
Dudareva, Marianna A.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES I.S. Turgenev’s strange Asya: apophaticism of Russian Eros. Culturological analysis of the story PDF
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Sacral rhizome of poetry in the essays by K.D. Balmont and S.A. Yesenin: culturological commentation PDF
卷 24, 编号 6 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Pushkin’s Presence in S.A. Yesenin’s Creative Work: a Culturological Commentary PDF
卷 24, 编号 1 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Entelechy of Culture in A. Shatskov's Book of Poems "Tyutchew's Swans" PDF
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES The mythologeme of path in A. Orlov’s poetic book “The resurgent sun”: a culturological commentary PDF
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Mimesis variations in F. Shatskov’s poetry book “Kulikovo field tales” PDF
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Apophaticism of pain in S.A. Yesenin’s poem “Black man” (liminal states in Russian culture) PDF
卷 25, 编号 2 (2023) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Apophaticism of Russian Culture: Traditions of Buffoonery in S.A. Yesenin’s Poem “I will not Deceive Myself...” PDF
卷 25, 编号 3 (2023) HUMANITIES SCIENCES Antinomies of russian traditional culture in D. Mizgulin's poetry book «Po kromke bytiya» ("On the edge of being") PDF
卷 25, 编号 6 (2023) HUMANITIES SCIENCES O. Mandelstam's voice in V. Dudarev's works: national image of death PDF
卷 26, 编号 1 (2024) REVIEWS The Anti-Metaphysics of Contemporary Society: A review of the monograph by D.G. Plynov "The Syndrome of Belonging: A Diagnosis That Doesn't Exist, Yet Symptoms Are Already Evident" PDF
卷 26, 编号 2 (2024) PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES Blizzard text in the poetry of Karina Seydametova: existential love PDF