
Захарова, Н П

栏目 标题 文件
编号 3 (2004) Articles Toxic elements in food additives
编号 6 (2004) Articles Microbiological evaluation of raw materials used for processedcheese manufacturing
编号 5 (2004) Articles Innovation technologies for processed cheese
编号 5 (2004) Articles Relations between rennet and processed cheeses quality and lowstorage temperature
编号 6 (2005) Articles Technology of the processed cheese products
编号 6 (2005) Articles Plastified cheese masses witn biologically active suppliments
编号 6 (2005) Articles Processed cheese product with soya
编号 5 (2005) Articles Vegetable proteins isolates in composition for processed cheeseproduct
编号 1 (2006) Articles Effect of melting salts on the quality and safety of processed cheese
编号 3 (2006) Articles Whey in the processed cheese production
编号 6 (2006) Articles Processed cheese product Monomah
编号 1 (2003) Articles Exhibition «Butter. Cheese$2002»
编号 2 (2003) Articles Taste and aroma additives for processed cheeses
编号 3 (2003) Articles Cooling of the melted processed cheeses
编号 5 (2003) Articles Effect of propionic bacteria on the milk products flavor
编号 6 (2003) Articles Processed cheese departament
编号 1 (2004) Articles New documentation for processed cheeses 17
编号 1 (2004) Articles Application of the nondairy fats in processed cheese manufacturing
编号 6 (2003) Articles Butter. Cheese. Situation, problems and trends
编号 6 (2003) Articles Rheological properties of processed cheeses