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Nº 11 (2008)


How to label milk and products of its processing?

Latypova A., Latypova A.


In connection with introduction of the Federal Law Technical Regulations on milk and milk products items of labeling consumers package are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):10-10
pages 10-10 views

Inner auditing of the management systems

Fokin V., Kislova E., Dmitrieva K., Fokin V., Kislova E., Dmitrieva K.


Problems related to arranging inner auditing at industrial enterprises as an element of management system are outlined. Purposes and stages of the auditing and approaches to making plans for the auditors work are reviewed.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):14-15
pages 14-15 views

System of willing certification and labeling products without artificial components and GMO

Timofeeva L., Timofeeva L.


Information is given about the system of labeling natural food products organized in the Nizhegorodskii region. Principle aims of introducing such kind of labeling and enterprises that were certified as satisfying requirements of the system are enumerated.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):15-15
pages 15-15 views

Frenchizing agreement in view of new legislation

Avdeeva N., Nazarova I., Avdeeva N., Nazarova I.


The article is published in connection with patent activity. Some new points of the Civil Codex, part 4 that became valid since 1 January 2008 are explained.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):16-17
pages 16-17 views

Market of the ultra-pasteurized milk: growth continues

Bolgarskiy I., Bolgarskii I.


This is a summery of the situation in the market of ultra-pasteurized milks in different packages: Tetra Pak, Fino Aseptic, Brick Aseptic, Tetra Classic Aseptic etc.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):18-18
pages 18-18 views

To do something that nobody has been doing before

Bykovskaya G., Bykovskaya G.


This is a story about innovative offers for development of the company Tetra Pak in the field of liquid foods packaging that have been made during meeting in the company Center in Moden (Italy).
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):19-21
pages 19-21 views

All-Russian seminar of the company Chr. Hansen

Anan'eva N., Ana'eva N.


The seminar took place in September and was devoted to the problems in the sphere of innovative technologies, equipment and ingredients available for improving quality and competitiveness of milk products. Reports were delivered by the specialists of some companies and related institutes.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):23-23
pages 23-23 views

Overetherefication of oils and fats

Alekseenko A., Predybaylo A., Alekseenko A., Predybailo A.


Some special moments of the overetherification process are discussed with the target of predetermined changing of consistency and physical characteristics and formation of stable structure of oil or fat mixtures
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):24-24
pages 24-24 views

The plant T-1 for on-line curd salting

- -.


Characteristics and operating capacities of the plant that is used for partial salting of curd at forming are discussed. The scheme prevents salt whey receiving. The plant T-1 was developed by the specialists of the JSC Tbilisskii butter and cheese plant
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):27-27
pages 27-27 views

Innovative priorities of milk whey application on principles of wasteless technology logistics

Khramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Nesterenko P., Hramtsov A., Evdokimov I., Nesterenko P.


Principles of complex wasteless processing of milk whey are revised: receiving and extraction of its components, synthesis of derivative components.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Historical aspects of whey application and processing

Nesterenko P., Evdokimov I., Khramtsov A., Nesterenko P., Evdokimov I., Hramtsov A.


Development of whey processing reflects dynamics of the industrial development of the dairy sector and as a result problems of whey application became of great importance. The first attempts in our country in this field were undertaken in 1940. Dynamics of whey production for last 35 years is shown, principle applications of whey solids are enumerated.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Present state of milk whey processing

Evdokimov I., Khramtsov A., Nesterenko P., Evdokimov I., Hramtsov A., Nesterenko P.


Prices for whey products, directions of processing, production volumes and applications in the world as well as situation in the functional products market are analyzed. Some problems are mentioned that prevent wide whey utilization and ways to overcome them.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po molochnoy syvorotke

Alieva L., Alieva L.


International conference on milk whey
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):40-40
pages 40-40 views

Whey processing in Belarus' has got a Governmental support

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On the 3d of September 2008 the Soviet of Ministers of the Belarus; Republic approved the program of milk whey processing and production of milk powders for 2008-2010. Ministry of agriculture and commodities was appointed to be a governmental buyer who will be responsible for implementation of the program.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):41-43
pages 41-43 views

Biothermodynamic parameters of whey

Lisin P., Gavrilova N., Lisin P., Gavrilova N.


