卷 21, 编号 1 (2019)


Clinical Trials

The true age of the heart and blood vessels as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of cardiovascular risk assessment

Nikashin A., Cherkashin D., Sobolev A., Makiyev R.


The problems of early vascular aging are analyzed as one of the possible key parameters for the development of cardiovascular pathology. The integral indicator, which is «vascular age» can be higher than chronological in the presence of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Vascular aging is a generalized process involving all layers of the arterial wall, which is based on structural and functional changes in large arteries. Early vascular aging is the accelerated development of relevant changes in patients with high cardiovascular risk. At the same time, the processes of arteriosclerosis, manifested in the degeneration of elastic fibers and the accumulation of collagen in the media, and atherosclerosis occur in parallel. Estimated true age of the heart and blood vessels (vascular age) reflects the degree of individual cardiovascular risk in a form understandable to the patient. Accessibility in the perception of this parameter for patients can significantly increase adherence to drug therapy and lifestyle changes. An indicator of early vascular aging can serve as a tool to reassess the cardiovascular risk category. It justifies the search for new models for theoretical understanding and influence on the increased risk of cardiovascular complications, as well as preventing the manifestation of cardiovascular diseases. In connection with this perspective, the most important cardiovascular risk factor is discussed - the age that determines the aging process, and especially vascular aging. The speed and severity of age-related changes depends on the many interactions between age, lifestyle, comorbidities, and genetics. The main data of the modern concept of early vascular aging are considered: the definition, the main mechanisms of vascular aging, methods for assessing early vascular aging, the clinical significance and the possibilities for its reduction.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):7-12
pages 7-12 views

New possibilities for assessing the severity of community-acquired pneumonia among military personnel

Rubtsov Y., Khalimov Y., Gayduk S., Gayvoronskiy I.


The results of a retrospective and prospective study of 673 case histories of young servicemen who were treated in military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation regarding community-acquired pneumonia are presented. It has been established that in young soldiers, severe community-acquired pneumonia is characterized by a transient decrease in the level of free threeiodineyronin in the absence of structural changes in the thyroid gland. Reduction of free threeiodineyronin in the serum of less than 2,62 pg/ml is a marker of severe course and poor prognosis of the course of the disease and correlates with hypotension, impaired consciousness, increase in the number of points on the scales assessing the severity of pneumonia and hospital stay. Functional disorders of the thyroid gland are a reflection of the unfavourable endocrine-metabolic situation in the body, combined with a more severe course of pneumonia, and these changes in young soldiers suffering from community- acquired pneumonia are more pronounced. It was revealed that the scale «Systolic blood pressure, multilobar chest radiography involvement, respiratory rate, tachycardia, confusion, blood oxygenation» has the highest sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in assessing the severity of community-acquired pneumonia in young soldiers, and the use of such additional criteria as the level of free threeiodineyronin less than 2,62 pg/ml allows you to improve the information content of this scale to identify patients suffering from severe community-acquired pneumonia, in need of respiratory and inotropic support in the intensive care unit.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):13-17
pages 13-17 views

The role of C1q complement fraction in the development of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes

Ryabova T., Rakityanskaya I., Manuilov A., Zakharov M.


The role of intrarenal expression of C1q on clinical and laboratory parameters and the development of morphological changes in the renal tissue in patients with type 2 diabetes complicated by diabetic nephropathy was studied. It was noted that the presence of C1q deposits was detected in all zones of the glomerulus and interstitium of the renal tissue. The frequency of detection of C1q expression depended on the morphological class of diabetic nephropathy. With the development of nodular formations of Kimmelstil-Wilson, the frequency of detecting the expression of C1q in the area of the mesangial matrix and along the glomerulus capsule decreases to 0%. In the epithelium of the urinary tubules, C1q expression remains, regardless of class, and in the interstitial region of expression, the fraction, on the contrary, tends to increase from 8,3% in class IIa to 20% in patients with class IV diabetic nephropathy. Along the tubular basement membrane, the complement fraction was absent, regardless of the morphological class of diabetic nephropathy. Glomerular expression of the C1q-component deposits was found to contribute to the progression of chronic kidney disease, as it affects the decrease in glomerular filtration rate (F=4,533; p=0,039; β= −0,303; CI: 0,37; 13,343; p=0,039). The expression of C1q deposits in the interstitium plays a role in the development and progression of focal interstitial sclerosis (F=4,462; p=0,045; β=0,295; CI: 0,005; 0,375; p=0,045), determining the severity of tissue interstitial tubulointerstitial changes in diabetic nephropathy and is one of factors contributing to the progression of renal tissue arteriolar hyalinosis (F=4,349; p=0,05; β= −0,535 CI: −1,095; 0,001; p=0,05).

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Evaluation of structural and functional manifestations of the pilot’s organism adaptation in terms of the cytological and cytochemical status of lymphocytes and peripheral blood granulocytes

Pashchenko P., Risman B.


An estimated value of age, time of flight and experience of flight work in the formation of the cytochemical status of granulocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes in pilots. It is established that the time of flight on modern aircraft, among other factors, determines the cytochemical status of peripheral blood cells, and, consequently, their functional state. It is precisely the time of the plaque that is significantly correlated with the activity of CXO, LDH, α-Gl-FDG and glycogen content. Different levels of activity of the studied enzymes of white blood cells were found in pilots with different flight times, as well as a tendency to a decrease in the activity of mitochondrial enzymes with an increase in this time. The activity of G-6-FDG and LDH during a raid of more than 1500 h was reduced, but the activity of other enzymes, on the contrary, was increased (α-Gl-FDG and LDH with a raid of more than 2000 h, and LDH, in addition, during the raid 1501–2000h). The average age of pilots with a flying time of 1501–2000 hours was 37.6 years, and with a raid of more than 2000 hours, 47,3 years. The activity of lymphocyte enzymes in the pilots of these groups was significantly different from similar indicators in individuals of the non-flying profession, which also underlines the role of the time of the raid as a factor affecting the activity status of the key enzymes of the blood cells. The dynamics of glycogen and lipids in granulocytes in general resembles the age-related changes of these indicators, but they take place at an accelerated rate in flight personnel. As a result, some pilots of a younger age than those in the non-flying profession form the cellular signs of aging of the body and the associated early development of atherosclerosis. This should be taken into account when developing measures aimed at preventing diseases in persons in the flight profession. The results of the research, in our opinion, will contribute to a differentiated approach in regulating the labor regime and the rest of the aircrew, which have a different patina, as well as in the development of measures for enhanced monitoring of the health of pilots who have more than 1,500 hours of flight time.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):23-26
pages 23-26 views

Diagnostics and features of endovideosurgical prosthetics of left-sided postoperative diaphragmatic hernia

Sigua B., Zemlyanoy V., Latariya E., Singaevsky A., Kachiuri A., Gurzhiy D., Melnikov V., Volkova E., Ovchinnikov D.


Considers a case of successful endovideosurgical treatment of a patient with postoperative diaphragmatic hernia, admitted to the clinic of faculty surgery named after. I.I. Grekov North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. The patient was hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, however, as a result of the follow-up examination, taking into account the history and clinical picture, a diagnosis of left-sided postoperative diaphragmatic hernia was made. Diagnosis was carried out using spiral computed tomography of the chest and abdominal organs, as well as using radiation research techniques. According to the above studies, the contents of the hernia were the spleen and the bottom of the stomach. It was decided to perform surgery in the volume of laparoscopic removal of a diaphragmatic hernia on the left with a plastic reticular endoprosthesis. Intraoperative, early and late postoperative complications are not observed. Due to the choice in favor of a minimally invasive surgical treatment technique, the likelihood of complications was minimized. The favorable postoperative course was confirmed by x-ray data of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, performed on the 5th day of the postoperative period. The absence of clinically significant changes in clinical and biochemical blood tests also indicates a smooth postoperative course. The patient was discharged for outpatient treatment in a satisfactory condition after 12 days after surgery. The results of multispiral computed tomography of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, performed on an outpatient basis one month after the operation, confirm the successful outcome of surgical treatment.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Difficulties of differential diagnostics of laryngeal tumors with using of high-technologic radiological imaging modalities

Priporova Y., Kuts B., Ipatov V., Ushakov V., Serebryakov A., Boykov I.


Retro-and prospectively were examined 54 patients. All the patients were forwarded for radiologic imaging after video endoscopic examination. The latter were performed on magnetic resonance and computed tomographs, combined with positron emission and computed tomography. In radiologic imaging modalities laryngeal malignancies were detected as tumors with heterogeneous iodine-containing and gadolinium-containing semi-molar contrast agent uptake, so as with increased uptake of 18-fluorodeoxyglucose in positron-emission and computed tomography and increased signal intensity in diffusion- weighted magnetic resonance imaging. For metastatic lymph nodes, it was typical to increase their size with an increase in radiopharmaceutical metabolism and signal intensity during diffuse-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Metastases were characterized as solitary or multiple focal lesions with increased contrast agent and radiotracer uptake. Complex using of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, as far as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and positron-emission and computed tomography in such cases as tumor is unseen in imaging but is detected with laryngoscope examination, can increase the possibility of laryngeal malignancy, regional and distant metastases detection as far as provide differential diagnostics of neoplastic and inflammatory cause of disease.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Affects of the gastrointestinal tract in children invaded by lamblies according to the results of ultrasound research

Arakelyan R., Okunskaya E., Sergeeva N., Galimzyanov H., Konnova O., Pustokhaylov I., Obukhova A.


