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Vol 68, No 2 (2019) Amniotic fluid composition and its role in perinatal pathology PDF
Mochalova M.N., Mudrov V.A., Mudrov A.A.
Vol 67, No 5 (2018) Amniotic fluid volume assessment at the present stage of development PDF
Mudrov V.A., Mochalova M.N., Mudrov A.A.
Vol 6, No 7-8 (1892) Amputation of the vaginal part of the cervix in cases of suspected cancer PDF
Currier A.F.
Vol 7, No 10 (1893) An active method of treating miscarriage, used in private practice PDF
Feynberg B.I.
Vol 68, No 5 (2019) An alternative method of surgical treatment of ovarian endometriomas from the standpoint of preservation of the ovarian reserve PDF
Popov E.N., Rusina E.I., Sudakov D.S., Dymarskaya Y.R., Koleboshina M.A.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) An application of allogenic skin's cells for a treatment of genital fistulas PDF
Ermolinskiy I.I., Меl՚ко А.I., Zarubenko I.P., Kira Е.F.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) An estimation of organs preserved surgical treatment of benign uterine and ovarian tumors PDF
Zarubenko I.Р., Ermolinskiy I.I., Kira Е.F.
Vol 70, No 2 (2021) An experiment of using the SonoVue ultrasound contrast agent for focused high-intensity ultrasound ablation of uterine fibroids
Slabozhankina E.A., Kira E.F., Politova A.K., Kitayev V.M., Bruslik S.V., Amelina Y.L., Politova A.A.
Vol 72, No 6 (2023) An improved method for experimental modeling of premature ovarian insufficiency in Wistar rats
Zakurayeva K.A., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Adamenkov N.A., Potapova E.V.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) Analisis of complications of laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy and abdominal hysterectomy PDF
Plekhanov A.N.
Vol 47, No 3-4 (1998) Analisis of marker serum proteins in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders PDF
Kareva I.V., Kascheeva T.K., Vakharlovsky V.G., Kuznetzova T.V., Aylamazian E.K., Baranov V.S.
Vol 71, No 4 (2022) Analysis of cell immune regulation features in recurrent ovarian endometriosis
Petrovskaia N.N., Pechenikova V.A.
Vol 63, No 5 (2014) Analysis of features gene polymorphism ABCB4 by NGS sequencing method in women of reproductive age with cholelithiasis
Ailamazyan A.N., Semenov D.U., Pakin V.S., Danilova M.M., Glotov A.S., Baranov V.S.
Vol 69, No 2 (2020) Analysis of perinatal losses in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region in 2006–2018 PDF
Bezhenar V.F., Ivanova L.A., Korshunov M.Y.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Analysis of perinatal mortality rate in Lublin district between years 1982-1997 PDF
Bortosiewicz J., Leszczycska-Gorzelak B., Laskowska M., Pietros G., Oleszczuk J.
Vol 71, No 2 (2022) Analysis of polymorphic variants of the survivin promoter and p53 transcription factor in patients with genital endometriosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus and their combination
Andreeva N.Y., Ivaschenko T.E., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Misharina E.V., Shagina A.A., Sergeeva M.L.
Vol 54, No 4 (2005) Analysis of pregnancy outcomes using the komi database PDF
Kozlovskaya A.V., Bojko Е.R., Odland J.O.
Vol 61, No 3 (2012) Analysis of sperm DNA fragmentationin infertility patients PDF
Shilnikova E.M., Fedorova I.D., Gzgzyan A.M.
Vol 65, No 6 (2016) Analysis of the frequency of specific complications endovideosurgical intervention in gynecology PDF
Vartanova I.V., Shirokov D.M., Korostelev Y.M.
Vol 72, No 2 (2023) Analysis of the impact of uterine fibroids of different locations and sizes on the perfusion and metabolic characteristics of the endometrium
Polenov N.I., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Zakuraeva K.A., Krutikova V.Y., Potapova E.V., Kogan I.Y., Shengelia N.D.
Vol 71, No 4 (2022) Analysis of the pathogenic CYP21A2 gene variants in patients with clinical, biochemical and combined manifestations of hyperandrogenism
Osinovskaya N.S., Glavnova O.B., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Sultanov I.Y., Klyuchnikov D.Y., Tkachenko N.N., Nasykhova Y.A., Glotov A.S.
Vol 50, No 4 (2001) Analysis of the severity of clinical manifestations of endometriosis in the long term after radical surgical treatment
Konovalov V.I., Vorontsova A.V.
