
Makeeva, I. A

栏目 标题 文件
编号 4 (2012) Articles New items in the legal and normative documents
编号 4 (2012) Articles The latest amendments to the Federal Law «About Technical Regulation»
编号 5 (2012) Articles Technical documentation on the law «About technical regulation»
编号 7 (2012) Articles Urgency of the national standards for antibiotics detecting
编号 6 (2012) Articles Labeling of functional essential components with a mark for circulation in the market
编号 3 (2013) Articles From the national systems to the common technical regulation of the Customs Union in the transition period
编号 1 (2013) Articles Normative assurance of the activity of standardization service at an enterprise
编号 8 (2013) Articles Special features of putting in action requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union to milk products
编号 9 (2013) Articles Labeling of a package (stopper means)
编号 3 (2014) Articles Official languages in the milk products labeling
编号 4 (2014) Articles Confirmation of compliance. Replies to the questions of the specialists from enterprises
编号 6 (2014) Articles Practice of applying technical regulations of the Customs Union. Names of milk products
编号 1 (2015) Articles The rules of labeling. Replies to the questions from enterprises
编号 9 (2015) Articles Identification signs of the organic milk products: multi-aspects analysis
编号 10 (2016) Articles Scientific substantiation of the design of the technical documentation that have not been included in the legislation field of the TP TC 033/2013. Methodology of projecting of technical terms (part 2)
编号 11 (2016) Articles System approach to the standardization of food products manufactured according to the milk products technologies. Labeling
编号 8 (2016) Articles Scientific substantiating of tailoring technical terminology for the products not included in the legislation field of the TR TC 033/2013. Historical issues (part 1)
编号 4 (2017) Articles Modern requirements for technical documents on food products. Part 1. Formulation, identification and termination
编号 7 (2017) Articles Methodology of projecting names and labels inscriptions
编号 9 (2018) Articles Risk oriented assessment of the technological process at normalizing quality and safety indices of a food product with complex composition of raw materials
编号 12 (2018) Articles New requirements to the names and labeling of the products containing milk
编号 4 (2019) Articles Practice of introduction of new regulated requirements. Part 1. Names of the products containing milk with milk fat substitutes