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编号 5 (2009)


Energy - resource that is controlled: ways to reduce energy consumption

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The report Reduction of energy consumption in the dairy sector has been prepared in the frames of the Program on stimulating investments in energy saving of the International Financial Corporation (IFC). As the basis of the report the guidance worked out by the Ministry of Environment of Great Britain Better practice of energy efficiency was taken that had been amended and adapted for application in Russia.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Cooling agents yesterday, today, tomorrow

Rukavishnikov A., Rukavishnikov A.


Principle requirements to cooling agents are discussed. Characteristics of various cooling agents are compared. Problems of the cooling agents applications in view of international documents defining requirements connected with environment protection are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Nanotechnologies in milk pasteurization

Fokin M., Fokin M.


The method of infra-red heating as an alternative to milk heat treatment at pasteurization is discussed. Electrical pasteurizers with IR-heating manufactured in Russia allow to pasteurize milk at stable temperature with precision of 0,2-0,30C.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):13-14
pages 13-14 views

Surface intensificators in heat exchangers.

Vlasenko A., Glazov V., Sergievskiy E., Vlasenko А., Glazov V., Sergievsky E.


In the dairy sector heat exchanging apparatus with different surface intensifiers are used for setting heat supplying process and technological treatment of a product. The article contains results of the experimental study carried out at the chair TMPU of the Moscow Energy Institute that compare efficiency of heat exchangers with surface intensifier and give necessary engineering calculations that can be used for choosing heat exchanging equipment.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Milk degassing (simple solutions - minimum expenditures)

Burykin A., Pankratov N., Burykina E.


Degassing of milk is advisable for removal of foreign odours and for reducing intensity of sediment formation at pasteurizing. For lowering expenditures for buying degassing equipment of both domestic and foreign manufacturing it is recommended to apply available at any operation unit tank with small diameter as a camera for degassing plant. It is known that milk processing enterprises have already started to provide pasteurizing lines with degassing plants made of available tanks.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):19-21
pages 19-21 views

Pumping equipment

Gruzdeva E.


Russian and international normative documentation is analyzed that include requirements to pumping equipment. The requirements refer to materials, surface treatment, welding, mild pumping conditions etc.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Heat pumps. Efficient instrument of energy saving

Namazov M.


Design and operating characteristics of heat pumps are outlined and their advantages as compared with other ways of energy saving.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Standards on food pumps

Gruzdeva E.


Among great variety of modern pumping equipment most severe requirements exist for pump units applied in food, parfume, pharmaceutical and microbiological industries. A number of standards related to this kind of equipment have been developed. Pumps should meet all these norms, and application of pumps without appropriate certificates is impossible.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):32-32
pages 32-32 views

Ice water: myphs and reality

Akhmetzyanov M., Semenchuk S.


Principle items of energy saving technologies for ice water receiving are mentioned: application of ice accumulators, work at night, night tariff, air temperature at night, payment for supplying power, ice accumulators design optimization, selection of cooling agent, proper operation, optimization of compressor working regimes, reduction of ice lay thickness, control of the system, filters, condencator.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):37-38
pages 37-38 views

Potential of fuel saving in boilers of milk processing plants.

Bocharnikov A., Bocharnikov A., Rudenko G., Burykin A., Bocharnikov A., Bochernikov A., Rudenko G., Burykin A.


Main reasons of low energy efficiency at boilers are given. Possibilities to improve energy efficiency of heat supplying system at one concrete dairy are outlined.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Ratsionalizatsiya blagodarya mobil'noy komplektatsii zakazov

Polynovskaya M.


Tirol Milch is the third milk processing enterprise in Austria with rich traditions in dairying. It was founded in 1935 and in 2006 its staff of 300 people received turnover about 140 milk euro. The company has three processing units, and about 5 thousand farmers supply raw milk to the dairies every day. Annual milk processing is 220 mln kg of milk. The head quarter of the company is situated in Insbruk. The milk products manufactured are distributes through retail shops, wholesale trade and grocery shops. The share of the export approaches 32% and the main part of it goes to Germany and Italy.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Mikrofil'tratsiya - luchshaya al'ternativa snizheniya zagryaznennosti moloka

Kharitonov V., Dimitrieva S., Zyabrev A., Kravtsova T., Goryachiy N.


Application of microfiltration together with pasteurization is a further step in the field of high quality liquid milk technology development. This is milk with extended shelf life, and components that are usually destroyed at heat treatment are preserved. Microfiltrated milk has a usual taste of pasteurized milk, and together with above mentioned properties and price the product is attractive for selling. Microfiltration plants with ceramic membranes regular operate for more than 10 years, and membrane operation life exceeds 5 years. Experience of dairies operation abroad has shown that investments in microfiltration are justified.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Possibilities of milk ultrasonic treatment

Berezovskiy Y., Dergachev P., Bliadze V., Berezovskii Y., Dergachev P., Bliadze V.


