
The experience of extended in vitro human embryo cultivation in a culture medium containing endometrium cells. A pilot study
Bespalova O., Kogan I., Komarova E., Lesik E., Tolibova G., Tral T., Zagaynova V., Obyedkova K., Gzgzyan A.
Analysis of the impact of uterine fibroids of different locations and sizes on the perfusion and metabolic characteristics of the endometrium
Polenov N., Yarmolinskaya M., Zakuraeva K., Krutikova V., Potapova E., Kogan I., Shengelia N.
Romanova O.A., Pechenikova V.A.
Endometrial NK cells in repeated implantation failure – quantity and functional markers
Zagaynova V., Bespalova O., Krikheli I., Gzgzyan A., Tral T., Tolibova G., Sokolov D., Kogan I.
Endometrial blood flow evaluation in women with uterine fibroids during in vitro fertilization treatment
Dzhemlikhanova L., Krikheli I., Potapov A., Ob'edkova K., Safarian G., Niauri D., Gzgzyan A.
Resolution of the plenum of the interdepartmental scientific council on obstetrics and gynecology, RAMS M3 RF
Board E.
Development and testing of an endometrial status assessment test based on RNAampliSeq technology
Malysheva O., Vashukova E., Gzgzyan A., Dzhemlikhanova L., Ob'edkova K., Popova A., Tkachenko A., Shalina M., Yarmolinskaya M., Glotov A.
Comparative analysis of endometrium after using levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and copper intrauterine device
Pechenikova V., Akopyan R., Antipova Y., Volokhova M.
Treatment endometrium cancer with preserving fertility - analysis of literature data and own studies
Bakhidze E., Chepik O., Volkova A., Maksimov S.
Aromatase CYP19A1, progesterone receptor PGR and estrogen receptor ESR1 gene expression in biopsy specimens of endometrioid heterotopia and endometrial tissue by reverse transcription PCR
Shved N., Malysheva O., Osinovskaya N., Molotkov A., Tsypurdeyeva A., Yarmolinskaya M., Baranov V.
Blood serum and follicular fluid relaxin: a pilot study of the hormone effects on ovarian function and fertilization efficiency
Bespalova O., Zagaynova V., Kosyakova O., Gzgzyan A., Kogan I., Milyutina Y., Tkachenko N., Borodina V., Lesik E., Mekina I., Komarova E.
Kisspeptin and polycystic ovary syndrome - is there any connection?
Yarmolinskaya M., Ganbarli N., Tkachenko N., Nikolaeva V., Tolibova G., Tral T., Rulev V., Tsypurdeeva A.
Endometrial stem cells expansion capability for local and systemic routes of administration in a model of experimentally injured endometrium
Usoltceva E., Dzhemlikhanova L., Niauri D., Kogan I., Gzgzyan A.
Possibilities of using granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in reproductive medicine. A literature review
Nguyen C., Niauri D., Tapilskaya N., Gzgzyan A.
Endometrial receptivity in women with disoders in reproductive system
Ponomarenko K.
Molecular mechanisms of cyclic transformation of the endometrium
Tolibova G., Tral T., Ailamazyan E., Kogan I.
The problem of "thin" endometrium in reproductive medicine: experience of application of recombinant Interleukin-2 to prepare patients to assisted reproductive technologies programs
Lysenko O., Rozhdzestvenskaya T.
Substantiated approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of tamoxifen-induced endometrial conditions in patients with breast cancer
Protasova A., Solntseva I., Tsypurdeyeva A., Semiglazova T., Stenina M., Yureneva S., Yakushevskaya O.
The role of metastin in pathogenesis of genital endometriosis
Aylamazyan E., Yarmolinskaya M., Ganbarli N., Tkachenko N., Tolibova G., Tral T., Rulev V., Tsipurdeeva A.
Activity of nucleolar organizers in endometrial glandular and surface epithelial cells in patients with external genital endometriosis
Kurenkov E., Igenbaeva E., Uzlova T.
New approaches to the estimation of endometrial dysfunction
Aylamazyan E., Tolibova G., Tral T., Kogan I., Yarmolinskaya M., Tsipurdeeva A., Rodichkina V., Kvetnoy I.
Significance of glutathione peroxidases in endometrium function: facts, hypotheses, and research perspectives
Razygraev A., Matrosova M., Titovich I.
Endometrium and polycystic ovary syndrome
Yakovlev P., Kogan I.
Morphological substantiation of pathogenetic therapyof external genital endometriosis
Markar’yan I., Yermolova N., Drukker N., Mazhugin V., Rymasheuski A., Trushina S.
Morphological evaluation of the hypoplastic endometrium in women with ineffective art protocols
Tolibova G., Tral T., Kogan I.
Molecular-genetic background of endometriosis: diagnostic potential of heritable and expressed factors
Marzhevskay V., Prisyazhnaya T., Zhamoydik V., Berlev I., Malek A.
Uterine fibroids and effiency of in vitro fertilization programs
Dzhemlikhanova L., Niauri D., Abdulkadyrova Z.
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