卷 19, 编号 2 (2017)



Clinical Trials

Evaluation of effectiveness of inosine glycyl-cysteinyl-glutamate disodium in acute severe poisoning with ethanol

Аntushevich А., Buzanov D., Аntonov V., Аfanasiev V., Tsygan V., Basharin V., Golofeevsky V.


The results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of using inosine glycyl-cysteine-glutamate disodium (Molixan) in acute severe poisoning with ethanol are presented 57 cases of hospitalized patients (males) with I or II stage of alcoholic coma were investigated. Patients in the control group of 27 people received only the basic therapy of acute alcohol poisoning. 30 people from the main group in addition to basic therapy received moliksan drug at a dose of 3 mg/kg intravenously. Laboratory indicators of metabolic acidosis, which developed in patients of both groups, included by significant blood disorders of pH up to 7,24±0,02 and buffer capacity of blood to 6,2±0,15 mmol/l. The signs of hypoxia affiliated to metabolic acidosis: a decrease of partial pressure of oxygen (up to 64,3±5,18 mm Hg) and hemoglobin oxygen saturation (up to 74,4±5,6%), which were on average 1,6 times lower than normal values. The use of molixan promoted an earlier (3 hours instead of 10–12 h in the control) recovery of consciousness in patients poisoned with alcohol. Recovery of consciousness occurred on the background of a decrease in the severity of metabolic acidosis and hypoxia: blood pH in patients of the main group increased to 7,39±0,04; partial pressure of oxygen was 86,7±3,5 mm Hg. The oxygen saturation reached 96,2±3,3%. In general, moliksan is effective in rapid recovery of consciousness in patients in alcoholic coma. Additional inclusion of molixan in the treatment of acute severe intoxication with ethanol is accompanied by faster normalization of the parameters of the acid-base state and the blood gas composition compared to patients receiving only basic therapy.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):7-12
pages 7-12 views

The regenerative specificity of surgical wounds after tonsillectomia with chitosan implementation

Kokorina O., Kasatkin A., Dvoryanchikov V.


It was evaluated the processes of surgical wound in patients undergoing tonsillectomy with surgery of carbon dioxide laser laser. The chitosan application were characterized by significant anti-inflammatory effect, the earlier delimitation of the wound surface and the thicker fibrin layer on the wound surface. So, according to the visual analogue pain scale, the intensity of pain in patients who received a gel with chitosan for a postoperative wound was 24 on the 1st day, 67 on the 2nd day, 68 on the third day, on the 5th day – 45 points, on the 7th day – 4 points, on the 10 th day – 2 points. In patients in the group without chitosan, the intensity of pain was on the 1st day – 30 points, on the second day – 71 points, on the third day – 77,5 points, on the 5th day – 50 points, on the 7th day – 8 points, on the 10th day – 4 points. In general, the use of a gel with chitosan after bilateral tonsillectomy improves the process of tissue regeneration and wound healing. This is reflected in the time of healing and the severity of the pain, and also provides a more comfortable postoperative period and more rapid return patients to normal life. Thus, chitosan using is characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, and wound healing is faster.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Morphological changes in the distal segments of the aorta femoral reconstructions as predictors of late thrombosis

Kok G., Cook B., Fedorov A., Vavilov V., Grebenkina N., Kuryanov P.


Results of studying the effect of histological type of atherosclerotic plaques in the area of vascular anastomoses after reconstructive operations on the main arteries of the lower extremities on the risk of developing late thrombotic complications are presented. It was found that atherosclerotic plaques in patients with no evidence of a hemodynamically significant restenosis in the distal anastomosis identified thickening and overgrowth of fibrous connective tissue, the amount of lipids is minimal or absent, stored elastic fibers and the layers of smooth muscle cells. The extracellular lipids in extensive, but well-defined area in the intima. Macrophages are single and located mainly along the periphery of the lipid core, form clusters of 2–3 cells, there are no lipid inclusions in the cytoplasm. In atherosclerotic plaques of patients with late thrombosis in the distal anastomosis area, a significant uneven thickening and proliferation of fibrous connective tissue was revealed, lipid inclusions are represented by a large nucleus or a group of nuclei. Elastic fibers are replaced by collagen fibers and inclusion of lipids, several sites of calcification are noted. Macrophages form association of 4-5 cells at the periphery of the lipid core and in the coating, where their number is significantly higher; in their cytoplasm the inclusion of lipids are noted. Generally, it was revealed that the histological characteristic of atherosclerotic plaques of VI, VII type (AHA 5 classification [6]) correlated with the high risk of late thrombotic complications in patients operated with peripheral artery disease.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):19-22
pages 19-22 views

The relationship between heliogeophysical factors and the content of nitric oxide in the blood in patients with arterial hypertension with different temperament

Usenko G., Bekmurzov S., Wasendin D., Usenko A., Belkina O., Shakirova N., Zabara V.


The aim of the study was to establish the relationship between annual average values of solar activity (the wolf number, radio flux, and total peripheral vascular resistance, and a content of nitric oxide in the blood of men with different temperament and anxiety hypertension. It is established that with increase of solar activity (the wolf number and the radio emission at a wavelength of 10,7 cm) combined increase of atmospheric pressure, air temperature, and γ background (within the boundaries of the regional norms), the coefficient of oxygen utilization by tissues was changed. All this points indicated the probability of a complex effect on cellular membranes, enzymes and other structures of a cell of healthy and sick organisms, reducing their normal physiological activity, regardless of temperament. Furthermore, with the increase in solar activity, atmospheric pressure, γ is the background and air temperature combined reduction of nitrogen oxide content in the blood of all examined individuals, which was associated with a reduction in total peripheral vascular resistance sympathotonics the choleric and sanguine, but by increasing total peripheral vascular resistance in parasympathotonics phlegmatic and melancholic. There is a direct and close correlation relationship between the peripheral resistance and the content of nitric oxide in the blood of choleric and sanguine and cramped, but the opposite in persons of phlegmatic and melancholic in this case indicates the direction of progress in adaptive mechanisms in the process of adjusting to environmental conditions that determines the need to consider the temperament in the study of solar-biosphere relations.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):23-26
pages 23-26 views

Burns in pregnant women. Medical, ethical and legal aspects of the problem

Sokolov V., Petrachkov S., Stepanenko A., Admakin A., Kabanov P., Yakimov D.


Medical, ethical and legal aspects of burns in pregnant women are considered. It is shown that not a significant number of clinical cases and a small number of scientific publications create certain difficulties for a comprehensive study of various issues of this topic. It is established that the professional training of doctors, especially the initial level of knowledge of young professionals, is the decisive factor in correctly assessing the severity of the condition of the burned woman both at the site of first aid and at her subsequent treatment in the hospital. The need for careful collection of anamnesis and a full-scale examination of all women of reproductive age who seek medical help or who are admitted to inpatient treatment with thermal trauma is emphasized. Significant is the joint work of a team of specialists, whose main role is assigned to combustiologists, obstetricians, and in the presence of extensive lesions of the skin and resuscitators. Possible negative variants of the course of a thermal trauma are given in the event that the victim begins to engage in self-treatment or turn to non-specialized specialists or physicians. Increases the likelihood of developing general and local complications that negatively affect the normal course of pregnancy. The importance of the topic under consideration for representatives of the military medical service is taken into account, taking into account the quartering of military units in remote garrisons or in cases of their involvement in peacekeeping operations or liquidation of the consequences of peacetime.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Arm and forearm island axial flaps for the treatment of IV degree burns in the elbow joint area

Kichemasov S., Skvortsov Y.


Among the burns, the quantity of which in our country is substantially reducing, local burns of IV degree in the elbow area occur very seldom: one case in 2–3 years. The elbow joint has a complex structure; it has a thin soft tissue covering, particularly over the elbow olecranon and epicondyles. Joint exposure and bone damage, especially with conservative treatment, could lead to the development of purulent arthritis and ankylosis. Performing split skin grafting for integument restoration, even with surviving graft, gives poor functional results due to skin and bone adhesion. Using non-free skin plasty allows to save the joint, however this requires a fixed position for several weeks. This article discusses various types of replacements for limited deep defects after burns with bone damage in the elbow joint area, performed on 6 male patients by means of applying island axial flaps from the arm (lateral – 2), forearms (radial – 2; ulnar – 1; back – 1). Patient age: from 30 to 76 years. Burn etiolology: contact – 3, electrical – 2, flame – 1. Defects sizes: minimum 7–4 cm, maximum 13–-10 cm. The operations on integument restoration were performed within 3 to 6 weeks after the burn. In one case 2 weeks immobilisation with an external fixation was required. No arthritis developed. Satisfactory functional results received. No essential infringement of hand blood supply registered.The major drawback of all donor zones, which is particularly important for women, is a visible cosmetic defect as a result of using a free skin graft for donor wound plasty. Non-free skin plasty by temporary pedical flap – a reserve method.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):31-35
pages 31-35 views

Experience of the use of endovideosurgical technologies on ships of Russian navy

Solovyov I., Zakrevsky Y., Surov D., Balura O., Peretechikov A., Egorov S., Ershov E.


Experience and the increasing dynamics of application of endoscopic and endovideo surgical surgeries on surface ships of Navy is considered in the last decade. Introduction of endovideosurgical technologies began to happen also to the practician of ship surgeons to larger intensity in recent years. Modern low-invasive technologies considerably increase the level of rendering the surgical help in the sea, improve quality of treatment, promote bystreyshy recovery of seamen and their return to execution of the official duties. The case of performance of laparoscopic endovideosurgical appendectomy by team of surgeons on the Russian aircraft carrier «Admiral Kuznetsov» is described during a fighting campaign in January, 2017. It is shown that performance of endovideosurgeries is possible in the conditions of the large surface ship. At the same time not only completeness of health service of the ship the necessary endovideosurgical equipment, but also existence onboard the expert owning a technique of laparoscopic interventions remains important aspect. In the conditions of distant campaigns by the ships of Navy at urgent situations it is necessary to expand the volume of endovideosurgeries for improvement of result of treatment of the injured military personnel in the sea. Constant improvement of skills of regular doctors of the ship and the affiliated surgeons from military hospitals is necessary.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Respiratory apparatus diseases in military liquidators after Chernobyl disaster (results of a 30-year survey)

Reznik V., Zagorodnikov G., Legeza V., Kuzmin S.