An ultrasound examination has shown that on average 22 (29,7±5,3) of 74 children, infected by Giardia, have a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract manifested as reactive alterations of the pancreas. Clinical symptoms of 20 children (about 27%) revealed in the form of complaints of abdominal pain, 9 (12%) – in form of decreasing appetite and 9 children have allergenic reaction revealed on skin in different intensively, 8 children (10,8±3,6%) – in form of sleep disorder, 5 (6,8±2,9%) – in form of loose stools, 4 (5,4±2,6%) children felt sick, 1 child – vomit and the last one (1,4±1,4%) – in form increase temperature until subfibril indicators. Besides alteration in the pancreas, 6 (8,1±3,2%) children revealed reactive changes of the liver. The signs of dyskinesia of biliary tract were shown on 12 (16,2±4,3%) children. Among the combined lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, 16 (21,6±4,8%) children had reactive changes simultaneously from the side of the liver and pancreas. Moreover, 10 (13,5±4%) children were shown several combined reactive alteration in the liver, the pancreas and the sings of dyskinesia of biliary tract at the same time. In 6 (8,1±3,2%) cases combined alterations in liver and dyskinesia of biliary. The research has established, that in 44 (almost 60%) cases children did not follow personal hygiene rules. Contact with pets took a place in 30 cases (40,5±5,7%). Geo- and oligophagy were observed in 16 (21,6±4,8%) and 15 (20,3±4,7%) cases, respectively. Thus, the most frequent manifestations of giardiasis were reactive changes in the pancreas. The main causes of the disease of children of different age groups were not compliance with personal hygiene, contact with animals, as well as geo- and onychophagy. The presence of clinical symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loose stool, fever to subfebrile degrees indicate an acute course of giardiasis in children.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Role of radiologic imaging results in sanatorium documentation preparation on the pre-sanatorium stage in patients with degenerative spine disease during referral for sanatorium treatment

Shershnev S., Ipatov V., Rameshvili T., Zheleznyak S., Khalipova I., Kurtaev D., Romanov G., Malakhovskiy V., Babirin V., Zheleznyak I.


Sanatorium rehabilitation has its own special place in patients with degenerative spine disease. Methods and modalities of sanatorium treatment are aimed at pain syndrome relief, functional state improvement and structural changes decreasing. Insufficient physicians knowledge of sanatorium-resort selection principles and rules, curative factor mechanisms, indications and contraindications to forwarding patients for sanatorium treatment often provides not to improve but to worsening of the patient’s condition or to iatrogenic complications. In sanatorium outpatient records, which is registered on the outpatient stage, as a rule, of all radiological imaging modalities, there are only conventional radiographic data concerned. This modality doesn’t allow full representation of all bone structure disorders, and intervertebral disc condition assessment is impossible at all. Spine radiologic examination is a part of a complex examination of patients with degenerative spine disease. Comparison of the data of complex examination of the patients, treated in a sanatorium, with indications and contraindications for the sanatorium treatment is one of the most important factors of the functional load regimen selection and individual patient rehabilitation program composition in degenerative spine disease. The data analysis of sanatorium outpatient records and radiologic examination of 958 patients with degenerative spine disease treated in United Sanatorium «Sochi» controversies in the degree of manifestations and changes and concomitant pathologies detection, which influenced to the planned treatment programs, were determined. it was shown that computed tomography is the most feasible radiological imaging modality in sanatorium treatment program composition, so there is the necessity to use it on the pre-sanatorium outpatient stage, and its data must be entered to sanatorium outpatient records.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):42-52
pages 42-52 views

Adjustment disorders among police officers in consequence of detached duties to the North Caucasus region: psychopathological characteristics and prevention

Pogosov A., Shibaev P.


Clinical characteristics and risk factors of adjustment disorders among police officers after a detached duty to the North Caucasus region were studied. Patients were examined before and after detached duty with clinical psychopathological analysis and psychometric tests. Usage of psychometric tests and the measurement of the quality of life in the study of the adjustment disorders made it possible to objectify the evaluation of the severity of psychopathological symptoms. The research has revealed that prolonged detached duty to the North Caucasus is a psycho-traumatic situation and it could cause mental and behaviour disorders. Our research proposed the original classification of adjustment disorders: obsessive reaction, obsessive-depressive disorder and obsessive-depressive disorder with disturbance of conduct. Adjustment disorder among police officers is a complex psychopathological phenomenon and it`s clinical pattern included basic and additional components. The main manifestations of the adjustment disorder are obsessive and depressive symptoms, disturbance of conduct; additional manifestations include asthenia and vegetative disturbance. Obsessive thoughts of the psychotraumatic situation, symptoms of depression and disturbance of conduct represented the unfolded clinical form of the adjustment disorder. An absence of disturbance of conduct in the clinical pattern of disorder qualified as an abortive form of an adjustment disorder. An increased level of anxiety, psychological personality traits in the form of aggressiveness, liability, rigidity and sensitivity were revealed as predisposing factors for adjustment disorder.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):53-56
pages 53-56 views

Results of the morphological research of brain tissue in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus

Gavrilov G., Stanishevskiy A., Gaydar B., Paramonova N., Gaykova O., Svistov D.


Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus is a chronic brain disease of elderly, which leads to severe disability in case of inadequate treatment. Despite a number of experimental, morphological and clinical trials, the pathogenesis of the normal pressure hydrocephalus remains unclear. Microstructural changes in brain tissue due to normal pressure hydrocephalus described. Most often pathological features of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus are: exhaustion of brain tissue, enlargement of perivascular spaces, aseptic necrosis, and amyloid and Lewy body’s formation presented. Investigated changes in brain tissue of patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus transform our views on its mechanisms. It becomes clear that idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus is a part of a common neurodegenerative process that has exclusive features in any case.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):57-61
pages 57-61 views

The relationship between the gamma background of the natural environment during magnetic storms and the content of potassium and sodium

Usenko G., Vasendin D., Usenko A., Petrova N.


The decrease in values of correlation coefficients with high (high anxiety) and average (low anxiety surveyed individuals) the degree of importance on the background of the empirical variant of antihypertensive therapy, to medium (high anxiety) and weak (low anxiety surveyed) the degree of importance on the background of a targeted treatment option indicated for the approximation of the reciprocal adaptive reactions of the organism of patients to those in healthy high- and low anxiety persons of a corresponding temperament. Thus, a decrease in the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system in cortisol and an increase in the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the aldosterone range in the temperamental range from choleric to melancholic (choleric → sanguine stemmatics;); oxygen in tissues and the content of potassium in erythrocytes, as well as an increase in sodium concentration in both healthy high and low anxiety individuals and patients with arterial hypertension It corresponds to the temperament in the background as an empirical and targeted antihypertensive therapy. In healthy and hypertensive patients with men, regardless of temperament and anxiety, as well as a variant of antihypertensive therapy, during the magnetic storms with an increase in the power of the γ-background of the medium (within the limits of the norm), the level of oxygen utilization by the tissues and the content of potassium in erythrocytes decreased. sodium increased. Depending on the temperament, a change in the content of the studied parameters in high- and low-anxiety cholerics was observed during the day, in sanguine on the first day, and in phlegmatic and melancholic on the second day from the onset of magnetic storms. In addition, in contrast to the empirical treatment option, against the background of the directional treatment of the values of the studied parameters, the terms of returning to the original values (before the magnetic storm).In contrast to the empirical, against the background of the treatment option aimed at relieving the features of temperament, the values of the parameters were significantly closer, and the terms of returning to the initial (before the magnetic storm) values and the degree of correlation between the γ-background, the oxygen utilization coefficient of tissues and the content of the studied electrolytes coincided with those in healthy high- and low-anxiety individuals of the corresponding temperament. Therefore, antihypertensive therapy aimed at relieving the peculiarities of the psychosomatic status of patients is a more effective treatment option for patients with hypertension.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):62-65
pages 62-65 views

Features of comorbidities diseases and comorbidity in patients with acute myeloid leukemia younger than 60 years

Semelev V., Tyrenko V., Yurkin A., Bondarchuk S., Gornostaev D., Bogdanov A., Voloshin S., Uspenskaya O., Karyagina E.


The frequency and structure of associated diseases in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia younger than 60 years were analyzed. It has been established that the most frequent associated diseases in this age group of patients are diseases of the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems. In most patients with acute myeloid leukaemia younger than 60 years, was diagnosed one concomitant disease with a tendency to increase their number with increasing age. Application for assessing the level of comorbidity in patients with acute myeloid leukemia younger than 60 years comorbidity index in the transplantation of hematopoietic cells, of scale assessment of adult comorbidity and the level of cumulative disease assessment in the elderly, the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics makes it possible to evenly divide them into subgroups, depending on the degree of comorbidity, with the identification of statistically significant differences in the 5-year overall survival. According to the results of χ2 and log-rank p, the most optimal scale for assessing comorbidity in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia younger than 60 years occur Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Specific Comorbidity Index. With increasing age patients with acute myeloid leukaemia younger than 60 years, there is an increase in the number of patients with intermediate and high levels of comorbidity, while the number of patients with low levels of comorbidity decreases. The results show that it is advisable to use the degree of comorbidity in patients with acute myeloid leukemia younger than 60 years as a prognostic factor in the possibility of achieving a 5-years overall survival.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):66-74
pages 66-74 views

Diagnostics and features of endovideosurgical treatment of giant non-parasitic liver cysts

Sigua B., Zemlyanoy V., Latariya E., Nikiforenko A., Kachiuri A., Gurzhiy D., Melnikov V., Vinnichuk S., Volkova E., Ovchinnikov D.


