This is especially important as far as children and teenagers are concerned. Nutrition of young children is actually solved due to participation of parents, local and federal bodies. Nutrition of schoolchildren and students requires solution. Social-economical importance of the anticrisis state program is connected with urgent problem of improving health of young generation that can be done also by improving nutrition of children and teenagers.
Dairy industry. 2009;(9):78-80
pages 78-80 views

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