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编号 12 (2009)


Areas of scientific provision of the dairy sector

Haritonov V., Fedotova O., Kovalenko L., Kharitonov V., Fedotova O., Kovalenko L.


All Russian Dairy Research Institute is a multi profiles scientific center where research works and trials on all the problems of dairying development are carried out. Priority is given to the aspects of milk and milk products biotechnology.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):5-7
pages 5-7 views

Technological aspects of bifido bacteria applications in fermented milk products manufacturing.

Semenikhina V., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I., Begunova A., Rozhkova I., Begunova A.


Effects of bifido bacteria on human health are discussed. Factors that influence therapeutic action of probiotic microorganisms have been found. Technological characteristics, antagonistic activity and resistance against antibiotics of the bifido bacteria strains were studied. Possible applications of starter cultures based on bifido bacteria for fermented milk products manufacturing are offered.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Development of the process of the direct vat starter cultures production

Budrik V., Haritonov D., Dimitrieva S., Budrik V., Kharitonov D., Dimitrieva S.


Development of the key processes of the direct vat starter cultures production are being carried out at the Dairy Research Institute such as media sterilization, microfiltration, freezing, granulating, freeze drying. Processes are tested on pilot plants and are supposed to be used for domestic production of the DVS cultures.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Scientific solutions for the fresh milk products manufacturing

Zobkova Z., Zobkova Z.


Scientific and practical basis for improving quality and efficiency of the national fresh milk products manufacturing have been developed in the All Russian Dairy Research Institute as a result of complex research work. Application of the basis allows 2-10 times extend shelf life, improve competitiveness of the domestic products and reduce import of fresh milk products.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):17-20
pages 17-20 views

Technology of lactoferrin extracting from raw milk

Zobkova Z., Michina A., Smolyaninov V., Shehvatova G., Zobkova Z., Mishina A., Smolyaninov V., Shekhvatova G.


Intensive technology for extracting nanoparticles of biologically active protein lactoferrin from raw milk has been developed in the All Russian Dairy Research Institute.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):21-22
pages 21-22 views

Activity of the laboratory of the technical-chemical control

Yurova E., Yurova E.


The laboratory is included in the structure of the All Russian Dairy Research Institute, and its function is development of the control methods, their improvement and launching, development of the methods for milk and milk products identification, monitoring according safety and quality indices, detection of falsifications.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):23-25
pages 23-25 views

Production of condensed canned milks with sugar: innovative solutions

Galstyan A., Petrov A., Turovskaya S., Chervetsov V., Galstyan A., Petrov A., Turovskaya S., Chervetsov V.


Alternative innovative technologies that do not require considerable cost investments have been worked out in the All Russian Dairy Research Institute.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):26-28
pages 26-28 views

Effects of ultra-violet irradiation on milk microbiology and properties of its components

Haritonov V., Dimitrieva S., Gavryushenko B., Agarkova E., Kruchinin A., Speranskii P., Smykov I., Kharitonov V., Dimitrieva S., Gavryushenko B., Agarkova E., Kruchinin A., Speranskiy P., Smykov I.


Physical model of the plant for experimental testing of principle concepts of milk bactericide treatment has been created by specialists of the All Russian Dairy Research Institute and JSC DEGA Engineering. The target of the work was to get data about effects of UV-irradiation on biochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw milk.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):31-32
pages 31-32 views

Equipment and pilot plants

Troitskii V., Bazikov V., Budrik V., Troitskiy V., Bazikov V., Budrik V.


Inter sectoral design bureau incorporated in the structure of the All Russian Dairy Research Institute works at development and manufacturing of industrial equipment for the dairy sector and pilot plants intended for studying new technological processes.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Innovations - 2009. It's impressing

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This is the interview with the director of the company Milliseconds technologies N.V. Arofikin.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):36-37
pages 36-37 views

Efficient technologies of milk whey application

Donskaya G., Fridenberg G., Donskaya G., Fridenberg G.


Whey proteins are considered to be the most valuable components of whey. Technical documentation on production of multi-component products with whey application has been prepared at the All Russian Dairy Research Institute
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):38-40
pages 38-40 views

Lactose crystallization in presence of vegetable components

Dobriyan E., Dobriyan E.


In presence of vegetable components (fruit and vegetable purees) in the vegetable-milk products regularities of processes of lactose crystallization are changed. These specialties should be taken into account at composite products development for avoiding formation of consistency defects.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Fat component for whole milk replacer production by dry mixing

Filatov Y., Puhova N., Kuznetsov P., Smokotin E., Gabrielova V., Filatov Y., Pukhova N., Kuznetsov P., Smokotin E., Gabrielova V.


Technology for receiving dry fat component on whey and vegetable oils basis for whole milk replacers has been developed. Appropriate documentation has been prepared and approved.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Bioconversion of milk whey for application in whole milk replacers

Kim I., Ganina V., Danil'chuk T., Lobysheva Y., Ganina V., Kim I., Danil'chuk T., Lobysheva Y.


