
History and continuity of the first therapeutic departments at the Military Medical Academy
Ovchinnikov D.
Experimental justification of directions for improving the methodological support of professional psychological selection of candidates for training in universities of the ministry of defense of the Russian Federation
Zelenina N., Fedotkina I., Yusupov V.
Role and significance in medical consequences of radiation incidents in peaceful time that belongs to Military Field Therapy Departament’s in S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy in the system of medical catastrophes services belonging to Defense Ministry of Russian Federation
Khalimov Y., Vlasenko A., Matveev S., Gajduk S.
Features of emergency medical care outside a medical organization in saint petersburg
Karailanov M., Panfilov M., Cherkasov S., Prokin I.
Сhanges in the internal diseases picture during of the temporomandibular joint disease treatment
Serikov A., Iordanishvili A.
Ilyin I.A., Belskikh A.N., Gurevich K.Y., Zakharov M.V., Pyatchenkov M.O.
The operation of Troyanov – Trendelenburg in the modern minimally invasive approach to the treatment of varicose disease with endovenous laser photocoagulation
Akhadov R., Sazonov A., Sizenko V., Khubulava G.
Key points of etiopathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Zhirkov I., Gordienko A., Serdyukov D., Dorokhov G.
The evolution of methods and techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis in the Military medical academy named after S.M. Kirov
Protoschak V., Paronnikov M., Samatygo A., Kiselev A.
Strategy for the diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Zhirkov I., Gordienko A., Serdyukov D., Dorohov G., Fomichev A.
Prospects for the study of medical and economic aspects of treatment of patients with urolithiasis
Dunets K., Startsev V., Tegza V.
The assessment of social and economic spends conditioned by the respiratory organs diseases of military cursors
Yemelyanov V., Kuzin A., Azarova N., Tovpeko D., Alekseev P., Kulikov P.
Features of primary morbidity of military personnel who serve in conditions of occupational hazards
Grigoryev S., Zagorodnikov G., Sanzharevsky V., Sivashchenko P.
Epidemiological significance of respiratory diseases for military educational organization
Emelyanov V., Kuzin A., Tovpeko D.
Etiological characteristics of acute respiratory diseases in servicemen of the Western military district in 2014-2019
Gorenchuk A., Kulikov P., Zhogolev S., Aminev R., Kuzin A., Rubova S., Zhogolev K., Sidorenko S., Nikitina E.
Diagnostics and etiopathogenic treatment of muscle-fascial pain syndrome of the face
Tsygan V., Borisova E., Nikitenko V.
The results of the organization of the expert assessment of the quality of medical care to patients with diseases of the therapeutic profile
Movchan K., Eroshkin V., Smigelskiy I., Tarasov A., Obolenskaya T., Grinenko O., Yakovenko T., Rusakevich K.
Improving the automation of information support for medical rehabilitation and dynamic monitoring of the health of participants in wars and armed conflicts
Zakharov Y., Gypsy V., Tyrenko V., Galomzik N., Borisov D., Shershnev S.
Disease as a result of violations of the symbiotic relationship between the host and the microbiota with pathogens
Tkachenko E., Grinevich V., Gubonina I., Kravchuk Y., Apcel V., Ivanyuk E.
Experience of organizational-methodological and practical work doctors groups gain military medical units and organizations of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Zhdanov K., Sidorchuk S., Zakharenko S., Potekhin I.
Diagnosis of hepatic steatosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the military
Zhirkov I.
Prospects of studying the stability to decompression sickness of professional divers
Alpatov V., Sovetov V., Yatmanov A.
Tactical and technical features of the treatment of strangulated inguinal hernias
Sigua B., Zemlyanoy V., Petrov S., Rutenburg G., Kozobin A., Danilov A.
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