Presents a clinical case of successful treatment of a patient with a giant non-parasitic liver cyst. The patient was examined on an outpatient basis: when performing an ultrasound study, and then using a spiral computed tomography of the abdominal organs, a cystic formation measuring 130×160×170 mm was revealed in the projection of the IV, V, and VIII segments of the liver. The analysis for the presence of antiparasitic IgG antibodies showed a negative result, which indicates the non-parasitic nature of the cyst. The patient was admitted to the clinic of faculty surgery named after I.I. Grekov for planned surgical treatment. After preoperative preparation, the patient underwent surgery in the amount of laparoscopic fenestration of a non-parasitic liver cyst with cholecystectomy (due to the presence of concomitant cholelithiasis). The technique of argon plasma coagulation was used for the treatment of the cyst bed. The patient was activated in the first day of the postoperative period. The postoperative period was uneventful. According to the histopathological examination of the surgical material, the fibrous wall of the cyst with property flattening. According to the results of a control ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity after removal of the drainage the fluid in the abdominal cavity was not located. Clinically and biochemical blood tests showed no clinically significant abnormalities. The patient was discharged in satisfactory condition on the 12th day of the postoperative period. Thus, the presented clinical case shows that even the giant size of the cyst is not a contraindication for the use of endovideosurgical treatment methods.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):75-78
pages 75-78 views

Infrared scan of the head in the diagnosis of intracranial pathology

Svistov D., Badalov V., Shevelev P., Antonov E., Bannikov S., Landik S., Alekseev D., Voitsekhovsky D., Kruglov D., Spicyn M., Marcynishina K.


The most important task of primary diagnosis in craniocerebral injuries and diseases of the head is to exclude compression of the brain by intracranial hematoma. Modern methods of diagnostics allow to solve this problem with high accuracy, however, the high cost of devices, their stationarity, the need to use high-precision methods of instrumental diagnostics as soon as possible and close to the scene are the main problem at the moment. Here are examined the possibilities, convenience and efficiency of using a portable device for infrared head scanning «Infrared Model 2000 Sensor» in the provision of medical care at advanced stages, in the absence of the necessary technical resources for the verification of intracranial hematoma. The diagnostic value of the method was tested in the clinical departments of the Military medical academy S.M. Kirov. There were 62 patients with various injuries and diseases of the head examined, who was treated at the clinic of neurosurgery and field military surgery from July to August 2017. Echoencephaloscopy was made for all patients in addition to the infrared scanning head. The results were controlled by computed tomography of the head. The age of patients is ranged from 19 to 70 years. In 94% of cases, the infrared head scan was performed during the first day after the manifestation of the disease or injury, with 47% of cases the study was conducted for the first 3 hours, and 7% of cases in the first 3 days after the head injury. The sensitivity of diagnosis of intracranial pathology according to infrared scanning was 72,7%, specificity – 72,5%. False positive results were obtained in 27,3% of cases. The main causes of false positive results were: the presence of subcutaneous hematomas in the study areas, the presence of blood clotting in the scanning area, bleeding from the wounds of the scalp.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):79-83
pages 79-83 views

The most probable causes of a lethal outcome at various medical emergencies at immunokomprometirovanny patients of a gemoblastozama, complicated by sepsis after carrying out polychemotherapy

Yurkin A.


Probable causes of lethal outcomes at various options of medical emergencies at immunokomprometirovanny patients of a gemoblastozama with the proved sepsis against the background of a neytropeniya after carr ying out polychemotherapyare presented. Some features of development of infectious complications after carrying out chemotherapy at patients of this category such as sepsis, septic shock, infectious and toxic shock, refractory sepsis are marked out. Moreover, among patients with various types of sepsis, patients with acute myeloid leukemia, complicated by sepsis, predominated – 15,19%, septic shock – 13,29%, and infectious-toxic shock – 11,39%; against patients suffering from lymphoproliferative diseases – 5,91, 8,37 and 4,43%, respectively. The urgent and combined states which authentically influence the current and an outcome of a disease are determined which allow to determine the volume and precedence of the carried-out anticipatory intensive therapy at patients from after the carried-out polychemotherapy in the period of a neytropeniya against the background of violation of an immune condition of patients are defined. Thus, the greatest number of deceased patients in the group with emergency conditions were patients with a diagnosis of cardiogenic shock – 19,57%, acute myocardial infarction of the 2nd type – 13,04%, and acute cardiovascular insufficiency – 13,04%. The most significant predictors of post-cytotoxic complications were identified, groups of patients who are most subject to post-cytotoxic infectious and medical emergencies are defined and studied.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):84-90
pages 84-90 views

The possibilities of extracorporal photopheresis in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Manuilov A., Belskih A., Bardakov S., Apchel A., Tishko V., Zakharov M., Sokolov A., Ryabova T., Kudryavtsev I., Serebriakova M., Trulyev A.


The results of extracorporeal photopheresis in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are presented. It has been established that extracorporeal photopheresis procedures in combination with methotrexate basic therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a significant effect on arresting the articular syndrome (reducing morning stiffness, pain intensity, swelling of joints). It has been revealed that the inclusion of extracorporeal photopheresis in the complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis reduces the humoral response (reduction of immunoglobulins A and G circulating high-molecular immune complexes) and in most cases leads to clinical and immunological remission. This is confirmed by a decrease in complaints about the severity of articular syndrome and a decrease in clinical and laboratory disease activity (a significant decrease in the level of C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fibrinogen). In addition, complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis, including extracorporeal photopheresis, has a positive effect on the quality of life of patients, with the maximum improvement noted by the 12th month of therapy. Thus, in patients receiving complex therapy, indicators of physical and psychological health improved: physical functioning by 45%, role-based physical functioning by 52,7%, role-based emotional functioning by 11,5%, mental health by 35%, general health by 26%, social functioning by 24,5%, vital activity by 17%, and the intensity of the pain syndrome decreased by 34,6% compared to the pre-treatment rates. In general, complex therapy using extracorporal photopheresis lengthens the duration of remission of the disease and can be recommended for patients with rheumatoid arthritis with an insufficient effect of basic therapy and intolerance to higher doses of cytotoxic drugs.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):91-95
pages 91-95 views

Technical and tactical features of the use of sanation relaparoscopy in the treatment of peritonitis

Singayevsky A., Lugovoy A., Yartseva E., Grebtsov Y., Agishev I.


The analysis of the results of the examination and treatment of 280 patients with various forms of peritonitis treated with the use of endovideosurgical techniques in the period from 2009 to 2016 was carried out. Of these, 50 patients required the implementation of sanation relaparoscopy, which constituted the main group. The comparison group included 15 surviving patients after performing one or more relaparotomies treated for the period 2015–2016. The most optimal techniques for the sanation of the abdominal cavity by endovideosurgical method are described. The main indications for the implementation of relaparoscopy «on demand» and «according to the program» were determined on the basis of the clinical picture, intraoperative data, leukocyte intoxication index, abdominal index and Mannheim peritonitis index. The main criteria for termination of relaparoscopy in programmable mode are established. The study revealed that it is necessary to strive to use endovideosurgical techniques (in the absence of absolute contraindications). The materials obtained in a number of cases allow to avoid laparotomy, which is especially important for patients who perform relaparoscopy «according to the program» has a diagnostic nature and is necessary to control the condition of the abdominal cavity, taking into account the running pathological process revealed during the primary operation. It was also found that the use of repeated endovideosurgical interventions both «on demand» and «according to the program» can reduce the number of postoperative complications and the length of hospital stay.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):96-100
pages 96-100 views

The importance of laparoscopy in the diagnostics and treatment of the intestinal obstruction of various etiology

Topuzov E., Abduhalimov K., Abdulaev M., Avdeev A., Shekiliev V.


The importance of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal obstruction of various etiologies is substantiated. It has been shown that in the complex of diagnostic measures in the absence of abdominal compartment syndrome, pronounced adhesions in the abdominal cavity, high operative and anesthetic risk of IV and more classes on the American association of anesthetists scale, laparoscopy is the most informative in diagnosing some types of acute intestinal obstruction compared with ultrasound and radiological method. The possibility of laparoscopic elimination of acute adhesive, obstructive small intestinal obstruction (phytobezoar, gallstone), strangulated intestinal obstruction (invagination, torsion of the small, sigmoid colon), in the absence of specified contraindications, depends on the age of occurrence of clinical symptoms of ileus, the severity of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, in the abdominal cavity, in the abdominal cavity, in the abdominal cavity; It was established that a mini-invasive endovideosurgical intervention successfully performed without conversion indirectly reduces the number of postoperative complications and mortality and shortens the patient’s stay in the hospital. It was revealed that a complex differentiated approach (a diagnostic and treatment algorithm developed by us), based on the use of minimally invasive endovideo-surgical methods in early diagnosis and surgical treatment of various forms of ileus, including two-stage surgical treatment during a single hospitalization of patients with cancer of the left colon, complicated violation of intestinal patency, contributes to a significant reduction in the number of postoperative complications and mortality and provides early honey Ch’ing and social rehabilitation of these patients.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):101-106
pages 101-106 views

Experimental trials

Features of the ultrastructure of the pancreas in experimental acute pancreatitis

Bromberg B., Denisov A., Onisсhenko L., Zinoviev E., Demchenko K., Ovchinnikov D.


