2024: Pogonyshev DA, editor. Culture, science, education: problems and prospects: proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (Nizhnevartovsk, 9-10 November 2023)

  • 年: 2024
  • 文章: 83
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/kultura_nvsu2023/issue/view/7185
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.36906/KSP-2023
  • 描述:

    ISBN: 978-5-00047-700-7


    The collection presents the materials of the conference "Culture, science, education: problems and prospects". One of the main directions of the conference was the topical issues of scientific research and its use in the content of various disciplines at school and university. A significant part of the proposed materials is devoted to this direction.

    The publication is addressed to practitioners, pedagogical workers, researchers, postgraduates and students.

    For citation:

    Pogonyshev DA, editor. Culture, science, education: problems and prospects: proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (Nizhnevartovsk, 9-10 November 2023). Nizhnevartovsk: NVSU; 2024. 602 p.


Section 1.

On the problem of interpretation, understanding and realisation of system-activity approach in school education

Alekseeva L.


The author focuses on the problem of interpretation and understanding of the system- activity approach in education. The author carries out a critical analysis of the author's vision of this approach by A.G. Asmolov, as well as interpretations of the system-action-activity approach in modern education, which has become the methodological basis of FSES and has changed the system of education in general education school, the consequences of erroneous interpretation of which have had a negative impact on the results of learning, manifested in the decline in the quality of school education.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:17-23
pages 17-23 views

On some issues of studying the population of Khanty-Mansiysk district

Alekseeva L., Mamedova G.


The subject of the article is the demographic history of the Khanty-Mansiysk district. The periodisation of the population’s formation in the district is presented and a general characteristic in the study of the scientific direction is given. The authors focus on the systematisation of available data on the population of the first half of the twentieth century and analysis of materials representing the demographic situation in the 1950s, which makes it possible to create a demographic picture of the region on the eve of oil and gas development.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:24-30
pages 24-30 views

Reflection of “kulturkampf” in a political carticature (based on materials of the german press of the second half of the 19th century)

Bespalova L.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of the German “Kulturkampf”, which was a confrontation between the Catholic Church and the government of the German Empire in the 70–80s. XIX centuries. This issue is explored using the example of German caricature, which during the period of the “struggle for culture” became a tool for a hidden assessment of this socially significant phenomenon.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:31-37
pages 31-37 views

“Democracy” from Platon to the present: historical perspectives of the concept

Grebenyukov V.


Theoretical issues of social sciences, which beside others include the conceptual apparatus and its content, are under the constant consideration of experts. Depending on scientific interests, the same concepts tend to be given different meanings and the content is formulated differently. Building a hierarchy of classification procedures will make it possible to begin moving toward eliminating the bottlenecks of social sciences, which include the conceptual apparatus and its content as well. The hierarchy of the classification procedures for social sciences can only be based on a human being, with their basic needs for food, shelter, and reproduction.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:38-45
pages 38-45 views

Delimitation of Altai and Semipalatinsk provinces in early 1920s: to the question of the status of the four southern volosts of the Zmeinogorsk district

Korzhenevsky K.


The paper reveals the peculiarities of determining the belonging of Uglovskaya, Laptevskaya, Loktevskaya and Alekseevskaya volosts of Altai province in the process of delimitation with Semipalatinsk province of the Kazakh ASSR. The reasons and the course of the four volosts being placed under the control of Semipalatinsk and their subsequent return to the Altai province are shown. It is concluded that despite the success of the Altai authorities in the issue of maintaining control over the border volosts in 1921, in subsequent years, adjustments in favor of the Kazakh ASSR were observed on this section of the border.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:46-52
pages 46-52 views

The extreme right movement of the beginning of the XX century in the Ufa governorate in modern historiography

Kuritsyn A.


The article analyzes the modern historiography of the far-right movement of the early twentieth century on the territory of the Ufa province. Special attention is paid to the problem of the emergence of monarchical organizations in the view of modern researchers. The view of historians of the early 21st century is considered on the problem of the relationship between the provincial government and the Black Hundreds. The vision of post-Soviet historiography on the problem of the existence of monarchical workers' organizations is shown.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:53-61
pages 53-61 views

Problems of the outskirts of the Russian Empire in the views of the extreme right of the beginning of the XX century in modern historiography

Kuritsyn A.


The article examines the problem of the attitude of the Black Hundreds to the position of the outskirts of the Russian Empire as special regions in the representation of modern researchers. Their view on the peculiarities of the economic development of Finland, Siberia, the Caucasus and some other regions is analyzed. The relationship between the participation of certain peoples in the national liberation or revolutionary movement and the attitude of the extreme right towards them is traced through an analysis of the progress of post-Soviet historiography.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:62-70
pages 62-70 views

Application of the imagological approach in historical science

Loginov E.


The article deals with the issue of imagological approach in the study of history in the context of perception of the object of study – image, stereotype, myth. The methodological significance, effectiveness and prospects of historical imagology as part of a major interdisciplinary direction are analyzed. The question is raised about the choice of the source base used in the study of historical images within the framework of the variability of interpretation of the object of study.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:71-76
pages 71-76 views

On the problem of studying the city of Taraz

Smailov Z.


