
The use of modern minimally invasive technologies and imaging (CT) methods in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes and combined gynecological pathology
Adamyan L., Tkachenko E., Kiselev S., Gaidarova A.
Features of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in women with cerebrovascular pathology and assessment of perinatal outcomes
Yatsenko D., Gabelova K., Bezhenar V.
Melatonin in the treatment of perinatal pathology
Evsyukova I.
Evaluation of the efficiency of kanefron for the treatment of gestosis combined with renal pathology
Pecherina L., Mozgovaya E.
Gestational diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for neuropsychiatric pathology in offspring
Evsyukova I.
Detectability of STIs in women with diabetes mellitus
Abakarova P.
The role of erythropoietin in the pathogenesis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and in the postpartum period
Ailamazyan E., Tarasova М., Zaitsev А., Samarina А.
Efficiency of realization of complex preventive maintenance and corrections of the perinatal pathology at psycho emotional stress during pregnancy
Malgina G., Abramchenko V.
Colposcopic features of cervical oncotropic papilloma-virus infection in patients with various pathology of uterine cervix
Kolomiyets L., Churuksayeva O., Urazova L., Sevostyanova N.
Clinico-metabolic aspects of development of gestational pathology in regions with unfavourable ecological situation. Ways of preventive treatment
Lineva O., Tzurkan S., Gamilyarova F.
Antiphospholipid antibodies and combined pathology of small pelvis in women with tumors and tumoroid ovary formations, who suffer with infertility, and correction of revealed disorders
Gataulina R., Vanko L., Nazarenko T., Ezhova L., Menzhinskaia I., Barabanova О., Sukhikh G.
Transdermal hormonosubstitute therapy - the selection method in treatment of aftersurgical estrogen deficit
Kira Е., Karpishchenko J., Beskrovny S.
Efficiency of early monitoring gestational process in women with risk of pregnancy loss
Radzinskiy V., Demidova E., Bazovaia M., Ordiyants I.
Mark evaluation scale of gestosis gravity degree
Abramchenko V.
The prenatal diagnostics in optimization of pregnancy outcome
Savelieva G., Sichinava L., Panina O., Gnetetskaya V.
Diagnostic screening character of adnexa inflammatory formations
Shatunova E.
To the question of pathogenesis of perinatal pathology in pregnant women with genital chlamydiosis
Ailamazyan E., Evsukova I., Koroleva I.
Reproductive health as a problem of labour medicine (conception)
Sivochalova O.
Contemporary view of treatment of girls with pathology of mammary glands
Gurkin J.
Development dependence of human embryo from changes in cosmophysical situation within a year
Moiseeva N., Evsukova L.
Experience of application of semantic differential for researches of internal psychological conflicts at pregnancy discontinuing
Gross Е., Nazarova А., Motornaja G., Dimitrienko T., Nikanorov V.
Establishment of urgent gynecological endovideosurgery in conditions of small town
Sheshunov I., Danilov D., Subbotin D., Rozuvan А.
Simultaneous operations in urogynecology
Rykin Р., Singaevskiy S., Komyakov В., Kustarov V., Borisov А.
Hysteroscopic and morphological assessment of intrauterine pathology in different age periods
Sulima A., Kolesnikova I., Davydova A., Kriventsov M.
To the question about selection of rational surgical route at hysterectomy
Bezhenar V., Savitsky G., Volkov N., Popov Е., Volkanov R.
Risk of developing gestational diabetes in women after assisted reproductive technologies
Arzhanova O., Rulyova A., Paykacheva Y., Ivanova A., Nichiporuk N.
Unconventional treatment of gynecological patients with cardiac pathology
Sergeeva I., Baskakov V., Schneider Y., Slivin O., Petrov A., Zhorin S., Tolkachev V.
Clinical and microbiological rationale for the prophylaxis of obstetric and perinatal pathology caused by group B streptococci
Khvan V., Shipitsyna E., Zatsiorskaya S., Grinenko G., Shalepo K., Savicheva A.
Experience of application of different surgical accesses in case of combined uterine pathology
Zaitseva Е., Marenin А., Zverev I., Biteev V.
Diagnostic and Treatment Features of Urgent Adolescent Gynecological Pathology in Emergency Ambulance Assistance
Kutusheva G., Yemelyanova A., Boykov A., Ulrikh E.
Risk factors for obstetric-gynecological pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, leading to perinatal losses
Nagaryan I., Kostyuchek D.
Hofitol in EPH-gestosis
Kira E., Bezhenar V.
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