Vol 52, No 3 (2003) Analysis of the surgery experience in correction of genitals prolapse realised in the kaliningrad regional centre of endo video surgery PDF
Sednev O.V.
Vol 68, No 6 (2019) Analysis of the timing and delivery methods, clinical and laboratory indicators of hiv-infected pregnant women in Saint Petersburg PDF
Mozaleva O.L., Samarina A.V.
Vol 54, No 5S (2005) Anamnesis and menstrual function at adenomyosis patients PDF
Fridman D.B.
Vol 68, No 2 (2019) Anamnestic and microbiological predictors of miscarriage PDF
Sinyakova A.A., Shipitsyna E.V., Budilovskaya O.V., Bolotskikh V.M., Savicheva A.M.
Vol 51, No 4 (2002) Anatomic substantiation of an intraosseous method of introduction medicinal preparations in an obstetrics and gynecology PDF
Utkin E.V.
Vol 71, No 5 (2022) Anatomical and functional conditions of the pelvic floor muscles after assisted vaginal delivery
Bezhenar V.F., Frederiks E.V., Leonova M.D., Zharuk A.D.
Vol 71, No 4 (2022) Anatomical and pathophysiological features of fetal circulation in the umbilical-portal venous system
Shelayeva E.V., Tsybuk E.M., Kopteyeva E.V., Kapustin R.V., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 8, No 5 (1894) Anatomical and physiological research on blood circulation in a newborn PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 6, No 6 (1892) Anatomical changes occurring in puerperal eclampsia PDF
Massen V.
Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897) Anatomy and treatment of extrauterine pregnancy PDF
Maslovsky V.O.
Vol 71, No 2 (2022) Anemia and thrombocytopenia in HIV-positive pregnant women
Mozalyova O.L., Samarina A.V., Rassokhin V.V.
Vol 66, No 5 (2017) Anemia in pregnancy: cliniсо-pathogenetic approaches to the management of pregnancy PDF
Atajanyan A.S.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Anemia in pregnants with recurrent miscarriage PDF
Burlev V.A., Sidelnicova V.M., Konovodova E.N., Vodolazskaya T.I., Cheldieva A.A.
Vol 64, No 6 (2015) Anesthetic management of abdominal delivery in a pregnant with Takayasu’s disease PDF
Shirokov D.M., Vartanova I.V., Golub I.V., Korostelev Y.M., Antonova M.S., Zainulina M.S.
Vol 53, No 2 (2004) Anniversary of Natalia Nikolaevna Konstantinova PDF
Board E.
Vol 53, No 3 (2004) Anniversary of Professor Dina Fyodorovna Kostyuchek PDF
Board E.
Vol 52, No 4 (2003) Anniversary of Professor Lydia Alekseevna Samorodinova PDF
Board E.
Vol 52, No 1 (2003) Anniversary of Savelyeva Galina Mikhailovna PDF
Board E.
Vol 12, No 9 (1898) Another 10 observations of the delay in the uterus of the head of the fetus after decapitation, carried out on purpose or accidentally while being extracted by the legs. PDF
Neugebauer F.
Vol 11, No 4 (1897) Another case of air embolism with placenta braevia PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 11, No 3 (1897) Another case of detachment of the posterior fornix sub coitu PDF
Lvov O.M.
Maslovsky V.Ѳ.
Vol 73, No 3 (2024) Antagonistic and antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 included in the oral probiotic
Budilovskaya O.V., Spasibova E.V., Shalepo K.V., Khusnutdinova T.A., Krysanova A.A., Siniakova A.A., Bespalova O.N., Savicheva A.M.
Vol 64, No 2 (2015) Antenatal cardiotocography: problems and facilitiies PDF
Pavlova N.G.
Vol 61, No 4 (2012) Antiadhesion bariers application in infertil patients with pelvic adhesions PDF
Popov A.A., Manannikova T.N., Kolesnik N.A., Ramazanov M.R., Fedorov A.A., Barto R.A., Zemskov U.V.
Vol 66, No 2 (2017) Antibacterial treatment of pregnant women colonized by streptococcus group B PDF
Ohanyan K.A., Arzhanova O.N., Paykacheva J.M., Zatsiorsky S.L.
Vol 72, No 1 (2023) Antibiotic resistance of pathogens causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus
Khusnutdinova T.A., Shipitsyna E.V., Krysanova A.A., Savicheva A.M., Kapustin R.V.