The ancient city of Taraz is one of the most significant historical and cultural monuments. This city has been home to many civilizations over the centuries. The two-thousand-year history of the city reflects the main stages in the development of urban culture and economy. Here the cultures of East and West intertwined, creating a unique cultural heritage that has survived to this day. The article is devoted to the latest research in the city of Taraz.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:77-83
pages 77-83 views

On the genesis of castles and settlements of metallurgists of the lower reaches of the Shu river

Smailov Z.


Metal plays an important role in the history of human development. Its processing and use have become key innovations that have led to progress and prosperity in societies. One of the iconic areas where metallurgy was of particular importance were the castles and cities built in the lower reaches of the Shu River. The article is devoted to the study of these cities, determining the route of Khan-Zholy, the caravan road to Sary-Arka, identifying the locations of finds of packaged bronze ingots identified by geologist V.A. Pazukhin [10, p. 72].

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:84-90
pages 84-90 views

Some aspects of the situation of women in Yakutia

Spichak A., Nadyrova E.


The article highlights the position of Yakut women in the family and society in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Some features of marital relations and everyday women's family responsibilities are considered. A brief overview of the historiography on the research topic is presented, and archival sources are provided for further study of the issue.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:91-97
pages 91-97 views

Palestine readings in the domestic historiography of the XX – early XXI centuries

Tsys V., Tsys O.


The article examines the history of the study of Palestinian readings - the main form of cultural and educational work of the diocesan departments of the oldest religious public organization in Russia – the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Two stages (pre-revolutionary and modern) in the study of the topic are identified; both the achievements of domestic historiography and issues that need further development are highlighted.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:98-105
pages 98-105 views

Testimonies of siberians about the pilgrimage to Palestine as a historical source

Tsys O., Potehina D.


The article describes the memoirs and diaries left by Siberians who made a pilgrimage to Palestine in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. It is noted that the authors were mainly representatives of the clergy, and the content of the records indicates that the Holy Land for Siberians from the sphere of semi-legendary legends is turning into a real geographical object accessible for visiting.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:106-112
pages 106-112 views

Section 3.

Transcendental philosophy on the legal and moral basis of the teachings of I. Kant

Baeva V.


The relevance of this study is due to the global transformations taking place in the socio-political, legal, cultural, economic, and environmental spheres of modern society. These changes are often destructive in nature, as a result of which the normative foundations of social life, both moral and legal, are destroyed. At present, in this regard, consideration of the problems of the relationship between law and morality, personal freedom and necessity, will and reason is of particular importance. The developed theories of the social contract, legal and civil society, and natural rights of the individual became the basis for the formation of the classical concept of legal theory.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:113-118
pages 113-118 views

Patriotic education of linguists-translators in modern conditions

Baykova О., Obukhova О., Onoshko V., Popova К.


The article focuses on the importance of educating students in the spirit of patriotism, reveals the experience of organizing patriotic education and its implementation in the student environment of Vyatka State University. Nowadays, when the younger generation’s cultural values are distorted, the spiritual bonds get weakened in the society, and the human spirit is in crisis, applied studies and practical use of historical data in educational and extracurricular activities of students of the translation department are getting the most important and up-to-date.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:119-124
pages 119-124 views

Population migration as a subject scientific search in regional science (on the example of research in the republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

Barashkova А., Neustroeva А.


The purpose of the work is to reveal the migration topics of research in Yakutia, where the migration factor has played and plays an important role in the formation of the population. The analysis is carried out on a large array of literary sources, covers the pre-Soviet, Soviet and post- Soviet periods. It is shown that in the first two periods, the historical, geographical, and partly economic aspects of the migration process were more studied. The range of post-Soviet studies has expanded with demographic and sociological studies.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:125-132
pages 125-132 views

On the issue of the impact of social turbulence on modern youth

Bogatyr V.


The article reveals the problems of the impact of social turbulence on all spheres of social life and, above all, education, youth policy, family. The author presents the results of a study of some aspects of the internal picture of the world on a sample of students studying in various fields of training and specialties.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:133-139
pages 133-139 views

Ecology of philosophy: ontological and humanistic dimension

Bogos I., Duminskaya М.


Ecological philosophy is an actual direction of philosophical knowledge, which states the ontological and axiological unity of the following elements: the environment, man and society. They act simultaneously as subjects of the established ecosystem, and also condition the further development of the natural environment. At present, the next stage of development of ecological philosophy as a modern socio-humanitarian direction of cognition of the world and man is unfolding.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:140-146
pages 140-146 views

Social personalism and the theme of the future of mankind in the philosophy of Nikolai Berdyaev

Gutova S.


The article deals with topical issues related to the development of human history on the example of the philosophical ideas of Nikolai Berdyaev. It is noted that the crisis of modern society is largely due to the new state of culture, which is expressed in the decline and simultaneous transformation of man. The paper concludes that man, being inside history, is not able to fundamentally change its laws, but at the same time he can find his true being.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:147-152
pages 147-152 views

Reflexion as a mechanism of self-knowledge in modern science

Eskina S.


The appeal to the theme of reflexion is extremely significant for modern scientific cognition, especially for the field of humanitarian knowledge, as it characterizes its orientation - the formation of holistic and critical thinking of an individual. The problematics of the formation of reflexivity of consciousness does not lose its relevance in the modern world.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:153-158
pages 153-158 views

Ontological foundations of spirituality and civic service in modern domestic culture

Miller V., Duminskaya М.