In this work, there were analyzed the findings of perennial observations of morbidity level and structure for respiratory apparatus diseases in military clean-up workers after Chernobyl disaster. It was established that during the 30-year survey, respiratory apparatus diseases on average took second place among other disease types; in regard to morbidity structure, acute respiratory infections of upper airways ranked first. The highest morbidity level was marked in the first 3–5 years after disaster, that might have been specified by inhalation of aerosolized radionuclides from «hot particles» released by damaged reactor in the first hours or days after disaster. In the first years after Chernobyl disaster, respiratory apparatus diseases occur more often among liquidators on the shady side of forty at the moment of participation in radiation danger works. In this examined category, the level of chronic respiratory apparatus pathology prior arrival to the station was significantly higher than in liquidators of younger age, that might’ve been one of the major factors of lower sensitivity of the latter to «Chernobyl dust» inhalation. In subsequent years, the level of bronchopulmonary morbidity was higher among the younger age bracket, that might be a manifestation of the «accelerated ageing phenomenon», which is specific to Chernobyl cohort. There was no dependence between the level of bronchopulmonary pathology on the one hand, and external radiation dose, total work time and nature of professional activity of liquidators, on the other.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Analysis of the body mass index evaluation and the muscle component content of youth and men of the first mature age belonging to different somatotypes

Pashkova I., Gaivoronsky I., Gaivoronsky I.


Anthropometric examination, analysis of the component composition of the body and somatotyping according to the scheme of V.P. Chtetsov, was performed on 248 young men and men of the first mature age living in the conditions of the European North. It is shown that the majority of the examined have a normal body weight (youth – 75,3%, men – 63,8%). The body weight deficit in young men is more common, and overweight and obesity are more common in men of the first mature age. In both groups of men, the abdominal somatotype prevails. In the second place – muscular type, on the third – thoracic and on the fourth – indefinite. It has been established that young men and men of muscular somatotype have a greater content of muscle mass in the body. 38,1% of men with abdominal somatotype showed an increased body weight. It was established that youth and men of muscular somatotype have a greater content of muscle mass in the body. The absolute content of the muscular component in them is 35,8±0,9 and 36,7±1,6, respectively, and the relative content is 42,2±0,7 and 45,0±1,4 kg (p<0,05). For individuals with an indeterminate somatotype, average values of muscle mass are typical, and for the chest muscle – minimal. Moreover, in men of these somatotypes, the absolute values of muscle mass decreased markedly from adolescence to the first adult age. Thus, in the persons of the chest somatotype they were 28,9±0,6 and 26,9±2,4 kg respectively. It is shown that the environment stimulates the development of certain morpho-functional structures of the body, which provide the best level of adaptation to the conditions of the North. The revealed regional features probably provide the best level of adaptation of the organism to the conditions of the European North, which indicates the formation of a phenotype adapted to living conditions in the northern region.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Psychological adaptation of adults at loss of teeth and elimination of defects of dentitions with use of various designs of dentures

Iordanishvili A., Tsygan V., Volodin A., Muzykin M., Lobeiko V.


Features of psychological adaptation in the course of dental reabilitation of 106 patients (46 men and 60 women) aged from 45 up to 68 years suffering from loss of teeth are studied. It is established that during the losing of natural teeth and lack of the replacing dentures adults, experience difficulties which according to their self-rating, are caused by dysfunction of a mastication and esthetics of the person because of defects of dentitions, and also the psychological experiences bound to a negative esthetic self-rating of the person in general at loss of teeth. At the persons having comorbid pathology (a syndrome of a dry mouth) into the forefront at a self-rating them the health when losing teeth, along with mastication dysfunction, the large role is played by symptoms, according to the analysis of syndrome of psycho-sensory-anatomy-functional disadaptation, bound to feelings of the patient and their perception. With a favorable period of adaptation to dentures, including in the presence of comorbid pathology in patients, there is a positive dynamics in the value of the integral indicator of the severity of the syndrome, determined using the technique of psycho-sensory-anatomical-functional disadaptation. With difficult adaptation to dentures, due to an increase in the severity of symptoms related to the psychological and sensory clusters, reliable dynamics in the integrated index of the severity of the syndrome of psycho-sensory-anatomical-functional maladaptation, despite a decrease in the severity of symptoms in the anatomical and functional clusters. The conclusion is drawn that rational use in a clinical dentistry of a technique of the analysis of syndrome of psycho-sensory-anatomy-functional disadaptation will give the chance of its correction and will be one of the directions in rising of satisfaction of patients with quality of the dental care.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):49-53
pages 49-53 views

The duration ventricular systole – the myocardial contractility dysfunction and congestive heart failure indicator

Malov Y., Malova A., Izotova A.


It is substantiated that the duration of ventricular systole is a measure of myocardial contractility and heart failure. Heart failure is based on myocardial systole impairment, which can be detected by ventricular systole duration/ the deviation of the actual component from the constant K in Bazett formula is systolic function impairment indicator. Actual component indicator is close to constant K at healthy people. Percent of deviations is equal to 1,3±0,5. Constant K could be used as a control indicator for determining deviation percent from the actual K coefficient. The increase in coefficient K is in direct proportion from heart failure severity. It is not always possible to detect heart contractility abnormalities during the first stages of heart failure. In these cases stress tests are useful. The coefficient K increasing during exertion and detects the heart contractility abnormalities. All patients with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease have impaired heart muscle contractility and signs of congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure is based on the heart muscle disorder.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):54-59
pages 54-59 views

The physiological characteristics of puberty in girls whose mothers experienced a high risk of terrorist threat

Temirkhanova K., Tsikunov S., Apchel V., Pyatibrat E., Pyatibrat A.


The physiological characteristics of sexual development in girls in the Republic of Dagestan mothers, in before pregnancy period experienced a high risk of a terrorist threat were analyzed. It was revealed that in the prepubescent period, in girls, the offspring of mothers emerging from the vital stress concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone in peripheral blood was significantly higher than girls in the control group. Also a characteristic of prepubescent girls whose mothers experienced a vital stress is an early decrease in the activity of the adrenal cortex in the transition from prepuberty to puberty. While menarche in girls 10–12 years old, whose mothers have experienced the vital stress occurred significantly more often than in controls. Anthropometric data, height and body weight, evidence of earlier maturation of girls of the main group up to 12 years. The formation of breast and pubic hair in the prepubertal period in girls of the main group of girls in the control group. So girl’s mother, who survived the vital stress under the influence of high risk of terrorist threat, was characterized by an earlier and at the same time disharmonious puberty. They are characterized by an earlier menarche and delayed the establishment of the rhythm of the menstrual cycle. some changes of rhythm humoral regulation. This is due to lead to distant damage of physiological homeostasis, influence on the implementation of the genotype of the fetus of maternal factors, as suffering a mental trauma associated with life-threatening even in before pregnancy period, causes a disruption of hormonal regulation in pregnancy.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):60-64
pages 60-64 views

The dynamics of the electrophysiological parameters of hands nervous during hormone replacement therapy in patients with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism

Nikischenkova A., Zhulev S., Zhulev N., Halimov Y., Karpenko M., Nikitina M., Shubnaya A., Karabanovich E.


To clarify the pathogenesis of neuropathy in 20 patients with newly diagnosed primary (thyrogenous) hypothyroidism in the background of autoimmune thyroiditis electroneuromyographic study of hand nerves before and after the start of hormone replacement therapy was conducted. At the beginning of the study, all patients were diagnosed with manifest hypothyroidism. The serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone were elevated, and the concentration of free thyroxin was reduced. At the end of the study (after 6 months), the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone and free thyroxine in the blood serum were within reference values, which indicated the effectiveness of treatment of hypothyroidism. During electroneuromyographic examination before treatment in 5 patients were recorded normal levels compared to normative data by age and sex. In 15 recorded the data for violation of the sensory fibers. Data for breach of conduct has not been received by the motor fibers. After 6 months of starting hormone replacement therapy data for violation of the sensory and motor fibers had been received from 14 of 20 patients. 6 noted the positive dynamics of electroneuromyography. The lateralization of the severity of the lesions of the nerve fibers depended on the leading arm. Thus, the decrease in the amplitude of the sensory potential of the median was more pronounced in the right, leading arm. For the ulnar nerve, this dependence of the lateralization of the lesion was not detected.

With this stimulus electroneuromyography been identified primary lesion of nerves and clarify the role of the effect of hormone replacement therapy on the development of neuropathies.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):65-67
pages 65-67 views

Photodynamic therapy of cerebral glioma – long term survival

Rynda A., Olyushin V., Rostovtsev D.



Article describes the survival of patients treated in the Russian Polenov Research Institute for Neurosurgery, who used photodynamic therapy after surgical resection of the tumor. The survival median for patients in subgroup of Grade III glioma with photodynamic therapy was 40,4±7,4months; without photodynamic therapy – 23,4±3,9 months (р <0,01). The survival median for patients in subgroup of Grade IV glioma with photodynamic therapy was 21,3±5,1 months; without photodynamic therapy – 13,7±3,7 months (р<0,01). Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion from the data obtained in this research that, photodynamic therapy can lead to increase in a median of survival at patients with malignant gliomas. The use of photodynamic therapy in the complex treatment of patients with malignant glial tumors increases median survival. The use of intraoperative photodynamic therapy with photoditazin improves the indices of disease-free survival of patients with malignant brain gliomas of supratentorial localization. Photodynamic therapy using photoditazin seems promising for further use and application in the treatment of patients with glial brain tumors.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Availability of dentures and the need for orthopedic dental care for residents of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation

Volodin A., Iordanishvili A., Spesivets A.