Vol 64, No 3 (2015) Anti-D-immunoprophylaxis PDF
Pavlova N.G.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Antigonadotropic effect of high doses cyproterone acetate PDF
Soboleva E.L., Poteen V.V.
Vol 53, No 3 (2004) Antimicrobial action of «instillagel» on the female genital tract microorganisms PDF
Savicheva A.М., Bashmakova М.A., Zatsiorskaya S.L., Novikova L.N., Martikainen Z.M., Rybina E.V.
Vol 63, No 5 (2014) Antimicrobial peptides in the pathogenesis of infectious complications in obstetrics and gynecology
Ivashova O.N., Lebedeva O.P., Pakhomov S.P., Rudyh N.A., Seliverstova M.S.
Vol 48, No 2 (1999) Antimullerian hormone PDF
Bebia Z.N., Orlov V.M.
Vol 62, No 6 (2013) Anti-Mullerian hormone and polycystic ovary syndrome PDF
Nikolaenkov I.P., Potin V.V., Tarasova M.A.
Vol 48, No 5S (1999) Antioxidants and adaptation in gestosis pathogenesis in pregnant women PDF
Abramchenko V.V., Kostyushov E.V., Scherbina L.A.
Vol 12, No 10 (1898) Anti-pecoccal serum for postnatal infection PDF
Rebreyend P.
Vol 51, No 3 (2002) Antiphospholipid antibodies and combined pathology of small pelvis in women with tumors and tumoroid ovary formations, who suffer with infertility, and correction of revealed disorders PDF
Gataulina R.G., Vanko L.V., Nazarenko T.А., Ezhova L.S., Menzhinskaia I.V., Barabanova О.E., Sukhikh G.T.
Vol 64, No 5 (2015) Antiphospholipid syndrome in miscarriage PDF
Shlyakhtenko T.N., Alyab’yeva E.A., Arzhanova O.N., Sel’kov S.A., Pluzhnicova T.A., Chepanov S.V.
Vol 12, No 5 (1898) Antiseptic Midwifery PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 9, No 12 (1895) Antiseptics and asepsis in obstetrics PDF
Voff I.A.
Vol 11, No 4 (1897) Antistreptococcal serum PDF
B — r. V.
Vol 12, No 5 (1898) Antistreptococcic Serum in a Case of Acute Puerperal Lymphangitis and phlebitis PDF
Ginzburg M.
Vol 47, No 2 (1998) Anton Krassovskij and modernity PDF
Tsvelev l.V.
Vol 8, No 12 (1894) A.P. Artemiev. A brief outline of the development of the "woman's" business in Russia and a project of measures to streamline it PDF
Kakushkin N.M.
Vol 8, No 10 (1894) A.P. Langovoy. A case of pyonephrosis with the removal of a diseased kidney and uterine appendages. (Library of the Doctor, 1894, No. 3) PDF
Rachinskiy N.
Vol 67, No 6 (2018) APC-resistance as a possible predictor of recurrent thrombosis in women with Factor V Leiden PDF
Nikolayeva M.G., Momot A.P., Zaynulina M.S., Momot K.A., Yasafova N.N.
Vol 9, No 3 (1895) Apfelstedt. Zur operativen Behandlung der Myome während der Schwangerschaft und Geburt. (Arch. F. Gynak., Bd. XLVIII, Hft. 1). To surgical treatment of fibroids during pregnancy and childbirth PDF
Khazan S.Y.
Vol 12, No 2 (1898) Apoplexy of the right ovary, which led to an extrauterine blood tumor with a picture of rupture of the tube during extrauterine pregnancy. Simultaneous presence of pyosalpingis sinistri. Charevosuchenie. Recovery with anti-pecoccal serum PDF
Lvov I.M.
Vol 47, No 2 (1998) Application computer monitoring of parameters of the clinical analysis of blood for forecasting and early diagnostics of postoperative inflammatory complications PDF
Dolgov G.V.
Vol 47, No 2 (1998) Application of a preparation "Ovestin" in the sexual purposes PDF
Procopenko J.P.
Kireev D.M.
Vol 6, No 5 (1892) Application of dermatol in gynecology PDF
Asch R.
Vol 70, No 6 (2021) Application of enhanced recovery after cesarean delivery. A review
Ryazanova O.V., Shifman E.M., Olina A.A., Alexandrovich Y.S., Medzhidova D.R., Ezhova V.O., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 11, No 5 (1897) Application of hypnotic suggestion in one case of childbirth PDF
Khovrin A.N.
