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No 3 (2011)


Development of the raw materials basis - a key factor for productivity growth in the dairy sector of Russia

Kolonchin K.V., Kolonchin K.V.


Results of the dairy sector activity in 2010 are analyzed in the article
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):6-10
pages 6-10 views

Republic of Bashkortostan

Kovalenko N.A., Kovalenko N.A.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):11-12
pages 11-12 views

The Kirov region

Kotlyachkov A.A., Kotlyachkov A.A.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):13-14
pages 13-14 views
pages 15- views

The Kostroma region

Gorokhova L.A., Gorohova L.A.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):16-17
pages 16-17 views

The Nizhnii Novgorod region

Morozov A.I., Morozov A.I.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):17-20
pages 17-20 views

The Omsk region

Kurzanov A.A., Kurzanov A.A.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):21-22
pages 21-22 views

The Saratov region

Igon'kin A.V., Igon'kin A.V.


Situation in the milk production and processing in regions is discussed. Preliminary results of the activity in 2010 are given.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):23-25
pages 23-25 views

Domestic dairy market and formation of prices for raw milk: situation and prospects

Labinov V.V., Union V.V.


The Director Executive of the Russian Dairy Union V.V. Labinov analyses situation with prices formation in the raw milk market in 2010 and gives forecast for its developments in 2011
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Reserves for increasing sales-2011

Sorokina T.I., Sorokina T.I.


Ways to increase products sales in the conditions of strengthening competition in the dairy market are considered.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):28-29
pages 28-29 views

Bezrabotitsa i inflyatsiya ne dobavlyayut uverennosti

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В 4-м квартале 2010 г. индекс потребительского доверия снизился в 24 из 52 стран мира, по мере того как к концу года растаяли надежды потребителей на скорое восстановление национальных экономик. Безработица, неясные перспекти вы на рынке труда, растущие цены на продукты питания и коммунальные расходы не дают потребителям расслабиться. Таковы результаты исследования Nielsen, в ходе которого изучались уровень потребительского доверия, основные причины беспокойства и намерения потребителей, связанные с приобретением товаров и услуг*. Настроения глобальных потребителей в конце 2010 г. были более пессимистичными, чем в начале года. Темпы восстановления экономик и финансовая стабильность вызывают опасения, и текущие показатели в целом ряде стран далеки от позитива. И похоже, что затяжная рецессия становится новой нормой
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):30-
pages 30- views

Problems of compatability of the requirements of the national legislation and normative basis of the Customs Union

Krikun T.I., Krikun T.I.


Current work with various documents of the normative basis of the Customs Union is being commented
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):33-34
pages 33-34 views

Development of technical documentation on the products excluded from the Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products

Makeeva I.A., Genova D.E., Malinina Z.Y., Makeeva I.A., Genova D.E., Malinina Z.Y.


Possibilities to develop and draw up technical documents on the products that have not been included in the Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products are shown and explained
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):35-36
pages 35-36 views

New step in the automation of milk processing

Kosmin A., Kosmin A.


A new concept of development and launching of management systems at milk processing enterprises has been considered. Special program instrument that allows to model real behavior of the systems for process managing is offered
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):39-40
pages 39-40 views

Innovative solutions of the company «Protemol» in equipment andtechnology

Gushcha Y.M., Guscha Y.M.


The company «Protemol» presents energy efficient equipment as well as new technologies for milk selling
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):41-42
pages 41-42 views

Production of milk with extended shelf life (ESL).Technological solutions

Shvermann S., Shventsov U., Schwermann S., Schwentsov U.


Schemes for producing milk of the extended shelf life (ESL) with application of pasteurization and microfiltration processes have been considered
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):43-45
pages 43-45 views

Compact and easy in operation: a new range of machines from the company OYSTAR Hassia

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OYSTAR Hassia offers a new machine THL 24/28 for formation, filling and covering cups of various shapes and sizes
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):46-
pages 46- views

To fill milk? To package curds? It's easily done with the equipment Tauras-Fenix!

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The company offers a wide range of equipment for filling and packaging of milk products
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):49-
pages 49- views

Rumyantseva M.N. Upgrading at the plant «Bishkeksut»

Rumyantseva M.N.


The article tells about results of the radical reconstruction of the dairy plant that was carried out by the company BMJ Processing
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Complex solutions from the Russkaya Trapeza

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Complex solutions starting from the PET tare blowing and ending with the group packaging of the finish product offered by the company Russkaya Trapeza are based on the equipment of the leading Eastern-European producers PakPromet and Carbo Concept. Similar equipment successfully operates in the East and West European markets and complies with the highest existing requirements to filling milk products in the PET tare
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):52-
pages 52- views

V pomoshch' mikrobiologu

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Dairy industry. 2011;(3):54-
pages 54- views

Actual solution in the field of microbiological control

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The analyzer «BakTrak 4300» is intended for microbiological control of raw milk and finish products and allows to determine quantity of the mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, lactic acid bacteria content, coli bacteria etc
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):55-
pages 55- views

Starter cultures and functional systems for fermented products

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The Danisco company offers highly efficient starter cultures including those containing exopolysacchrides synthetizing microorganisms for yogurts and other fermented milk products manufacturing and functional systems that increase viscosity and reduce finish products syneresis
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):56-
pages 56- views

Stranichka tekhnologa

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Dairy industry. 2011;(3):58-
pages 58- views

Quality of the stabilizing systems

Belov V.V., Belov V.V.