The dental examination of 3329 (1760 men and 1569 women) adults aged from 18 up to 102 years living in the cities and rural areas of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation was carried out. Taking into account age (young, average, elderly, senile, long-livers), a floor and the place of residence indicators of security and needs in the dentoprosthetic help are studied, and also the frequency of occurrence of functional pathology of the chewing apparatus is determined. It is established that with age needs in a denture it isn’t dependent on a floor and the place of residence it is enlarged. Among living in rural areas larger needs in the orthopedic dental help during all age periods became perceptible that it is bound to remoteness of the treatment and prevention facilities giving dentoprosthetic help from places accommodation of residents of the village. Security with dentures was higher at residents of the cities. Duration of use of dentures at residents and the village made from 6 months to 15 years. At the same time, at residents of the cities of full-fledged dentures whom they use, more, than at residents of the village. Inferiority of the replacing dental designs was bound to their functional and esthetic inferiority, and also the increased wear or their defects. Dentures on artificial legs were taped only residents in 2,1–6,5% of cases that demands organizational measures for approach of modern methods of after treatment of the chewing apparatus to inhabitants of rural areas. In all age groups, it isn’t dependent on the place of residence, there was a high frequency of functional pathology of the chewing device.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):73-77
pages 73-77 views

Leukocytic reaction as a marker of prepathological shifts in cases of benzene poisoning

Orujev R., Jafarova R.


Benzene is one of the most widespread environmental contaminants, which is able to reduce the body resistance even at low doses. Therefore, certain criteria should be developed that allow to identify the early stages of intoxication. With this objective in view, we studied the changes occurring in peripheral blood elements against the background of intoxication of the experimental animals with low doses of benzene. 36 experimental rabbits, divided into three groups, were used for the study. The rabbits in the first and second group were exposed accordingly to gradually increased and fluctuated concentrations of benzene, whereas the third group was used as the control group. Chronic exposure to benzene continued for 4 months. Determination of peripheral blood total leukocyte, eosinocyte, basocyte, neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts as well as their qualitative characterization (such as cell nucleus shape, existence of cytoplasmic grains and vacuoles and etc.) revealed that the study characteristics of the 1st group exhibit significant changes as compared to the control group. The maximal amplitudes of these changes were observed at the end of the third month. At the same time, left neutrophilic shift of regenerative type was observed, while the lymphocyte count reached the upper normal level. One month after the benzene exposure termination all indicators were normalized and returned to baseline and control levels. In the 2nd group, the total count of leukocytes and eozonocytes significantly increased one month after the beginning of the study. The rabbits within the group developed leukopenia by the end of the study. Not all indicators returned to baseline levels one month after termination of benzene exposure, which reflects the insufficiency of this period for the recovery after such scheme of exposure.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):78-81
pages 78-81 views

Cytogenetic alterations in the conversion facility workers

Sosyukin A., Arzhavkina L., Verveda A., Pimburskiy V., Zhekalov A., Kharchenko T.


Chromosomal aberrations analysis was performed in peripheral blood lymphocytes of the two groups of Siberian Chemical plant employers – sublimation factory staff and the administration. Chromosomal aberrations frequency (7,24±0,048 per 100 cells) in the sublimation factory staff were significantly (р<0,001) increased relative to the administration group (1,29±0,66 per 100 cells) mainly because increasing of single fragments. This type of chromosomal aberrations in staff was 6,4±0,41 per 100 cells vs. 1±0,52 in the administration group (p<0,001). The rates of chromatid and chromosome types of chromosomal aberrations were comprised. The high level of chromosomal aberrations in the sublimation factory staff indicate to mutagenicity of occupational factors of the factory. Low level of chromosome type of chromosomal aberrations indicate an absence of important radiation exposure. Bias of the chromatid type of chromosomal aberrations allows proposing of the leading role of non-radiation factors in the formation of genotoxic effects in the sublimation factory staff. It draws attention to issues of chemical safety of the enterprise. These results suggest the need for regular cytogenetic monitoring at the Siberian Chemical Plant, even under favorable radiological situation.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):82-85
pages 82-85 views

Apoptosis and proliferation of thyrosites as predictors of postoperative outcomes in patients operated on the reason of diffuse toxic goiter

Dora S., Rybakova M., Alekseev D., Krylova Y., Volkova A., Belyakov L., Volkova E.


Currently, according to federal recommendations, patients with diffuse toxic goiter in the absence of remission of the disease performed extirpation of the thyroid gland. The results of the study of the effect of apoptosis and proliferation proteins in thyrocytes (Ki-67, Bcl-2, Bax, Fas-L, caspase-8) on postoperative outcomes in patients operated on for diffuse toxic goiter. A positive correlation was found between the concentration of antibodies to the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor with the preoperative thyroid volume and the level of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein, as well as the inverse relationship with the area of the follicles, which may reflect a slowing of apoptosis and an increase in proliferative activity Thyroid cells. In patients with diffuse toxic goiter with postoperative relapse of thyrotoxicosis, high activity of the Bcl-2 apoptosis suppressor protein and the violation of the Bcl-2/Bax ratio were established. In patients with postoperative thyrotoxicosis, a significantly greater expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein was found, 3,13±0,29%, compared with patients who developed hypothyroidism after surgery of 1,24±0,29% and who maintained euthyroidism – 1,36±0,25%. There was also an inverse correlation between the level of antibodies to thyreperoxidase and anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, as well as the Ki-67 proliferation marker. When carrying out discriminant analysis between groups with postoperative hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, the main variable was the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein and between the groups with postoperative euthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis – the Ki67 proliferation protein. With a Bcl-2 value of more than 2.19 and a proliferation protein of Ki-67 greater than 1,059, the probability of postoperative thyrotoxicosis is 87,5% for each.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):86-91
pages 86-91 views

The effect of pulmonary contusion severity on the traumatic disease course in associated chest trauma

Suprun A., Denisov A., Suprun T., Zhirnova N., Demchenko K.


It was considered the influence of severity of lung injury on the course of traumatic disease in combined trauma of the chest. It is established that the extensive damage to the lung parenchyma make the greatest contribution to the course and the outcome of traumatic disease in combined injuries of the chest with lung injury. Such damage prevent normal gas exchange, leading to disturbances in the system of transport of blood gases and, as a result, hypoxemia, acute respiratory failure of different degree, as well as to the development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. These violations occur in patients with extensive lung injury as early as within acute period of traumatic disease, and in the second and third periods are the most pronounced. This group of patients is characterized by a high incidence of visceral and generalized bronchopulmonary infectious complications, higher mortality. The pulmonary complications and sepsis are the main cause of lethal outcomes in patients with extensive lung injury. At the same time, the course of traumatic disease in its clinical manifestations, the dynamics of the severity of the condition, complications and outcomes in patients with limited lung injury is the same as in patients with Multisystem injuries of the chest without injury of the lungs. Thus, one of the main factors that have influence on the course of traumatic disease, the incidence of visceral and generalized complications, and mortality in patients with closed injury of the chest, is the volume of damaged lung parenchyma (that is, its extent), or the severity of lung injury.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):92-99
pages 92-99 views

Relationship between microbial endotoxemia and functional status in hospitalized patients with acute decompensated heart failure

Vlasov A., Salikova S., Grinevich V., Osipov G., Bystrova O., Shalupkina V., Golovkin N.


Lipopolysaccharide of gram-negative bacteria associated with a more severe course and poor prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure. However, its origin and relation to the functional status of patients remains unclear. Goal. To determine the origin and the severity of endotoxemia, and to establish its correlation with parameters of functional status of patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Materials and methods. Examined 20 in-patients with acute decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction of the left ventricle at the age of 61±1,7 years. With the help of the standard tests in the first 3 days of treatment was assessed the functional status of patients, level and origin of endotoxin was determined using the method of mass spectrometry microbial markers. Results. The total level of endotoxin in the blood were 0,27±0,026 nmol/ml, exceeding the reference values only 10% of patients. The main sources of endotoxemia in the study sample were Prevotella spp. Kingella spp. Helicobacter pylori. Also defined components of endotoxin Fusobacterium spp./Haemophilus spp., Campylobacter mucosalis, Alcaligenes spp., Acinetobacter spp. Flavo spp. The identified significant medium-strength connection between the number of Prevotella spp. Kingella spp. level of endotoxin and indicators of functional status: the number of points on the scale of assessment of clinical status and distance test six-minute walk. Revealed a moderate increase in aspartate aminotransferase, also correlated with the level of microbial markers. Conclusion. In patients with acute decompensated heart failure failure in 90% of cases the level of endotoxin is in the range of normal values, thus there is a relationship of the level of endotoxin in the blood and the number of gram-negative microorganisms in the jejunum intestine with functional status of patients. Further accumulation of facts for a more accurate understanding of the role of the er in heart failure. The use of methods modespecific display may help to explain the diversity of biological effects of endotoxin.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):100-104
pages 100-104 views

Assessment of efficiency of change of inhibitor of angiogenesis at a takhifilaksiya of a neovascular age makulyarny degeneration to systematic antiangiogenic therapy

Kulikov A., Sosnovsky S., Gribanov N., Berezin R., Oskanov D., Ivanova K.


