
Ивченко, Е. В

栏目 标题 文件
卷 338, 编号 2 (2017) Articles Forum of military physicians of Asia Pacific region PDF
卷 338, 编号 8 (2017) Articles Heart rate variability as an indicator of the condition of patients with severe burn injury. PDF
卷 337, 编号 3 (2016) Articles The innate immunity and activation of the atherogenesis
卷 337, 编号 6 (2016) Articles Problems and prospects of innovation development of technical support for military medicine
卷 337, 编号 8 (2016) Articles Structure and physico-mechanical properties of the olfactory bulb while traumatic brain injury inflicted by firearms of limited destruction PDF
卷 337, 编号 9 (2016) Articles Comparative characteristics of domestic and foreign means of the first aid on the battlefield and in the epicentre of emergency situation PDF
卷 337, 编号 9 (2016) Articles Effectiveness of infrared-terahertz radiation with acupuncture in the initial period of ischemic stroke PDF
卷 337, 编号 11 (2016) Articles Hygienic aspects of development and testing of individual military armour
卷 337, 编号 11 (2016) Articles Anniversary of the science regulatory body of the S.M.Kirov Military medical academy.
卷 337, 编号 12 (2016) Articles Application of innovative technologies in the field of health support of troops (forces)
卷 336, 编号 6 (2015) Articles Legal regulation of clinical drug trials for the use in military-medical organisations
卷 336, 编号 7 (2015) Articles Medical devices and its in-field use
卷 336, 编号 11 (2015) Articles The current conceptions of non-pharmacological therapeutic methods capabilities and mechanism of their action
卷 336, 编号 2 (2015) Articles Combined burn and non-burn trauma in the array of modern civilian and combat burns.
卷 335, 编号 1 (2014) Articles I mprovement of the health care delivery system in war-time: monitoring of servicemen’s health slat Lts PDF
卷 335, 编号 4 (2014) Articles Membranes structure and physical and mechanical erythrocytes properties in the early period of traumatic brain injury caused by less-lethal firearms PDF
卷 335, 编号 5 (2014) Articles Microstructure of the hippocampus in brain injury caused by non-lethal weapons
卷 335, 编号 3 (2014) Articles The network organization of medical research in the US Armed Forces PDF
卷 335, 编号 4 (2014) Articles Development of combat medical robots in the US Armed Forces PDF
卷 335, 编号 4 (2014) Articles Vsearmeyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Aktual'nye problemy meditsinskogo obespecheniya voysk (sil) na strategicheskikh napravleniyakh» PDF
卷 335, 编号 8 (2014) Articles Combat burn injury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military campaign experience PDF
卷 334, 编号 1 (2013) Articles Structure of cytosolic membrane and chemical composition of red blood cell during the early period of wound damage according to scanning probe microscopy
卷 334, 编号 1 (2013) Articles Shalakhin R.A., Sheppli E.V. — Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 4)
卷 334, 编号 2 (2013) Articles Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 5)
卷 335, 编号 11 (2014) Articles Prospective methods of combat burn injury treatment
卷 334, 编号 3 (2013) Articles Medical-and-economic substantiation of rational antibacterial therapy for patients with pleural empyema in the conditions of the military medical institutions
卷 334, 编号 4 (2013) Articles Modern aspects of combat maxillofacial trauma (Review of foreign scientific-medical publications during 2012—2013)
卷 334, 编号 3 (2013) Articles Military veterans health care abroad (On the basis of US and British models)
卷 334, 编号 6 (2013) Articles Prospective technologies in military medicine
卷 334, 编号 6 (2013) Articles Biomedical technologies of prophylaxis and treatment of combat trauma: current state and trends
卷 334, 编号 12 (2013) Articles Military postgraduate courses at the Military Medical Academy: history, current state and prospects
卷 333, 编号 1 (2012) Articles Organizatsionnye osobennosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo garnizona i zabolevaemost' voennosluzhashchikh
卷 334, 编号 12 (2013) Articles International research and practice conference on military medicine
卷 333, 编号 6 (2012) Articles Mechanisms of affection of labyrinthine capsule of the inner ear in case of wound to the head by non-lethal kinetic weapons
卷 333, 编号 9 (2012) Articles Directions of interdepartmental interaction in case of delivery of health care for injured in emergency situations in stationing sites of navy
卷 333, 编号 8 (2012) Articles Expert assesment of commands of Fleet medical service inclided into Disaster medicine service
卷 333, 编号 12 (2012) Articles Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 3). The US Army
卷 333, 编号 7 (2012) Articles Medical service of British Armed Forces (Review of foreign Internet-publications)
卷 333, 编号 10 (2012) Articles Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Review of foreign internet-publications)
卷 333, 编号 11 (2012) Articles Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 2)
卷 332, 编号 11 (2011) Articles Experience of left ventricular assist device «Incor» as «bridge to recovery» implantation in patients with end stage congestive heart failure
卷 340, 编号 9 (2019) Articles Features of the organization and conduct of clinical and military trials with the participation of military personnel
卷 340, 编号 9 (2019) Articles Results and prospects for improving the means and methods of medical protection from adverse factors of chemical nature
卷 340, 编号 10 (2019) Articles Promising areas of pharmacological correction of serviceability of military personnel
卷 340, 编号 9 (2019) Articles System of comprehensive immunization in the Armed Forces: state and prospects for improvement
卷 340, 编号 9 (2019) Articles Results and prospects of scientific research in the field of anti-epidemic protection of troops (naval forces)
卷 341, 编号 7 (2020) Articles Conference on Military Radiology, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of V.G.Vladimirov