Relations between changes of the surface tension and protein presence and temperature were studied. The parameters received characterize product state and can be used for assessing bioenergetic value and keepability of whey.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Control of the bifidogenous whey concentrates production

Lodygin A., Kravets A., Lodygin A., Kravets A.


For production of bifidogenous whey concentrates with predetermined quality level it is necessary to create and operate the system that provides certain quality of raw materials. It is also advisable to arrange and manage distribution of responsibility and functions among departments and to establish cooperation. For successful operation of the system principle production indices should be controlled with the purpose of receiving objective information.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):46-48
pages 46-48 views

Structure formation of milk whey concentrate

Evdokimov N., Petrova L., Evdokimov I., Petrova L.


Promising area of complex milk whey processing is considered to be whey concentrates production by evaporation. However in concentrated whey at cooling lactose solution is getting oversaturated. As a result lactose crystals sediment falls down and the product becomes layered. That's why it is necessary to make structure formation that consists of heat treatment, cooling and holding of the product.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Concentrates Profilact-B on milk whey basis

Panova N., Khramtsov A., Merkulova O., Lodygin A., Panova N., Hramtsov A., Merkulova O., Lodygin A.


Technology of the functional concentrates Profilact-B has been worked out at the chair of applied biotechnology of the State North Caucasian Technical University. The concentrates are recommended as a supplement for foods and feeds production.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Cheese whey powder in fermented milk dessert product

Gavrilova N., Pas'ko O., Grishina E., Gavrilova N., Pas'ko O., Grishina E.


At development of new fermented milk dessert product fermented with bacterial concentrate Bifilact-AD hydrolysis of protein was studied. The purpose of the study was to evaluate possibility to apply products of proteolysis for activation of viable cells of bioobjects and for biomass accumulation. Skim milk powder and milk whey powder were used as a basis of protein supplement. The method of new type of dessert product manufacturing is protected by the RF patent N 2308838 and by the certificate of FGUP N 7300500129.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):54-55
pages 54-55 views

Drinks on whey basis

Ramonova Z., Kabisov R., Tsugkiev B., Ramonova Z., Kabisov R., Tsugkiev B.


The authors of the article have developed technology for making drink from cheese whey and non milk ingredients. The drink is made by fermentation with lactic acid cultures and yeasts. The technology can be introduced in milk processing plants providing cheese production without wastes.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):55-55
pages 55-55 views

Principle properties of selforganizing of the milk whey concentrate structure

Petrova L., Sedel'nikov V., Evdokimov N., Petrova L., Sedel'nikov V., Evdokimov N.


Possibility to use principles of synergistics for evaluation of predetermined formation of milk whey concentrate structure was studied. The concentrate was received by concentrating and further structure formation of curds whey. Milk whey concentrate is shown as a crystallizing system. Relative stability of the milk concentrate system was established in the temperature range of heat treatments applied.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Milk whey application and local purification of effluents

Sviridenko Y., Kravchenko E., Yakovleva O., Sviridenko Y., Kravshenko E., Yakovleva O.


Specialists of the VNIIMS investigated situation with whey utilization at 92 cheese making plants. Analysis of the data received allowed offer possibilities of efficient whey utilization at plants of various capacities groups.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):58-60
pages 58-60 views

Electrodialysis of whey: practice of application at the Bryuhovetskii Canned Milks Plant

Ovcharova G., Galat P., Ovcharova G., Galat P.


Taking into account situation at cheese making plants and at the Bryuhovetskii Canned Milks Plant technology was worked out for receiving demineralized whey powder with demineralization levels of 50, 70 and 90%. Efficiency of the method was assessed at pilot plant Mega Y (Czechia) and in December 2006 an industrial plant Mega with the capacity of 200 t of raw whey processing per 24 hours was put into operation. The demineralization level is 70%. Technological scheme of electrodialysis with reversion for 70 and 90% levels includes two parallel modules connected with pump station of three centrifugal pumps provided with filters, two heat exchanging facilities for maintaining temperature in the demineralization and concentrating circuit, valves system and pipes for reversion.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):62-63
pages 62-63 views

Innovative technologies: health of the nation and efficient production

Barsukov V., Barsukov V.