One of possible ways of overcoming a takhifilaksiya to antiangiogenic medicines at patients with a neovascular age makulyar degeneration is medicine change. The short-term assessment of efficiency of change of antiangiogenic medicine in actual practice was a research objective. Two groups of examinees with a neovascular age makulyarny degeneration and indications to the 6 th injection of inhibitor of angiogenesis are created. In the first group (7 patients, 9 eyes) carried out intravitrealny introduction of an aflibercept at an interval of a month, in the second group (8 patients, 8 eyes) – each 2 months. Estimated visual acuity according to tables of Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, thickness of the central retina according to an optical coherent tomography. At patients of the first group in 1 month after the 2 nd intravitrealny introduction of an aflibercept visual acuity significantly hasn’t changed: increase according to tables of ETDRS has made 1±6 signs. Thickness of the central retina opposite has authentically decreased (p<0,05) by 137±223 microns. At patients of the second group in 1 month after the 2nd intravitrealny introduction of an aflibercept of significant changes of visual acuity according to tables of Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study hasn’t occurred (p>0,05). Unlike the first group of reliable reduction of thickness of the central retina it is noted, average decrease has made 24±82 microns (p>0,05). Thus change of medicine for antiangiogenic therapy doesn’t give increase in visual functions. At the same time, monthly introduction of an aflibercept leads to significant decrease in thickness of the central retina and provides significantly the best anatomic result, than introduction at an interval of two months that can affect visual acuity maintenance duration in the long term.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):105-108
pages 105-108 views

Experimental trials

Variant anatomy of the dorsalis pedis arteries and their topographo-anatomical relationships with the bones and joints of the foot

Gayvoronsky I., Rodionov A., Anokhin D., Yanishewsky A.


With 60 lower limbs of adults studied angioarchitectonics of the dorsalis pedis artery and its main branches. We distinguished 3 variants of the dorsalis pedis artery angioarchitectonics – straight, with the medial and lateral bends. Moreover, for each of them can be characterized by specific topographo-anatomical relationships of their branches to the bones and joints of the foot. It was proved that the location of the dorsalis pedis artery trunk influence on the levels of it divergence and the amount of its branches. The morphometrical study shows a wide range of differences between the minimal and maximal values of the internal diameters of both the dorsalis pedis artery and its main branches. The average values of cured inner diameters of arteries were indicated. Grossly visible anastomoses between the branches of the dorsalis pedis artery are normally absent except for the well pronounced anastomosis revealed only between plantar branch of the dorsalis pedis artery and the lateral plantar artery.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):109-114
pages 109-114 views

A decrease of cyclophosphane toxic effect by the combined action with amino acids in the tissue culture of liver

Zhekalov A., Chalisova N.


In organotypic culture investigated the combined effect iproto-like agent cyclophosphamide and the encoded L-amino acids on the development of the processes of proliferation and apoptosis in explants of the liver tissue of Mature rats. Various amino acids, in a concentration of 0.05 ng/ml had either a stimulating or a depressing effect on the cellular proliferation in the growth zone of explants. When introduced into the culture medium of cyclophosphamide at a concentration of 1 mg/ ml was inhibition of cell proliferation due to the development of apoptosis, verified with immunocytochemical detection of enhanced expression of protein p53. Coadministration of cyclophosphamide in conjunction with each of the amino acids led to a significant decrease in the inhibitory effect of cyclophosphamide. Amino acids with charged side radical, acid from glutamic acid and arginine at a major – was able to completely eliminate the inhibitory effect of cyclophosphamide in organotypic tissue culture of rat liver. Amino acids with charged side chains can be considered as the simplest of the regulators and stimulants of physiological functions. We know that of all the physico-chemical properties of amino acids is the hydrophobicity of the side groups are important for their intermolecular interactions. Mechanisms of action of these amino acids, the cells can have universal features, which is consistent with the assumption about the participation of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in these processes. Thus, L amino acids can have a protective effect on the cell proliferation of the liver tissue from the toxic action iproto-like agents.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Prostheses from the decellularized aorta and bioresorbable material in vivo

Alexandrov V., Kriventsov A., Mikhailovа E., Figurkina M., Sokolova M., Yudin V., Popryadukhin P., Khubulava G.


Modern vascular prostheses are prone to thrombosis and infections. Effective anticoagulant antibacterial therapy approaches and the development of other prostheses materials are very relevant today. In this context, prostheses from the decellularized vessel and bioresorbable material, polylactide for example, are of great interest due to the high probability of endogenous endothelization induced by the extracellular protein matrix, followed by the formation of the autogenic matrix of the vessel. Such blood vessels are characterized by atrombogenicity, porosity of the structure, prone to integration with the vascular wall of the recipient, endothelization, matrix and vessel formation. We would like to emphasize that such prostheses are capable of growth and are suitable not only for adults, but also for children with cardiovascular defects. However, our study of these prostheses in the dynamics of the posttransplantation period did not match the expected results: the prosthesis from the decellularized aorta turned out to be unsuitable within the first month after transplantation. The prosthesis from the bioresorbable material didn’t cause complications but conceal the risk of spontaneous insolvency caused by predetermined bioresorption and postponement formation of extracellular matrix. We assumed that the hybrid biosynthetic prosthesis consisting of two layers: the inner one made of a bioresorbable thrombo-resistant material and the outer one – from a decellularized vessel may be the decision. The internal bioresorbable layer will remove the problems of thrombosis, the formation of an aneurysm, and the external layer from the vascular matrix will ensure the migration into the prosthesis of the cells of the precursors of endotheliocytes and myocytes.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):120-125
pages 120-125 views

Adaptation at combined (cold and painful) influence in experiment

Leontev O., Dushenin V., Kuzmin S.


In experiment on rats males of the line Vistar regularities of adaptation are considered at combined (cold – swimming in water at a temperature +7oС with the lead sinker (10% of body weight) attached to a root of a tail and painful – introduction under a plantar aponeurosis of 2% of solution of formalin) influence. It is established that cold influence reduces adaptive abilities of an organism and quicker leads to disadaptation. Painful influence stimulates ability to adaptation, but negatively influences resources of vegetative regulation. Course introduction of a korteksin (10 injections) leads to improvement of indicators of physical working capacity (lengthening of time of swimming), regulation of a warm rhythm and normalization of indicators of stressful reaction. Korteksin, as we know, leads to activation of fermental system of neurons and neurotrophic factors of a brain; optimizes balance of a metabolism of exciting and brake amino acids: glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, gamma аминомасляной acids, improves bioelectric activity of a brain, prevents education of free radicals (products of lipid peroxidation). Besides, such action of a korteksin allows to understand more precisely features of dynamics and formation of processes of adaptation, a readaptation and disadaptation. Thus, use of a korteksin in the conditions of emergency situations can become important help in increase of physical working capacity, endurance and a survival of animals and, apparently, the person.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):126-129
pages 126-129 views

Comparative analysis of heart rate variability of cadets of the higher educational institution of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

Mkrtychyan A., Korolyova S., Petrov D., Yusupov V.


Here we report the results of comparative analysis of the heart rate variability of cadets of the educational institution of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of 1st and 5th courses which entered in 2011 and in 2016. It is established, that all cadets have the prevalence of parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system in modulation of the heart rate. There are no significant differences between main parameters of the heart rate variability in cadets entered in 2011 and in 2016. Thus, the total spectra power of the of heart rate variability was 6854±1708 and 6885±1712 ms2/Hz, the ratios of lowand high-frequency components were 0,6±0,2 and 0,67±0,22 сonventional units, parasympathetic reactivity indexes of the autonomic nervous system (coefficient 30/15) were 1,4±0,07 and 1,5±0,08 сonventional units, respectively. After 5 years of training the graduates of 2016 (entered in 2011) had significantly improved functional state, their functional reserves were increased, and ratios of heart rate variability for professional adaptation had been formed as more effective compared with graduates of 2011 (entered in 2006). The first group has total spectra power as 8115,77±942,44 ms2/Hz, the second group – 3582,37±383,14 ms2/Hz, the ratio of lowand high-frequency components was 0,97±0,14 and 0,80±0,12 сonventional units, respectively. All of this indicates that cadets had a moderate sympathicotonia, which persisted at the level of a stable trend in the performance of the low intensity functional test (active orthostatic test). The ratios of lowand high-frequency components after the active orthostatic test were 5,0±0,75 сonventional units in group of 2016 vs. 3,28±0,59 сonventional units in group of 2011 (р<0,01). The centralization index characterizing the involvement of ergotropic mechanisms of central nervous system in maintaining homeostasis for graduates of 2011 was 3,11±0,63, and for graduates of 2016 – 5,04±0,92 (р<0,1), which showed the formation of steady processes related to professional and hyperadaptational background. The reactivity index of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system (coefficient 30/15) in graduates of 2011 and 2016 was almost the same and equaled 1,40±0,04 and 1,41±0,05 сonventional units, respectively, and therefore did not significantly affect the heart rate variability.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):130-133
pages 130-133 views

Psychophysiological assessment of risk factors for hypertension in men of conscript age

Glazyrina T., Dnov K., Korzunin V., Kuznetsova E., Nazarov S., Ovchinnikov B., Yusupov V., Yatmanov A., Tolstoy O.


208 men of draft age from 18 to 26 years were examined. According to the level of arterial pressure, the subjects were assigned to one of three groups: I - with normal and optimal blood pressure (n=65); II – with arterial hypertension 1 degree (n=63); III – with arterial pressure within the high normal pressure (n=80). In patients with hypertension 1 degree at rest, the displacement of the vegetative balance is determined in the direction of predominance of the sympathetic tone and the predominance of central regulation of the heart rhythm. At them during a stressful loading in comparison with those surveyed with normal indices of arterial pressure, the lower consistency of factors that determine the sense of time perception, lower psychomotor characteristics, lower ability to differentiate psychomotor processes in the central nervous system, lower efficiency is determined. In general, for those suffering from hypertension of 1 degree, low psychophysiological resistance to stress is characteristic. On the basis of discriminant modeling, a highly informative model was developed for determining the presence of risk factors for arterial hypertension (λ-Wilks (0,40493), F (3,124) =40,526 at p=0,0000, predictive power 82,8%). Young men with high-normal pressure and the presence of risk factors after 1,5 years demonstrate a significant (p<0,05) increase in the severity of systolic blood pressure compared with those examined without risk factors, with initially the same indicators.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):134-137
pages 134-137 views

Features of the use of hydrofitnes to maintain the performance of seamen-submariners in an autonomous campaign

Shchegolev V., Ponimasov O., Zyukin A.


