Vol XXIX, No 3-4 (1997)

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Neurovisualization and electroencephalographic criteria for diagnosis of ischemic lesions of brain

Burtsev E.M., Lyamina N.V., Nagorny N.S., Burtsev M.E., Zhdanov А.V.


The results of computer-tomographic (CT), magnetic-resonance (MR) and electroencephalographic (EEG) studies are given, performed in 104 patients with cerebral ischemia, diagnosis of which caused significant difficulties. Verification of hemispheric ischemic insult with the help of CT and MR during the first three days is possible only in case of squeezing and displacement of the ventricular system and developing of acute hydrocephalus. The most reliable CT and MR data can be revealed on the 7—11-th day of sickness. Insults of the trunk are diagnosed (more reliably by MR) in one third of patients. Method of standard EEG retains its significance when diagnosing small brain infarcts of cortical or subcortical localization. The method of topographic mapping of EEG is more informative and allows to diagnose brain infarct, as well as to observe its dynamics in 4/5 of patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):5-8
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Age in the system of pathokinetic factors of insult

Vilensky B.S., Grinevich Т.V., Semjonova G.M., Semjonova I.V., Smirnova Е.D.


Pathokinesis of ischemic and hemorrhagic insult, of subarachnoid hemorrhage has been analyzed on the basis of data of 211 patients and analysis of 282 autopsy protocols for people, dying from the same forms of acute lesion of cerebral circulation. It was stated that the age itself does not determine the course and outcome of insult, being only the background for revealing other, not less important factors: sex, type, severity and insult complications, degree of homeostatic disorganization. At different ages compensatory reserves of the body are being realized not synonymously, resulting in the determination of social-and-life-rehabilitation level.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):9-12
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Alterations in nervous system and hormone-metabolic disturbances in paresthesias and pain syndromes of oral cavity

Grechko V.Е., Kushlinsky N.Е., Savushkin А.N.


Clinical examination of 102 patients including, besides objective neurological examination, determination of functional state of vegetative nervous system, electroencephalography, reoencephalography, stomatologic examination, stomatoscopy, measurement of microcurrent in oral cavity, was carried out. Biochemical investigation involved determination of the total content of testosteron, biologically active free forms of it, concentration of B-endorphine, series E prostaglandines. In 81,3% of patients in vegetative security sympatho-tonic, in 7,8% — vagotonic and in 10,7% — mixed responses were dominant. Change in electroencephalograms and reoencephalograms of the examined patients differed in their dependence on vegetative state. Findings of stomatological examination and stomatoscopy allowed to estimate objectively local changes in oral cavity. The obtained results evidently show the dependence of suprasegmental structures of brain, and of the pituitary body—adrenal gland system as well.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):12-15
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Disturbances of cerebral circulation in primary antiphospholipide syndrome and sneddon’s syndrome

Kalashnikova L.A.


66 patients with Sneddon’s syndrome and 29 patients with primary antiphospholipide syndrome has been examinated. Clinical picture of Sneddon’s syndrome was characterized by combination of cerebrovascular disturbances (ischemic disturbance of cerebral circulation, primary disturbance of cerebral circulation) with skin change in the form of livedo. In some patients there were thromboses of peripheric veins, ischemic heart disease, spontaneous abortions or intrauterine fetus death in women, thrombocytopenia. In 64% of patients with Sneddon’s syndrome there were revealed antibodies to phospholipids — cardiolipin and/or lupus anticoagulant, and this indicates that these cases belong to primary antiphospholipide syndrome. Clinical manifestations in 29 patients with primary antiphospholipide syndrome were similar to those in Sneddon’s syndrome except for the absence of livedo.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):15-17
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Dynamic study of autoantibodies to glutamate receptors of NMDA-type in blood of patients with acute ischemic and hemorrhagic insult

Skoromets A.A., Ilyukhina А.Y., Dambinova S.А.


