
Genality, mental imbalance and criminality
Vorotynsky B.I.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 1 (1899)
Vorotynsky B.I.
Letter to the editor from Dr. Klyachkin
Osipov V.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 3 (1897)
Ostankov P.A.
M. Laehr. On disturbances of pain and temperature sensation as a result of diseases of the spinal cord - Archive. f. Psychiatry, vol XXVIII, issue. 3
Board E.
"Russian Medical Vesnik". 1898, no. 1
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Сh. Vallon et Ar. Marie. Les alienes en Russie 1899
Vorotynskiy B.
VII Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov in Kazan
Obraztsov V.N.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1898)
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of November 15
Popov N.M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 2 (1898)
Vorotynskiy B.I.
A few words about the article by Dr. Osipov: "Long-term research in the area of the central endings of the X-th pair of cranial nerves"
Klyachkin G.A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 3 (1899)
Ostankov P.A.
Fürstner. Ueber multiple Sclerose und Paralysis agitans. Archiv f. Psych, 1898. Heft 1
Idelson G.
Friederike Oberdieck. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Alkoholimus und seiner rationellen Behandlung. —(Arch. f. Psych. Bd. 27. Heft. 2. pg. 579 — 632)
Idelson G.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on March 30
Popov N.M.
F. С. Facklam. Beitrag zur Lehre vom Wesen der Huntington’schen Chorea. Archiv für Psych. 1898; pg. 137—204
Idelson G.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the emergency meeting on February 2
Popov N.M.
Hysterical stigmata and degeneration (On the question of hysteria in the troops)
Blumenau L.V.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on October 11
Popov N.M.
Dr. A. I. Yushchenko. The relationship of the lower mesenteric sympathetic node to the innervation of the bladder and the volume of automatic movements of the last day. - Archive of Biological Sciences, T. VI, issue 5
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Report of the commission, elected by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University for consideration of the preliminary draft of the Charter of the Russian Union of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists
Popov N., Mislavskiy I., Vorotynskiy B., Naumov I., Skuridin P.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 2 (1897)
Zhestkov V.I.
Dear comrade!
Bekhterev V.M.
About latirism
Golzinger F.F.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on May 17
Popov N.M.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of appointment April 26, 1898
Popov N.M.
Report of the commission elected by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Kazan University to consider the fundamental issues developed by the Medical Council at the Kharkiv Provincial Zemsky Administration regarding the reorganization of the treatment and care of the mentally ill
Popov N.M., Vorotynskiy B.I., Levchatkin V.I., Naumov P.I.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 4 (1897)
Vorotynsky B.I.
Letter to the editor. Volume V, № 3 (1897)
Ginzburg-Shik D.
About the perverted light reaction of the pupils
Bekhterev V.M.
Н. Hudden. Clinical and anatomical contributions to the knowledge of multiple alcohol. Neuritis. —Archiv für Psychiatrie, ХХVIII Vol., Issue 3
Board E.
Physician-psychiatr in the role of an expert on trial
Vorotynsky B.I.
A.S.Dogel Histological research. Issue I. Zap. Imper. Academy of Sciences, vol. VII oy; E. Heimann. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der feineren Structur der Spinalganglien. Virchow's Archiv., Bd. 152, IL 2., p. 298 .; On the same. Ueber die feinere Structur der Spinalgan- glienzellen. Fortschritte der Medic. 1898. Bd. 16, no. 9; Van Gehuchten and Ch. Nelis. Quelques points concernant la structure de cellules des ganglions spinaux. "La Cellule", recueil de cytologie et d'histologie generale. 1898 2nd issue; Vladislav Kuzicka. Untersuchungen über die feinere Structur der Nervenzellen und ihrer Fortsatze. Archiv. f. microsc. Anat. 1899 H. 4, Bd. 53
Murzaev B.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VI, No. 4 (1898)
Vorotynsky B.I.
Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on March 8, 1898
Popov N.M.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting on November 30
Popov N.M.
Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Protocol of appointment 11/4 96 years
Bekhterev V.M.
Letter to the editor. Volume V, № 1 (1909)
Editorial B.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 2 (1899)
Nikolaev V.V.
W. von Bechterew. Bewusstsein und Hirnlocalisation. Rede gehalten auf der allgemeinen Versammlung des VI. Kongresses russischer Ärzte zur Erinnerung an. N. J. Pirogoff. Deutsch R. von Weinberg. Leipzig. 1898
Yanishevskiy A.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VI, No. 3 (1898)
Nikolaev V.V.
The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol meeting on October 26
Popov N.M.
Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1897)
Soloviev A.
Report of the commission on the issue of alcoholism and the fight against him
Popov N.M., Dogel I.M., Vorotynskiy B.I., Levchatkin V.I.
О. Schmidt. Ist die progressive Paralyse ans der mikroskopischen Befunden an der Grosshirnrinde pathologisch-anatomisch diagnosticirbar? Eine literarische und anatomische Studie. Allg. Zeitschr. für Psychiatrie, Bd. 54
Idelson G.
Priv.-docent V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous diseases of children. -Moscow. 1898; price 1 r. 25 k
Vorotynskiy B.I.
Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 4 (1899)
Ostankov P.A.
Epilepsy in the history of Europe in the 19th century
Popov N.M.
D. Е Jacobson. Ueber die Pathologie des Delirium tremens. Allg. Zeitschr, f. Psych Bd. 54. 1898
Idelson G.
I. M. Dogel. The influence of music on humans and animals. — Kazan, 1897
Vorotynskiy B.
Chronicle of scientific gatherings of doctors of the St. Petersburg clinic for mental and nervous diseases. Emergency 2/15 1996 year
Bekhterev V.M.
1 - 52 of 52 Items

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