Author Details

Воротынскій, Б.

Issue Section Title File
Vol V, No 4 (1897) Abstracts I. M. Dogel. The influence of music on humans and animals. — Kazan, 1897 PDF
Vol V, No 2 (1897) Abstracts Prof. MN Popov. To the pathology of insomnia. — Archives of psychiatry, etc. 1897, № 1 PDF
Vol V, No 2 (1897) Abstracts Prof. PI Kovalevsky. Epilepsia senilis. — Archive of psychiatry, neurology and court. psychopathology. 1897, №1 .; Prof. PI Kovalevsky. To the doctrine of toxic epilepsy and its treatment. — Archives of psychiatry. 1897, № 2 PDF
Vol VI, No 1 (1898) Abstracts Prof. V.M.Bekhterev. Pathways of the spinal cord and brain. Guide to the study of internal connections of the brain. Part II. Fibers of the cerebellum, fibers of the cerebral hemispheres and a general overview of the conducting systems. Second edition, completely revised and significantly enlarged. With 255 figures in the textѣ. S.-Petersburg, 1898. Ts. 3 r. 50 k PDF
Vol VI, No 1 (1898) Abstracts Dr. A. Mercier. Sections from the central nervous system. -Translated from French. N. Vyrubova, with a preface by prof. V. M. Bekhterev. Published by K. L. Rikker. SPb. 1897. Price 1 r. 40 k PDF
Vol VI, No 1 (1898) Annals of society Report of the commission elected by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Kazan University to consider the fundamental issues developed by the Medical Council at the Kharkiv Provincial Zemsky Administration regarding the reorganization of the treatment and care of the mentally ill PDF
Vol VI, No 1 (1898) Annals of society Report of the commission, elected by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University for consideration of the preliminary draft of the Charter of the Russian Union of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists PDF
Vol VI, No 2 (1898) Abstracts Priv.-docent V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous diseases of children. -Moscow. 1898; price 1 r. 25 k PDF
Vol VI, No 2 (1898) Abstracts Prof. A.S. Tauber. Brain surgery. Clinical lectures. -Spb. 1898 PDF
Vol VI, No 2 (1898) Abstracts "Russian Medical Vesnik". 1898, no. 1 PDF
Vol VI, No 2 (1898) Abstracts A. N. Bernshtein. New insight in the theory of perception. Questions of philosophy and psychology. 1898, January-February PDF
Vol VI, No 3 (1898) Abstracts Prof. D-r Н. Oppenheim. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten für Aerzte und Studirende. Mit 287 Abbildungen. Zweite wesentlich vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1893. Pr. M. 23 PDF
Vol VI, No 3 (1898) Abstracts D-r Arnold Pick. Beiträge zur Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie des Cetralnervensystems mit Bemerkungen zur normalen Anatomie desselben. Mit 205 Abbildungen. Berlin, 1898. Pr. M. 12 PDF
Vol VI, No 4 (1898) Abstracts Dr. A. I. Yushchenko. The relationship of the lower mesenteric sympathetic node to the innervation of the bladder and the volume of automatic movements of the last day. - Archive of Biological Sciences, T. VI, issue 5 PDF
Vol VII, No 1 (1899) Abstracts Prof. E. Kraepelin. Psychiatry. Textbook for students and doctors. Per. from the 5th German edition. 2 part. St. Petersburg. 1898. Price 5 rubles PDF
Vol VII, No 1 (1899) Abstracts Prof. W. v. Bechterew. The conduction pathways in the brain and spinal cord. —Second, completely revised and greatly expanded edition. German by Richard Weinberg. Leipzig, 1899 PDF
Vol VII, No 1 (1899) Annals of society Report of the commission on the issue of alcoholism and the fight against him PDF
Vol VII, No 3 (1899) Abstracts Prof. Dallemagne. The will in its relations with penal responsibility. — Paris. Scientific Encyclopedia of Aide-Mémoire published under the supervision of M. Léanté, Member of the Institute PDF
Vol VII, No 3 (1899) Abstracts Dr. Ed. Bérillon. Hypnotism and mental orthopedics. — Paris, 1898 PDF
Vol VIII, No 1 (1900) Articles V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous and mental illnesses. — Vol. 2. Moscow. 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 1 (1900) Articles Prof. Ya.A. Anfimov. About neuritis, polyneuritis and ascending paralysis Landry in connection with the theory of neurons. — Kharkov, 1899 PDF
Vol VII, No 2 (1899) Abstracts Сh. Vallon et Ar. Marie. Les alienes en Russie 1899 PDF
Vol VII, No 4 (1899) Abstracts Dr. S. M. Mashchenko. About pathological changes in the cerebral cortex in secondary dementia. — Diss. SPb. 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 2 (1900) Articles Dr. P. A. Ostankov PDF
Vol VIII, No 2 (1900) Articles Prof. P.I.Kovalevskiy. Forensic psychopathology. Part 1. SPb. 1900 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Vladimir Yakovenko. The mentally ill of the Moscow province. - Moscow, 1900 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Academician V.M.Bekhterev. Neuropathological and psychiatric observation. — St. Petersburg. 1900 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Dr. S. Sukhanov. About psychosis in twins. - Clinical Journal. No. 4, 1900 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Dr. N.A. Vyrubov. About the degeneration of nerve cells and fibers in the spinal cord with growing paralytic dementia — Diss. SPb. 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Academician V.M.Bekhterev. Therapeutic value of hypnosis. SPb. 1900 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Dr. P. B. Nikitin. On the question of the priesthood of epileptics and idiots - Izvestia. Moscow City Duma. April 1900 PDF
Vol IX, No 4 (1901) Articles Dr. Jahrmarker. Contribution to Dementia paralytica in the female sex — general. Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 58 H. 1. 1901 PDF
Vol IX, No 4 (1901) Articles Dr. Habermaas. On the prognosis of epilepsy. General Magazine f. Psych. Vol. 58, Hf. 2-3. 1901 PDF
Vol XII, No 1 (1904) Obituary † V.I.Vasiliev PDF
Vol XII, No 3 (1904) Articles P. B. Gannushkin. Acute paranoia (paranoia acuta). The clinical side of the issue. —Diss., Moscow, 1904 PDF
Vol XII, No 3 (1904) Articles Dr. Rud. Koster. The script for mental illness. An atlas with 81 handwriting samples. — Leipzig, 1903 PDF
Vol IX, No 2 (1901) Articles Vl. Serbian. Forensic psychopathology. Lectures read at the Moscow University. Issue II. Clinical psychiatry. - Moscow, 1900 PDF
Vol IX, No 2 (1901) Articles Prof. N.M. Popov. Six lectures on the progressive paralysis of the obsessed. — Kazan, 1900 PDF
Vol IX, No 2 (1901) Articles Prof. P.I.Kovalevskiy. Recognition of epileptics in Europe and America. SPb. 1901 PDF
Vol IX, No 2 (1901) Articles Priv.-Assoc. V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous and mental illnesses. Issue III. Moscow, 1900 PDF
Vol IX, No 3 (1901) Articles Hysteria in science and life PDF
Vol XII, No 4 (1904) Articles Prof. M. N. Lapinsky. About degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerves. - Kiev, 1904 PDF

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