Results of dynamic study of level of antibodies to NMDA- receptors in blood serum of patients at different moments of acute period of disturbance of cerebral circulation of ischemic and hemorrhagic tipe are generalized in the given work. A total of 48 patients of 32—66 years of age with acute disturbance of cerebral circulation, 29 of which — with acute cerebral ischemic and 19 — with acute hemorrhage has been examined. The trends has been identified in changes of the level of antibodies to receptors at different phases of acute period of ischemic insult and acute cerebral hemorrhage. The results can be used for diagnosis and prognosis of the course of different types of acute disturbance of cerebral circulation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):18-20
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Disturbance of sleep structure and vegetative regulation during sleep in patients with insult

Levin Y.I., Wein А.М., Gasanov R.L., Gitlevlch Т.R., Lesnyak V.N.


Peculiarities of night sleep structure and vegetative regulation during sleep in 30 patients with ischemic insult of different localization using clinical, polysomnographic (including vegetative quotient) and psychological methods arestudied. It is shown that structure of night sleep in patiens is considerably changed and this is manifested in lengthening of falling asleep, possibilities of supporting the necessarydurability of sleeping stages and phases. The most significant changes occured in heart rate and arterial pressure, reffecting function of cardiovascular system. The most sharply defined disturbance of sleep structure and vegetative regulation duringsleeping in ischemic insult are correlated with right hemispherical and medial sites of the injury foci. High heartrate and arterial pressure in sleeping (espesially in fast sleep phase), their variability and lowering from the first to the third cycle are prognostically unfavorable.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):21-24
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Electromyographic diagnosis оf the severity of the course and prognosing of bell’s palsy outcome

Sergeyev V.V., Yudelson Y.В.


Electromyographical examination of 103 patients with Bell’s palsy in acute and recovering periods of disease has been carried out. A number of functioning motor units, silence period, sinergy coefficients in mimic muscles have been studied. A significant decrease of index of a number of functioning motor units, correlating to severity of facial nerve injury, decrease of the durability of absolute phase of silence period, disturbance of coordinational correlation of mimic muscles are revealed. Significance of revealing prolonged decrease of durability of absolute phase of silence period and increase of sinergy coefficients for prediction of possibility of development of secondary contracture of mimic muscles is presented.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):24-26
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Lipide exchange disturbance in migraine patients

Starikova N.L.


State of lipide exchange in migraine, being one of the main reasons of insults at young age is not yet studied. When studying 40 patients with migraine of 19—50 years of age statistically valid aterogenic shifts of lipide spectrum of blood serum independent of clinical peculiarities of the disease, but proportionally increasing with the increase of the level of situational anxiety in patients (according to information from Spilberger’s directory) have been revealed. It is suggested that lipide spectrum changes can be the component of complex genetically determinated and acquired functional changes of limbico-reticular complex structures and of humoral-endocrine homeostasis and play role in pathogen migraine, and besides they can be considered as a factor of raising the possibility of migraine brain infarction.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):26-29
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Issues of classification of nervous system pathology in secondary allergic vasculitis

Gerasimova М.М.


Classification of pathology of nervous system in secondary allergic vasculitis has been developed. Occupational pathology induced by the exposure to antibiotics which, as it is known, are potent allergens, served as a model for studying it. Diffuse, cerebral and peripheric forms of nervous system lesion have been distinguished. Diffuse form is manifested by meningoencephalomyelopolyradiculoneuropathy and its varieties, cerebral one — by cerebral vasculitis mainly with focal multiple microsymptomatics, hypothalamic syndrome, psychopathological symptomatology and initial symptoms of brain blood supply deficiency, peripheric one — by polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy caused by injury of peripheral vessels.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):29-32
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Usage of neurospecific peptide substance “semax” in acute period of ischemic insult

Gusev Е.I., Skvortsova V.I., Zhuravleva Е.J., Vanichkin А.V.


