
标题 文件
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Revealing combined pathology of genitals, mammary and thyroid glands with sonographic screening PDF
Domansky V., Tsvetkova N., Kulyushina E., Dmitriev S.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Mechanism of fertilization after intracytoplasmic sperm injection PDF
Dozortsev D.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Mother’s mortality from gestosis in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region for 10 years (1989-1999) PDF
Egorova A., Amostaeva L., Boitzhuk N.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Mothers' mortality in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region for the period of 1986-1998 PDF
Egorova A., Amostaeva L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Non-medicamental treatment of inflammatory complications caused by intrauterine device PDF
Efremova L., Abubakirova A., Dubnitskaya L., Foteeva T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Methods of limitation of reproductive function in modern conditions in Russia PDF
Efremova L., Rusanova N.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Pregnancy and nephrogenic hypertension syndrome PDF
Emelianova A., Tioutiounnik V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Modern management of premature labor PDF
Erkkola R.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) How many cesareans are justified? PDF
Erkkola R.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Magnetic resonance imaging in profound diagnosing of the cancer of uterine cervix PDF
Eutiuckina A., Meshkova I.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The role of chlamydial infection in perinatal pathology PDF
Evsyukova I.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Spontaneous abortus caused by activation of cytomegaloviral infection: Therapeutic approaches and issues PDF
Evtushenko I., Zhankov A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The clinical early outcomes of treatment of premature babies PDF
Fedorova L., Pulin A., Fomina N., Yasevich A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Cardiointervalogram in healthy full-term newborn babies at the first 24 hours of life PDF
Fedorova M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy with cisplatin for treatment of advanced cervical cancer PDF
Feltmann K., Dresel V., Beck E., Rinas N., Tulusan A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Histology investigation of placenta in different types of retardation reflector-tonic reaction in newborns PDF
Fomenko B., Parusov V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Immunohistochemical alterations in placenta at gestosis PDF
Gabelova K., Oparina T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The possibility of placental insufficiency prognostication in the first trimester PDF
Gazazyan M., Ponomaryova N., Ivanova O.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Diagnostic symptoms of endotoxicosis during pregnancy as a prognostic of sepsis PDF
Gazazyan M., Ponomaryova N., Lebedev A., Sarukhanov V., Angaleva E., Ivanova O.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The early diagnostics of obstetric sepsis PDF
Gazazian M., Ponomareva N., Saruhanov V., Krasikova L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Some ways of improvement of pathological uterine bleeding causes diagnostics in women of reproductive age PDF
Gazazyan M., Ivanova T., Kchutzishvili O., Lunjova I.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Strong preference for “genetic sonography” as non-invasive option of prenatal diagnosis in patients with pregnancies following intracytoplasmic sperm injection PDF
Geipel A., Gembruch U., Ludwig M., Germer U., Schwinger E., Dormeier A., Diedrich K.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Humerospinous distance is not of use to predict shoulder dystocia PDF
Geirsson R., Klaij F., Hreinsdottir M., Nielsen H., Haraldsdottir K.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Hypertension in pregnancy: a danger for now and later PDF
Geirsson R.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The St. Vincent targets for diabetes and pregnancy can be met PDF
Geirsson R., Hreidarsson A., Helgason T., Helgason H.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Postterm pregnancy: fetal surveillance and management PDF
Gintautas V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Norplant preparation application results PDF
Gogayeva E.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Ultrasound examination with color doppler ultrasonography in patients with ovarian apoplexy PDF
Golova J., Yevseev A., Breusenko V., Paukova O.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Microvillous relief of endometrial epitheliocytes and infertility in peritoneal endometriosis PDF
Gorbushin S., Savitsky G., Scopichev V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Occurence of nontoxic goiter in patients with mastopathy PDF
Goryushina O.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The study of types and titers of anti-cardiolipin antibodies in women with adverse pregnancy outcomes PDF
Gromiko G., Zubgitskya L., Starovoitov V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Delivery at Danderyd Hospital - the current concept PDF
Gross-Witkow D., Nyman M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Transdermal estradiol in the treatment of hypergonadotropic and normogonadotropic ovarian insufficiency patients PDF
Gzgzian A., Potin V., Niaouri D., Tkachenko N.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Sonographical and clinical aspects of hepatobiliary system in patients with adenomyosis and endometrioid ovarian cysts PDF
