
Макеева, Ирина Андреевна

栏目 标题 文件
编号 1 (2004) Articles Replies to the readers questions
编号 12 (2004) Articles Role of standardization in the dairy indusrty development
编号 4 (2009) Articles Practice of introducing Technical Regulation on milk and milk products
编号 4 (2010) Articles The National fermented milk product kefirand its functional properties
编号 1 (2010) Articles National standard on condensed milk and cream
编号 4 (2011) Articles National standardization in the dairy industry
编号 3 (2011) Articles Development of technical documentation on the products excluded from the Technical Regulation on Milk and Milk Products
编号 11 (2011) Articles Methods for detecting streptomycin and levomycetin in milk and milk products
编号 4 (2012) Articles New items in the legal and normative documents
编号 4 (2012) Articles The latest amendments to the Federal Law «About Technical Regulation»
编号 5 (2012) Articles Technical documentation on the law «About technical regulation»
编号 7 (2012) Articles Urgency of the national standards for antibiotics detecting
编号 6 (2012) Articles Labeling of functional essential components with a mark for circulation in the market
编号 3 (2013) Articles From the national systems to the common technical regulation of the Customs Union in the transition period
编号 1 (2013) Articles Normative assurance of the activity of standardization service at an enterprise
编号 8 (2013) Articles Special features of putting in action requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union to milk products
编号 9 (2013) Articles Labeling of a package (stopper means)
编号 3 (2014) Articles Official languages in the milk products labeling
编号 4 (2014) Articles Confirmation of compliance. Replies to the questions of the specialists from enterprises
编号 6 (2014) Articles Practice of applying technical regulations of the Customs Union. Names of milk products
编号 1 (2015) Articles The rules of labeling. Replies to the questions from enterprises
编号 10 (2016) Articles Scientific substantiation of the design of the technical documentation that have not been included in the legislation field of the TP TC 033/2013. Methodology of projecting of technical terms (part 2)
编号 11 (2016) Articles System approach to the standardization of food products manufactured according to the milk products technologies. Labeling
编号 8 (2016) Articles Scientific substantiating of tailoring technical terminology for the products not included in the legislation field of the TR TC 033/2013. Historical issues (part 1)
编号 4 (2017) Articles Modern requirements for technical documents on food products. Part 1. Formulation, identification and termination
编号 7 (2017) Articles Methodology of projecting names and labels inscriptions