The article presents the results of a study on the modeling of acute pancreatitis in an experiment on large laboratory animals. The authors have proposed an original experimental model for studying the characteristics of the course of acute pancreatitis caused by the introduction of liver bile into the pancreatic ducts of the pig. The morphogenesis of experimental acute pancreatitis in the initial phase of the disease at the ultrastructural level using light and electron microscopy was studied in detail. It has been shown that with the development of acute destructive pancreatitis, the left lobe and the body of the pancreas undergo more destructive changes. In the right lobe, destructive changes are less pronounced. When using light microscopy in the pancreatic tissue, phenomena of pronounced interstitial edema, granular dystrophy of pancreatocytes, dilation of venous and lymphatic vessels on the background of arteriospasmwas found. Expansion of the common pancreatic duct was accompanied by desquamation of the epithelium in its lumen and the formation of microerosias. Occasionally, free erythrocytes were encountered, which may indicate a violation of the hemato-tissue barrier. Results of electron microscopy data showed that the most characteristic ultrastructural changes for the early phase of the disease should be considered a violation of the structure of such important cellular organelles as the nucleus (apoptosis), endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. In this case, the synthesis and maturation of zymogen granules is disturbed. Due to the disruption of the structure of the foamy (protective) cells of the pancreas, its structure was not protected from harmful pathogenic effects (in our experiment, liver bile). Not only the parenchyma (the cells that form the secret), but also the stroma of the gland (fibroblasts) is subject to pathological changes. Thus, the whole complex of morphological disturbances established at the ultrastructural level indicates significant pathophysiological disturbances in the work of the pancreas and confirms the validity propose of the experimental model of acute pancreatitis.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):107-112
pages 107-112 views

The effectiveness of the impact of the integrated use of physical and ergogenic on indicators of special physical fitness, performance and recovery processes of highly skilled athletes

Brooke T., Terekhov P., Osipova N., Zyukin A.


The current article describes the effectiveness of influence of combined use physical and ergogenic means on indicators of special physical fitness and anaerobic performance of highly skilled athletes. The research has revealed that a combined course application of food supplements «Bilar» and «Multicomplex MDX» followed by sessions of laser therapy leads to a pronounced training effect. Thus, after consumption So, after taking nutritional supplements in relation to the initial level, the athletic performance of track and field sprinter women in running 100 meters improved by 3,3%. The height of the vertical jump increased by 11,4%. The average power of 7 jumps – by 22,1% (p<0,05). The use of low-intensity laser radiation after a course of food additives led to even more pronounced changes in these indicators. Thus, the result in 100 m running reached 12,9±0,1 s, which is 3,5% higher than the initial level. The height of the vertical jump from the spot increased by 21,2%. The average power of 7 jumps increased by 35,2% (p<0,05). In highly skilled male sprint athletes, the exchange intake of ergogenic nutritional supplements also led to an increase in running at 100 meters by 2,9%, a vertical jump height by 17,5%, and a capacity of 7 jumps – 17,9% above the initial level (p<0,05). After the combined action of low-intensity laser radiation and the use of ergogenic agents in male sprint athletes, a further increase in special physical fitness was noted. Thus, the result in the 100 m race improved by 3,8% compared to the initial level, the height of the jump up from the spot increased by 29,4%, the average power of 7 jumps increased by 28,4% (p<0,01). In general, this effect in highly skilled sprinter athletes is revealed in the increasing speed, power components of the muscle contraction, the maximum power in operation of an anaerobic nature, which led to an increase in repulsive forces when performing movements of explosive nature, reducing the time in the interaction with the support and growth of the sports result in a 100 m race.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):113-119
pages 113-119 views

Hair research for the diagnosis of psychoactive substance use

Slustovskaya Y., Krysko M., Strelova O., Kuklin V.


The possibility of using hair as one of the objects of research for the diagnosis not only the fact of use of psychoactive substances but also identification the statute of limitations and duration of using toxic substances is considered. These results are important not only in medical practice to provide doctors with a compфlete picture of remission in patients (F10–F19), but also in judicial practice to resolve social issues, for example, custody issues. A model of long-term use of substances (phenobarbital and diphenhydramine) was developed on laboratory animals – guinea pigs of white, black and red natural colour. Enzymatic hydrolysis techniques (chymotrypsin, hemopexin and papain) was developed to isolate psychoactive substances from the hair staff of laboratory animals. phenobarbital and diphenhydramine were detected in animal hair 28 days after the substance was discontinued. Phenobarbital was detected in an amount of from 18,91 to 19,85 ng/mg, diphenhydramine from 5,71 to 7,04 ng/mg. The developed methods of enzymatic hydrolysis were tested on expert material (hair) of the examined persons collected according to the recommendations of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № 40 of January 27, 2006. In total, 118 hair samples were analyzed during the study, 14 samples showed a positive analysis for the presence of psychoactive and other substances: methamphetamine, methylecgonine, cocaine, amphetamine, formethorex, pirogerone, methadone, tetrahydrocannabinol, phenobarbital, tropicamide, diphenhydramine, salbutamol, nicotine. Developed methods of isolation allow screening search to detect psychoactive substances for the diagnosis of their use.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):120-126
pages 120-126 views

Anti-radiation activity of preparations containing glutathione disulfides

Antushevich A., Grebenyuk A., Klimov A., Yartseva A., Antonov V., Bolechan A., Bogdanova E.


Radioprotective activity and possible mechanism of pharmacological action of oxidized glutathione medicinal was studied in experiments on white inbred mice and on cell culture A431. Glutoxim, molixan and litan, which were administered intraperitoneally to mice 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours after irradiation, were examined as antiradiation agents. The effect of glutathione disulfides on the condition of bone marrow hematopoiesis was assessed by the number of endogenous colonies grown on the spleens of BALB / c male mice for 9 days after irradiation, the intensity of bone marrow cell proliferation and the level of Deoxyribonucleic acid biosynthesis were judged by the inclusion of 3H-thymidine. To study the possible mechanisms of the pharmacological activity of glutathione disulfides, an in vitro model was used using the specialized cell culture A431, and the content of interleukin-1β, interleukin-4 and epidermal growth factor in the serum of laboratory animals was also assessed. It was shown that radiation at a dose of 7,3Gy resulted in the death of 80% of mice. The use of drugs containing glutathione disulfide – glutoxim, lithane and molixan in doses of 30 mg/kg as a means of treatment of acute radiation injuries reduced the mortality of irradiated animals by 50–60%. It was established that radioprotective effect of oxidized glutathione medicinal can be due to their ability to accelerate reparative processes in bone marrow cells, stimulate the production of mature blood cells and restore the functionally active conformation of hematopoietic cytokine receptors. Glutathione disulfide medicinals have a stimulating effect on the receptor of epidermal growth factor, which is manifested in the activation of phosphorylation processes of the Extracellularly redulatedb kinases 1, 2.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):127-130
pages 127-130 views

Results of preliminary tests of an onboard food allowance of crews of distant and military-transport aircraft

Andriyanov A., Smetanin A., Subbotina T., Plahotskaja Z., Konovalova I., Darina N.


The flight structure of distant and military-transport aircraft is subject to the influence of the flight overloads accompanied by the development of gravitational deviations and difficult functional reorganisations, the occurring haemodynamic changes directed on indemnification in an organism of the pilot. The organisation of a high-grade food is necessary for indemnification of the adverse influence of factors обитаемости on a state of health of pilots during flights of the big duration directly onboard the plane. New, subject to preliminary tests, the pre-production model of an onboard food allowance represents a set of products for a food of pilots in long flight. It should possess high organoleptic characteristics, sufficient food and power value, meet requirements to storage and convenience of the use in food directly in flight. At modern scientific and technical level preliminary tests of a pre-production model of an onboard food allowance with the participation of staff of distant and military-transport aircraft in real conditions of military activity are conducted. During carrying out of preliminary tests of an onboard food allowance it is established, that its use in food military men throughout long flight was not accompanied by negative changes of a state of health of pilots. Products apart an onboard food allowance possess high organoleptic properties. To reduce the energy value, it is advisable to optimize the content of basic nutrients by reducing the fat content. Received by questioning and interrogation of consumers data testify about the necessity of expansion of assortment of a diet the following foodstuff: raw milted, dried fruits, chocolate, etc. Received during a performance of the yielded work results is a scientific basis for the perfection of a food of the given category of military men.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):131-136
pages 131-136 views

Method of psychophysiological diagnosis of signs of partial posttraumatic stress disorder in military personnel performed special tasks

Zelenina N., Nazarov S., Marchenko A., Rantseva S., Vyipritskiy P., Apchel V., Yusupov V.


