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Vol 69, No 6 (2020) Integral assessment of markers of the local infectious and inflammatory process in women with preterm birth in multiple pregnancies
Kosyakova O.V., Bespalova O.N., Budilovskaya O.V., Savicheva A.M.
Vol 62, No 4 (2013) Integrated assessment haemostasis pregnant women with gestosis PDF
Barinov S.V., Dolgikh V.T., Medyannikova I.V.
Vol 62, No 6 (2013) Integrated assessment haemostasis pregnant women with gestosis PDF
Barinov S.V., Dolgikh V.T., Medyannikova I.V.
Vol 52, No 1 (2003) Intensive treatment in observing pregnant women with Rh-isoimmunization PDF
Ailamazyan E.K.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Interferon therapy of herpes virus infection in pregnant women PDF
Tareeva T.G., Malinovskaya V.V., Vitushko S.A., Kotov Y.B.
Vol 68, No 1 (2019) Interferons: pathogenetic rationale for the treatment of external genital endometriosis and clinical efficacy PDF
Durneva E.I., Sokolov D.I., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Selkov S.A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Interleukin-8 is an indicator of intraamniotic infection PDF
Belokrinitskaya T., Vitkovsky Y.
Vol 12, No 10 (1898) Internal bleeding with normal attachment of the last and with presentation of it PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 47, No 1 (1998) International cooperation and training of midwives PDF
Dymchenko L.N.
Vol 51, No 3 (2002) International Environmental Forum PDF
Board E.
Vol 54, No 1 (2005) International Scientific Congress "Operative Gynecology - New Technologies" November 22-24, 2005 St. Petersburg PDF
Ailamazyan E.K.
Vol 54, No 2 (2005) International Scientific Congress "Operative Gynecology — New Technologies" November 22-24, 2005 St. Petersburg PDF
Simchera I.A.
Vol 70, No 6 (2021) Intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy: the norm or pathology?
Bezmenko A.A., Sadovaya N.D.
Vol 68, No 5 (2019) Intestinal dysbiosis in women in early pregnancy PDF
Bezmenko A.A., Schmidt A.A., Sadovaya N.D.
Vol 67, No 2 (2018) Intestinal dysbiosis is a risk factor or a cause of miscarriage? PDF
Bezmenko A.A., Kislitsyna N.D.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) Intestinal trauma in laparoscopy (diagnostics, treatment and prevention) PDF
Aziev O.V.
Vol 11, No 6 (1897) Intra-cervical injection of Glycerine; a Modification of Peltzer’s Method of Inducing premature Labour PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 68, No 4 (2019) Intrapartum fetal hypoxia: an atypical case report PDF
Melnikov A.P., Voloshchuk I.N., Aksyonov A.N., Aksyonova A.A., Dzyuba G.S., Ulyatovskaya V.I.
Vol 62, No 2 (2013) Intraplacental blood flow features inphysiological pregnancy PDF
Zakurina A.N., Pavlova N.G.
Vol 63, No 5 (2014) Intraplacental blood flow in third trimester of placental insufficiency pregnancy
Zakurina A.N., Pavlova N.G.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) Intrauterine bleeding during pregnancy PDF
Reimer G.N.
Vol 12, No 1 (1898) Intrauterine colpeurysis PDF
Gerich О.
Vol 7, No 4 (1893) Intrauterine fetal disease with ophthalmoblenorrhea PDF
Rutkovskiy A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Intrauterine growth retardation: CTG, ultrasound biometrics and Doppler blood flow PDF
Babayan A., Akounz K., Vartanyan J., Schmidt W.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) Intrauterine injection PDF
Grammatikati I.N.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) Intra-uterine method of complete destruction of the uterus by womb PDF
Fedorov S.P.
Vol 12, No 6 (1898) Intrauterine pregnancy; complete removal of the fetal mouse; gistѳrectomy by abdominal section; recovery PDF
Sheinis L.
Vol 5, No 9 (1891) Intrauterine tamponation for certain postpartum seizures PDF
Fratkin B.