Results of the study of ultrasonic treatment of milk on line with the help of laboratory devise are analyzed: effects on oxidative processes, homogenizing ability of milk and bactericide effect.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Russian market of powdered milk products and canned milks

Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.


Information is given about production of whole milk powder, dry cream and dry ice-cream mixtures as well as milk powder (replacing human milk) and powdered milk mixtures for babies, skim milk powder, whole milk replacers and whey powder. Production of canned milk products in 2008 is characterized.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):50-52
pages 50-52 views

70 years to Lubinskii canned milks combine

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Production activity of the combine is described. The history of the enterprise and prospects for its development is outlined.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):53-53
pages 53-53 views

Creating quality products

Alekseenko A., Roshchupkina N., Alekseenko A., Roshchupkina N.


This is the information about new line of milk fat replacers developed at the company Efco Food Ingerdients. This is a milk fat replacer Ecolact 1903-33 TF with low content of transisomeres
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):56-56
pages 56-56 views

InFatTM - closer to mother's milk

Snegova V., Snegova V.


InFatTM is an up-to-date ingredient based on fats developed for meeting specific requirements of a growing baby. It consists of fats, replacing human milk fat that makes possible optimal digestion of calcium and energy and easy digestion of food. These advantages are explained by fatty acids composition in glycerol molecules.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):58-58
pages 58-58 views

Starter cultures with low postacidifying activity

Semenikhina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Abramova A., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Abramova A.


Specialists of the All Russia Dairy Research Institute have developed starter cultures with low postacidifying activity. The cultures consist of strains combinations that form and do not form viscous coagulum.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):61-62
pages 61-62 views

Principle criteria of raw milk safety - animals' health (lysteriosis)

Sviridenko G., Sviridenko G.


Lysteriosis a natural infection disease of human being and animals is characterized. Information is given about occurrence of the illness. Ways of people and animals contamination and measures for preventing dissemination of the disease are shown.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):67-70
pages 67-70 views

How to prevent milk products from heavy metals contamination

Temiraev R., Baeva Z., Teziev U., Gazdarov A., Temiraev R., Baeva Z., Teziev U., Gazdarov A.


In the technogene zone of the Republic North Osetiya-Alaniya supplements toxinil and calcium tetacin were added to cow rations with increased levels of heavy metals. As a result zinc, plumbum and cadmium contents in milk and milk products became lower
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):73-74
pages 73-74 views

What does method of milk cooling at farm effect on

Buylova L., Bil'kov V., Ivanov V., Ostretsova N., Grunskaya V., Ostretsov V., Shchemeleva M., Builova L., Bil'kov V., Ivanov V., Ostretsova N., Grunskaya V., Ostretsov V., Shchemeleva M.


Different ways of cooling raw milk at farms are given with their advantages and disadvantages. But decisive factors for receiving raw milk of proper quality are not the ways of cooling but sanitarian-hygienic conditions of milk receiving, animals health and duration of storage in the farm.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):75-75
pages 75-75 views

Ways of raw milk clarification

Burykina I., Tuvaev V., Burykina I., Tuvaev V.


Changes of the milk microflora composition in the course of milk treatment by filtration and treatment in the separator-clarifier are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):76-76
pages 76-76 views

Cooling of milk with natural cold

Tuvaev V., Prozorov A., Pustynnaya Y., Shutov A., Tuvaev V., Prozorov A., Pustynnaya Y., Shutov A.


Milking plant has been developed based on countercurrent milk coolers that at the same time are a part of milking lines. Operation of the milking machine is described. The scheme of the refrigeration plant that operates at the outdoor air temperature much lower than the temperature of milk cooling is given. Efficiency of application of the milking machine is underlined.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):77-77
pages 77-77 views

Milk industry - 2009

Dvinskiy B., Dvinskii B.


On 16-19 March, 2009 in Moscow at the Exhibition Center Krocus Expo the VII International forum The Dairy Industry took place. The forum was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the RF, Milk Union, Union of Consumers, National Organization of Disinfectionists and the company Global-Expo. General sponsor of the event was the company Wimm-Bill-Dann and the official sponsor - the company Unimilk. In the frames of the forum traditional exhibition and scientific and practical conference took place and for the first time Cheese showroom and Ice-cream showroom. Some other events and awards were organized in the course of the forum.
Dairy industry. 2009;(5):79-86
pages 79-86 views