An objective method for psychophysiological diagnostics of partial posttraumatic stress disorder in healthy military combatants is developed. It based on linear classification functions using the systolic wave amplitude parameters obtained as a result of stress testing on the program hardware «Reakor». The essence of the method is that the subject according to the preliminarily designed scenario is alternately presented on the monitor and in headphones with stress stimuli consisting of a video sequence (4 min), then an audio session (1 min), followed by a rest (40 s) and, finally, the subject is exposed to electric discharges on the wrist of his left hand (1 min 20 s), the strength of which is selected individually before the stress testing procedure. Simultaneously during testing at the stages of rest, start and finish, the photoplethysmogram is recorded and the amplitude of the systolic wave is determined. In total stress, testing procedure is 12 minutes. Аccording to the calculated linear classification functions, the presence or absence of signs of partial post-traumatic stress disorder is determined. The use of this method will make it possible to objectify the identification of partial posttraumatic stress disorder signs in healthy military combatants and aimed to conduct medical and psychological correction and rehabilitation to prevent the development of maladaptation intense conditions of activity.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):137-141
pages 137-141 views

Hygienic aspects of a food and water delivery of experts of navy fleet in the conditions of a long sea campaign: problems and decision ways

Bolehan V., Krivtsov A., Andriyanov A., Sorokoletova E., Konovalova I., Smetanin A., Plahotskaya Z.


Military-professional work staff of research courts, especially in long sea campaigns, it is characterised by high emotional and psychological pressure, touch and motor deprivation. A food of seamen should not only correspond to balanced diet principles but also carry a treatment-and-prophylactic orientation. The analysis of operating food rations of crews of research courts, shows, that many of them an assortment of products, a chemical compound and power value not to the full meet requirements of an organism of military men for energy and nutrients. First of all, it concerns the maintenance and balance of essential nutrients: fibres, especially animal origin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro-and microcells. Besides a food, one of the determinatives обитаемости the Navy fleet ships, directly defining the success of the performance of problems of experts, is water supply. Maintenance of staff of crews of the ships with good-quality fresh potable water has always been difficult to multistage a hygienic and technical problem. In the course of the given work the hygienic estimation of a food and water supply of experts is spent, problem aspects in a food and water delivery of crews of research courts are revealed, to define ways of their decision. The obtained data testify, that the complex approach to a food and the staff water delivery, directed on preventive maintenance of the alimentary-caused diseases among military men of research courts and maintenance high Trudo - and fighting capacity of the crews, including perfection of a food allowance of staff of the ships is necessary, for technology of water preparation. Potable water air-conditioning biologically significant macro-and microcells will be the important means of preventive maintenance of disease of military men.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):142-147
pages 142-147 views

Evaluation of the effectiveness of wound dressings based on bacterial cellulose with fucoidan for skin burns

Zinovyev E., Lukyanov S., Tsygan V., Kulminskaya A., Lapina I., Zhurishkina E., Lopatin I., Asadulaev M., Artsimovich I., Kostyakov D., Paneyakh M., Shabunin A., Zubov V., Zhilin A., Davletova L., Stekolshchikova E.


Experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of wound coatings based on bacterial cellulose impregnated with fucoidan solution for deep skin burns is presented. Forty rats were involved in the experiments. Application of wound coatings based on bacterial cellulose with 2% fucoidan solution with a thickness of 0,5 to 1 mm and 1 to 2 mm was found to show a clear tendency to accelerate healing of wound defects by 54 and 47%, respectively (p<0,2), compared to the control group, on the 14th day. The use of the same coatings without impregnation with fucoidan was less effective and led to the reduction of wound defect only by 39% (p<0,2) compared to the control, by the end of the second week. Histological examination of wound biopsies revealed a significant acceleration of the formation and maturation of connective tissue due to intensive angiogenesis and increased proliferative activity of fibroblastic cells. It was shown that after 14 days the designed wound coatings based on bacterial cellulose with 2% fucoidan solution lost their sorption capacity and antibacterial effect. In this case, in the wound development of microbial inflammation and excess of wound exudation were detected. This circumstance served as an indication for the change and re-application of coatings during treatment and as the basis for the choice of the 14th day as an observation point (control date) to compare the results.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):148-152
pages 148-152 views

Personality structure in young people

Uliukin I., Kiseliova N., Kostin D., Berezovskii A., Orlova E.


According to transactional analysis (as a psychological model that serves to describe and analyze human behavior, both individually and as part of groups), in each person there are three main ego states: «Parent», «Child» and «Adult». At each moment in time, each healthy and integral person is located in one of these states (and, being in some certain situation, it can function on the basis of one of the states that are clearly distinguishable from one another). The essence of the presence of personality activity and freedom of choice and the existence of script programming, as well as moral, value and ideal attitudes can be the basis of a variety of intrapersonal conflicts. At the same time, a person, confronted with real events that do not correspond to ideal scenario ideas, may experience stress and perceive the current situation as difficult, which is determined by their own cognitive assessment of the situation. The nature of the distribution of ego states in the structure of personality was studied by us according to the method of D. Jongeward in 146 young people of different genders. Differences in ego states in the personality structure of young people (men and women) are due to the gender nature of the groups. People in conflict-free ego states should comply with the norms of politeness to prevent conflict, thereby satisfying the needs of both a positive and negative interlocutor, which is one of the important psychological factors for ensuring the reliability, efficiency and success of joint activities. The possible presence of a conflict can lead to nervous breakdowns, a decrease in the level of professional health (professional fitness).

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):153-156
pages 153-156 views

Correlation matrix for revealing informative indicators of functional state estimation, anaerobic working capacity and physical readiness of highly qualified athletes

Brooke T., Terekhov P.


The use of correlation analysis revealed the main factors that determine the increase in sports results in the 100 m race in highly qualified athletes-sprinters (men and women) under the influence of the course intake of food additives «Bilar» and «MDX Multicomplex» followed by the use of low-intensity laser radiation. To this end, the dynamics did not take into account the absolute values of the studied indicators, but the magnitude of their changes at different stages of the study. As a result, the correlation Pleiades were formed and on their basis, the model characteristics of the growth factors of the sports result in sprinting were built. It is established that at the intermediate stage of the study in highly qualified athletes-sprinters (men) course intake of food additives has led to an increase in the level of speed-strength training, the maximum frequency of cyclic movements with little effort, increasing the adaptive-recovery potential of the body and the level of energy metabolism in the areas of the brain responsible for the implementation of motor programs. Such morphofunctional changes have led to a significant increase in athletic performance in the race at 100 m in a short period of time (37 days). Similar changes were noted in the group of highly qualified athletes-sprinters (women). Course effect on the body of the subjects of low-intensity laser radiation immediately after the end of the reception of ergogenic agents, led to a further increase in sports results in the 100 m race, which can be considered as a cumulative effect of the complex action of two factors – the intake of food additives and the impact of laser therapy. At the same time, at the final stage of the study, the leading growth factors of sports results, both in men and women, are increasing the maximum frequency of cyclic movements, speed-strength training and adaptive-recovery potential of the body.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):157-164
pages 157-164 views

Research of the properties of synthetic polymer matrices made for transplantation of cultured limbal stem cells to eliminate a limbal deficiency

Karpovich V., Kulikov A., Churashov S., Chernysh V., Blinova M., Nashchekina Y., Alexandrova O., Khorolskaya Y., Machel T., Pisugina G., Perepletchikova D., Nikonov P., Tsobkallo E., Moskalyuk O., Melnikov A., Serdobintsev P., Khoroshih D., Riedel S.


The properties of synthetic polyester matrices made of polylactide-glycolide, polylactide-caprolactone and poly-ɛ- caprolactone are investigated. It was established that the matrix of polylactide-glycolide and polylactide-caprolactone have high levels of transparency, strength, but fewer indicators of elasticity and elasticity compared with poly-ɛ-caprolactone matrices and amniotic membrane. It was revealed that the transparency of the poly-ɛ-caprolactone matrices depends on the material thickness and tends to decrease with increasing material thickness, while the transparency of the polylactide-glycolide and polylactide- caprolactone matrices does not change with increasing material thickness. The terms of biodegradation of polylactide-glycolide and polylactide-caprolactone matrices with a thickness of 5 μm are about 30 days, which is comparable to the degradation time of the amniotic membrane on the surface of the cornea. It has been shown that human and rabbit limbal stem cells, as well as the cells of a human corneal epithelial cell line, adhere to the surface of all types of matrices under study, retain the typical structure of the actin cytoskeleton, the ability to proliferate and migrate during cultivation. Differences in the interaction of different cell cultures with different types of carriers were revealed. The studied mechanical properties, transparency, biocompatibility of cultured limbal stem cells with matrices and the timing of biodegradation of a 5 micron-thick polylactide-caprolactone matrix are close to the amniotic membrane. Taking into account the optimal combination of the investigated properties, the most acceptable for use as a carrier of cultured limbal stem cells is a polylactide-caprolactone matrix with a thickness of 5 μm.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):165-170
pages 165-170 views

The possibility of assessing the midface morphometric parameters according to x-ray methods

Gaivoronsky I., Madaj O., Gaivoronskaya M., Kirillova M.