In 30 patients being in acute period of hemispheric ischemic insult, investigation of medicinal substance “Semax” (synthetic analogue ACTH 4-10) was performed. Control group was made up of 80 patients with analogous in severty and localization of ischemic insult lesions, who received only unified therapy; the comparison group was made up of patients, receiving cerebrolysin and cronassial. 3 clinical scales of evaluation in points were used, as well as neurophysiologic control, uncluding EEG with toposelective Cartogram EEG, repeated investigation of somatosensoric induced potentials of brain with their charting. It was established that inclusion of Semax into intensive therapy complex for acute hemispheric ischemic insult reliably enfluences the rates of disturbed neurologic functions restoration, speeding regress of brain and focal disorders, especially motor disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):32-38
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Peculiarities of cerebral hemodynamics in patients with early manifestation of insufficient cerebral blood supply

Mikhailenko A.A., Odinak М.М., Voznjuk I.А.


By methods of extra- and transcranial dopplerography, reoencephalography evaluation of correspodence of brain hemoperfusion and reserves of autoregulation during rest and functional tests in patients was carried out with early manifestations of insufficient blood supply of brain. For this purpose 114 patients with such disease and 70 healthy people were examined. The most diagnostic significance for revealing disorders of cerebral hemodynamics in people with early manifestations of ischemic lesion of brain, have alterations of values of linear blood flow speed, range of cerebrovascular reactivity, values of circulation resistance. They indicate adequacy of hemoperfusion, presence of stenosis and intracerebral overdistribution of circulating blood. Pathogenetic variants of insufficient cerebral blood supply are shown in the verterbrobasilar basin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):39-42
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Peculiarities of day dynamics of transient and stable ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation

Martynov М.J.


Peculiarities of day dynamics of transient and stable ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation were studied in 186 patients. Influence of time after arousal, peculiarities of pathogenesis, sex and age on circadian pattern of acute disorders of cerebral circulation were studied. It was noticed prevailing of transient and stable disorders of cerebral circulation of all variants of pathogenesis in the morning hours in men and women of all ages, except for the age group of 80 years old and older. The causes of such peculiarities of circadian dynamics were discussed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):42-46
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Functional reserves of cerebral circulation in patients with arterial hypertension and cerebrovascular insufficiency

Morozova О.A., Kuzmin I.K.


765 patients with different forms of arterial hypertension, having cerebrovascular insufficiency, were examined. Correlations of parameters of cerebral and system hemodynamics, microcirculation and functional state of the central nervous system under conditions of controlled physical exercise were studied. The prognostic significance of the early objectivization of initial manifestations of cerebral circulation insufficiency before development of arterial hypertension in preclinical and early clinical stages of brain vascular diseases and the possibil ity of de term in ing functional reserves of cerebral neurodynamics and hemodynamics were shown.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):46-51
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To the issue of origin of objective symptomatology in patients with preencephalopathic cerebral discirculation

Pankov D.D.


Criteria for diagnosis of patients with preencephalopathic cerebral discirculation are offered. They may be constitutional features, neurological microsymptoms. Certain stigmas may be used for diagnosis of preencephalopathic cerebral discirculation, carrying out therapy and preventive measures.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):51-54
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New ways of immunodiagnosis in neurology

Bykova A.A., Volodina Е.V., Olkhovskaya Е.F., Shutov А.А.


On the basis of immunological study of 65 patients with multiple sclerosis and 37 patients with myastenia the laboratory ways were offered for diagnosis of these diseases. For immunodiagnosis of multiple sclerosis a peroral rezerpine test was performed, based on the patients’ blood deficiency of serotonin and absence of immune system reaction on introducing agents, altering the balance of this mediator. For diagnosis of myasthenia acetylcholine test and immune variant of neostigmine methylsulfate test are offered, which are based on registration of altering of balance of endogenous acetylcholine in the patients’ blood under the enfluence of introducing neostigmine methylsulfate.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):54-57
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Psychological and somatic factors of progression of initial forms of vascular brain lesions in patients with arterial hypertension

Grigoryeva V.N., Gustov А.V., Kotova О.V.


