
The products quality and digital production management as factors of success in the food sector
Shaffrat T., Schalk G.
About some problems of the dairy sector
Gorlenko I.
More than 30 enterprises have joined the dairy cluster of the Vologda region
Sergeeva V.
Competitiveness of the enriched fermented milks
Kryuchkova V., Kolodenskiy A., Kryuchkova V., Kolodenskii A.
Domestic dairy animal breeding in the terms of the WTO: problems of adaptation
Surovtsev V.
Scientific solutions for the fresh milk products manufacturing
Zobkova Z., Zobkova Z.
Wide launching of innovative technologies - basis of successful integration of Russia in the WTO
Summing up
Kulev D., Kulev D.
About legislations assuring competitiveness of the Russian products of agriculture
Bushueva I.
Earn money with packaging!!!
Savicheva O., Savicheva O.
About increasing competitiveness of the domestic machine building
ROZOV Y., SVYaTOShNYuK V., Rozov Y., Svyatoshnyuk V.
Potential of the dairy animal breeding
Chinarov V.
Qualimetric determination of quality yoghurt
Kulyaev E.
Qualimetric assessment of food products
Glagoleva L., Orlovtseva O., Kleimenova N., Polyanskii K.
Resources saving starts with a usual counter
Fetskova V., Feckova V.
1 - 15 de 15 resultados
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