A brief description of the specifics of the military professional activities of submariners of the Navy is given. Destructive factors that negatively affect the mental and physical performance of submariners are indicated. The necessity of using the means of on-board dispensary for restoring the disturbed functions of the organism is substantiated. The possibilities of maintaining the physical and professional performance of seamen-submariners in a long campaign by means of water training, which include the use of functional components of the dispensary, based on the methodological principles of physical training. The following principles of hydrofitness are formulated: aerobic orientation, psychological toning simulation, naturalness of movements, breathing exercises, attention orientation, two-way action, water pressure, symmetrical counteraction, alignment. It was revealed that the use of power exercises in the conditions of the swimming pool of the dispensary helps maintain the physical performance of the officer-operators in long-term autonomous navigation at the proper level. The results of study characterizing the differences in the changes in the psychophysiological parameters of the experimental and control groups under test are presented. It is established that under the influence of hydrodynamic exercises, the subjects of experimental group experienced significant positive shifts in the studied psychophysiological parameters. The examined control group revealed regressive dynamics of mental and physical performance.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):138-141
pages 138-141 views

Assessment of mine action shock absorption chair of the crew member of fighting vehicle on compliance to ergonomic requirements

Moiseev Y., Ryzhenkov S., Strakhov A., Yakovlev S.


Effectiveness of protection of crew members of armoured equipment against blasting of antivehicle mine depends not only from antistriking characteristics of the chair, but also from its ergonomic characteristics and from the ability of crew members to use protection means properly. The ergonomic characteristics of mine action shock absorption chair were examined analytically – the chair characteristics were compared with the demands of normative documents and by experimental way – in experiments with subjects. Geometrical characteristics of the developed mine action shock absorption chair for protection of crew members of armoured equipment against blasting of antitransport mine generally conforms to requirements of GOST 2188976 «The person operator’s chair. General ergonomic requirements». Differences from requirements of GOST do not conduct to decrease in its ergonomic characteristics. The design of chair fastened system allows to adjust independently belts of fastened system and quickly be recorded in a chair. In the study with participation of 15 subjects it is established that 30minute stay in a chair in summer and winter equipment does not conduct to serious violations of convenience and does not cause noticeable decrease in health, activity and mood of subjects. Placement in winter equipment is a little more comfortable, than in summer equipment. The greatest inconvenience noted by the subjects is connected with the head restraint design, in insufficient degree providing the head support. So, in spite of several small shortcomings, the model of mine action shock absorption chair showed the acceptable level of ergonomic characteristics and in allows to recommend it for conducting further dynamic tests.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):142-145
pages 142-145 views

Pulmonary contusion in ballistic injuries and peacetime mechanical traumas

Goncharov A., Suprun A., Markevich V., Suvorov V., Suprun T., Golovko K., Petrov A., Tsymbalenko A., Samokhvalov I.


Pulmonary contusion presents the most common, but highly controversial chest injury when diagnosed; however, the data on pulmonary contusion rate found in Russian and foreign literature is rather scarce. Pulmonary contusion rate was stated to be 30,6% among casualties with associated mechanical traumas, and 50,6% for associated chest trauma. In its turn it was 4,3% for ballistic injuries, whereas the rate amounted up to 15,7% for injuries with the leading chest trauma. It should be stressed that chest ballistic injuries accompanied by pulmonary contusion when compared with mechanical traumas were characterized by more massive lung parenchyma damage, and the proportion of extensive pulmonary contusion reached 66,1%. Among ballistic injuries with pulmonary contusion blast trauma constituted 15,4%, fragment wounds – 32%, bullet wounds – 52,6%. The group of blast trauma casualties with pulmonary contusion appeared to demonstrate the most severe condition. This group was characterized by high complication rate (56,5%) and lethal outcomes (65,2%). The injury severity, however, was determined mainly by extrathoracic injuries, chest trauma being leading only in 17,4% of cases, and the proportion of extensive pulmonary contusion reached 44,6%. The group of pulmonary contusion casualties with associated fragment wounds when compared with blast wounds, were characterized by the decrease in total rate of injury severity and the increase in chest trauma severity, the chest being the leading damage area in 45,1% of cases. Chest injuries were penetrating in 90% of cases, being characterized by the significant increase in hemopneumothorax rate (by 5 times) and continuing intrapleural hemorrhage (by 4 times). The complication rate reached 66,6%, the proportion of pulmonary complications constituted 25,5%, the lethality rate was noted to decrease down to 25,5%. Pulmonary contusion associated with bullet wounds proved to be the most severe. It was significantly characterized by higher score according to the unbiased chest trauma diagnosis scale «Military field surgery – lung contusion» – 20,1±3,1, and by chest trauma severity score according to the scale «Military field surgery – injury gunshot wounds» – 5,8±0,6. The proportion of extensive pulmonary contusion in pleuropulmonary complications is 37,2%, the lethality rate increased up to 32,1%.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):146-151
pages 146-151 views

Medical and statistical characteristics of children who underwent neuroinfections and analysis of the volume of medical care in the conditions of the rehabilitation department

Samoilova I.


The medical-statistical analysis of the nature and volume of rehabilitation care provided to children who underwent neuroinfections is presented. In order to develop proposals to improve the rehabilitation system for children who underwent neuroinfection, data from the case histories of patients was treated at the Department of Rehabilitation of the Children’s Scientific and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases (470 case histories). It was found that a significant proportion of children (38,5%) had an established group of disability. The vast majority (96,6%) patients had a disease of the nervous system, after neuroinfektions, of which a considerable part (39,3%) gets diagnosed cerebral palsy. Concomitant diseases were present in 23,8% of patients. In 68,6% of children with underlying medical conditions were reported illnesses of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. Most long-term treatment in a rehabilitation unit were in children who had a concomitant disease, and complications of the underlying disease (31,33±0,9 days). On average, one patient department advised 4,76±0,17 doctors of different specialties. The author analyzed the scope and nature of the executed rehabilitation activities, which showed that on average, each child was carried by 3,9±0,19 different kinds of rehabilitation procedures. More than half of patients (54,9%) received the hardware physiotherapy; 25,5% of patients – electrotherapy; 82,6% of massages; 38,1% – rehabilitation procedures using robotic mechanotherapy. The study proved the effectiveness of the rehabilitation department: 94,4% of patients after treatment in a rehabilitation ward, were discharged with improvement and 5,6% – no change in the state. The dependence of volume and nature of medical care provided to children in the rehabilitation department of the diagnosis of the underlying disease, presence of complications and comorbidities may be used in the planning and organization of work offices neurorehabilitation.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):152-155
pages 152-155 views

Public Health

Scenario modeling of a social emergency – a terrorist act

Lemeshkin R., Grigoryev S., Savchenko I., Severin V., Kryuchkov O., Akimov A., Chekhovskikh Y., Borisov D., Dmitriyev G., Pilnik N.


Relevance of the available threats of emergency situations of social character – acts of terrorism is defined. Scenario modeling of terrorist attack is carried out. The scientific base of a research of the medical and evacuation characteristic struck at mine and explosive and fire lesions is defined. The analysis of normative legal documents of the Russian Federation the defining place and a role of federal executive authorities in national security issues – counteraction to terrorism is submitted. The role of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in counteraction to terrorism is defined and unique experience of activity of its health service is analyzed. It is shown that unique experience of health service is based not only as a result of medical support of troops (forces) and the population at elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of acts of terrorism and counter-terrorist operations, but also when carrying out peacekeeping operations and operations on fight against the international terrorism, and also at mitigation of consequences of emergency situations on explosive objects. It is defined that the most probable scenario of terrorist attack is, so-called, «The Parisian and (or) Izmir scenario». Studying of the medical and evacuation characteristic of sanitary losses as a result of scenario model of act of terrorism was based on standard results of influence of explosives with formation of gunshot and mine and explosive wounds. Scientific search is run and the task of determination of the most significant results on the movement struck to outcomes and duration of their treatment in medical military units (divisions) and the military-medical organizations with definition of characteristics of lesions was solved. As the instrument of definition of indicators of the medical and evacuation characteristic of wounded and patients, and also assessment of their influence the method of the medico-statistical analysis with use of the discriminant analysis and the analysis of survival with creation of linear discriminant functions and models of function of departure (extract) or Kaplan and Maier’s model served. The discriminant model with including of the factors which are significantly influencing the result of treatment with definition of the remote forecast struck at act of terrorism is developed and the model of duration of stay in medical military units (divisions) and the military-medical organizations is constructed. The received results of the medical and evacuation characteristic the struck and revealed factors which are significantly influencing an outcome and duration of their treatment are defined as basic of an object of the «model struck in emergency», basic for formation.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):156-166
pages 156-166 views

Disorders of the hemostatic system as a possible predictor of emergency in divers

Staroselskaya A., Zhavoronkov L.


The article presents experimental data on the effect of hyperoxia, antiorthostasis and their combined effect on the hemostatic system in Wistar rats. It was found that the both hyperoxia and antiorthostasis caused acceleration of the final stage of blood clotting, increasing the concentration of fibrinogen and the appearance of soluble fibrin monomer complexes. The potential danger of thrombosis caused by hyperoxia or antiorthostasis is worsen by reducing fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma. No changes in the platelet hemostasis were observed. Combined action of hyperoxia and antiorthostasis caused signs of activation of both the coagulation and platelet hemostasis. Platelet aggregation increased by 1,2 times compared to the control, indicating aggravating impact of the combined action of hyperoxia and antiorthostasis on platelet hemostasis and the prothrombin time, and caused changes in the direction of anticoagulation. The combined action caused also more pronounced reduction of fibrinolytic activity of blood and enhanced level of soluble fibrin monomer complexes, which were one of the earliest markers of hidden thrombinemia. We believe that in people with a balance in the hemostasis system shifted toward increased thrombophilia, etc., with the combined action of hyperoxia and antiorthostasis, the compensatory capabilities of the hemostatic system will be depleted and lead to the development of pathological conditions. Taking this into account, we recommend to divers the in-depth control of the hemostasis system in order to prevent her disorders.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):167-170
pages 167-170 views

An approaches to the justification of the Register of infectious disease and an problems of military personnel affected by infection, caused by human immunodeficiency virus

Gorichny V., Orlova E., Bolekhan V., Zagorodnikov G., Uliukin I.


