
Legal Support for Strategies to Increase Digital Literacy: the Experience of China
Yakovleva A.
Modern Trends in the Development of Motor Abilities in Physical Training Classes in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Dadov A.
Improving the Legal Protection of Citizens in Cyberspace
Ostroushko A.
Fire Training as an Important Component of the Professional Training of Police Officers
Kardanov A.
Changes in Criminal Legislation and Trends in Russian Criminal Policy in the Context of the Special Military Operation
Golikova A., Kovlagina D.
Procedural Features of Documenting Cybercrime in the Russian Federation
Kovalenko E.
Criminalistic Characteristics of Crimes in the Field of Computer Information
Tambiev S., Teunaev A.
The Use of Computer Technology in the Investigation of Crimes Related to Violation of Labor Protection and Safety Requirements
Sirakanyan A.
Actual Problems of Development of Extremism and Terrorism in the Field of Information and Telecommunication Technologies
Kuchinaev R.
Artificial Intelligence in Countering Terrorist Threats in the Global Information Space
Cherkesov A.
Methods of Involvement in the Financing of Terrorist Activities
Fakov A.
On the Current Problems of the Spread of Information Extremism on the Internet
Shogenov T.
Comparative Legal Analysis of Models of Financial Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Tokens
Razdorozhnyi K.
Remote training of employees of bodies of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation on the discipline "Physical preparation": problems and ways of solution
Kardanov A.
The Legal Framework for Cybersecurity in the Russian Federation
Serebrennikova A.
Ways of improving counter cyber terrorism methods in Russian Federation
Zhukov A.
Measures to Counter Cyber Terrorist Threats in the Conditions of Globalization of the Information Space
Gedgafov M.
Popov A., Popov A.
About the Content of Special Knowledge in the Investigation of Crimes
Yarychev N., Nagoeva M.
Problems of ensuring cyber stability of the banking system of the Russian Federation: legal and methodological aspects
Shugunov T., Zhukov A., Hochueva F.
Conceptual framework for the use of computer technologies by the prosecution authorities in assessing expert opinions
Isaenko V.
Criminal Legal Description of Fraud Committed with the Use of Information and Telecommunication Technologies
Kovalenko E.
Some aspects of the use of distributed ledger technology (blockchain) in relation to real estate transactions (contracts, etc.): the experience of Russia and foreign countries
Belikova K.
Some Aspects of Legal Regulation of Digital Business in the Arctic Territory
Battakhov P.
Legal and educational value of family mediation technology
Hudoykina T., Adaeva O.
Countering the Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes
Aripshev A.
The use of modern technologies in combating crime
Takov A., Kardanova J.
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