
The peculiarities of the period of pregnancy and labor in women with chronic placentary insufficiency and infection
Butova E., Kadtsyna T.
Current views on the diagnosis and prognosis of fetal growth restriction (A literature review)
Ignatko I., Bogomazova I., Kardanova M.
Clinical significance of predictive and diagnostic indices of fetal pathology associated with placental insufficiency in women with endometriosis
Lipatov I., Tezikov Y., Amosov M.
AT-rich interactive domain-containing protein 1A (ARID1A) expression in placentas with late fetal growth restriction
Tral T., Yusenko S., Tolibova G., Kogan I.
The possibility of placental insufficiency prognostication in the first trimester
Gazazyan M., Ponomaryova N., Ivanova O.
Placental insufficiency treatment in patients with herpes virus infection
Tioutiounnik V., Ordzhonikidze N., Zaidieva Z., Kravchenko N.
Complex diagnostic method of placental insufficiency by pregnant in gestosis
Philipchenko T., Ivanyan A., Pokusaeva V., Nikiforovich I.
Review of the monograph by V. E. Radzinsky and P. Ya. Smalko "biochemistry of placental insufficiency." Moscow: Peoples' FriendshipUniversity of Russia Publishing House
Berlev I.
Special features of chronic placental insufficiency treatment in pregnancy complicated by varicose vein disease
Ordzhonikidze N., Gurtovoi B.
Nikolayenkov I., Kuzminykh T., Tarasova M., Seryogina D.
Morphological features of the placenta in obese women
Seryogina D., Sosnina A., Tral T., Tolibova G., Mozgovaya E.
Causes of patients’ obstetric complications after ART
Arzhanova O., Paikacheva Y., Ruleva A., Kapustin R., Nichiporuk N.
Morfological and functional features of placentas in minor women
Mikhaylin E., Tolibova G., Tral T.
Functional morphology of the placental villous tree at term singleton pregnancies, achieved by methods of assisted reproductive technology
Sosnina A., Tral T., Krylova J.
Features of oxidative modification of proteins and erythrocyte functional state in pregnancy complicated by placental insufficiency
Shevelkova A., Aylamazyan E., Evsyukova I.
Pathogenesis of perinatal pathology in newborns developing under conditions of chronic hypoxia with placental insufficiency
Evsyukova I.
Tomayeva K.
Lipoperoxidation and antioxidizing system at the pregnant women at uncomplicated pregnancy and placental insufficiency
Florensov V., Protopopova N., Kolesnikova L.
Seryogina D., Nikolayenkov I., Kuzminykh T.
Medical and social factors of placental insufficiency in pregnant women in modern conditions of Tajikistan
Kamilova M., Rakhmatulloeva D., Ishan-Khodzhaeva F.
Current trends in the treatment of chronic placental insufficiency
Novitskaya E., Bolotskikh V., Polyakova V., Kvetnoy I.
Intraplacental blood flow in third trimester of placental insufficiency pregnancy
Zakurina A., Pavlova N.
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