The modern socio-cultural situation indicates the unfolding of another round of the stage of spirituality as the inability of a person to demonstrate an active civic position, namely to benefit society; in the loss of the value of spiritual quest for meaning and life issues, and as a result - it is the leveling of the value of human personality. The process of forming the spiritual potential of the individual for a long time was not realized as a personal or social need.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:159-165
pages 159-165 views

Virtual reality as a problem of philosophy, cultural studies and law

Miller V., Egorova Y., Antonova N.


The phenomenon of virtual reality deserves special comprehension, as it enters the space of objective reality more thoroughly every day. Virtual existence becomes the same reality for modern man, and in some cases, even more realistic, due to technical improvements. At present, there is a rapid change of real and virtual with the replacement of value coordinates, which is reflected in the changing worldview of the modern individual.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:166-172
pages 166-172 views

Ancient russian hagiography as a source of the national cultural code (based on the example of “The life of Alexander Nevsky” and “The life of Sergius of Radonezh”)

Moylashova О.


The article examines ancient Russian hagiography using the example of “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” and “The Life of Sergius of Radonezh” as a source of the national cultural code. The relevance of this work is due to the importance of preserving the cultural code of our country, the loss of which, as well as the oblivion of history and culture, is fraught with grave consequences, both for the individual and for the country as a whole.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:173-178
pages 173-178 views

Section 4.

Sky and earth in the conceptual field “cosmos” (on the background of russian and chinese languages)

Wang Y., Mitrofanova I.


The article is devoted to the study of the specificity of the concepts of sky and earth in the Russian and Chinese languages in the conceptual field "space". Sky and earth are inextricably linked with the cosmos, which contain peculiar cultural codes deposited in the Chinese and Russian peoples since ancient times. In two different linguistic pictures of the world, sky and earth as representatives occupying the central place in the conceptual field "cosmos" are expressed in them by different national features of mentality and personality.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:179-184
pages 179-184 views

Usus and norm in the context of «own» grammar categories of some full semantic adjectives in the Russian language

Kamenev D.


The article examines the features of the functioning of degrees of comparison of some qualitative full-semantic adjectives in the Russian language from the point of view of the relationship between usage and language norms. It is concluded that in colloquial speech, as well as journalism, poetry and fiction, the formation and functioning of degrees of comparison for such adjectives is possible, but their use in modern literary language is strictly limited due to the development of semantic ambiguity, which an ordered and clearly structured literary language avoids.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:185-192
pages 185-192 views

The image of Russia in the works of A.I. Solzhenitsyn (based on the material of journalism and the epic “Red Wheel”)

Makarchuk I.


A.I. Solzhenitsyn's portrayal of Russia in his journalistic works and the epic "The Red Wheel" is distinguished not only by patriotism, loyalty to national cultural traditions, but also by the desire for an objective and reliable positioning of his Fatherland. For the writer, Russia is a huge, unyielding and great country with its own distinctive path of development, centuries‒old reliance on Christian values.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:193-198
pages 193-198 views

Using of prepositional units when studying Russian as a not native language

Postolyuk D.


The article discusses a broad understanding of preposition; functioning of prepositional units; the theory of grammaticalization is given. The definition and meaning of the concept of somatism is revealed, their role in the process of grammaticalization of prepositions is described. Examples of some prepositional units that include somatisms are given. Examples of tasks for consolidating the use of prepositional units with somatisms of the back and shoulders are given.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:199-205
pages 199-205 views

Ethnocultural names of traditional clothing (materials based on the novel by I. Yesenberlin "Nomads")

Razbekova М.


The article discusses the ethnocultural names of the Kazakh people's clothing, their use in Russian-language literary texts. Artistic bilingualism, types of artistic bilingualism, literary bilingualism are presented with reference to researchers. The translation of the novel by I. Yesenberlin is analyzed “Nomads". The author of the article introduces various ways of introducing textbook names into the Russian literary text, which are very significant in the Russian-speaking system.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:206-212
pages 206-212 views

About the specifics of the concept of “psychologism” in literary criticism

Speshilova V.


The article examines the concept of “psychologism” from various literary points of view, its history, and the evolution of this concept is presented in detail. The opinions of the following literary critics about the term are analyzed: A.P. Skaftymova, B.I. Bursova, L.Ya. Ginzburg, A. N. Jesuitova, V.V. Companeitsa, A.B. Esina.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:213-218
pages 213-218 views

Секция 6. Новое в психолого-педагогической науке и образовании: перспективные теоретические и прикладные исследования

Social and cultural factors of students' health in the conditions of the northern region

Bagnetova E., Vitvitsky P.


The educational process of students of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Yugra takes place in difficult climatic, geographical and environmental conditions, when the very fact of living in the northern region indicates the presence of increased health risks. This problem actualizes the task of forming a healthy lifestyle and fostering a culture of health, since these two factors are the leading ones in maintaining health. The purpose of the study was to assess the behavioral risk factors and health culture of students, taking into account the regional characteristics of residence.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:219-224
pages 219-224 views

On the significance of D.S. Likhachev's legacy in the implementation of civic and moral education in an educational institution (from work experience)

Dombrovskaya I.