Possibilities to reduce mass share of lactose in whey intended for application in whole milk replacers for young animals feeding have been studied. It was done by bioconversion of whey with microorganisms possessing high capacity to ferment lactose. Physical factors of low intensity were used to enhance beta-galactosidase activity of lactic acid microorganisms. The results received confirm expediency to apply physical factors of low intensity in certain range of frequencies and with determined duration of effect on the strains of lactic acid Str. thermophilus
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):46-46
pages 46-46 views

Production of milk with extended shelf life - ESL by the method of membrane sterilization

Lyalin V., Gruzdev V., Rushel' B., Rushel' V., Lyalin V., Gruzdev V., Rushel' B., Rushel' V.


New technologies for reducing bacterial contamination of raw milk materials are presented. Advantages of membrane sterilization allowing receive milk with 21 days storage life are enumerated. Two methods of membrane sterilization were developed; with sterilization of the concentrate received and without sterilization.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Principle of rational application of the membrane processes

Blinova T., Haritonov V., Dmitrieva S., Fridenberg G., Donskaya G., Petrov A., Blinova T., Agarkova E., Speranskii P., Kharitonov V., Dimitrieva S., Gustav V., Donskaya G., Petrov A., Agarkova E., Speranskiy P.


Principle of rational application is evaluation of benefits and expenditures ratio. Recently this ratio has demonstrated advantages of membrane technologies. Their complex application makes it possible to improve products quality and culture of production achieving higher levels.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Technological platform of the domestic prebiotic lactulose

Hramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Ryabtseva S., Serov A., Sinel'nikov B., Filatov Y., Haritonov V., Andreenko L., Antipova T., Kroha N., Burachevskii I., Polyakov V., Kim V., Kiselev N., Khramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Ryabtseva S., Serov A., Sinel'nikov B., Filatov Y., Kharitonov V., Andreenko L., Antipova T., Krokha N., Burachevskiy I., Polyakov V., Kim V., Kiselev N.


Technological foundations of lactulose receiving are given and possible ways of its improvement.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):53-56
pages 53-56 views

Food functional modules on the basis of demineralized milk whey

Shipulin V., Evdokimov I., Slyusarev G., Shipulin V., Evdokimov I., Slyusarev G.


Poly-component supplement (milk-vegetable concentrate MRK Lac-Som) for applying as a module regulating functional-technological properties of food systems that is able to enrich products with calcium was created in the North Caucasian State Technical University
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):57-58
pages 57-58 views

Real membrane nanobiotechnologies in the dairy industry

Bushueva I., Bushueva I.


At the end of October in Stavropol the international scientific-practical seminar took place. The subject of the seminar was Real membrane nanobiotechnologies in the dairy sector
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):61-62
pages 61-62 views

Analysis of prices in the Russian market of milk products

Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.


Retail prices on powdered baby foods and yogurts have been increasing at a rapid race within 8 months of 2009. Sharp prices increase can be hardy expected in the nearest future.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):63-66
pages 63-66 views

The III All Russian dairy forum in Vologda

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The forum took place on 23-24 October and gathered about 250 participants from different regions of Russia. Urgent problems of milk production and processing were discussed at the meeting. In the frames of the forum scientific-practical conference with participation of relevant research institutes was held.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):67-67
pages 67-67 views

The dairy sector of the Vologda region: situation and prospects

Britvina T., Britvina T.


The dairy sector of the Vologda region has been developing with moderate rates, and fresh milk products sales have reached the level of 1990. Some positive signs can be also seen in the dairy animal breeding but situation has not drastically changed. The reasons of such state of affairs are discussed by the author of the article.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):68-70
pages 68-70 views

About tropical oils and not only

Rybalova T., Rybalova T.


Production and consumption of the tropical oils has increased 10 times for the last 30 years. Wide application of the oils in Russia and in other developed countries including applications milk products manufacturing is explained by its low price. Tropical oils are three times chipper as compared with milk fats.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):71-73
pages 71-73 views

Once more about «non-milk» milk products

Bushueva I., Bushueva I.


Activity of the Milk Union in the field of regulation on vegetable oils including tropical oils application in milk products is discussed with Director Executive of the Russian Union of the dairy industry enterprises. Amendments included after proposals of the Union in standards and technical regulation provide clear terminological dividing of products depending on composition and non-milk fats application.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):74-76
pages 74-76 views

Effects of vegetable oils on quality and safety of milk containing products

Pavlova I., Pavlova I., Dolganova N., Koblitskaya M., Dolganova N., Koblitskaya M.


All Russian Research Institute of Fats developed technical requirements for milk fat replacers with the aim to form proving basis in the field of milk fat replacers production and application for getting high quality and safety of milk containing products. All the milk fat replacers used in the world practice and received on the basis of natural and modified vegetable oils and fish oils can be divided into 10 groups depending on their fatty acids content.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):77-78
pages 77-78 views

Exhibition in Cremona

Raycheva E., Raicheva E.


The 64th International exhibition-fair of the animal breeding took place in Kremona (Lombardiya region, Italy) on 22-25 October.
Dairy industry. 2009;(12):79-80
pages 79-80 views