The article tells about the measures providing control of the stabilizing systems quality
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):60-
pages 60- views

Ingredients of the company Chr. Hansen - optimal expenses and guarantees of your cheese quality

Sokolova O.M., Sokolova O.M.


Brief characteristic of starter cultures and milk clotting enzymes applied in manufacturing of wide range of cheeses is given
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):62-63
pages 62-63 views

«Milk products-our friends in life»

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Principle offers of the French companies united in the association Adepta concerning technical provision of milk and milk products production are discussed
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):64-65
pages 64-65 views
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New era: milk fat replacers in compliance with the State Standard (GOST)

Zaytseva L.V., Zaitseva L.V.


The article tells about beginning of the production of milk fat replacers that correspond to the GOST 53796-2010. Physical-chemical characteristics of the products manufactured by the corporation SOYUZ are given
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):68-69
pages 68-69 views

Application of phytosterols in fat and oil products

Ipatova L.G., Kochetkova A.A., Ipatova L.G., Kochetkova A.A.


Possibility to apply cholesterol analogues of the vegetative origin in fat products including such milk products as spreads, yogurts etc. has been studied. The applications allow reduce risk of disease caused by cholesterol levels increase. The above supplements give functional properties to food products
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):70-71
pages 70-71 views

Stability of the non-milk fats emulsions

Grunskaya V.A., Korzyuk Y.V., Grunskaya V.A., Korzyuk Y.V.


Effects of the skim milk powders quality on stability of non-milk fats emulsions at manufacturing products that contain milk have been considered
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):72-
pages 72- views

Enriched curds

Ponomarev A.N., Merzlikina A.A., Golubeva L.V., Ponomarev A.N., Merzlikina A.A., Golubeva L.V.


The technology for receiving curds fortified with food fibers and antioxidants has been developed
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):73-
pages 73- views

Sanitarian-hygienic treatment at the smoked cheeses manufacturing

Migunova O., Migunova O.


The company offers cleaning agents intended for cleaning equipment used for smoked cheeses production. The preparations remove complicated contaminations with soot, resin and tar as well as protein, fat and mineral deposits
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):74-
pages 74- views

Pamyati professora M.S.Umanskogo

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Dairy industry. 2011;(3):76-
pages 76- views

Present day knowledge about casein micelles structure

El'chaninov V.V., El'chaninov V.V.


This is a review of publications related with the structure of casein micelles of milk. Different structure models of the micelles are briefly characterized. Physical-chemical characteristics of as1- as2-, β- и к-caseins important for understanding mechanism of self-association of casein micelles are given. Principle issues of the poly-condensation model of casein micelles structure are discussed. Mechanisms of self-assembling, growth termination and support of the structure entireness of casein micelles have been considered
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):77-78
pages 77-78 views

Impacts of enzymes on rheological characteristics of fermented milk products

Zobkova Z.S., Zenina D.V., Trubnikova O.A., Zobkova Z.S., Zenina D.V., Trubnikova O.A.


Transglutaminase is an enzyme of microbiological origin. Its application allows improve rheological characteristics of milk products. Efficient viscosity of sour milk increased by 7,5 Pas and curds yield - by 10-15 %.
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):79-
pages 79- views

How often you are getting problems with floors repairing in yourproduction site?

Kurchikova V.S., Kurchikova V.S.


The company KB supplies modern polymer floor coatings for the food sector
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):80-
pages 80- views

Prevention of milk powder losses at storage in a bunker

Burlev M.Y., Burlev M.Y.


The scheme of spray drying has been developed allowing prevent milk powder losses due to the back pneumatic pipe line from the installed bunker cyclones to the main cyclone
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):82-
pages 82- views

Cooling of the concentrated milks and milk containing canned products with sugar

Gnezdilova A.I., Vinogradova Y.V., Chervetsov V.V., Gnezdilova A.I., Vinogradova Y.V., Chervetsov V.V.


Two-stage regime for cooling concentrated milk and milk containing canned products with sugar has been developed. At the first stage cooling is carried out with the rate of 12-15 °C/min, and at the second one the product is cooled to 20±2 °C with the rate of 0,7-1 °C/min. It results in considerable reduction of lactose crystals size and improvement of the finished product quality
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):83-
pages 83- views

Determination of the skim milk powderkeepability

Dubova E.A., Buylova L.A., Kuznetsov V.B., Dubova E.A., Builova L.A., Kuznetsov V.B.


The mathematical model for determining shelf life of skim milk powder at the temperature 4±2 °C and relative humidity of air not more than 85 % based on maximum indices of organoleptic evaluation, moisture content, water activity and nitrogen index of non-denatured whey protein has been offered
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):84-
pages 84- views

«The Dairy Master-2010»

Dvinskiy B.M., Dvinskii B.M.


The article tells about new competition organized by the company that offers module milk plants
Dairy industry. 2011;(3):85-
pages 85- views

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