The article adresses the issues of the development of civic and moral education of students in educational institution on the example of using publicistic and scientific works of D.S. Likhachev; analysis of the components of civic and moral education of schoolchildren; approaches to the implementation of the main tasks of education in school are considered; the experience of practical implementation of educational tasks in educational institution is presented.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:225-229
pages 225-229 views

To the formulation of the problem of the psychology of the image of the world in modern psychology

Molchanova E., Naimushina Е.


The problem of “picture of the world” studying in psychological science is reveals in the article. One of the deepest individual worldview aspect is religious component (“religious picture of the world”). Existing scientific approaches to the “religious picture of the world” are analyzed and caparisoned at this work.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:230-236
pages 230-236 views

Information training of students of humanitarian profiles: possibilities of using chatbots without programming

Pavlushina V.


The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of information competencies of students studying in the humanities, in particular in the direction of pedagogical education. The issue of preparing students for the use of such an up-to-date digital technology as chatbots in their professional activities is being considered. As practical recommendations, a laboratory workshop is proposed that allows you to develop a chatbot in an online constructor (without the use of special programming knowledge, which can be problematic for students of humanities profiles).

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:237-244
pages 237-244 views

Inter-subject relations of the discipline of objectiveness at the level of secondary vocational education

Pazderina N.


The article examines the interdisciplinary connections of the discipline of life safety at the level of secondary specialized education. The importance of an interdisciplinary and practice- oriented approach at the level of secondary vocational education (SVE) is presented. To master professions to perfection, the authors proposed the use of interdisciplinary tasks. The main aspect that influences the preparation of educational tasks based on interdisciplinary connections is the formation of general and professional competencies aimed at developing independent professional activities and cognitive interests of students.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:245-252
pages 245-252 views

Professional training through participation in competitive activities

Savelieva N.


The article examines the competitive activity of students as a way of forming and developing professional and supra-professional competencies. The authors hypothesize that the active participation of students in engineering championships and technological entrepreneurship competitions contributes to the quality training of professionals. A pedagogical experiment was organized: the control group studied according to the traditional curriculum, students in the experimental group, in addition to the main training, participated in technological entrepreneurship competitions and engineering championships. Students in the experimental group, after participating in various competitions, increased the level of developed professional and supra-professional competencies and the quality of professionalism upon leaving the university.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:253-258
pages 253-258 views

The nature of forming the general technological competence of future professional educators

Shagataeva Z., Ernazarova Z., Iliev R., Iliev R.


The scientific article analyzes the process of forming general technological competence among future educators specializing in professional education. The role and significance of this competence in pedagogical practice are examined, with key components (knowledge, skills, abilities) highlighted. The authors discuss formation methods, including the influence of modern educational technologies. The article aims to enrich the theoretical foundation of pedagogical science and provide practitioners with valuable recommendations for the effective development of the competence of future educators.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:259-265
pages 259-265 views

The problem of studying the relationship of values with the level of school motivation among younger pupils

Shibaeva L., Tykhtasinova E.


The problem of the study consists in revealing the ratio of different components of the personality of younger pupils, which are important for the success of solving age-related problems. The category of «value» is used to characterize children’s attitude towards themselves and towards those sides of reality that are important for them. The preponderance in the sample of younger pupils with the domination of the value of real habitual functioning is shown. The ratio of the components of the structure of the personality of the designated group of schoolchildren in comparison with respondents who showed dominance on other types of values is considered. It reveals the influence of values on the educational motivation and features of self-esteem of schoolchildren in their competence in the cognitive sphere and extracurricular activities.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:266-271
pages 266-271 views

Formation of ecological perspectives in preschool children using «algorithmics» technology

Yumagulova E., Garnatka A., Yumagulov R., Gallyamova D.


The article reveals modern approaches to solving problems of environmental education for preschool children; Features of the formation of environmental ideas in children. The results of the implementation of the “Algorithmics” technology in the Nizhnevartovsk Municipal Administrative Educational Institution No. 52 “Samoletik” are presented. It is shown that at the secondary stage of diagnosis, the value of high and average levels of environmental knowledge in preschool children increases by 30 and 20%, respectively. A fairly high degree of effectiveness of using this technology for the formation of environmental ideas in preschoolers has been determined.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:272-278
pages 272-278 views

Секция 7. Передовые исследования в математических и физических науках

Comparative analysis of electronic educational resources in teaching geometry

Afendikova M., Kovalenko A.


The article deals with the concepts of electronic educational resources (EER), their importance in the learning process, references to already existing EER and constructors for their creation. The article substantiates the effectiveness of using electronic educational resources in the educational process, but provided they meet all the requirements.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:279-289
pages 279-289 views

Case studies as a means of developing students’ financial literacy

Belokurova E., Gorlova S., Kovalenko A.


The transformation of school mathematics education is invariably determined by the changes occurring in modern society. From the standpoint of understanding school education in the context of the continuous accumulation and integration of life skills and abilities, this paper substantiates the possibility and feasibility of using case technology in teaching mathematics.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:287-294
pages 287-294 views

Application of ICT in geometry lessons

Gorlova S., Syleymanova N.


The article considers the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in geometry lessons. The advantages of using ICT, in particular, the CoreApp platform, in geometry lessons are described. The possibilities of creating interactive presentations and demonstrations, creating tests and tests, as well as integrating with other ICT solutions are considered.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:295-301
pages 295-301 views

Evaluation of the efficiency of outpatient care provided by medical institutions of the region: DEA – meтhоd

Kutyshkin A., Shulgin O.