Different ways of milk products manufacturing in view of selling every milk constituents at maximum price are revised. On the basis of the criteria the author analyses expediency of whey processing.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):64-65
pages 64-65 views

Milk products manufacturing using membrane technologies

Gavrilova N., Ignat'ev M., Mironchikov D., Gavrilova N., Ignat'ev M., Mironchikov V.


Together with symbiotics attractive are also considered to be products of mixed type-probiotics complexes plus prebiotic substances - synbiotics. Effects of synbiotics is based on synergism of combination (or a mixture) of pro- and prebiotics that stimulates growth of the own microflora in a human body. The ideal variant could be a synbiotic that would reproduce the whole complex of prebiotic factors of breast milk.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):66-67
pages 66-67 views

Lactose crystallization

Chervetsov V., Chervetsov V.


The research institute Mir-Prodmash togother with the specialists of the North Caucasian State Technical University and The Vologoskaya Akademia after Vereshchagin N.V. are working at development of on-line crystallizer intended for lactose crystallization in underconcentrated whey. A pilot plant has been made and a new continuous method of vacuum-crystallization has been offered. Operating schemes and plants are characterized.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Application of the fermentative lactose hydrolysis

Donskoy N., Lodygin A., Vardanyan A., Pashina E., Khramtsov A., Donskoi N., Lodygin A., Vardanyan A G., Pashina E., Hramtsov A.


Effects of the fermentative preparation Lactocanescine in curds whey permeate were studied. Depending on temperature and dose of the fermented preparation it is possible to reach hydrolysis degree 85-90%. Technology for a range of products based on whey with hydrolyzed lactose was developed. These products are: a beverage, a food concentrate for processed cheese, confectionery and bakery sectors.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):74-75
pages 74-75 views

Applications of whey proteins in foods

Ostroumov L., Leonenko Y., Razumnikova I., Emelin V., Ostroumov L., Leonenko Y., Razumnikova I., Emelin V.


Summarizing information about receiving and applications of whey proteins on foods technologies is presented. Methods for determination of composition of whey-protein concentrates are described. Applications of whey proteins in food products manufacturing are assessed.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):76-77
pages 76-77 views

Enriched lactose free products from goat milk

Andrusenko S., Omel'yanchuk P., Andrusenko S., Omel'yanchuk P.


The method for receiving lactose free product from powdered skim cow milk or goat milk after extraction of lactose, mineral salts and other low molecular substances is offered. The milk-protein concentrate manufactured according to the method is recommended for liquid, paste and dry products obtaining. Natrium and potassium selenides and iodides can be used for fortification protein curd with selenium and iodine. The finished products possess hypoallergic properties and positively effect metabolism due to selenium and iodine salts presence.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Dry mixing at functional products manufacturing

Tokaev E., Miroedov R., Bazhenova E., Tokaev E., Miroedov R., Bazhenova E.


Problems and prospects of dry multicomponent functional products manufacturing are outlined in the article. Existing methods for functional powders production are given as well as equipment used for dry mixing process is characterized. Pan mixer Turbula was used for studying possibilities to optimize multicomponent product mixing.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):81-83
pages 81-83 views

New opportunities in low calorie milk products manufacturing

Petrov A., Petrov A.


Principally new solutions in the field of working out milk products with reduced energy value are opened due to application of Olestra as a fat component. Olestra is based on liquid refined deodorized vegetable oils (soybean, rape etc.) that are transformed to solid fat due to special synthesis with participation of saccharose molecule that connects triglycerides chains. The unique property of the product is that it is not broken by ferment system, is not digested by human organism, and certainly energy value of Olestra is close to 0.
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):85-86
pages 85-86 views

Choice of equipment with application of the Pareto principle

Orlov V., Orlov V.


Decomposition-morphological approach can be used as a model of knowledge basis. It is useful that algorithm offered meets main evidence of knowledge basis formalisms and allows take into account applied specialty of dairy equipment. The results obtained can be used in computer provision at development of competitive equipment
Dairy industry. 2008;(11):88-88
pages 88-88 views

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