
Long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with uterine prolapse and prolapse
Tsallagova L.V., Khodzhaev G.G.
Adenomyosis as an optional risk factor for uterine cancer
Kostyuchek D.F., Anichkov N.M., Pechenikova V.А.
Problem of the contemporary diagnostics of womb adenomyosis
Baskakov V.P., Tsveliov J.V., Ruchliada N.N.
Modern approaches to endoscopic hysterectomy
Volkov N.N.
The application of simultaneous treatment combined with endovideosurgery in case of gynecological disorders
Singaevsky S.B., Yaroslavsky V.K., Borisov А.V., Atlasov V.O., Revina O.G.
Experience with laparoscopic hysterectomy
Aziev O.V., Bugerenko A.E., Sazonova E.O.
Variants of normal and pathological postpartum involution of the uterus
Shlepakov V.M.
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy
Kulakov V.I., Adamyan L.V., Kiselev S.I.
The doppler researches of ovary and uterus arteries of woman suffering from habitual miscarriages
Serova O.F., Titchenco L.I., Shapovalenco S.A.
Therapeutics aspects diathermy of surgery of cervix uterus
Safronova M.M.
Importance of transcervical myomectomy in pre- & postmenopausal patients.
Kappusheva L.M., Bansova В.I., Anisimova S.A., Golova J.A.
An estimation of organs preserved surgical treatment of benign uterine and ovarian tumors
Zarubenko I.Р., Ermolinskiy I.I., Kira Е.F.
The role of lower uterine segment in labor
Savitskiy A.G., Abramchenko V.V., Savitskiy G.A.
Norplant preparation application results
Gogayeva E.V.
Substitute estrogen therapy at post-varicotomy
Riabtseva I.T., Shapovalova К.A.
Experimental study of the sensitivity pregnant and nonpregnant uterus to the bradykinin and parmidin
Abramchenko V.V., Dvalishvili M.G., Schvarts G.
Features of endocrinal status dynamics of women subjected to the influence of radiation
Bezhenar V.F., Kira E.F., Beskrovnyi S.V.
The comparative assessment ofcentral hemodynamics indexes changes in hysteroresectoscopy and endometrial thermoablation
Popov A.A., Mazurskaya N.М., Manannikova T.N., Chausova N.А., Zemskov Y.V.
Results of operative obstetrical activity in modern obstetrics
Krasnopol’skiy V.I., Logutova L.S., Buyanova S.N., Chechneva M.A., Akhlediani K.N.
Alternative delivery in the presence of relative indications for caesarean section
Krasnopolsky V.I., Logutova L.S.
Efficacy of using controlled uterine balloon tamponade for stopping atonic postpartum hemorrhage
Babazhanova S.D., Lyubchich A.S., Lyubchich N.I.
The experience of surgical treatment of stressful urinary incontinence of an average and heavy degree
Novikov Е.I., Soroka I.V., Ivanova L.А., Popov А.S.
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy in the grossly enlarged uterus
Botchorishvili R., Rabischong B., Jardon К., Pouly J.L., Mage G., Wattiez А., Canis М.
Complete uterus didelphia and stage 3 genital prolapse during the labor of a woman at 35–36 weeks of pregnancy while using intrauterine device
Mochalova M.N., Kuzmina l.A., Mironenko A.Y., Mudrov V.A.
The criterion and opportunity of organ-saving operations at purulent- inflammatory diseases of uterus and andex in women of reproductive age
Bagnenko S.F., Novikov E.I., PIakhotnikov I.A., Kira E.F., Borisov A.V., Gorbakova L.S.
Comparing outcomes of tvt versus tvt obturator sling procedures in stress urinary incontinent patients: a prospective cohort study
Korshunov М.Y., Sergeeva L.V., Sazykina Е.I.
Pathogenetic features of clinical current inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs on background intrauterine contraception (IUC)
Ivanova L.V., Okisheva G.A., Spodobets T.P.
Features of women’s vaginal delivery with uterine scar at present stage
Mudrov V.A., Mochalova M.N., Mudrov A.A.
Surgical repair of vaginal vault prolapse: comparing of vaginal and abdominal procedures
Korshunov М.Y., Sazykina Е.I.
The role of nitric oxide and its donors in uterus contractility regulation
Abramchenko V.V., Sherbina L.A., Nikitin S.V., Nikitin A.V., Kuzminih T.U.
Features of proand antioxidant systems in patients with uterine leiomyoma and its combination with adenomyosis and endometrial hyperplasia and the development of recurrence after organ-saving operations
Popov E.N., Arutyunyan A.V., Sudakov D.S., Dymarskaya Y.R.
Modern aspects in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory diseases, associated with intrauterine device contraception and their consequences in the remote period
Ivanova L.V., Gorbacova L.S., Nemet N.L.
Ovarian blood flow in healthy women and patients with ovarian failure
Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Popov E.N.
Emergency surgery for complicated inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages
Balakshina N.G., Koh .I.
Experience of application anti adgesivebarrier in the treatment of patients with Asherman’s syndrome
Makarenko T.A., Nikiforova D.E., Ul’yanova I.O.
On some fundamental mechanical characteristics of myometrium
Savitsky G.A., Savitsky A.G.
Opiate analgesics as possible mechanisms for direct regulation of human oxytocin-induced uterine activity tested on labor model in experiment with isolated strips of myometrium
Kiselev A.G., Savitsky A.G., Orlova E.S.
Clinical significance of adaptational reactions of female organism undergoing laparoscopic operations on uterus and adnexa
Shaparnyov A.V., Kobiashvili М.G.
Experience of application of different surgical accesses in case of combined uterine pathology
Zaitseva Е.G., Marenin А.G., Zverev I.Y., Biteev V.K.
Varicose veins dilation: clinic and diagnostics
Uralskova М.V., Saphronova М.М., Sharova L.Е.
To the question about the influence of regional anesthesia on the contractile function of the uterus
Pervak V.A.
Pathological pre-conditions of complicated current of pregnancy at myoma uteri
Savitskij A.G., Abramchenko V.V., Savitskij G.A.
Tthe structure of uterine contractions anomalies in contemporary obstetrics: clinical and statistical aspects
Savitskiy A.G.
Vaginal hysterectomy of different radicality in the treatment of uterine deseases
Gabitov N.А., Gybaidullin А.R., Mavlutova Z.V.
The evaluation of organ-saved surgery of benign tumors of uterus and adnexa
Zarubenko I.Р., Ermolinskiy I.I., Меlˊkо А.I., Kira Е.F.
1 - 45 of 45 Items

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