The paper presents estimates of the effectiveness of the provision of medical services on an outpatient basis by medical institutions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra for the period from 2016 to 2020 based on data envelopment analysis (DEA method). An input- oriented DEA, a model with a variable scale of returns, was used to evaluate the coefficient of medical effectiveness (CME). The ranking of medical institutions in KhMAO – Yugra according to the calculated СME was compared with the ranking carried out by the taxonomic indicator method. The results of using the latter do not contradict the results of the DEA method.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:302-309
pages 302-309 views

Ensuring the start-up of asynchronous electric motors

Mezentseva А.


A study is being conducted of the conditions that ensure the start of electric motors powered by transformer substations and operating in parallel with each other, during which it was found that with a decrease in voltage, it is important that during the start-up period, to ensure its further stable operation of electric motors, the starting torque was greater than or equal to the value of the torque of the working machine brought to the shaft of the electric motor.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:310-315
pages 310-315 views

Practical use of digital information technologies in extracurricular activities

Shagataeva Z., Nurdauletov E.


The study focuses on digital technologies in extracurricular activities. It analyzes specific examples of their application, including virtual excursions, educational games, and online courses. The research evaluates the pros and cons of using digital resources to enhance extracurricular education. The findings can assist educators and parents in optimizing students' learning experiences outside of regular classroom sessions.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:316-321
pages 316-321 views

Секция 11. Экология и природопользование

Green transport in the conditions of transformation

Kuznetsova E., Sokolov S., Kushanova A.


The article highlights the directions of transport transformation in conditions of sustainable development: the establishment of “ecological zones” on the territory of cities, water areas, encouraging car owners to choose in favor of public transport, the development of alternative fuel sources for transport. Problems in the development of electric motor transport infrastructure have been identified. Maps of the location of gas stations and the number of electric vehicles for the Asian part of Russia have been built.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:322-328
pages 322-328 views

Features of the use of geoinformation systems in environmental research

Kuznetsova V., Skripnik E.


The article discusses the possibilities of GIS for environmental education and research. Systems help to analyze the relationship between environmental factors. The relevance of GIS is increasing in the modern educational process, they are useful for studying geography, ecology. Systems are also used for modeling objects and analyzing processes. The use of GIS develops spatial thinking and helps to work with large amounts of data.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:329-337
pages 329-337 views

Urban renewal of Nizhnevartovsk area

Kuznetsova V., Shafigullin R.


Transport infrastructure is a key element of the functional structure of a modern city. It provides spatial movements of people and goods, which most accurately reflects the economic and social state and development of the city. The article presents some features of the reconstruction of the transport infrastructure of modern urban areas to improve land management. The authors analyzed the problems of transport infrastructure in the territory of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, and also outlined recommendations for its reconstruction.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:338-345
pages 338-345 views

The usage of aerostats in remote sensing of the earth

Kushanova A., Zotov S.


The purpose of this work is to analyse the feasibility of using aerostats in remote sensing of the earth as a modern and promising way to obtain data for various tasks of land use and ecological monitoring. The article presents a theoretical calculation of the parameters of the aerostat and its cost.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:346-351
pages 346-351 views

Mycobiota of pine bark of pine forests of Surgut parks

Mantrova M.


The article is devoted to the study of the species diversity of the mycocenoses of the pine bark of the pine forests of the parks of the city of Surgut: “Za Saima”, “Energetikov”, “Cedar Log”, “Neftyanik”. The mycobiota contains 6 species of microscopic fungi with an abundance of saprotrophs – Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, Mucor plumbeus, Rhizopus stolonifer and Neurospora dictyophora. The phytopathogenic species Fusarium sporotrichioides was identified as part of the mycocenosis of the pine bark of the park “Za Saimaa”.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:352-357
pages 352-357 views

Reduction of anthropogenic impact alumina production on water bodies

Pilyaeva O.


Based on the monitoring of generalized technological cycles of water circulation in alumina production, model representations and identified patterns of water consumption and sanitation for the technical facilities of the plant, as well as the techno-ecological balance, which is necessary for the self-restoration of the water body, the design solution for the installation of a cooling tower subsystem and subsequent environmental measures for the transfer of power equipment to a closed subsystem of water supply with by serving a slurry card.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:358-364
pages 358-364 views

Functional indicators of external respiration of young men and women in the conditions of the north

Pogonysheva I., Postnikova V., Shalamova E., Ragozin O., Kuchumov M.


Functional indicators of external respiration were studied among students who live and study in the north. For this research, a “Spiro-spectrum” spirometer from “Neurosoft” was used. The average values of vital capacity of the lungs, tidal volume, and respiratory rate in young men and women were within normal limits. The degree of decrease in VC and FVC in relation to the required values for the majority of students didn’t go beyond the normal limits. Ventilation disorders according to changes in the FEV1 indicator were not detected (all representatives of the sample were above 80% of the expected value). The values of the Gensler index for all examined students were above 70%, which is a variant of the norm. According to the indicator of maximum lung ventilation, no deviations from the norm were identified. Functional signs of obstructive and restrictive disorders weren’t identified in the examined students.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:365-372
pages 365-372 views

Dynamics of urban population of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug ‒ Yugra in 2001–2023

Sokolov S.