The main morphometric parameters of the midface on 85 skulls of adults, 120 radiographs of the skull in frontal and lateral projections, 120 spiral computer tomograms of the skull were studied. To determine the topography of the neurovascular formations of the midface, specially developed and introduced the new concepts «anterior maxillary triangle», «lateral maxillary triangle». When studying the main morphometric parameters of the midface, it was found that there are statistically significant differences between the indicators obtained on the anatomical specimen and on the roentgenogram of the skull. The data obtained from measurements on the skull and spiral computed tomography, almost coincide. The linear dimensions and area of the lateral maxillary triangle in the group of studied skulls obtained on the anatomical specimen and its spiral computed tomography are also not statistically different, while the same parameters measured on the radiograph of the skull compared to the two above these objects of study are significantly different. Thus, the morphometric parameters of all anatomical areas (orbit, pear-shaped aperture, upper jaw, infratemporal fossa) on anatomical preparations of the skull and their spiral computed tomography have no significant differences. The detected statistically significant differences in the studied parameters of the skull on anatomical specimens and their radiographs are due to the layering of shadows of bone structures and image distortion. It can be assumed that the latter depends on the installation of the object. At the same time, these values in absolute figures vary from 1,5 to 3 mm, which in practical terms is not significant. On this basis, radiography, as well as spiral computed tomography, can be considered an informative method for diagnosing damage to the midface.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):171-174
pages 171-174 views

Adaptation of servicemen to battle conditions

Lobachev I., Korshever N., Dorfman Y., Furmanov E.


There has been carried out a comparative analysis of adaptation to battle conditions in soldiers and sergeants passing through their military service by contract and by call-up, who have participated in military operations during the counter-terroristic operation in the Northern Caucases. It has been established that the combatants passing their military service by contract appear to demonstrate a more positive character of professional, medical and psychic-psychological components of adaptation to battle conditions, as compared to those passing their military service by call-up. The differences concern: significance for the servicemen of a number of war factors to which they have had to be adjusted; motivation for fulfilling their military duty; the level and dynamics of military-professional preparedness; distribution of the combatants by taking decisions to wage military operations, the manner of planning (programming, over-thinking) their actions in the forthcoming battle; the effect of staying in the armed conflict zone on their health status; the level and dynamics of their physical preparedness; markedness of manifestations of their psychic-emotional and psychic-somatic condition before the battle, during the battle and in case of getting an injury; the time necessary for their adjustment to living conditions in the zone of military operations. There have been substantiated certain directions for elevation of adaptation effectiveness, the basic ones of which are: raising the level of military-professional preparedness and motivation for fulfilling the military duty; improvement of the organism’s functional condition; creation of favorable psychological climate in the subunits. The obtained data may be used in conducting professional training of the servicemen for military operations, as well as in organization of their medical provision.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):175-179
pages 175-179 views

Public Health

Malignant neoplasm’s among military servicemen participated in cleaning up the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: results of a 30-year monitoring

Legeza V., Zagorodnikov G., Sanzharevsky V., Reznik V., Aksenova N.


As a result of long-term (1987–2017) clinical follow-up of the health status of 3,190 military servicemen who liquidated the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, it was established that during the analyzed period, malignant neoplasm’s were registered in 396 (1,8%) of the examined contingent,199 people among them died. The average annual incidence rate was 10.3 ‰. A contribution of malignant oncopathology to the overall morbidity structure did not exceed 3% (IX ranked according to the ICD-10 classification), while the share of diseases resulting in mortal outcome was 28% (II ranked place). In the structure of nosological forms of tumours, newborns of the organs of the genitourinary system (predominantly the prostate gland) – more than 40%, among the dead – tumours of the digestive and respiratory organs – 50% prevailed among those who survived by the end of 2016. 90% were solid tumours, 10% – oncopathology of the hemopoietic system. There was no correlation between the amount of absorbed dose and the lifespan of cancer patients. The most significant risk factors for this indicator were the age of the liquidators at the time of arrival in the accident zone (less than 40 years) and the duration of the emergency rescue operation (more than 70 days). It is shown that the average multi-year level of cancer incidence, its structure, the probability of death from malignant neoplasm’s and the life expectancy of liquidators with tumour pathology does not significantly differ from similar indicators of similar age groups of the male population of the Russian Federation. The data obtained indicate that low-power radiation in doses of 20 cSv and below does not adversely affect the dynamics of cancer incidence of liquidators compared to the non-irradiated population of Russia.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):180-184
pages 180-184 views

Normative legal support of the organization and activity of military medical examination

Petrova O., Karasaeva L., Nurova A., Bychkova O.


The main regulatory legal documents regulating the organization and activity of military-medical expertise in the Russian Federation are presented. The structure of institutions in the system of military-medical examination with the main institution «Main Center for Military-Medical Examination» and its separate subdivisions (branches and departments of branches) in military districts is described. Analysis of Federal laws and regulations allowed to formulate the organizational and legal basis of military duty and military service, as well as the basic requirements for the health of citizens to be called up for military service, entering military educational organizations of higher education, military personnel, citizens of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is noted that in the existing regulatory framework a list of categories of citizens subject to medical examination is defined; list of medical specialists conducting the examination; established the role of the doctor in charge of the medical examination, which forms the conclusion of the category of citizenship for military service according to the results of medical examination by specialists; established categories of validity for which an opinion is given; It provides for the possibility of sending citizens for medical examination to a medical organization in the event that it is impossible to issue a medical opinion on fitness for military service. The sections of the «Provisions on military medical expertise» reflect the organization and methodology of medical examination in accordance with the categories of fitness for military service and spell out a phased algorithm of actions to ensure high-quality military medical expertise.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):185-189
pages 185-189 views

Improving the organization of medical care in the «traumatology and orthopedics» profile in military districts and the Northern fleet

Chuprina A., Khominets V., Savchenko I., Brizhan L., Kudyashev A., Fedotov A.


It justifies the introduction of measures to improve the organization of medical care in the «traumatology and orthopedics» profile for servicemen, citizens dismissed from military service, members of their families and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in military districts and the Northern Fleet. The structure of the main classes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, about which the indicated contingent was admitted to the military medical organizations for the period 2012–2017, is analyzed. The total number of treated patients of all privileged contingents for 6 years increased by 7%, and the military personnel – by 5,4%. The proportion of injuries of trauma and orthopedic patients treated permanently decreased. In the structure of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, injuries of the lower leg and knee joint are most common. In the structure of surgical interventions, the share of trauma and orthopedic operations in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is about 55–58% annually. The procedure for providing specialized trauma and orthopedic care to this category of patients in military districts and the Northern Fleet has been studied. In the Western and Central military districts, conditions have arisen under which in the first specialized medical care in the «traumatology and orthopedics» profile is provided to military personnel mainly in the clinic of military traumatology and orthopedics of the Military medical academy named after S.M. Kirov, while in the Central Military District similar assistance is provided to specialized victims mainly in the trauma wards of military medical organizations of district subordination. A set of organizational and treatment-diagnostic measures has been developed, aimed at optimizing the organization of medical care in the «traumatology and orthopedics» profile for citizens enjoying the right to receive it in the military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):190-198
pages 190-198 views


Associative communications neuroimmunology with an inflammation and tumoral processes

Moskalev A., Gumilevskiy B., Apchel A., Tsygan V.


The following review of domestic and foreign literature shows a subtle but close relation between autoimmune neuroimmunological reactions and tumour-associated processes. A detailed description of paraneoplastic antibodies, their interactions with profile receptors and possible development of neoplastic processes are given. It is suggested that, because of the proximity of tumour and tissue antigens, the autoantibody-induced diseases may occur at the early stages of carcinogenesis and therefore serve as its early precursors. These onconeural antibodies have been found in diseases associated with the paraneoplastic syndrome (such as paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, paraneoplastic retinopathy, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome, stiff person syndrome, paraneoplastic subacute sensory neuropathy, Lambert– Eaton myasthenic syndrome, paraneoplastic myositis), as well as in certain other types of sociopathology. It is of particular importance that onconeural antibodies may also be found among healthy individuals, often close relatives, which could suggest a possible oncological prognosis regarding tumour localization and the onset of its clinical manifestation. Considering the autoimmune pathogenesis of the paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, these interactions of onconeural antibodies with the receptors and the appearance of oncoantigens may suggest a possibility of developing an effective immuno-modulating antitumor therapy which could significantly improve the quality of life for oncopathology patients.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):199-205
pages 199-205 views

Acute bronchitis: from understanding etiology to adequate therapy

Salukhov V., Kharitonov M., Nikolaev A., Zaitsev A., Kazantsev V., Ivanov V., Bogomolov A., Asyamov K.


The clinic, diagnostics and differential diagnosis of the disease are discussed. In the framework of the differential diagnosis, such pathological processes as pneumonia, whooping cough, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are considered. Special attention is paid to differential diagnosis with community-acquired pneumonia. Clinical and laboratory signs of acute pulmonary inflammation are given. Attention is drawn to laboratory parameters such as C-reactive protein and procalcitonin, the high concentrations of which have a high predictive value in relation to pneumonia. The leading role of viral infection in the onset of acute bronchitis is the rationale for starting antiviral therapy for the disease, while the widespread use of antibacterial agents is an error. Anti-influenza drugs and anti-adenoviral drugs are the most widely used in medical practice. Emphasis is placed on the need for early prescribing of this group of drugs, no later than 48 hours from the onset of the disease. The use of antibiotics should be limited to clear indications. Thus, antibiotics are prescribed only in cases of clinical and laboratory evidence of bacterial infection. Attention is focused on the necessity of prescribing not only etiotropic, but also pathogenetic means of treating acute bronchitis, and lists the most effective mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Among mucolytics, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, and erdosteine are most widely used in clinical practice. In the section of anti-inflammatory drugs, modern drugs are discussed, in particular, fenspiride, which demonstrates its high efficacy in patients with acute bronchitis. In the section of non-pharmacological treatment areas, a new physiotherapeutic technique of vibration and compression effects on the chest is described. Improving bronchial drainage with this technique can help reduce the duration of the inflammatory process in acute bronchitis.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):206-213
pages 206-213 views

Methodological impasse of the current paradigm of burn injury

Matveenko A., Chmyrev I., Skvortsov Y., Tarasenko M.