The current regulatory and legal framework for the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for regulating the provision of medical care to servicemen suffering from chronic infectious diseases (chronic viral hepatitis and infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus) are considered. The problems of information support of rendering medical aid to servicemen of this category is estimated. The developed methodology and draft normative document of the collection of medical information’ organizing in the register of infectious pathology and servicemen infected with the infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus are presented, and a provision on this register is developed. The content, volume and algorithm of creation of the information-analytical system of the register of infectious pathology and of the servicemen infected with the human immunodeficiency virus have been substantiated, as well as the need to introduce new technologies of medical document circulation into the medical service of the Armed Forces of Russia on the basis of personified accounting of servicemen and medical and psychological assistance rendered to them. It is shown that for the well-functioning of the register within the framework of an informed list of tasks, the high-speed secure communication channels between the participating military units, institutions and management bodies of the medical service will be required. Consequently, the improvement of the information support system for the management of the medical supply of troops in peacetime and wartime is an important component of improving the management of medical care for military personnel.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):171-174
pages 171-174 views

Sociological study of medical knowledge regarding tuberculosis among students of high school and colleges in Stavropol-city

Zarifova V., Akmayev K., Balasaniantc G., Dantsev V.


Students are special tuberculosis risk group as they are the most socially and economically unprotected. Study of knowledge on tuberculosis is an important medical and social proposal. Results of 630 questioning of students of high schools and colleges at the age of 18–23 years were analyzed and Pearson’s correlation was calculated. Knowledge on tuberculosis and its transmission ways was defined as insufficient and depended from sex and type of educational institution: girls and students of high schools gave much more the right answers by tuberculosis than students of technical training college and technical schools. Very low level of knowledge concerning prevention of tuberculosis was shown by the young people who arrived from villages of the republics of the North Caucasian Federal region whereas at their age-mates from villages of Stavropol region knowledge of prevention of tuberculosis was 2.5 times higher. Information on need examined by fluorography is carried to students of higher education institutions better – 69,0% in comparison with pupils of technical training colleges and technical schools – 52,9%. At the same time only 2,6% of respondents recognized the incompetence in tuberculosis prevention and symptoms. Study showed that it is necessary to increase hygienic education of non-medical students.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):175-178
pages 175-178 views

On the risk of infection of the population by infectious diseases in the aggressive behavior of animals

Movchan K., Daryina M., Kuzin A., Morozov Y., Rusakevich K.


The statistical data on the account of the cases of injuries of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg during the attack of animals in 2010–2012 (before the implementation of measures to modernize Russian health) and 2012–2014 (after their implementation). For the study, cases of human trauma caused by aggressive behavior of animals registered in the departments of Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (indicators of monitoring and information bulletins, as well as information on the effectiveness of the measures taken to prevent infections) in St. Petersburg were used for the study. Observations were included both with a safe clinical outcome of this type of trauma, and in cases of verification of infectious complications. It is established that bites of animals of the city’s residents are observed often. Among cases of bitten a high proportion of wounds is noted in children. Despite the fact of bites (mostly by unknown dogs), in every fifth case, victims (even when warning of the danger of these injuries) refuse from rabies vaccination, and half of the victims who seek medical help refuse vaccination against rabies. The latter represents a particular threat inherent in this type of damage, since at present no treatment for this disease has been developed. Information on the frequency and characteristics of the provision of medical care to people affected by the attack of animals, it is advisable to consider systematically, using interdisciplinary approaches. A purposeful study of medical support for people who have been attacked by animals, development and implementation of algorithms for carrying out the affected medical and diagnostic activities in the format of a unified system of medical care is a task whose solution is relevant for medical science and practice.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):179-181
pages 179-181 views


Chemokines, their receptors and features of development of the immune answer

Moskalev A., Rudoy A., Apchel V.


The general characteristic chemokines as is given the fibers participating in various immunophysiological and immunopathological processes. Features of their secretion, interaction with profile receptors, expression immunologic competence cages are reflected. The priority principle of interaction chemokines with corresponding receptors, and also prevalence concrete cytokines for development of the immune answer either on Thl, or on a Th2-way is shown. Chemokines besides maintenance of migration of leukocytes regulate angiogenesis, stimulate an exit of haemopoetic predecessors in ischemia sites, and also regulate development and prolipheration B-lymphocytes. The metabolism of chemokines is closely connected with matrix metalloproteinase which carry out proteolysis chemokines, change transit of leukocytes. They are capable as to inactivate chemokines, and to split them, promoting occurrence of the antagonists connecting a receptor without carrying out of a signal.

Along with general characteristics of chemokines, features of participation chemokines in development antibacterial and antiviral immune answers are described. It is established that a number chemokines, operating through concrete receptors, provide angiogenesis tumours, promote progressing of tumoral process both direct, and the mediated mechanisms. Some chemokines, are necessary for metastasizing for a tumour, providing distribution of tumoral cages to bodies, where expression for them corresponding receptors. And others chemokines, produced, in particular fibroblastes, stimulate a survival and growth of neoplastic cages paracrine with a way. The special role lipoprotein is shown low density in an induction lisso and endotheliocyte by cages macrophage chemotaksis a protein, interleukin-8, fractalkine in processes aterogenesis.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):182-187
pages 182-187 views

Inhalation drug delivery devices in pulmonology

Salukhov V., Kharitonov M., Asyamov K., Kurenkova I., Sadykov R., Nikolaev A., Grozovskii Y., Bogomolov A., Burkova Y., Kotova M.


Information on modern types of inhalation devices for drug delivery in pulmonology is given. It is shown that pulmonology uses a wide arsenal of inhalation delivery devices, which have been used for a long time both for emergency treatment and for basis inhalation therapy. Now time inhalations of bronchodilators, glucocorticosteroids, antibacterial and mucolytic drugs are used. Different properties of medicinal substances dictate the need to optimize the methods of their delivery. All delivery devices have positive and negative characteristics. At the same time, there is currently no ideal devices for drug delivery. Ideal delivery devices should possess portability, speed and convenience of use, no complications in application, low oropharyngeal and high pulmonary deposition, high efficiency, no side effects, low cost. The physicochemical properties of the drugs used are also considered. In general, the current trend in modern medicine is the “targeted” delivery of the drug substance to the pathological focus, the creation of high drug deposits, the reduction of negative effects on the organism, which determines not only the therapeutic efficacy index (desired / undesirable effects) and the safety of the drug, but also patient’s compliance.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):193-200
pages 193-200 views

Breast cancer in female military personnel – the state of the problem

Kucherenko A., Maryeva O., Starkov I.


The results of the analysis of domestic and foreign literature devoted to the problems of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer among female personnel are presented. It has been established that female servicemen have a tendency to increase the incidence of breast cancer. Possible differences in risk factors for breast cancer between military personnel and civilian women and the possibility of preventing breast cancer among female personnel are discussed. Despite the progress made in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the percentage of tumors released during initial treatment remains high. A high percentage of neglected forms of breast cancer among newly diagnosed tumors testifies not only to the formal nature of the on-site medical examination, but also to the insufficient oncological alertness of doctors and the low sanitary culture of servicemen. The need for screening breast cancer among female soldiers is grounded. The need to improve the system of providing assistance to female personnel suffering from breast cancer, providing early diagnosis, timely comprehensive treatment and dynamic observation. The creation of a single cancer registry of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is proposed. The necessity of introduction of uniform standards of diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of breast cancer for military health organizations is substantiated.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):188-192
pages 188-192 views

The uterine junctional zone of endoand myometrium: morphofunctional features and importance in obstetric and gynecologic pathogenic mechanism

Romanova O., Churkin K., Pechenikova V.


The integrated data of foreign authors on a structure, an embr yogenesis and functional features of the junctional zone, its value in development of pathology of a uterus and the course of pregnancy are submitted. It is established that a uterus consists of two layers: internal – an archimetra and external – neometra. The junctional zone belongs to the archimetra and represents the highly specialized hormone-dependent structure being is an inner (subvascular) layer of myometrium. Unlike endometrium the transformation zone isn’t available for aggressive approach, its structure and function can be estimated only by means of imaging modalities. The metastructure of myocytes of the junctional zone undergoes characteristic cyclic changes depending on a phase of the menstrual period, intake of hormonal contraceptives and the age of the patient. During the research of the junctional zone in women of different age gradual increase in thickness of this zone in patients aged of 30 years and older was revealed, and of 34 years and older the sharp increase in its thickness was noted. It is also stated that the junctional zone plays an important role in processes of implantation and placentation and together with endometrium represents a placental bed. Abnormality of the junctional zone could be the reason for early term miscarriages, failed attempts of in vitro fertilization and obstetric complications. On the basis of a number of comparative researches it is proved that the transformation zone thickness of more than 12 mm is the criterion of a uterus involvement by adenomyosis. Thus, the measurement of thickness of the junctional zone during the transvaginal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging could be successfully applied to the screening of adenomyosis, and also to predictability of early term miscarriages and development of the pregnancy complications related to derangement of placentation.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Ischemic stroke in hospitalized patients. The modern view on the problem

Kolomentsev S., Odinak M., Voznyuk I., Tsygan N., Yanishevsky S., Golokhvastov S., Andreev R., Emelin A., Pometko D.