The article reveals the current state and trends in the development of the urban population of Yugra. The modern features of the population dynamics of the cities of Yugra are analyzed. Some indicators of urbanization of the region are calculated, their dynamics are investigated. The region's urbanization indicators grew for most of the period 2001–2023 with a gradual slowdown in growth rates towards its end. The results of the classification of cities in the region by dynamics indicators are presented.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:373-381
pages 373-381 views

Investigation of soil pollution in Nizhnevartovsk

Storchak T., Gorynina A., Zainitdinova V., Sharipova A.


Pollution of urban soils poses a risk due to the possibility of toxic substances. Identifying urban soil contamination is important for taking measures to protect the health and environmental sustainability of ecosystems, ensuring the safe use of land resources and preserving environmental quality. As part of the study, soil samples were collected on the territory of Nizhnevartovsk. The city’s soils are slightly acidic, non-saline, low in nitrogen and phosphorus, and have lower concentrations of heavy metals.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:382-390
pages 382-390 views

Modelling of organic matter dynamics in technogenic surface formations of the oil and gas production complex

Shtogrina A.


The present study presents the results of a modelling experiment of self-restored anthropogenic surface formations formed on the territory of the oil and gas production complex of the taiga zone of the West Siberian Plain. The study includes data analysis, numerical experiments and construction of predictive models that can be used for more effective management of soil resources and sustainable soil condition.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:391-396
pages 391-396 views

Anatomical indicators of leaves of Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench) in the zone of the thermal influence of a gas flare

Yumagulova E., Deryabkina N., Zainetdinova G., Yumagulov R.


The work was carried out on a raised bog under conditions of the thermal influence of a gas torch for burning associated petroleum gas. It has been shown that the thermal influence of the torch leads to a decrease in the value of most of the studied anatomical parameters of leaves of Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench from 13 to 28%. An exception was found in the thickness of the columnar mesophyll. This indicator increased by an average of 5%, which is associated with the compensatory function of plants in unfavorable living conditions.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:397-402
pages 397-402 views

Секция 12. Особо охраняемые природные территории как полигон междисциплинарных научных исследований. Секция, посвященная 25-летию Природного парка «Сибирские увалы»

To the fauna end ecology of freshwater mollusks of the Konda River basin (Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug – Yugra)

Babushkin E., Dunaeva D., Murashko Y.


In the basin of the large left-bank tributary of the Irtysh River – the Konda River, which had not previously been studied in malacological terms, faunistic and ecological studies of freshwater mollusks were carried out. Using morphological and molecular genetic methods, the species and taxonomic composition of the fauna was revealed. The features of the biotopic distribution and the factors that have the greatest influence on the distribution of mollusks are determined.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:403-410
pages 403-410 views

The linguistics of podzols in the conditions of the bumpy-occidental relief of Siberian hummocks

Korkina E., Safin A., Taslimullina A.


Albic Rustic Podzols are widespread in the boreal ecozone of the West Siberian Plain. The study recorded pseudomorphs in the form of a “tongue” in the podzol Al-Fe-humic using geometric leveling. A study was carried out on the territory of the Siberian Uvalies natural park. Measurements of the shape of the hillock and cryogenic forms were carried out morphological descriptions. As a result, it was determined that the formation of cryogenic forms in the form of a “tongue” in the podzol occurs due to surface deformation. A powerful eluvial horizon is formed on a steeper slope of the hillock.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:411-418
pages 411-418 views

The number of microorganisms in the soils of the Siberian Uvaly natural park

Sabirzianova O., Korkina E.


Humid climate, short growing season and negative average annual temperature are the determining factors in the development of ecological-trophic groups of soil microorganisms. For analysis, the study examined alluvial soils of the river. Deep Sabun. The study found that automorphic soils have weak soil nitrogen cycle processes carried out by soil microscopic fungi. Alluvial soils are more active in the microbiological aspect and have a higher biological diversity of microorganism species and soil processes.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:419-426
pages 419-426 views

Study of ecosystem transformation in the Siberian Uvaly natural park «Sibirskiye Uvaly» under changing climate conditions

Seredovskikh B., Korkin S.


The article presents the results of monitoring studies in the territory of the natural park “Sibirskiye uvaly”. The hypothesis of possible transformation of ecosystems in connection with climatic factors is considered. Trends of meteorological, hydrological, exodynamic, geocryological and phenological phenomena are revealed. Conclusions are drawn about the dynamics and trends of climatic changes in the North of Western Siberia.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:427-435
pages 427-435 views

Natural park «Sibirskiye Uvaly» as a research ground for Russian science (chronology of scientific research 1998-2023)

Seredovskikh B.


The article discusses the main directions of scientific research conducted on the territory of the Sibirskie Uvaly natural park for the period 1998–2023. The chronology and topics of research in the main branches of science are given. The stages of research work are identified and justified, and the main research results are presented. A statistical analysis of publication activity was carried out.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:436-441
pages 436-441 views

Parasitic arthropods of small mammals in the Surgut sanctuary

Starikov V., Sarapultseva E., Kravchenko V., Bernikov K.


In the article for 2018–2022 summarizes the results of the study of parasitic arthropods (gamasid mites, ixodid ticks, lice and fleas) in Surgut sanctuary (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra). A total of 37 species of parasitic arthropods were identified, of which gamasid mites 13 species, ixodid ticks 2, lice 3 and fleas 19 species.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:442-449
pages 442-449 views

Секция 13. Нефть, газ: современные технологии и лучшие практики

Problems of searching and isolating lithium carbonate from produced water of hydrocarbon deposits Nizhnevartovsk district KHMAO–Yugra

Bakeev R.