The modern paradigm of combustology is experiencing a systemic crisis – a state in which existing means of solving problems and achieving goals have already become inadequate. Problematic issues in the theory and practice of burns arose in the course of scientific search and discovery of new facts that do not fit into the framework of previous concepts. The presence of a large number of significant anomalies, unpredictable situations and paradoxes testifies to the exhaustion of the heuristic, explanatory and predictive qualities of the paradigm, that is, its transition to the stage of «degeneration». The essence of the crisis is the existence of two mutually exclusive ways of science – mechanical determinism (empiricism), which excludes elements of random and probabilistic determinism, which presupposes the variability of events. The coordination between them is impossible. Comparative analysis of the test results by the methods of the current paradigm reveals their significant differences, which indicates the non-reproducibility and non-verifiability of the received facts. The cause of the crisis in combustiology is a violation in the process of cognition of the methodology of scientific tests, including the philosophical foundations of science, laws, categories and principles of dialectics, formal logic, probability theory, synergetics, the fundamental foundations of pathology, pathophysiology, statistics, etc., which constitute the foundations of science. The unavoidable sources of methodological defects of the paradigm are: identification of the concepts cause and causative factor, incorrect stratification of patients into groups of studies using the «severity of injury» as a system-firming factor, the lack of idealization, the use of inappropriate scales, statistical «scientometry», the lack of reliable prognosis of the outcome of injury, violation of principles the construction of the thesaurus of combustiology and the use of methods of metaphysical thinking.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):214-219
pages 214-219 views

State and prospects of development of means of prevention and treatment of poisoning by biological toxins – potential agents of bioterrorism

Stepanov A., Ivchenko E., Dergachev V.


Toxins of biological origin are regulatory elements that act in heterologous cell systems beyond their control and shift the balance of physiological processes occurring in them. In nature, biological toxins are divided into phytotoxins, zootoxins, microbial toxins, synthetic toxins, for her role in the life of the organism-producer – endotoxins and exotoxins (acetoxy), and the effect on target organism – neurotoxins, cytotoxins (toxin effectors), toxins, enzymes, toxins, enzyme inhibitors. A wide variety of biotoxins and their sufficiently high biological activity in relation to the living organism, as well as the lack of most effective specific means of prevention and treatment of pathological processes caused by them, raises the problem of their search and development in the category of significant and urgent problems of modern health care and military medicine. With regard to the latter, the significance and relevance of the problem are confirmed by the high probability of using biotoxins as potential agents of bioterrorism. Close attention is paid to the current state of prevention and treatment of poisoning by biotoxins, analysis of information concerning the prospects of use for these purposes of antibody drugs. The first results on the preventive and therapeutic efficacy of polyvalent heterologous sera in staphylococcal enterotoxin, murine-human chimeric antibodies against staphylococcal enterotoxin B. in preclinical conditions, drugs based on monoclonal antibodies to cholera toxin and Shiga toxin were obtained.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):220-224
pages 220-224 views

The combined effect of ionizing radiation and toxicants

Basharin B., Karamullin M., Zatsepin V., Zavirskiy A., Chekhovskikh Y.


The data of domestic and foreign literature on the study and study of combined radiation-chemical lesions are analyzed. The probability of the occurrence of victims with combined radiation injuries under various scenarios of nuclear and radiation incidents is noted. The data on the degree of elaboration of the problem, modern approaches to the clinic and diagnosis of this type of pathology are given. It is noted that the main attention of researchers was directed to the study of radiation-mechanical and radiation-thermal lesions. In the study of combined radiation-chemical lesions, most studies consider them as the interaction of ionizing radiation and chemical warfare agents. At the same time, many industrial toxicants are characterized by a synergistic interaction with ionizing radiation and mutual weighting of a lesion. The possibility of the occurrence of combined radiation-chemical lesions as a result of the joint action of ionizing radiation and carbon monoxide is substantiated. The nature of the mutual influence of ionizing radiation, radioprotectors and antidotes of carbon monoxide in the modern literature is almost not covered. It is likely that the use of radioprotectors can aggravate carbon monoxide intoxication. The necessity of further study and study of lesions caused by a combination of radiation and chemical (including carbon monoxide, as a quantitatively predominant toxicant during fires) factors have been substantiated. It is important to study the effectiveness of radioprotectors for the course and outcome of combined radiation injuries when used together with carbon monoxide antidotes and to assess their impact on the outcome of this pathology in order to improve the anti-radiation protection system.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):225-229
pages 225-229 views

Glymphatic brain system and its role in pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease

Lobzin V., Kolmakova K., Emelin A., Lapina A.


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common disease leading to the development of cognitive impairment and dementia. The pathological basis of the disease is the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Also important are neuroinflammation, dysregulation of the blood-brain barrier, impaired clearance and accumulation of β-amyloid in the parenchyma and blood vessels of the brain, impaired synaptic transmission. Atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and the presence of epsilon-4 apolipoprotein E alleles are identified as one of the main risk factors in the pathogenesis of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. It is assumed that the accumulation of β-amyloid is the result of an imbalance between its production and clearance. To develop an effective strategy for slowing down or stopping a neurodegenerative process, it is important to understand how β-amyloid is derived from the brain. The clearance of extracellular β-amyloid can occur through various systems, however, transport through the blood-brain barrier is of the greatest interest. recent studies have demonstrated the importance of the lymphatic system in removing β-amyloid from the brain through the perivascular spaces of Virkhov-Roben. Interestingly, the lymphatic system functions mainly during sleep and to a large extent reduces its activity during wakefulness. Since the concept of this system is relatively new, its the main structural elements are considered in the research, organization, regulation, and functions. Considering the variety of hypotheses that are considered as the basis of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, we attempted to combine these data into a single unifying model and demonstrate the significance of the balance between synthesis and the ability of β-amyloid elimination from the brain.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):230-236
pages 230-236 views

Рeculiarities of orthodontic treatment of patients with pathology of periodont complicated by disorder of occlusion

Popkov V., Karasulova E., Lapina N., Zadorozhny A., Maksyukova Е., Zuikova М.


Orthodontic treatment is an integral part of the complex treatment of patients with periodontal diseases and includes the solution of various interdependent tasks: stabilization of pathological processes in periodontal disease, conducting biomechanical analysis, providing periodontal support for affected teeth, stimulating the reconstruction of alveolar bone, improving bone tissue architecture, levelling occlusion disorders, creating conditions for rational prosthetics, reducing the volume of surgical interventions, improving aesthetics and dental prosthetics. However, today there is no consensus on the indications, time and methods of orthodontic treatment for periodontal diseases. The severity of damage to periodontal support tissues in patients with dental anomalies is more pronounced than in people of similar age without similar disorders. Most often, periodontal pathology is noted in patients with deep bite, the anomaly of the position of the teeth, narrowing of the dentition and the crowded position of the teeth in the frontal areas of the dental arches, various types of tort-anomalies. Complex treatment of patients with periodontal diseases in combination with dentoalveolar anomalies and secondary deformations of dentition and occlusion involves specific orthodontic measures that contribute to the restoration of aesthetic and aesthetics. Rational orthodontic treatment and rehabilitation tactics in such categories of patients can contribute to the onset of a state of long-term remission of pathological processes in the parodon-teeth, and also ensure its morphological integrity and functional preservation. Good hygienic control with the use of controlled dosage orthodontic treatment in patients with periodontal pathology does not impair their periodontal status.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):237-241
pages 237-241 views

Education news

New accreditation sistems of medical specialist and continuing medical education

Lobachev I., Solovev A., Kornilov V., Rezvantsev M.


New educations system of medical personal in the Russian Federation is analysed. The concept of continuous medical education is submitted. Accreditation of medical (military-medical) personal is described. The new system of training of specialists connects continuous medical education and accreditation of medical personnel. It is necessary to undergo accreditation at each level of professional education of medical personnel. Accreditation allows legal medical activity to medical personnel. Reakcreditation is carried out each 5 years. Accreditation examination includes testing, check of practical skills and the solution of situational tasks. Examination is held in the accreditation centers having the special equipment. Examination committees include practical doctors, members of the professional medical organizations, teachers of the medical universities and scientists. The accreditation centers are checked and examination committees are formed by the Ministry of Health. Each medical worker has to be registered on the website of the Ministry of Health and there make the private office. After that he can realize the individual plan of continuous medical education. It allows to take accreditation examination. Each medical worker has to study annually 30–36 hours at the medical university and also participate in scientific conferences. It gives him the educational credits necessary for an akcredittion. The new system of accreditation and continuous medical education has some problems. Still there is not effective system of data mining for database of training and accreditation of medical personnel.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):242-246
pages 242-246 views

Organization of development and use of electronic educational publications in the educational process in the training of medical specialists

Furmanov E., Lobachev I., Fedorchuk I., Kruglova M.


