
Comparative Analysis of Some Means of Countering Discovery of Crimes in the Sphere of Illegal Drug Traffic Committed with the Use of the Internet
Bitov A.
Cyberterrorism as a Modern Threat to State Security
Zhukov A., Ogorodnikov M.
Analysis of the Experience of Foreign Countries in the Fight Against International Terrorism
Magomedov M.
The Role of Law in Preserving Traditional Family Values in Modern Russia
Dovnar A.
Concept, Essence and Manifestations of Terrorism as a Threat to National Security
Sabitov R., Mayorov A., Pass A., Begishev I., Shutova A., Skorobogatov A.
Protection of Big Data as an Element of the National Security Structure of the State
Aripshev A.
Legal Restrictions in the Application of Reproductive Technologies: in Search of a Balance Between Private and Public Interests
Dovnar A.
On the Issue of Criminal Liability in the Absence of Formal Evidence of Treason
Shogenov Z.
The Value Policy in the Russian Federation: the Legal Aspect
Zubov V.
Economic Crimes as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Federation: Criminal Law Aspect
Shuisky A.
Improving Methods of Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Russian Federation
Shkhagapsoev Z.
International Search for Terrorists and Its Alternative Means in Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation
Tarasov M.
How European Union Countries Harbor Fugitive Criminals from Russia
Tarasov M., Stupachenko E.
Modern Trends in the Development of State Sovereignty
Kochesokov Z., Mankieva A., Voropaev I.
New threats on the economic and national security of the country
Mambetova F., Fakov A.
Features of Counteraction to Fraud Acts Performed Remotely Through the Use of Mobile (Cellular) Communication and Information and Telecommunication Networks (by the Example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
Pavlov V., Shkhagapsoev Z., Kanunnikova N., Misrokov T.
Improving Tools for Countering Cyber Terrorism in Modern Conditions
Zhukov A.
Ways of improving counter cyber terrorism methods in Russian Federation
Zhukov A.
On The Impact of Cyberterrorism on the National Security of the Russian Federation in Modern Conditions
Zhukov A.
Information terrorism is a threat to national security in the context of digitalization
Aloeva A., Aloev I., Zhukov A.
On Proposals for Improving the Legal Support of Information Security of the Russian Federation in the Context of Sanctions and Threats from Unfriendly States
Kiselev A., Barkov A.
Constitutional bases of state support for industry in the Russian Federation: regional aspect
Savelyev Y.
Current trends in the development of legislation in the field of biosafety and bioeconomics
Zhavoronkova N., Agafonov V.
Improving State Policy in the Field of Information Countering Terrorism
Balaeva J., Zhukov A.
Local Self-Government as the Main Subject in the Field of Prevention of Extremism and Terrorism in the North Caucasus Region
Tokbaev A.
Legal and legislative aspects of supporting families and family values in the Russian Federation: overview of the scientific and practical conference of the All-Russian political party "United Russia"
Dovnar A.
Garnik L.
Problematic Aspects of the Legal Regulation of Counter-Terrorism
Mukhtarov D., Galimov S.
Cybersecurity in the Context of a New Technological Revolution and an Experience of BRICS States
Kartskhiya A.
The Generation of Terrorism and the Forms of Its Manifestation to the Days
Tsrimov A., Kuchmezov A.
Radicalism and extremism as a real threat to the state security
Shhagapsoev Z.
FSUE «Okhrana» («Guard») of the Russian National Guard as a Strategic Paradigm of Security Activities
Lysenko K.
Problematic issues of participation of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian federation in the detection, prevention and suppression of offenses in information and telecommunications networks (including the internet), services, social networks, virtual games, as an element of ensuring national security in the face of new threats
Shchukin V., Sinodov I., Balayeva J.
International Cooperation in the Field of Combating Piracy and Problems Related to Bringing to Justice for Piracy
Lukiyantsev A.
Cyber Attacks on Critical Information Infrastructure as a Threat to National Security
Abidov R.
The Ban on the Import and Export of Certain Types of Goods as a Measure of Influence (Counteraction) Used to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation
Abazova E.
Changes in legislation and problems of reproductive tourism: review of hearings in the public chamber of the Russian Federation
Dovnar A.
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