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Nº 7 (2011)


Rol' brendinga v prodvizhenii molochnoy produktsii

Afanas'eva L.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):5-5
pages 5-5 views

Maintaining traditions - think about future

Britvina T., Malek L., Britvina T., Malek L.


The problem of protecting the place of origin of goods and its control are considered. As an example the dairy butter Vologodskoe has been taken with the aim to avoid possibility of falsification.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Molochnaya «Izbenka»

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Dairy industry. 2011;(7):8-8
pages 8-8 views

Present day trends in design of the milk products packaging

Gorkovtsov A., Gorkovtsov A.


Trends in the design of the milk products packaging have been discussed
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):10-11
pages 10-11 views

What innovations are in carton bottle for milk

Bykovskaya G., Bykovskaya G.


Special features of a new paper-board package in the shape of a bottle and the line for its production developed and launched by the company Tetra Pak are considered. The package is intended for ultrapasteurized milk
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Biorazlagaemaya upakovka dlya yogurtov

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Впервые на прилавках магазинов появятся йогурты в стаканчиках из биополимеров на основе полимолочной кислоты. Об окончании подготовительных работ по запуску инновационной упаковки в производство официально объявила американская компания Stonyfield Farm.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):14-15
pages 14-15 views

Proekt Tekhnicheskogo reglamenta Tamozhennogo soyuza«O bezopasnosti upakovki»

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Документ разработан с целью установления единых обязательных для применения и исполнения требований безопасности к упаковке/укупорочным средствам, обеспечения свободного перемещения упаковки/укупорочных средств, выпускаемой в обращение на территории Таможенного союза. Комиссией Таможенного союза разработан проект решения о принятии ТР 201_/00_/ТС и его вступлении в силу с 1 января 2012 г. Правительствам стран-членов ТС предписывается не позднее 1 декабря 2011 г. принять меры по приведению нормативных правовых актов в соответствие с этим техническим регламентом. Ответственной за ведение ТР 201_/00_/ТС определить Белорусскую сторону. Текст проекта ТР 201_/00_/ТС содержит предисловие, 9 статей и 3 приложения: их краткое содержание приведено ниже. Полностью с документами (проектами) можно ознакомиться на сайте .
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):16-17
pages 16-17 views

Optimization of separate goods items collection in a ware-house

Razgulyaev V., Razgulyaev V.


Some measures allowing optimize operations at storage of goods related with picking separate items at an enterprise are discussed in details.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Stranichka tekhnologa

Zobkova Z.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):22-22
pages 22-22 views

Novosti ot «Bifilayf»

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Dairy industry. 2011;(7):23-23
pages 23-23 views

The innovative product - milk with increased content of melatonine

Anisimov G., Anisimov S., Agranovich A., Evdokimov I., Anisimov S., Agranovich A., Evdokimov I.


The article tells about mechanism of action of the milk hormone melatonine and practice of receiving and output of the innovative product - milk of the night milking at the dairy combine «Stavropol'skii».
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):24-25
pages 24-25 views

Curds production - traditional approach and innovations from the company «Chr. Hansen»

Kulikova T., Kulikova T.


The company «Chr. Hansen» introduces the latest developments: liophilyzed cultures of the range XMT, frozen cultures of the XTQ-range, MO-range of cultures for the UF curds manufacturing.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):26-27
pages 26-27 views

New developments of the All-Russian Dairy Research Institute (VNIMI): milk products technologies based on the baro-membrane methods

Agarkova E., Fridenberg G., Agarkova E., Fridenberg G.


In 2010 the specialists of the VNIMI completed development of the technical documentation on the technologies of some milk products based on the baro-membrane methods - micro- and ultrafiltration.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):28-29
pages 28-29 views

New issues in curds manufacturing

Zobkova Z., Zenina D., Zobkova Z., Zenina D.


Properties of the curds received from the normalized mixture with protein hydrolysate treated with transglutaminase.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):29-29
pages 29-29 views

Effects of milk treatment regimes onthe composition of functional curds protein

Ponomarev A., Merzlikina A., Kurchenko V., Gavrilenko N., Ponomaryov A., Merzlikina A., Kurchenko V., Gavrilenko N.