Iashvili T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Thyroid and mammary glands abnormal in women with pelvic masses PDF
Iashvili T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Distribution of HLA - antigens among patients with endometriosis PDF
Ioseliani T., Bubnova L., Bercos M., Bercos A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Prophylactic of postoperative septic complications by meksidol PDF
Ivanyan A., Krukovski S., Gustovarova T., Vybornova I., Ivanyan A., Bejlin V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Molecular studies of CF in Russia PDF
Ivaschenko T., Bakay M., Mikhailova E., Baranov V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Oncoplastic variations in operative treatment in pT2 - mammacarcinomas PDF
Jungnickel K., Kohls A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The use of dopamine for treatment of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome PDF
Kamilova D., Korneeva I., Volkov N., Kovalev V., Stygar D.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The operative hysteroscopy experience PDF
Kappusheva L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Prognostic significance of HCG measurement in IVF program PDF
Kascheeva T., Korsak V., Paykacheva Y.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Diagnostic significance of carboxyhemoglobin (CoHb) among older primapara PDF
Kayupova L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Bacterial vaginosis as manifestant of women’s immunodeficiency PDF
Khanamova T., Pleskanovskaya S., Yagmurova G., Annaeva G., Babakhova G.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The application of the peptide bioregulators for the treatment of the barren marriage PDF
Kira E., Dolgov G., Khavinson V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Particularities of clinic and treatments of postovarioectomic syndrome PDF
Kira E., Tsvelev Y., Beskrovniy S., Rud S.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Peculiarities of the psychological status of women with sexually transmitted diseases PDF
Kira E., Tsvelev Y., Bondarev N.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Probability labour activity after opioid analgesia in the preliminary period PDF
Kiselev A., Lopatin D., Kulichkin Y., Kolodnitsky T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Efficiency of opioid analgesia in labor PDF
Kiselev A., Zaitcev A., Kulichkin Y., Kolodnitsky T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Direct deletion analysis and carrier detection in D/BMD families PDF
Kiselev A., Ivaschenko T., Baranov V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) I. Ductus venosus and inferior vena cava blood flows during normal pregnancy PDF
Kogan I., Polyanin A., Novikova A., Prokhorova V., Mikhailov A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) II. Ductus venosus and inferior vena cava blood flows during normal pregnancy PDF
Kogan I., Polyanin A., Novikova A., Prokhorova V., Mikhailov A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Preoperative preparation of gynecologic patients PDF
Korkan I., Gichieva R., Zhailova A., Salehov R.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Diagnostic value of detecting products tissue distruction in puerperae with endometritis after cesarean section PDF
Konovodova E., Burlev V., Gurtovoi B., Tioutiounnik V., Zaidieva Z.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Progestogenic activity of new analogues of 17a-hydroxyprogesterone PDF
Korkhov V., Lesik E., Petrosyan M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Pathogenesis of perinatal pathology in mothers with genital chlamydia trachomatis infection (GCTI) PDF
Koroleva L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Postoperative complications risk after multifetal pregnancy reduction PDF
Koroteev A., Talantova O., Novikova A., Prokhorova V., Mikhailov A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Type of placentation as a criterion of fetal selection before multifetal pregnancy reduction PDF
Koroteev A., Talantova O., Novikova A., Prokhorova V., Mikhailov A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Effects of endometrial thickness and uterine blood flow on IVF outcome PDF
Korsak V., Isakova E., Kamenetsky B., Kirsanov A., Korshunov M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The influence of chronic stress on the course of pregnancy and labor of women with deficiency body weight PDF
Kosheleva N., Dodhoeva M., Komarov E., Konstantinova N., Shogiradze L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Level of magnesium in the maternal serum, the umbilical serum and in the amniotic fluid PDF
Kosheleva N., Buzurukova P., Ghamrawi R., Mahnova E., Horoshilova G.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Differences in the pathogenesis of the uterine cervix cancer PDF
Kosnikov A., Maximov S., Bakhidze E.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) New method of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disorders in neonates PDF
Kosov M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Peculiarities of damage of CNS functional state and cerebral hemodynamic at the children with consequences perinatal encephalopathy PDF
Kozshushko N., Matveev Y., Kudzilov D., Fyodorova M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Alternative delivery (results and prospects) PDF
Krasnopolsky V., Logutova L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Ultrasonic predictors of a condition of a fetus and newborn for the pregnant woman with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus PDF
Krasnopolsky V., Kovalenko T., Petruchun V., Titchenko L., Kotov Y.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The optimization of anesthesia in gestosis patients during labor PDF