Comparative analysis of the results of clinical psychological, functional and biochemical examination of hypertensive disease patients with initial forms of brain blood supply insufficiency and with hypertensive disease without clinical manifestations of vascular brain deficiency has been carried out. A reliable change of findings under discussion in patients of the 1st group has been determined. It was assumed that in hypertensive disease pathologic system is forming, which you must take into account in curing and prophylaxis of the initial manifestation of vascular brain deficiency in patients of the given group.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):54-60
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Classification of birth traumas of spine and spinal cord

Sholomov I.I.


Working classification of birth traumas of spine and spinal cord has been worked up, which corresponds to conventional international classification of spinal and spinal cord traumas. It allows to make the diagnosis easier and to carryout purposeful pathogenic therapy in reasonable time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):54-63
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Electrostimulation, controlled by electromyography in treating postapoplectic hemiparesis

Mokrusch T.


In this work therapeutic results of three groups of patients with postapoplectic spastic hemiparesis of the ischemic origin are given: of the first group (22 people) subject to electrostimulation, controlled by EMG (EMG-ES) in combination with kinesiotheraphy (KT), of the second group (12 people) subject to usual electrostimulation and KT and of the third group, having only KT. Patients of all three groups showed distinct decrease of spasticity, increase of muscle strength and improvement of arbitrary motility more expressed in the first group. Thus, EMG-ES in combination with KT is offered as the most rational rehabilitation method for patients, having had insult even some years ago.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):54-69
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Peculiarities of lipid disorders in blood serum in chronic process of cerebral atherosclerosis

Osetrov B.A., Komissarenko А.A., Salycheva L.V.


In 107 patients with chronic insufficiency of brain circulation of atherosclerotic genesis (of different expressiveness) lipid level of blood serum is determined, cholesterine coefficient of atherogenecity and supposed by the authors coefficient of lipid disorders are calculated. The obtained results have been compared with data of analogous examination of 78 patients, having atherosclerotic stenocardia of tension. Integral evaluation of blood lipid spectrum with regard to its peculiarities allowed to determine that expressiveness of lipid disorders in patients with cerebral atherosclerosis is not reduced, and is even increased in coronary atherosclerosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):69-71
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Forecasting the risk of lesion of cerebral circulation in newborn, whose mothers suffered the threat of abortion

Dyakonova Е.N.


Examination of 120 women and their newborn showed direct dependence of risk of birth of a child with cerebral circulation lesion on a mother’s risk of abortion at early term of pregnancy. Specially developed criteria of forecasting allow to prevent cerebral circulation lesions in children by correcting deviations of homeostasis in women in the third tremester of pregnancy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):72-75
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Influence of video-display terminals (vdt) exposure on mental health of the users

Amirov N.K., Fatkhutdinova L.М.


The article considers a possibility of developing disorders in psychic adaptation of video-display terminals users. Such disorders among the VDT users were more frequent than among people from the control group. It was shown that possibility of such reactions depends on duration of VDT usage. More distinct changes were observed in the group, having been worked with VDT for more than 144 months. People with the less experience of VDT operating (up to 48 hours) are also included in the risk group. Among different professional groupes the largest changes were noticed among programmers, the least — among PC operators.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):75-79
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Cerebral mechanisms in genesis of paroxysmal disorders

Vein A.М., Vorobyeva О.V.


The possibility of existence of nonspecific cerebral mechanisms, providing the development of paroxysmal disorders, has been studied. Nonspecific pattern of bioelectric activity has been revealed, typical of paroxysmal conditions both of epileptic and nonepileptic character and different from indices of normal brain and brain of patients with permanent disorders which allows to discuss the existence of “paroxysmal brain”. The results of the investigations give reason to assert, that change of functional state of brain — insufficiency of activity and disbalance of activation system, which facilitate the persistence of excitation of cortical neurons — is a main risk factor of formation of “paroxysmal brain”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):79-82
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Condition of vegetative regulation in brain concussion in preschool children

Seliverstova G.A., Kalashnikovа Т.Р.