Properties of the curds samples have been studied in relation with the way of the initial milk treatment.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Natural ingredients of the company SOYUZOPTTORG- solution for the dairy sector

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The company "SOYUZOPTTORG" is an official distributor of the company IDI (International Dairy Ingredients) that develops and produces a wide range of the functional food ingredients. The ingredients are applied in the manufacturing of cheese, fresh and fermented milk products, ice-cream, chocolate, confectionary and bakery products, etc.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):32-32
pages 32-32 views

Milk fat replacer in curds products

Kozyrev D., Kozyrev D.


The scheme for manufacturing of curds products containing milk fat replacers "SolPro" is shown.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):34-34
pages 34-34 views

Milk based canned products with complete replacement of milk fat with vegetable oil

Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Petrov A., Turovskaya S., Galstyan A., Radaeva I., Petrov A., Turovskaya S.


New technical documentation for concentrated milk based canned products with sugar has been developed. In the products milk fat has been completely replaced with vegetable oil. Present day situation with normative documentation and legislation related with this type of products is discussed.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):35-36
pages 35-36 views

Quality managing at a milk processing plantCSB-System AG offers integrated laboratory accounting

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Possibilities and functions of the automated system of the milk products quality control have been discussed. The system is usually developed and launched at the already operating enterprise
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):39-39
pages 39-39 views

Highly efficient filters for milk UVMILK

Verkholomov E., Verholomov E.


The filter for milk purification made from the certified polypropelene by the method of the extrusion dusting is described.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):40-40
pages 40-40 views

About improvement of the milk processing plants efficiency

Karmanovich V., Elistratov V., Prudovskaya O., Karmanovich V., Elistratov V., Prudovskaya O.


Ways to economize energy resources in the cooling equipment at milk processing operations are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):43-44
pages 43-44 views
pages 45-45 views

Detection of microcracks in the heat-exchangers plates

Bokov N., Bokov N.


Existing methods and equipment for detecting microcracks in the plates of heat exchangers that are threatening milk products safety are outlined
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):46-46
pages 46-46 views

Intercrystallic corrosion of equipment

Ermakov B., Ermakov S., Vasil'ev A., Karginova V., Ermakov B., Ermakov S., Vasil'ev A., Karginova V.


Reasons of the corrosion deteriorations of the dairy equipment are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):47-49
pages 47-49 views

Sovershenstvovanie upravleniya remontami

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Dairy industry. 2011;(7):49-49
pages 49-49 views

Duplex systems for mechanical cleaning of pipe lines

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Duplex systems for mechanical cleaning of pipe lines allow improve energy efficiency and reduce negative effects on the surrounding.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):50-51
pages 50-51 views

About development of technical regulations on the food products

Krikun T., Krikun T.


Problems related with development of the technical regulations of the EvrAzEC and the Customs Union have been analyzed in the article.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Integration of the ecological standards requirements with the systems of the food products safety

Makhova N., Mahova N.


Necessity to put into practice of the food processing enterprises managing integrated management systems based on the International Standards ISO 22000 and ISO 14001 with the aim to improve their competiveness has been discussed.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):54-55
pages 54-55 views

Upravlenie bezopasnost'yu i kachestvom produktsii

Anan'eva N.


Московская торгово-промышленная палата совместно с ГУП г. Москвы «Московское качество» 20 мая 2011 г. провела конференцию по вопросам управления безопасностью и качеством продукции при поставках в розничные торговые организации. В конференции приняли участие производители, поставщики, торговые организации, представители федеральных и городских органов власти, контрольно-надзорных органов, общественных организаций и др. Оценивая систему управления качеством и безопасностью продукции, участники конференции пришли к единодушному мнению: ситуация с качеством продукции постоянно ухудшается; четко выстроенная система контроля качества «от поля до потребителя» отсутствует; механизмы, которые обеспечивали бы реализацию Доктрины продовольственной безопасности РФ не работают.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Generation of the future - «Generation Milk»

Lampadova E., Lampadova E.