Vol 12, No 7-8 (1898) Intra-uterine typhoid Fewer PDF
Ginzburg M.D.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) Introduction to the course of obstetrics and gynecology in connection with clinical methods of teaching PDF
Muratov A.A.
Vol 8, No 11 (1894) Inversio vesicae urinariae per fissuram abdominis cum atresia vaginae in a newborn girl.
Feinberg B.I.
Vol 53, No 2 (2004) Investigation of new gestagenic preparations for administration in obstetrics and gynecology PDF
Korkhov V.V., Lesik E.A., Petrosyan М.А.
Vol 52, No 2 (2003) Involvement of detoxification system enzymes in pathogenesis of some common multifactorial diseases. Predictive genetic testing PDF
Baranov V.S., Ivaschenko T.E., Baranova E.V.
Vol 48, No 3 (1999) In-water labor PDF
Ailamazyan E.K.
Vol 50, No 2 (2001) Iraida Ivanovna Semenova
Board E.
Vol 5, No 9 (1891) Irregular childbirth due to syphilitic changes in the cervix PDF
Fratkin B.
Vol 9, No 10 (1895) Irreplaceable dressing and hygroscopicity of dressings for the care of the umbilical cord PDF
Weinstein E.M.
Vol 8, No 7-8 (1894) Is a clavicle fracture a contraindication for swinging (Schultz's method) of a child born with asphyxiation? PDF
Strogonov V.
Vol 12, No 6 (1898) Is it appropriate or not to have a surgical intervention for uterine fibromes that do not give seizures in old age? PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 6, No 1 (1892) Is it possible to determine the place of rupture during an ectopic pregnancy? PDF
Soloviev A.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) Is strychnine contraindicated to pregnant women? PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 11, No 4 (1897) Is the development of gas in the uterus an indication for removal of this organ during labor? PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 71, No 5 (2022) Issues in reproductive health in chromosome translocation carriers
Shilenkova Y.V., Pendina A.A., Fedorova E.M., Efimova O.A., Chiryaeva O.G., Petrova L.I., Dudkina V.S., Tikhonov A.V., Gzgzyan A.M., Bespalova O.N., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 48, No 4 (1999) Isulin-cortisol shifts in timely-temporal structure of functions in postmenopause PDF
Zazerskaya I.E., Ailamazyan A.K., Kornilov N.V., Avrunin A.S., Sukhanova A.M.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) IV. Immaturity of the lungs: neonatal perspective - postnatal care of the immature lung. Surfactant therapy PDF
Liubsys A.
Solovyov A.S.
Vol 70, No 4 (2021) IVF efficiency in different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome
Nikolayenkov I.P., Kazymova O.E., Sudakov D.S., Dymarskaya Y.R.
Vol 8, No 4 (1894) J. Thorn. Zur Kasuistik der Uterussteine. (Zeitsclir. F. Geburtsh. Und Gynaek., Bd. XXVIII, H. 1, S. 74). To the casuistry of uterine stones PDF
Feinberg B.
Vol 7, No 2 (1893) Jacobs. Pyosalpinx et papillome des ovaires. (Bulletin de la société Belge de gynecol. et d’obstetrique. 1892. N-os 1 et 2). Pyosalpinx and ovarian papilloma. PDF
Lapina A.
Vol 11, No 11 (1897) Janiceps symmetros (symmetric Janus) PDF
Sitsinsky A.A.
Vol 11, No 3 (1897) Jewish woman's basin. A living full-term Jewish child PDF
Paperny M.L.
Vol 46, No 1 (1997) "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases". Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow PDF
Tsvelev Y.V.
Vol 63, No 2 (2014) K 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora Sel'kova Sergeya Alekseevicha
- -.
Vol 62, No 1 (2013) K 85-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika RAMN, zasluzhennogo deyatelya nauki RF, professora SAVEL'EVOY GALINY MIKhAYLOVNY PDF
- -.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) K casuistic extrauterine pregnancy on the basis of I cases PDF
Finkelkraut В.
Vol 12, No 11 (1898) K casuistic foreign tѣl of the vagina PDF
Board E.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) K casuistic of puerperal neuritis PDF
Gеrenstein S.S.
