
Items of governmental control (supervision) of the milk products turnover
Abrosimova S.
The normative documentation in the fieldof food products safety
Onishchenko G., Kauts E.
Performance record
Problems of compatability of the requirements of the national legislation and normative basis of the Customs Union
Krikun T., Krikun T.
To the items of actualization of the normative and technical documentation on milk, milk composite and milk containing canned products
Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Chervetsov V., Turovskaya S., Illarionova E.
Problems of compatability of the requirements of the national legislation and normative basis of the Customs Union
Krikun T., Krikun T.
Organoleptic analysis of milk products: normative documents
Tetereva L.
Problems of compatability of the requirements of the national legislation and normative basis of the Customs Union
KRIKUN T., Krikun T.
Maintenance of the dairy farms equipment. Structure and number of personnel in the technical services
Kovalev L., Kovalev I.
Food safety of Russia
Anan'eva N., Anan'eva N.
Organization of the dairy animal breeding: normative and legislative regulation and its improvement
Safina G.
Domestic normative basis for food supplements is widening
Kulev D., Kovaleva L., Kulev D., Kovaleva L.
Normative and legal regulation of transporting goods that should be controlled by veterinary service at transporting milk and milk products on the territory of the Customs Union
Kuzin V.
Organization of the microbiological control of water
Sviridenko G., Zakharova M., Sviridenko G., Zaharova M.
Recording policy of an enterprise in 2018
Lesnykh O.
The Customs Union: formation of the normative basis
Methods for controlling milk and products of milk processing
Yurova E., Yurova E.
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