Information is given about interregional social-educating program organized by the company «Unimilk» in the various regions of Russia.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):58-58
pages 58-58 views

Seminar «EFKO»

Girinovich O.


В конце мая в Анапе прошел научно-практический семинар «Современные технологии производства спредов и молокосодержащей продукции», организованный компанией «ЭФКО» при поддержке фирм «Эко Ком», «Когнис-Басф» и «Джорджия». Мероприятие, ставшее уже традиционным, состоялось в этом южном городе во второй раз. Как и в прошлом году, участники семинара, а это более 150 представителей отраслевых структур и предприятий из России, Казахстана, Белоруссии, Украины, Азербайджана, отметили высокий уровень организации, широкий круг затронутых вопросов, насыщенную культурно-экскурсионную программу мероприятия.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):59-62
pages 59-62 views

Seminar in Belorussia: for the innovations to the enterprise «Savushkin product»

Stepanyants M., Stepanyants M.


On May 17-20 in the Republic of Belarus' practical seminar «Modern technical and technological solutions in the milk products manufacturing» took place. As an example the JSC «Savushkin product» was taken and participants of the seminar (leading specialists from 30 milk processing enterprises of Russia, scientists of the relevant research institutes and people from the companies supplying equipment, ingredients and other items for the dairy sector) were united for discussions.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):63-66
pages 63-66 views

Milk as a microecosystem

Ogneva O., Ogneva O.


Ecological and organism regularities of the milk ecosystem functioning in the process of transformation have been discussed.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):68-69
pages 68-69 views

K 80-letiyu Yu.M. Shamanova

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Dairy industry. 2011;(7):69-69
pages 69-69 views

Lactoferrine of cow milk

Komolova G., Tikhomirova N., Ionova I., Komolov S., Komolova G., Tihomirova N., Ionova I., Komolov S.


Lactoferrine is playing an important role in protective mechanisms and is being considered as an active basis for medical preparations and foods for medical and preventive purposes.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):70-71
pages 70-71 views

Antimicrobial properties of the oligopeptides lactoferrine

Zobkova Z., Zenina D., Zobkova Z., Zenina D.


Lactoferrine and lactoferricine present in curds caused inhibiting of the bacteria of the coli group by 1-2- orders. Acidity and quantity of lactic acid microorganisms of the finish products remained unchanged during 30 days storage.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):72-72
pages 72-72 views

Proteins that contain bound form of selenium

Nimatsyrenova L., Zhamsaranova S., Pishetshrider M., Nimatsyrenova L., Jamsaranova S., Pischetsrieder M.


Bound forms of selenium have been identified in various fractions of milk proteins by mass-spectrophotometry with lazer desorbtion and ionization on the matrix. The forms of selenium bound with cystein and metionine are present in the alfa s -, beta-casein and 2 beta-lactoglobuline.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):73-74
pages 73-74 views

Proteolitic properties of raw milk

Proshkina T., Belov A., Shalimova E., Proshkina T., Belov A., Shalimova E.


Activity of the native proteases and changes of the basic level of the intermediate products of proteins degradation in raw milk depending on composition and quality of raw materials in various periods of cattle keeping have been determined.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):75-75
pages 75-75 views

Properties of the cow milk beta-lactoglobulin hydrolysates

Ovchinnikova O., Anan'eva N., Gubanova M., Ovchinnikova O., Anan'eva N., Gubanova M.


Summarizing material about physiological properties of the hydrolysates of the beta-globulin of cow milk is given.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Gel-like products with milk whey and vegetative raw materials application

Prosekov A., Razumnikova I., Menkh G., Prosekov A., Razumnikova I., Menh G.


The technology for receiving gel-like whey products with protein-vegetative supplement is shown. Composition of the gel-like product with regulated food value has been studied.
Dairy industry. 2011;(7):78-78
pages 78-78 views

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