Author Details

Голота, А. С

Issue Section Title File
Vol 330, No 1 (2009) Articles Prophylaxis of smoking distribution among servicemen PDF
Vol 339, No 2 (2018) Articles Nanovesicular therapy. Evolution of the conception, the current state and prospectives. Communication 1. Nanovesicular therapy of acute kidney injury PDF
Vol 339, No 6 (2018) Articles Medical Service of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. PDF
Vol 339, No 9 (2018) Articles Сell engineering in restoration of insulin production in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients PDF
Vol 338, No 6 (2017) Articles The concept of «hybrid war»: the rise, evolution and modern state PDF
Vol 338, No 8 (2017) Articles Military medical journals abroad. From the origin tothe present day. PDF
Vol 337, No 1 (2016) Articles Medical Service of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. PDF
Vol 337, No 5 (2016) Articles Medical provision in the Arctic. 2015 PDF
Vol 337, No 4 (2016) Articles Сell engineering in the treatment of diabetes mellitus: current state and prospectives
Vol 337, No 6 (2016) Articles Medical Service of the Polish Armed Forces
Vol 337, No 8 (2016) Articles Medical Service of the People's Republic of China Armed Forces PDF
Vol 337, No 9 (2016) Articles Effectiveness of infrared-terahertz radiation with acupuncture in the initial period of ischemic stroke PDF
Vol 336, No 1 (2015) Articles Medical Service of the Finnish Defence Forces PDF
Vol 336, No 3 (2015) Articles Clinical and organizational way of innovative development of regenerative medicine in security agencies
Vol 336, No 5 (2015) Articles The modern state and improvement prospects of community-acquired pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis differential diagnostics
Vol 336, No 6 (2015) Articles Medical Service of the Estonian Defense Forces
Vol 336, No 8 (2015) Articles Medical Service of the Latvian National Armed Forces
Vol 336, No 9 (2015) Articles Сell engineering in nephrology. The current state and development prospectives from the point of view of military medicine
Vol 336, No 11 (2015) Articles The current conceptions of non-pharmacological therapeutic methods capabilities and mechanism of their action
Vol 336, No 2 (2015) Articles Combined burn and non-burn trauma in the array of modern civilian and combat burns.
Vol 335, No 1 (2014) Articles The modem approaches to the principles of medical and surgical casualty estimation. The US and British experience PDF
Vol 335, No 5 (2014) Articles The current state and development prospectives of military nephrology. - This article is dedicated to the current state and prospectives of military nephrology
Vol 335, No 8 (2014) Articles Combat burn injury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military campaign experience PDF
Vol 335, No 9 (2014) Articles Medical Service of the Norwegian Armed Forces PDF
Vol 335, No 11 (2014) Articles Prospective methods of combat burn injury treatment
Vol 335, No 10 (2014) Articles The current state and prospectives of military endocrinology PDF
Vol 334, No 4 (2013) Articles Modern aspects of combat maxillofacial trauma (Review of foreign scientific-medical publications during 2012—2013)
Vol 334, No 5 (2013) Articles Information analytical support of the US Armed Forces Medical Service at the theater of operations (Review of foreign online publications)
Vol 334, No 8 (2013) Articles The State of Health of the US Armed Forces Military Personnel in 2012
Vol 334, No 10 (2013) Articles Promising technologies of packed red blood cells production and storage
Vol 340, No 4 (2019) Articles Current state and prospects of cell engineering, additive manufacturing and tissue engineering in military medicine

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