Vol 6, No 2 (1892) Application of iodoform tannin for liquid exudates and bornago tannin for bleeding PDF
Hermonius A.
Vol 47, No 3-4 (1998) Application of Ovestin in gynecologic practice in children and teenagers PDF
Bogdanova E.A.
Vol 48, No 1 (1999) Application of perftorcarbons for blood loss restoration during pregnancy PDF
Lebedzevich U.S., Colchev A.I., Baibus D.A.
Vol 47, No 1 (1998) Application of perftoruglerods for treatment fetal intranatal hypoxia (experimental research) PDF
Lebedzevich l.S.
Vol 9, No 4 (1895) Application of the Champetier de Ribes'a balloon with placenta presentation PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 68, No 4 (2019) Application of the laryngeal mask airway in cesarean section PDF
Shadenkov V.I., Korostelyov Y.M., Vartanova I.V., Shirokov D.M.
Vol 65, No 2 (2016) Application of the method of broadband radio wave surgery in operative obstetrics PDF
Oboskalova T.A., Glukhov E.J., Butunov O.V.
Vol 49, No 5S (2000) Application of wobenzyme in complex therapy in patients with infertility in marriage PDF
Kalinina S.N., Tiktinsky O.L., Alexandrov V.P., Savicheva A.M., Skryabin G.N., Korenkov D.G.
Vol 68, No 3 (2019) Application possibilities of biguanides for fibrocystic breast disease in women of reproductive age PDF
Musina E.V., Kogan I.Y.
Vol 8, No 5 (1894) Appointment of idystago calia in syphilis during pregnancy in order to prevent fetal death PDF
Mazurkevich A.K.
Vol 9, No 11 (1895) Are prophylactic sleeve douching necessary before and after childbirth? PDF
Кохъ Р.
Vol 8, No 4 (1894) Arendt. Ueber operative Behandlung chronisch entründlicher Gebärmutteranhänge. (Berl. Klin. Wochensch., Nos. 10 and 11, 1894). The volume of operative treatment of chronically inflamed uterine appendages PDF
Zhabotinskiy A.
Vol 68, No 2 (2019) Aromatase CYP19A1, progesterone receptor PGR and estrogen receptor ESR1 gene expression in biopsy specimens of endometrioid heterotopia and endometrial tissue by reverse transcription PCR PDF
Shved N.Y., Malysheva O.V., Osinovskaya N.S., Molotkov A.S., Tsypurdeyeva A.A., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Baranov V.S.
Vol 66, No 3 (2017) Aromatase inhibitors in “poor” ovarian responders undergoing in vitro fertilization PDF
Merkulova A.I.
Vol 66, No 5 (2017) Aromatase P450 activity in the natural menstrual cycle and during controlled ovarian stimulation PDF
Yakovlev P.P.
Vol 62, No 2 (2013) Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (ARRAY-CGH) in analysis of chromosomalaberrations and CNV in blighted ovum pregnancies PDF
Lebedev I.N., Kashevarova A.A., Skryabin N.A., Nikitina T.V., Lopatkina M.Y., Melnikov A.A., Sazhenova Y.A., Ivanova T.V., Yevtushenko I.D.
Vol 11, No 4 (1897) Artificial expansion of the narrow pelvis PDF
Weber F.
Vol 54, No 1 (2005) Artificial insemination: ethical and legal issues PDF
Zelenina N.V., Abashin V.G.
Vol 12, No 6 (1898) Artificial mother's milk for feeding newborns PDF
Kakushkin N.
Vol 7, No 1 (1893) Artificial preterm labor in private practice PDF
Feinberg B.
Vol 49, No 5S (2000) Ascending pyelonephritis in women who have undergone surgical treatment for genital endometriosis PDF
Semenyuk A.A., Baskakov V.P.
Vol 6, No 12 (1892) Asepsis in obstetrics PDF
Fisher A.
Vol 52, No 3 (2003) Asessment of laparoscopy role for complex diagnostics and treatment of spreaded forms of purative-inflam- matory diseases of womb appendices PDF
Abashin V.G., Novicov E.I., Iliin А.B., Arakelian B.V., Melnikov А.S.
Vol 70, No 4 (2021) Assessment of 25(OH)D status in patients with genital endometriosis and clinical efficacy of cholecalciferol in the treatment of the disease
Denisova A.S., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Tkachenko N.N.
Vol 70, No 2 (2021) Assessment of actual nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy as a premorbid indicator
Sadykova G.K., Olina A.A., Padrul M.M.
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