
Import and export of milk products (the codes TH ВЭД 04.01 and ТН ВЭД 04.02)
Goroshchenko L.
Application of milk produced by different agriculture animals for fermented products manufacturing
Temerbaeva M., Gavrilova N., Moliboga E.
Harmonization of Russian and international methods of analytical control. Problems related with introduction of international standards and rules
Trends in the chromatographic control of the milk products quality
Rudakov O., Rudakova L., Polyanskiy K.
Inhibitory substances. Intergovernmental standard GOST 23454-2016 «Milk. Methods for determination of inhibitory substances»
Sviridenko G., Zaharova M.
Intergovernmental standard GOST 32901-2014 «Milk and products of milk processing. Methods of microbiological analysis»
Sviridenko G., Onosovskaya N., Zaharova M.
Confirmation of milk and milk products conformity and production processes to the requirements of the Customs Union in the united economical territory
Abrosimova S., Illarionova M.
Normative and legal regulation of transporting goods that should be controlled by veterinary service at transporting milk and milk products on the territory of the Customs Union
Kuzin V.
Effects of the packaging materials composition on organoleptic properties and keepability of milk products
Fedotova O.
Control of the indices of milk and milk products safety
Abdullaeva L.
Comments to the Federal Law N 163-FZ of 22 June 2010 «About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law «Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products» has been adopted
ABROSIMOVA S., Abrosimova S.
The dairy sector of the Voronezh region: problemsand prospects of development
Spivakov A.
Development of technical documentation on the products excluded from the Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products
Makeeva I., Genova D., Malinina Z., Makeeva I., Genova D., Malinina Z.
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