Vol 12, No 4 (1898) K casuistic uterine fibroids complicated by pregnancy PDF
Mikhin V.P.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) K casuisticѣ destructive bladder skid (mola hydatitosa destruens) PDF
Fratkin V.A.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) K casuisticѣ rupture of the uterus and vagina during childbirth PDF
Rubinskiy M.M.
Vol 9, No 11 (1895) K casuistry of artificial termination of pregnancy in the result of mental suffering PDF
Team E.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) K casuistry of pregnancy and childbirth with vicious development of the genital parts. (Double-lumen uterus. Split vagina. Integrity of the hymen PDF
Surovtsov G.
Vol 8, No 9 (1894) Kazimir Krakow. Przypadek ostrej vzerzacrki w pologu. (Gazeta lekarska, No. 24, 1894). A case of acute gonorrhea during childbirth PDF
Polonsky B.
Vol 9, No 3 (1895) Kholmogorov. Zur Behandlung der Completen Uterus rupturen. (Zeitsch. F. Geb. Und Gyn., Bd. XXXI, Hft. 1). To the treatment of complete ruptures of the uterus PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 66, No 6 (2017) Kisspeptin and polycystic ovary syndrome - is there any connection? PDF
Yarmolinskaya M.I., Ganbarli N.F., Tkachenko N.N., Nikolaeva V.I., Tolibova G.K., Tral T.G., Rulev V.V., Tsypurdeeva A.A.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) Kleinwächter. - Uterusmyom und Gestation. (Zeitschr f. Geb. and Gyn., Bd. XXXII, Hft. 2). Uterine fibroids and fertility PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 9, No 1 (1895) Koblanck. — Zur Prognose der Schwangerschafts nephritis. (Zeitschr. F. Geb. Und. Gyn., Bd. XXIX). To the forecast of nephritis gravidarum PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 9, No 1 (1895) König. — Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Retention abgestorbener Früchte im Uterus. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, No. 44). To cases of detention of a dead fetus in the uterus PDF
Kakushkin N.M.
Vol 8, No 4 (1894) Konikow. Zur Lehre von der Entwickelung des Beckens und seiner geschlechtlichen Differenzirung. (Archiv für Gynaekologie, Bd. XLV, Hft. 1). To the doctrine of the development of the pelvis and its differentiation depending on gender PDF
Khazan A.
Vol 48, No 4 (1999) Konstantin Klementievitch Scrobansky (devoted to 125-anniversary of birth) PDF
Tzvelev U.V.
Vol 8, No 4 (1894) Krohl. Klinische Beobachtungen über die Einwirkung einzelner Mutterkornpräparate (speciell des Cornutin) auf den Verlauf des Wochenbettes. (Archiv für Gynaekologie, Bd. XLV, Hft. 1). Clinical observation of the effect of some drugs from Secale cornutum, special cornutin, during the maternity period PDF
Khazan A.
Vol 46, No 1 (1997) Kronid Fedorovich Slavyansky - an outstanding domestic gynecologist PDF
Tsvelev Y.V., Kalchenko A.P.
Vol 9, No 5 (1895) Krönig. - Ueber die Natur der Scheidenkeime, speciell über das Vorkommen anaerober Streptokokken im Scheidensekret Schwangerer. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 16). On the nature of vaginal microbes, mainly in anaerobic renal cocci in the vaginal discharge in pregnant women PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 8, No 4 (1894) Krönig. Scheidensecretuntersuchungen bei 100 Schwangeren. Aseptik in der Geburtshilfe. (Centralblatt für Gynäkologie, No. 1, 1894). Study of the secret of the sleeve in 100 pregnant women. Asepsis in obstetrics PDF
Stroganov V.
Vol 9, No 12 (1895) Kъ uchіi about the prevention of infants in nursing PDF
Soloviev G.A.
Vol 8, No 6 (1894) L. E. Shreiber. Haematoma labii majoris sinistri et vaginae. (South Russian Medic. Newspaper, 1894, No. 12 and 13) PDF
Rachinskiy N.