The organization of development, creation and application of electronic educational publications in the educational process in the training of medical specialists in the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov is considered. The basic provisions for the technical design of electronic textbooks are given. An electronic textbook is an electronic educational publication containing a systematic presentation of the discipline or its section, parts corresponding to the curriculum, prepared by hypertext technology using multimedia components, combined with a single software environment and navigation system. If necessary, the electronic textbook may contain additional software modules (running programs for computational procedures, information and reference systems, etc.). In other words, an electronic textbook is an integrated way of presenting information in text, graphic, multimedia, interactive form through computer technology. Electronic educational publications are already widely used in the educational process, but few authors own the methodology of creation and technical design. Preparation of an electronic educational publication is a complex and multifaceted process. It should involve not only authors, but also professionals with skills in working with computer technology and graphics, audio-visual range, with experience in editorial and publishing text processing. The relevance of the use of electronic textbooks in the learning process is due to the possibilities of modern technologies for the creation and use of electronic resources: demand and availability, wide application, intensity of information flows and a variety of forms of presentation of educational materials. The expansion of technical and methodological capabilities to demonstrate and display their content in various electronic formats brings training to a new level. In modern conditions, electronic educational publications are a good help in the educational process, both for students and for the teaching staff.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):247-252
pages 247-252 views

Medicine history

Studying of military hygiene in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red army

Zholus B., Petreev I.


The military hygiene as a subject in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red army began to revive after the civil war. However, the textbooks, teaching guides and guidebooks appeared before 1917 were not accepted for training of the Red Army men and command staff. There was no unified departmental schedule on teaching of military hygiene in educational divisions and institutions provided by the authorities. Separate teaching guides on military hygiene were created initiatively and were intended for training of the Red army men in elementary rules of personal and public hygiene and prevention of infectious diseases, injuries, poisonings, and other health deteriorations. For example, in the Military Electrotechnical Academy of the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Red Army named after Budjonny developed a manual on military hygiene, which for many years was widely used for teaching military hygiene. The majority of educational and methodical materials of this period was created for military doctors. One of the active scientists and teachers of that period was a professor Fyodor GrigorievichKrotkov (1896–1983) who afterwards became the social leader, the Hero of Socialist Labor. F.G. Krotkov formed creative group with which he created the Reference book (1931) and the Guide to military hygiene (1933) which became a basis for the subsequent educational and scientific works on military hygiene. However, before the start of the Great Patriotic War, military hygiene was never introduced as a compulsory educational discipline in the educational process of military schools. In our opinion, the fundamentals of military hygiene must be known to every soldier, and especially to the officer corps, which requires their inclusion in promising medical training programs of all military training organizations.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):253-259
pages 253-259 views

Johann Mikulicz-Radecki – one of the founders of modern european surgery

Zemlyanoy V., Sigua B., Filenko B., Melnikov V., Zakharov E., Kulagin D.


Among the pleiad of outstanding luminaries of the surgery of the past, a special place is occupied by surgeons who do not limit themselves to a certain area of their activity but left a wide mark in various fields of medicine. Describes the life course of one of the most significant figures in European and world surgery of the XIX century Polish-German-Austrian surgeon, a student and follower of the ideas of Theodore Billroth – Johann Mikulich-Radetzky, who became a kind of «bridge» between the classic surgery of the XIX century and modern European surgery. Among his scientific interests are: surgery of the gastrointestinal tract, the thyroid gland, thoracic, orthopaedic, plastic surgery – and this is by no means a complete list. Mikulich-Radetsky retained the memory of himself not only as the founder of two surgical schools in Germany and Poland but also as a scientist who was engaged in the development and dissemination of the principles of antisepsis and asepsis: he was the first to use iodoform in practice as a means for treating wounds, and also suggested using thread gloves with outer seam, which changed several times during the operation. In addition, he proposed his method of disinfection the surgeon’s hands before surgery. It is impossible to underestimate the contribution of Johann Mikulich-Radetsky to the surgery of the digestive tract: he is the founder of gastric resections for cancer. In addition, he was the first to successfully suture a perforated gastric ulcer, and also developed a method for plastics of the pyloric part of the stomach, which is still used today. Thus, the scientific ideas of Johann Mikulich-Radetsky received widespread and further development.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):260-264
pages 260-264 views

Military doctor, surgeon, organizer of dental care (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Zabelin)

Iordanishvili A., Voskresenskiy V.


The article presents information from the life of a maxillofacial surgeon and dentist in our country, one of the patriarchs of Russian military dentistry – Guard Colonel of Medical Service Valery Zabelin, who celebrated his 100th birthday in 2018. The data on the formation of V.P. Zabelin as a dentist, his combat path during the Great Patriotic War. The main directions of his scientific activity were noted, which touched upon the development and improvement of techniques for plastic closure of oroantral fistulas using soft local tissues, osteosynthesis of jaws at their fractures, the use of ultrasound in dental practice and maxillofacial surgery, as well as testing of new drugs: hemostatic, anesthetics, optimizers of reparative osteogenesis, as well as for orthopedic dentistry and dental production. Revealed his role in the development of issues of medical examination for maxillofacial injuries and major dental diseases. V.P. Zabelin was one of the pioneers in the study of the dental aspects of aviation medicine. He published more than 30 scientific works, introduced more than 50 rationalization proposals into the work of a number of military medical organizations. In the textbook «Military Dentistry» he wrote the section «Military Medical Examination of the Effects of Maxillofacial Injury and Certain Dental Diseases», which many experts today refer to. V.P. Zabelin, being one of the founders of national military dentistry, as well as the school of military dentists and maxillofacial surgeons, is rightfully recognized as one of the patriarchs of military health care.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):265-267
pages 265-267 views


Academician Ippolit Vasilyevich Davydovsky (on the 50th anniversary of his death)

Morgoshiia T., Apchel V.


The main milestones of the scientific and practical activities of an outstanding pathologist, pathologist, experimenter, academician Ippolit Vasilyevich Davydovsky are covered. I.V. Davydovsky in monographs «Bullet Wound of the Person» (1952, 1954) and «Pathology of gunshot wounds and damages» (the 34th volume of the work «Experience of the Soviet Medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945») (1952) developed the doctrine about wound process and showed that in the bullet raw wound with the participation of microorganisms inevitably there is purulent melting of dead fabrics with the subsequent their diffusion and that this process is a process of biological cleaning of a wound (secondary cleaning of a wound). These works are unique in all world medical literature. The actual material of the military prosecutor covering in total over 1000 dead from wounds in different departments of a body, the material comprehended from medico-biological positions was their basis. However at extensive damages with adverse local and general premises for healing local complications (purulent flow, abscesses, phlegmons, secondary bleedings, etc.), which can be followed by the general reaction of an organism (temperature, blood changes, etc.), adequate to changes in the area of a wound are possible. I.V. Davydovsky called similar states is purulent-resorptive the fever having the different duration and weight. At long it is purulent-rezorbtivnoy to fever traumatic exhaustion can develop. These theoretical ideas of the course of wound process and pathogenesis of the general reactions of an organism emphasized the need of timely surgical processing of bullet wounds for achievement, according to I.V. Davydovsky, «anatomic purity of a wound» and fight against the general phenomena is purulent-resorptive fevers. In 1944 I was published relevant not only for wartime, but also today the book by I.V. Davydovsky «Traumatic exhaustion in the light of the doctrine about sepsis and is purulent-resorptive to fever» which practical value it is difficult to evaluate as basic provisions of this work substantially promoted change of medical tactics of treatment of seriously wounded. Also, the scientific contribution of the scientist in the development of gerontology, doctrines about infectious diseases and atherosclerosis is analyzed. The pedagogical activity of I.V. Davydovsky is noted.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):268-273
pages 268-273 views

Mikhail Nikolayevich Zhukovsky – the famous Russian neurologist (the 150th anniversary of the birth)

Litvinenko I., Mikhaylenko A., Popov A., Dynin P.


Mikhail Nikolayevich Zhukovsky – the famous Russian neurologist. His classmates were well-known and also famous scientists: anatomist V.N. Tonkov, anatomist and surgeon V.N. Shevkunenko, pathomorphologist G.V. Shor, psychiatrist V.Р. Osipov, surgeons V.M. Mysh and L.G. Stuckey, obstetrician-gynaecologist V.I. Shirshov, etc. After graduating from the Military medical academy M.N. Zhukovsky on competition was left for 3 years for improvement on department headed by V.M. Bekhterev. M.N. Zhukovsky thesis «About the influence of cerebral cortex and subcortical nodes on breathing» received a brilliant assessment from the reviewers. He gets recommendations by the Military medical academy conference for a two-year scientific secondment to Europe. After returning from a secondment, he was accepted in 1901 by the private-assistant professor at the Department of nervous and mental diseases, and in 1914 he was appointed as Professor at the Department of nervous diseases. The name of the Military medical academy pet and V.M. Bekhterev’s pupil becomes known to every student of the medical University at an early stage of acquaintance with neurological semiotics: Zhukovsky’s pathological foot reflex became world famous as one of the clinically significant reflexes. M.N. Zhukovsky was one of the first in our country who studied the lithium influence on the nervous system. His works, devoted to the functions of frontal lobes, were a serious objection to the use of lobotomy in clinical practice. The M.N. Zhukovsky research about lateral amyotrophic sclerosis are classical, and his classification of clinical forms of this disease is used to date. Results of studying of resorts of the Crimea, the black sea coast, Mineral waters of the Northern Caucasus were used further for rehabilitation of wounded and neurological profile patients.

Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):274-277
pages 274-277 views


Contribution of Professor Nikolai Pavlovich Shabalov to the development of Russian paediatrics (on the occasion of the 80th anniversary)

Arsentiev V., Platonov T.
Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019;21(1):278-279
pages 278-279 views