This article is devoted to the problem of searching for and extracting lithium carbonate from the reservoir waters of hydrocarbon deposits in the Nizhnevartovsk district of KHMAO – Yugra. The analysis of the current state of the issue is carried out. Scientific, technical and social problems requiring further solutions are formulated.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:450-454
pages 450-454 views

Study of the movement of fluid flow in the check valve of a submersible pump

Dumler E., Urazakov K., Zinatullina E., Levshuk A.


The article presents an analysis of the main failures of submersible equipment, not a small part of which is associated with the failure of check valves. Using a modeling technique, it was revealed that valve failure is primarily caused by the aggressiveness of the environment and the impact of flow turbulence. The article presents an analysis of models of fluid flow passing through a pump check valve, which has a different geometric shape of the valve gate. As a result, a streamlined valve gate shape, wedge-shaped at the top and smoothly rounded at the bottom, was recommended, which showed minimal flow turbulence.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:455-460
pages 455-460 views

Investigation of the basic physico-chemical properties of diesel and biodiesel fuel

Mukambetkaliyeva A., Akhmetzhan S.


This article provides a brief description of the advantages of using biodiesel. The results of an experimental study of the basic physicochemical properties of diesel and biodiesel fuel are presented.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:461-468
pages 461-468 views

Researh of thermal processes in the submersible motor of an electric centrifugal pump in the periodic pumping mode

Rukin M.


Mechanized oil production by electric pumping units is one of the most common methods of oil production in the Russian Federation. A promising direction is the use of a periodic pumping mode when extracting oil from low-flow wells. In this paper, the formation of the thermal regime of the submersible electric motor of the ECN operating in the mode of periodic short-term pumping is studied.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:469-473
pages 469-473 views

Modernization of the design of the screw in RBO-100.01.000 for the core-collecting projectile UKR-185/100

Savelieva N., Paskina E.


The article presents a way to modernize the design of the VRBO-100.01.000 adjusting screw coring tool. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that with the use of an upgraded adjusting screw, core sampling will reach 100%. The design of the screw is improved by changing the trapezoidal thread with additional phosphating. An adjustment screw of the upgraded design is equipped with a core-collecting projectile UKR-185/100.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:474-478
pages 474-478 views

Modeling and visualization of oil and gas production systems and processes using CAE programs

Soloviev A., Rabotyagov G., Nekrasov A., Volkova I.


The article provides an overview of the capabilities of modern CAE programs and their significance for the development, analysis and optimization of oil and gas production systems, and also demonstrates the developments of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at Nizhnevartovsk State University in this area. In particular, the article covers the project of creating a virtual educational complex “Workplace of a technologist of the Central Oil and Gas Production Shop (Oil and Gas Production Shop)”, recently implemented by our student together with the teachers of the department.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:479-484
pages 479-484 views

Development of a system for stabilizing of pressure at the reception an electric centrifugal pump

Totanov A.


This article discusses an important task of stabilizing the dynamic fluid level at the reception of an electric centrifugal pump operating under unstable inflow conditions. A pressure stabilization system has been developed at the reception of an electric centrifugal pump in a simultaneous-separate extraction unit (ECP-SPE-ECP). The article discusses the features of this system, and a new approach is proposed to ensure the required liquid level above the pump. The results of the study can be useful for engineers and specialists in the oil and gas industry, providing them with a basis for developing effective solutions for stabilizing the parameters of the technological regime in simultaneous-separate production installations using electric centrifugal pumps.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:485-491
pages 485-491 views

Potential of using the electrohydraulic effect for water desalination

Shangin E., Nekrasov A., Maygur I., Nureyev A.


This article discusses an innovative method of water desalination using the Yutkin effect, based on the electrohydraulic effect. The design of a desalination plant operating without an electromechanical drive, capable of creating high excess pressures in water and ensuring a stable desalination process, is described. The advantages of this method include flexible control, environmental friendliness and reduced cost of desalination. The results of experiments on a laboratory sample confirm the effectiveness and promise of this approach to water desalination.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:492-497
pages 492-497 views

Debit determination wells at the final stage of operation

Shangin E., Chubarova O., Levshuk A.


The article presents an improved method for determining well flow rate based on measuring the pressure of displaced gas from the casing into a measuring tank. This method provides high measurement accuracy, the ability to calculate the flow rate gradient and optimize the operation of the pumping unit. Compared to analogues, it offers a simpler methodology and more reliable measurements.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:498-503
pages 498-503 views

Секция 14. Актуальные вопросы художественного образования: проблемы и перспективы

On the need to preserve national traditions in art education (from personal experience)

Vidineev V.


History of art education in Russia, plein air trips around Russia and Europe, participation in exhibition projects at various levels: from city and regional to all-Russian and European, an internship at the Academy of Arts, allowed us to accumulate considerable experience in teaching academic disciplines. During the period of reforms in education, it is necessary to follow national traditions and time-tested methods in teaching special disciplines. Academic and realistic art in the context of higher education reform.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:504-509
pages 504-509 views

Online training in the field of fine arts

Golosay A., Kuznetsov K.