Krasnopolsky V., Mazurskaya N., Shepatov V., Ermolaeva E., Logutova L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Surgical correction of stress incontinence PDF
Krasnopolsky V., Popov A., Gorski S., Manannikova T., Shaginian G., Machanskite O.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Termination of midgestation pregnancy using laminaria or intracervical prostaglandin E(2) followed by prostaglandin analogues PDF
Kravchenko N., Gurtovoi B., Ordzhonikidze N., Tioutiounnik V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Results of randomized controlled trial of levenorgestrel versus the Yuzpe regimen of combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception PDF
Kristesashvili J., Khomassuridze A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Influence of Mildronatum on the “mother-placenta-fetus” system circulation with different degrees of its disorder PDF
Krivtsova E., Pavlova N.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Sexual development of girls - survivors of neonatal surgery and intensive care PDF
Kulichkin Y., Gordeev V., Alexandrovich Y., Kiselev A., Doroschuk R., Kolodnitsky T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Color doppler assessment of the intervillous circulation in all trimesters of pregnancy PDF
Kurjak A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Combined color doppler and 3-D ultrasound study of fetal abnormalities PDF
Kurjak A., Kupesic S.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Role of a fine-needle transvaginal aspiration with the control of US in diagnostics and treatment of ovarian cysts PDF
Kustarov V., Troik E., Sergeeva I.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Prophylactic use of Lioton-1000 in postpartum period in patients with chronic venous insufficiency PDF
Kulakov V., Kirienko A., Chernuha E., Mourachko A., Bogachev V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Phenotypical characteristic of endometrial immunocompetent cells during polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) hormonal therapy PDF
Kulakov V., Sukhikh G., Makarova O., Gadieva F.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Malignant tumors of female genital tract in children and adolescents PDF
Kutusheva G., Kolygin B., Ourmantcheeva A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders in North-West Russia: a survey of 3440 cases PDF
Kuznetzova T., Baranov V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Morphological features of endometrial cancer: connection with insulin resistance and type of fat topography PDF
Kvatchevskaya J., Gamajunova V., Chepik O., Tsyrlina E., Kovalenko I., Maximov S., Tchernobrovkina A., Ourmantcheeva A., Berstein L.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Metabolic control in pregnant women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and the neonatal body weight PDF
Lantseva O., Potin V., Kovaleva T., Kuptsov G.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Thyroid gland function at the pregnant woman with diabetes mellitus PDF
Laricheva I., Budikina T., Burumkulova F., Petrukhin V., Gurieva V.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Prevention of RDS in prematurely born very low birth weight infants PDF
Laskowska M., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Poniedziaiek-Czajkowska E., Oleszczuk J.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The new possibilities of extraperitoneal cesarean section application PDF
Lebedev A., Ponomareva N., Luneva I.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Laparoscopic treatment of uterine myomas - long-term results and pregnancy outcome PDF
Lehmann-Willenbrock E., Mettler L., Jonat W.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Sperm morphology as a reliable method of male fertility evaluation PDF
Leontjeva O., Vorobjeva O.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Gynecological morbidity of schoolgirls in Irkutsk-city PDF
Lisack L., Kolesnikov S., Meriacry V., Kuzmina N.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) I. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - development of the lung PDF
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卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) II. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective-surfactant, assess of lung maturation PDF
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卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Very low-birth-weight babies - philosophy of care PDF
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卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Peculiarities of newborn adaptation after extraperitoneal cesarean section depending on fetus condition and arid period duration PDF
Logutova L., Aksenov A., Vitushko S., Kapustina M., Lukashenko S.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The role of IVF in treatment of infertile marriage PDF
Lokshin V., Djusubalieva T.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Endogenous inhibitors of the Na, K-ATPase in preeclampsia PDF
Lopatin D., Ailamazian E., Dmitrieva R., Fedorova O., Kolodkin N., Bagrov A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) Endometritis and metroendometritis caused by chlamydia trachomatis PDF
Luchko N., Omelianiyk E., Bashmakova M.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The neonatal urgent care system in St. Petersburg PDF
Ljubimenco V., Simachodski A., Kogan A.
卷 48, 编号 5S (1999) The prevention of pelvic inflammation after induced abortion by alternative medicine PDF
Lysaya T., Astakhova T., Gatina T.
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