Vol 9, No 7-8 (1895) L. M. Tsvibak. - To treat the delay of the placenta during miscarriages. (Prot. Imperial. Caucasian. Med. Society., 1895, February 16) PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 9, No 9 (1895) L. V. Berlyand. - K casuisticѣ rupture of sleeve arches during childbirth. - (Protok, posting of General Minsk doctors for 1893/4, Minsk, 1894, p. 167). PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 12, No 1 (1898) Labia lip mixoma case PDF
Graefe М.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Labor activity in daily life and at execution during pregnancy. Its influence for a health of infant PDF
Shapkaitz V.
Vol 72, No 2 (2023) Labor in women with the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and HIV infection
Gareyeva A.I., Kovalchuk A.S., Lioznov D.A., Sudakov D.S., Nesvit E.M., Kucheryavenko A.N.
Vol 66, No 5 (2017) Labor pain relief and postpartum depression. Is there a correlation? PDF
Riazanova O.V., Aleksandrovich Y.S., Reznik V.A., Gorkovaya I.A., Korgozha M.A., Ioskovich A.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) Labor with breech presentation. Fetus with crooked legs, spina bifida and dropsy of the head PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 63, No 1 (2014) Laboratoriya fiziologii i patofiziologii ploda s otdeleniem ul'trazvukovoy diagnostiki NIIAG im. D.O.Otta SZO RAMN: ot istokov do sovremennykh tekhnologiy v perinatologii PDF
Pavlova N.G.
Vol 51, No 4 (2002) Laboratory diagnostics of urogenital mycoplasma colonization and infection PDF
Novikova L.N., Taraskina A.E.
Vol 65, No 4 (2016) Laboratory of microbiology - connection of times and generations PDF
Savicheva A.M., Rybina E.V.
Vol 5, No 5-6 (1891) Laceration of the vaginal mucosa caused by copulation PDF
Sadovsky P.
Vol 65, No 6 (2016) Lactoginal for correction of abnormal vaginal microbiocenosis in pregnant woman with cervical cerclage: clinical case and literature review PDF
Tapilskaya N.I., Savicheva A.M., Shipitsyna E.V.
Vol 7, No 5 (1893) Länderer. Eine seltene Form von Missbildung des Uterus. (Zeitsch. f. Geb. u. Gyn. XXIV В. I H). Rare form of uterine malformation PDF
Pekarskaya A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Laparoscopic assisted mini laparotomy in uterin surgery PDF
Volkov N.N., Savitsky G.A.
Vol 62, No 5 (2013) Laparoscopic diagnostics and treatment of acute early adhesive small bowel obstruction after gynecological operations performed by laparoscopic access PDF
Timofeyev M.Y., Shtyrov S.V., Marchenko I.P., Kretsu V.N., Shapovalyants S.G.
Vol 63, No 6 (2014) Laparoscopic hysterectomy for endometrial carcinoma in obese patients
Berlev I.V., Ul’rikh E.A., Aminzhon B.S., Nekrasova E.A., Mikaya N.A., Urmancheeva A.F., Tsipurdeeva A.A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Laparoscopic hysterectomy for obese patients PDF
Andreyev A.L.
Vol 50, No 3 (2001) Laparoscopic retropubic colpopexy in the treatment of stress incontinence
Popov A.A., Gorsky S.L., Slavutskaya O.S.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) Laparoscopic simultaneous operations in women PDF
Singaevsky N.B., Borisov А.V., Bokuchava N.V., Jaroslavsky V.K.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) Laparoscopic surgery in diagnostics and treatment of sharp inflammatory diseases of appendages of the uterus PDF
Strizheletsky V.V., Zhemchuzhuzhina Т.Y., Luchkin А.N., Kahyany Е.I., Tayts А.N.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Laparoscopic surgery in obstetrics PDF
Popov A.A., Levashova I.I., Logutova L.S., Gorski S.L., Manannikova T.N.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Laparoscopic surgery in the preparation of patients for assisted reproductive technology PDF
Popov A.A., Gorski S.L., Krosnopolskaya K.V., Manannikova T.N., Shaginian G.G., Machanskite O.V.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility and the ovarian function PDF
Rulev V.V., Abashova E.I.
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