Hospitalized patients are at higher risk of ischemic stroke than in the general population in the population. Inhospital ischemic stroke is one of the most serious complications developing in the hospital, and it is associated with a greater number of adverse outcomes compared with community-acquired stroke. According to the literature, there are several reasons for this fact. The most common pathogenic subtype of in-hospital ischemic stroke is cardioembolic subtype, characterized by extensive ischemic damage to brain tissue. Approximately 50% of hospitalized patients have proven the fact of cardiac embolic source. Also in-patients are characterized by the greater comorbidity and a higher risk of somatic diseases, which also have an adverse effect on the course of a stroke. And finally, in-hospital stroke is characterized by delays at all stages of urgent medical care compared to patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of stroke urgently through the emergency department. The most common reasons for these delays include the obvious difficulties of clinical diagnostics, the complexity of in-hospital logistics, lack of early recognition of stroke symptoms skills and lack of understanding of the paradigm of «time-to-brain» in choosing of the treatment strategy by physicians with other medical specialties. Lost time, in addition to the existing contraindications for thrombolytic therapy system, is the main reason for the low number of procedures thrombolysis in patients with in-hospital stroke. As a consequence, the treatment of patients with in-hospital stroke requires more economic cost. These patients have longer periods of hospitalization, and after discharge they often require the continuation of treatment in rehabilitation centers and social support measures. Researchers agree that improvement of the quality of care for patients with in-hospital stroke requires designing of special protocols on the similarity of those that are designed to assist patients urgently admitted with a diagnosis of stroke, as well as holding regular sessions with staff on the practicing of hospitals stroke diagnostic skills and the course of action of medical personnel in case of stroke.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):206-212
pages 206-212 views

Polymyalgia rheumatica: clinical features and diagnostics

Dorokhov G., Gordienko A., Makoveeva O., Barsukov A.


Current data on epidemiology, pathomorphology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica is presented. Polymyalgia rheumatica occurs only in persons over 50 years of age. The etiological factors of the disease remain unknown. The pathomorphology of the disease is characterized by the absence of polyorganity and morphological changes in the study of biopsies of diseased muscles, inflammation of predominantly extraarticular synovial structures. The pain in the muscles has a constant, usually aching character, sharply increased during movement and persists at night. The intensity of pain depends on the activity of the disease. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has no significant effect on the intensity of myalgia. Often, a few weeks after the onset of the disease, seronegative arthritis appears. Synovitis is characterized by a benign course, absence of erosive changes in the joint and joint deformities. Symptoms of the disease grow gradually, reaching a maximum severity within a month. Characteristic is the appearance of anorexia and depression, weight loss, it is possible to attach subfebrile or febrile fever. In some patients there are signs of inflammation of the vessels in the form of subclinical, weakly expressed vasculitis or giant cell arteritis with lesions of the extracranial branches of the carotid arteries and signs of vascular insufficiency in the blood supplying organs. Specific laboratory criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica do not exist. Diagnosis of the disease is based on the analysis of a number of clinical, laboratory and instrumental features, united by experts of the European League against rheumatism and the American College of Rheumatology in the form of diagnostic criteria for rheumatic polymyalgia. The disease has a polymorphic clinical picture and similarity of symptoms with inflammatory diseases of the joints, as well as with myopathies against a background of various pathologies of internal organs and systems. Despite the presence of diagnostic criteria, the diagnosis is established after the exclusion of diseases with similar clinical manifestations. Recognition of polymyalgia rheumaticа is often associated with a large volume of research, which makes the disease difficult in a differential diagnostic plan and contributes to an increase in the duration of the verification period of the diagnosis.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):213-217
pages 213-217 views

Prospects for the study of medical and economic aspects of treatment of patients with urolithiasis

Dunets K., Startsev V., Tegza V.


The literature overview of the incidence rate on urolithiasis in the Russian Federation and, in particular, in population of some regions over the past 15 years is provided. We analyzed treatment methods for patients with calculi of kidneys, ureters and bladder, due to the current clinical possibilities. The article involves the discussion about the problems of implementation of modern minimally invasive methods as specialized medical care for patients with urolithiasis. We have compared the results of foreign investigations upon the clinical and economical effectiveness of medical technologies for that disease. While studying a database of domestic and foreign authors we have discovered the shortage of publications with the analysis of medico-economic arguments for minimally invasive technologies in urology. Given the high rate of development of urology as a clinical discipline, we find it expedient to properly estimate expenses and profitableness while using modern technologies in routine practice of medical institutions in Russian Federation. Heads of medical institutions in Russia note an insufficient amount of knowledge in the field of medical and economic analysis of the use of endoscopic techniques for kidney stones and ureters. When choosing the optimal method of intervention, specialists, mainly, turn to the questions of clinical effectiveness, rather than to the calculation of costs. Comparative analysis of the medical and economic substantiation of the methods of treatment of patients with urolithiasis in Russia has not yet been conducted. It is worthwhile to estimate not only the direct costs of performing surgical intervention and hospitalization of the patient, but also indirect costs: the costs of his outpatient treatment during rehabilitation, the lost profit of the enterprise where the patient is employed, etc. Generally, we have concluded that it is necessary to develop a system of economic evaluation of new medical technologies in treatment of urolithiasis which would help to efficiently use the foreign experience.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):218-222
pages 218-222 views

From the experience of the organization of the 1st Ukrainian Front, medical evacuation support of tank armies in the Lvov-Sandomierz offensive

Kulnev S., Shelepov A., Tsogoev V., Latypov I., Lantsov E., Ovchinnikov D., Shatilo Y., Korolev V.


The Great Patriotic War convincingly demonstrated the successful operation of the system of medicalevacuation support of the Red Army, developed based on the experience of previous wars and improved in the course of military operations, as well as provisions made in different periods of Russian military medicine development of its leading representatives: N.I. Pirogov V.A. Oppel, B.K. Leonardov. In the prewar period, the field of military medical organization of the Red Army passed the stage of formation. It is established that the activities of the medical service, the 1st, 3rd Guards and 4th Tank armies in the Lvov-Sandomierz offensive is a typical example of medical-evacuation support of the army associations in the great Patriotic war. Forms and methods of organization developed in the course of the war, has not lost its value in modern conditions. These include: the formation of specialized surgical and therapeutic field mobile hospitals, the creation of groups of medical institutions of tank armies on the evacuation destinations and reserves of collapsed hospitals, and transport, the timely movement of the first echelons of the hospital base of the 1st Ukrainian front to change the deployed hospital establishments database, the 1st, 3rd Guards and 4th Tank armies. Calculation of sanitary transport have indicated the need for the involvement of vehicles, medical and sanitary battalions to evacuate the wounded from the army medical institutions, and also widely used empty transport supply. The internal transportation was supposed to be the vehicles of the 179th field evacuation point. In terms of medical-evacuation support of the 1st, 3rd guards and 4th tank armies were clearly defined evacuation in hospitals only surgically untreated wounded. All other wounded and sick, after providing them with quality medical assistance to the divisional medical stations were subject to evacuation to hospitals of the 1st, 3rd Guards and 4th Tank armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front. In the 1st, 3rd Guards and 4th Tank armies, due to the folded reserve hospitals, groups of medical and economic personnel were created to serve the non-transportable wounded. The use of these groups greatly facilitated maneuver by the forces and means of the medical service of tank formations. The study of the experience of the organization of medical and evacuation support for the 1st, 3rd Guards and 4th Tank armies of the First Ukrainian Front in the Lvov-Sandomir operation provides material for the development of the theory of medical evacuation of modern operations and the ability to ensure, on this basis, continuity in the work of medical institutions, the continuity of the provision of qualified and specialized medical care, improve the indicators of medical and diagnostic work

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):223-231
pages 223-231 views

Occupational allergic rhinitis (etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, preventive strategies, examination of disability)

Khalimov Y., Vologzhanin D., Tsepkova G., Kozadaev Y.


This review aims at basic etiological factors of occupational rhinitis and various reactions on them. The basic occupational allergens are characterized. Occupational allergic rhinitis is a widespread disease triggered by negative impacts of the work environment. According to the experts’ estimates, it affects no less than 15% of active population. However, it is supposed that the disease rate is higher for most patients prefer not to seek medical care, fearing to lose their jobs. The article provides a contemporary classification of rhinitis caused by occupational environment. Potential pathogenic mechanisms of the development of occupational rhinitis are reflected. The research defines IgE-dependent and non-IgE dependent occupational rhinitis. Nonallergic, irritant induced, occupational rhinitis is widely investigated, specifically, it’s most characteristic form – reactive upper airways dysfunction syndrome – caused by a single exposure to a highly concentrated irritant matter, such as gas, vapor, or smoke. The methods of diagnosing occupational rhinitis are observed according to their diagnostic value. Nasal provocative test is thoroughly described as a gold standard of occupational rhinitis diagnosis. The article introduces algorithms for diagnosis of rhinitis caused by occupational impacts. In addition, it discusses the issues of primary and secondary preventive measures against occupational rhinitis. The article provides an evaluation of working efficiency and social behavior of a diseased one according to the character, external evidence, speed of the pathologic process development, extent of the functional compensation, regress probability of pathologic changes after the removal of the contact with harmful occupational factor. Different ways to solve the issues of working efficiency are suggested.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):232-239
pages 232-239 views

Medical information of technologies and electronic medical documentation. The problematic aspects of their implementation in everyday clinical work

Sokolov V., Kabanov P., Stepanenko A., Petrachkov S., Gusev M., Yakimov D.


Brief coverage of the use of medical information technology and electronic medical documentation in modern medical practice. The main positive aspects of its application in clinical medicine and in the administrative activities of medical organizations are considered. It was established that the human factor, the problems of financing and the development of new principles of medical records management are decisive when introducing new technologies in the daily work of the medical team and private practitioners. Principal moments important for different age categories of physicians influencing the development of new electronic resources are considered. It is shown that individual medical practice and insignificant personal clinical experience among young specialists, contributes to a more active use of medical information technologies. At the same time, not a high level of knowledge in computer science and computer skills, the need to move from habitual stereotypes of thinking and working with paper documents to fundamentally new forms of electronic medical records – are factors that prevent the introduction of digital technologies in large medical organizations, in A group of middle-aged and older doctors. Attention is drawn to the fact that problems arising in the development of new technologies can lead to administrative, and in the most severe cases – to legal liability. The data showing significant financial resources that are allocated in foreign countries for incentive payments to clinics as well as to specialists are given. Military specialists show considerable interest in the practical implementation of this problem. Data are provided on the amounts allocated by the United States Department of Defense to purchase the latest developments in electronic medical records to improve the quality of medical care for servicemen and their families. However, not always significant allocations lead to success.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):240-244
pages 240-244 views

The application of the operation according to the method Billroth-I in cancer patients: past and present

Morgoshia T., Mosoyan S.