Peculiarities of infringement of the vegetative status in children, suffered concussion of brain are revealed. Disintegration of activity of vegetative systems was displayed by suppression of ergotropic link, causing insufficient vegetative reaction and inadequate vegetative provision of activity. Interrelation of character of vegetative reaction with terms of remote period was observed. Influence of age of the children, character of medical history, degree of clinical compensation was shown.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):82-85
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Rehabilitation system in neurologic motor deficiency with using of curative potential of kinesiotherapy

Isanova V.A., Ismagilov М.F., Dyakonova I.N.


It was developed an optimal and pathogenetically proved system of rehabilitation in neurologic motor deficiency (NMD) in 124 patients with different forms of NMD (results of acute brain circulation disorders, trauma of brain and spinal cord, cerebral paralysis). 35 patients of the control group with the analogous motor pathology were treated by traditionally used method of neurorehabilitation. In the therapeutic programme basic principles of active kinesiotherapy according to H.Kabat and B.Bobath with increasing of their curative effect through stimuli (biologic reverse connection, transcranial magnetic stimulation, conductive therapy). Usage of the offered system of neurorehabilitation resulted in significant improvement of lost motor functions in 29% of cases, in the control group — in 14%.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):85-89
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Neurodynamic model of tissue reparation

Skupchenko V.V., Miljudin Е.S.


A doubtless significance of neurodynamic process in ensuring morphogenesis and, in particular, reparative processes, was a groundwork for creating a neurodynamic model of tissue reparation. According to a new model the obligatory condition of reparative morphogenesis effectiveness is the body generation and subsequent change of neurodynamic patterns. Experimentally, on the example of the skin wound the role of neurodynamic factor in reparative morphogenesis was proved. We managed to reveal reasons, leading to pathologic deviations in development of regenerative process. It was shown that the main role in reparative morphogenesis play generation and change of regulating neurotrophic patterns.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):89-92
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Motor rehabilitation for spinal pathology

Guseva М.E.


One of the urgent and difficult problems of modern vertebral neurology is the treatment of neurological complications in osteochondrosis of the spine. This pathology accounts for 70-80 cases out of 100 temporary or long-term disability among all diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):93-94
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Experience of using apitherapy in elderly patients with discirculatory encephalopathy

Antipenko Е.A., Anisimova L.M., Deryugina А.V., Gustov А.V., Krylov V.N.


Difficulties in treating discirculatory encephalopathy (DE) in the elderly are caused by a combination of degenerative and vascular processes, which mutually burden each other. The development of the disease against the background of natural aging of the body makes it necessary to take into account age-related changes in the reactivity of the body, a decrease in its adaptive capabilities, and a violation of the mechanisms of autoregulation [6]. This whole complex of pathological changes requires a special therapeutic approach that considers the body as a single functional system. It can be assumed that drugs of a non-specific plan will be effective, mobilizing the internal reserves of an aging organism.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):95-97
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Menopausal disorders in women (pathogenesis, prevention and treatment)

Khafizov R.T.


The problem of climacteric disorders is an interdisciplinary problem in the solution of which doctors of various specialties are interested, primarily endocrinologists, gynecologists, neurologists, therapists, cardiologists, traumatologists.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):98-103
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Pathogenetic bases of migraine pharmacotherapy

Kolosovа О.L., Osipova V.В.


Migraine is one of the most common diseases among the various forms of headache. Their frequency reaches 38%. Several main blocks are involved in the pathophysiology of migraine cephalgias: cerebral, the interaction of certain neurotransmitter systems, the state of the trigeminal and vascular systems.

Neurology Bulletin. 1997;XXIX(3-4):103-105
pages 103-105 views

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