The article discusses self-study and teaching in online schools in the visual arts. The advantages and disadvantages of online learning in mastering the art of drawing are considered. The differences between independent learning and learning in a virtual school are described. A set of recommendations has been developed for a more comfortable learning of the art of drawing in online learning and self-study.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:510-517
pages 510-517 views

The role of the emotional intelligence of the teacher of additional education in the formation of the moral qualities of the student

Dolgina E.


The formation of moral foundations among students is a key issue in the context of a socio-cultural crisis. At the same time, it is the activity of teachers of institutions of additional education that is aimed not only at training and harmonious development of the individual, but also provides an emotional response, due to familiarization with the world of art. However, the achievement of the set tasks is possible only with a sufficient level of emotional intelligence of the teacher and his involvement in professional activities.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:518-524
pages 518-524 views

Aspects of gestuality in design education

Konovalov I.


The article examines the importance of gesture in design education. The possibilities of creative development through the implementation of gesturality are shown and the aspect of gesturality in design is revealed.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:525-530
pages 525-530 views

Preservation of ethno-cultural heritage on electronic media (using the example of the game project “The legend of the raven”)

Kravchenko S., Bogdanova E.


The article examines the problem of preserving intangible ethnocultural heritage, analyzes projects completed recently, and proposes its own game project.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:531-540
pages 531-540 views

The use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in artistic creativity

Ospanov B., Tulkibay Y.


Modern technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, reformat artistic creativity. This article explores how artists and art creators use VR and AR to transform the ways they create and perceive works of art. The article provides examples of projects and examines the practical and aesthetic aspects of the application of these technologies. We will also discuss how this affects our perception and interaction with art, as well as provide an overview of possible challenges and prospects for future artistic creativity.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:541-546
pages 541-546 views

Formation of skills and abilities of fifth and sixth grade students in the process of depicting still life, reflecting the ethno-cultural traditions of the peoples of Ugra

Pavlovskaya A., Smetanina P.


The article reveals the problem of the formation of skills and abilities of students of the fifth and sixth grades in the process of depicting still life, reflecting the ethnic culture of the indigenous peoples of the KhMAO-Yugra. A detailed analysis of pedagogical experience in the field of inclusion in the national-regional component is given. The article emphasizes the importance of studying the cultural traditions of ethnic groups, using the example of the Khanty, Mansi and Nenets.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:547-551
pages 547-551 views

About the technique of performing intonation in the method and practice of instrumental solfegio

Porokhovnichenko M.


The article is devoted to the problems of teaching solfeggio at the present stage. The author is based on the methodology and practice of teaching instrumental solfeggio, offering some ways to master the technique of performing intonation on bowed string and wind instruments. The author's main conclusions lead to the idea of specialization of the solfeggio training course in its focus on the performing activity of a professional musician.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:552-558
pages 552-558 views

The basic principles and methods of staging the conducting apparatus at the initial stage of choral conducting training

Rakhimova G.


The article discusses the basic principles of the staging of the conducting apparatus, which must be applied at the initial stage of choral conducting training for the correct staging of the conducting apparatus, when coordination is established between hearing, muscle feeling and voice, musical abilities, a sense of tempo-metro-rhythm are formed, conducting schemes and elements of the conducting gesture are mastered. Based on the principles considered, the author of the article suggests methods for effective work on the staging of the conducting apparatus.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:559-565
pages 559-565 views

The image of maslenitsa in the paintings of Russian artists

Rashitova S., Derbush V.


The article examines the features of the image of the Maslenitsa holiday in the fine art of Russian artists. The works of such artists as B.M. Kustodiev, K.E. Makovsky, L.I. Solomatkin, as well as some contemporary artists such as A.V. Brusilov, V.A. Nagornov, etc. are analyzed. In the course of the philosophical and art criticism analysis, general patterns, the most common symbols and motifs in the depiction of this holiday in works of art were identified.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:566-572
pages 566-572 views

Emotional and meaningful comprehension of music by students in performing activities

Subbotina I., Zakharova A.


The article contains an analysis of the emotional and semantic comprehension of a musical work by students in the process of performing activities during a music lesson in a secondary school. The concepts of “emotional and semantic comprehension of music” and “performing activity” are revealed, methods of emotional and semantic comprehension of music are considered. The main forms of performing activity are identified and justified: cognitive, communicative, artistic and creative. The stages of work on singing performance activities with students in a music lesson have been determined.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:573-578
pages 573-578 views

Theatrical activity as a means of developing the perception of musical works of preschool students

Farkhutdinova S., Kozlova A.


The article discusses scientific research on the development of preschool children's perception of theatrical techniques. The issues related to the development of the perception of musical works by the pupils of the preschool are considered. The authors note the possibility of using methods of music education in the organization of musical and theatrical activities. As a musical repertoire for theatricalization, a “Children's Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky is proposed, options for the implementation of perception methods are described.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:579-586
pages 579-586 views

Features of training graphic design in master's duration

Shaikhulov R., Kravchenko S., Kameleva K.


The article discusses issues related to teaching graphic design to masters of the Faculty of Arts and Design. In particular, the requirements for the practical part – for the project of the final qualifying work. The works of masters completed recently are considered and analyzed. The achievements and shortcomings are analyzed.

11th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2024;:587-595
pages 587-595 views