Surgery that involves complete removal of the tumor remains the only method which gives hope for cure of the patient, despite the significant number of combined and complex treatment methods of this disease. However, many provisions of this concept have changed drastically. It is shown that most authors today recommend after resection of the stomach to restore, if possible, the natural anatomical relationship, which provides the best functional results. At the same time noted that some researchers prefer the second method Billroth, some of them are staunch opponents of resection of the stomach according to the method Billroth-I in cancer. This opinion is based on the assumption that resection of the stomach according to the second embodiment Billroth better allows radicalism in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of this localization. The main constraint to the use of the most physiological surgery is the conventional wisdom about supposedly her cancer nerdycellist. The author substantiates the position that the intervention in the modification operations according to the method Billroth-I does not increase the number of postoperative complications, no differences in long-term results of surgical treatment of gastric cancer for two methods of reconstruction of digestive tract continuity after Subtotal distal resection. At the same time, the quality of life of patients better after the reconstruction of the digestive tract with gastroduodenal anastomosis. Exploring the indications for distal Subtotal gastrectomy according to the method Billroth-I, the majority of authors deem this method of restoring continuity of the gastro-intestinal tract only when early cancer, exophytic forms (I – II stage), located in the angle of the stomach or lower third of his body, and the absence of metastases in regional lymph nodes.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):245-248
pages 245-248 views

Pathogenetic rationale for the formation of somatic pathology with prolonged exposure to low-frequency noise

Kovalenko I., Stepanov A., Seleznev A., Sayfullin R., Ponomarev D.


Pathological changes in the central nervous, respirator y, digestive systems and blood coagulation of experimental animals and humans as effects of low-frequency noise are analyzed. The mechanisms of direct (as a result of mechanotransduction) and central (due to the stimulation of an extensive receptor field) action of low-frequency noise on the organism are described in more detail. The effect of excessive activation of lipid peroxidation mechanisms as a result of oxidative stress on the initiation of pathological changes in various organs and systems with noise exposure was noted. It is shown that the main target of the action, ultimately, are the membranes of nerve cells. It was found out that one of the effects of low-frequency noise is an increase in the proliferation of extracellular matrix (collagen and elastin) without signs of an inflammatory process leading to an increase in the structural integrity of various organs (pericardium, vessels, lungs, liver). The existence of two clinical notions of the effects of noise exposure «noise disease» (domestic term) or «vibroacoustic disease» (a foreign analogue, more characteristic for low-frequency noise) is shown. The priority role of the central nervous system in the emergence and progression of somatic pathology in «noise» («vibroacoustic») disease is substantiated. The possibility of formation (in addition to neurosensory hearing loss) of nosological forms of encephalopathy, essential hypertension and emphysema in persons professionally and continuously exposed to intense low-frequency noise is shown. The interrelation and interdependence of disturbances in the central nervous, blood circulation and respiratory systems in response to the dysregulating effect of intense acoustic oscillations was revealed. It has been clarified that the unifying pathogenetic link of damages of various organs and systems in response to the action of low-frequency noise is the changes at the microcirculatory level.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):249-256
pages 249-256 views

Medicine history

Military medical аcademy in the period of socio-economic structure change in Russia: historical рarallels

Matveev S., Shalygin L., Zykov A.


The historical Parallels between the events that took place at the Military medical аcademy in the period of change of social system in the country. The role and achievements were at that time leaders in the preservation and development of the institution. Their example clearly shown the role of personality in critical national periods. Despite the difficult political developments in the last century, Military medical аcademy not only retained its vitality, but also rapidly increased the pace of its development in all directions. Historical parallels convincingly showed that in the last century, when the socio-economic formations in our country changed, the Military medical аcademy not only maintained its vitality, but rapidly recovered from the upheavals, increased its development rates in all directions. This was an invaluable merit of those who led it. It was distinguished scholars, theorists, and clinicians, with the highest moral qualities, humanists, has a tremendous organizational skills. V.A. Yurevich, V.A. Oppel, M.D. Il’in, V.N. Tonkov, Yu. L. Shevchenko occupy a particularly important place in the history of the Academy. Their management of аcademy took place at crucial periods of the existence of our country. They managed not only to preserve this unique military medical facility, but to bring it to a new, higher level of development. Pafos, with whom the anniversary of the Academy was celebrated, became a recognition of its unprecedented contribution to the formation and development of medical science and education in our country. On December 17, 1998, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree «On the Inclusion of the Military Medical Academy in the State Register of Highly Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation». The Decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):257-262
pages 257-262 views

Organization of the Soviet armed forces medical supply in 1950’s and 1960’s

Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Kononov V., Perfilev A., Kostenko N.


A historical analysis of the development of troops (forces) medical supply system after the Great Patriotic War finished in 1950’s and 1960’s has been given. Steps to restore country’s medical and chemical-pharmaceutical industry, that stimulated the improvement of the medical equipment supply of the military units and institutions, have been shown. It was found that the five-years targets of the national economy for the post-war recovery and development plan during 1946-1950, which provides increasing of drug, medical products, medical devices and equipment production have been achieved, and in many cases exceeded. Transferring troops (forces) medical supply system to work under new conditions has been studied. It was revealed that in spite of the specificity and existing difficulties in the state and military construction in the 1950’s and 1960’s of the 20th century, it was possible to establish planned medical supply system in the Soviet Army and Navy in short time. The contribution of the Military Medical Academy of S.M. Kirov to develop official documents, create new models of medical supply and training the military pharmaceutical personnel has been shown. Special attention is given to the role of war members who contributed a lot in scientific and educational work on the issue of supplying troops (forces) with medical equipment. It is established that the reorganization of troops (forces) medical supply system made it possible not only to increase the effectiveness of military health care, but also to contribute strengthening the country’s defense toward the global confrontation and «cold war» started.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):263-269
pages 263-269 views

Book reviwew

Review of the A.А. Mikhailenko, M.M. Odinaka, N.N. Yakhno monography «The history of domestic neurology. Moscow neurological school»

Skoromets A.


Monograph by A.A. Mikhailenko, M.M. Odinaka, N.N. Yakhno “History of Russian neurology. Moscow Neurological School" (St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2015. - 511 p.) consists of a preface, eight chapters and an afterword. Already in the preface, the authors indicate that the monograph is presented not in the form of a detailed description of all types of activities of departmental groups, but in the form of essays, that is, the most important, remarkable and significant information and facts.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):270-271
pages 270-271 views


The contribution of Vasily Ilyich Kopanev into the fundamental and practical training of aviation doctors (to the 90th anniversary of V.I. Kopanev)

Blaginin A., Shabalin V.


The main milestones of life and creative path of one of the heads of scientific school of aviation and space medicine Vasily Ilyich Kopanev – doctor of medical sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Major-General of Medical Service are presented. Professor Kopanev V.I. is widely known with his investigations of psychophysiological specifics of flight specialists work, searchings of the ways to correct organism functional. Explored the dynamics of the parameters of the vestibular analyzer under the action of Coriolis acceleration. Priority developments of issues of vestibular stability, hidden forms of motion sickness of pilots and cosmonauts belong to V.I. Kopanev. V.I. Kopanev was the highly qualified pedagogue and organisator. He owns the important role in forming of structure-logical teaching scheme the academy’s aviation doctors, preparation of the list of practical skills and abilities, that are subject to obligatory working off in teaching lessons. Under his leadership the department of aviation and cosmic medicine became profile for the faculty of training doctors for the air force. In the education work he was paying a lot of attention to practical orientation of teaching and to the the improvement of the department laboratory base in accordance with the requirements of the everyday professional activities of aviation doctors. Under his leadership was made training base reconstruction of with the following creation of the thematic classrooms.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):272-274
pages 272-274 views

Professor of the Military Medical Academy – Milij Nikolaevich Anichkov

Rostomashvili E., Levshankov A., Schegolev A.


Briefly highlights the life path of the graduate of the Military Medical Academy of Kirov Anichkova Milya Nikolaevich. Little-known facts from his life are established. Described are the front-line meetings of M.N. Anichkov with outstanding people of his time. Yudin, A.A. Vishnevsky, A.N. Bakilev. At the Leningrad front, he worked as a military surgeon, being subordinated to the chief surgeon of the front, Major General of the Medical Service, Professor Pyotr Andreevich Kupriyanov. I got great experience as a field surgeon. The role and place of M.N. Anichkov in the accumulation of the Russian experience of intratracheal anesthesia in operations with pneumothorax. Together with M.S. Grigoriev M.N. Anichkov published the first monograph in Russia dedicated to muscle relaxants. Many years of research in the academic anatomical theater in conjunction with Professor ID. Leo led to the publication of the first in Russia anatomical atlas devoted to operations on the aorta. Knowing the perfect German language, Milya Nikolaevich translates into Russian the manual on abdominal surgery Imre Littmann. For a long time M.N. Anichkov conducted friendly correspondence with the famous American surgeon with Michael Ellis Debakey. Foreign students delivered lectures in French.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):275-276
pages 275-276 views


Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Korzynin (to the 60th anniversary)

Nagibovich O., Yusupov V., Sambukova T.


May 20, 2017 marked the 60th anniversary of the birth of colonel of the medical service in reserve, senior researcher in the research department (medical and psychological support) of the research center, doctor of psychological sciences and candidate of medical sciences, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Korzunin.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2017;19(2):277-279
pages 277-279 views
