
Resistant arterial hypertension: modern view of the problem
Kuchmin A., Diskalenko O., Izotova A., Morozov S., Ekimov V.
Updating approaches to patient management in the light of new European guidelines on arterial hypertension: analytical review
Larina V., Vartanyan E., Fedorova E., Mikhaylusova M., Sayno O., Mironova T.
Influence of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases on the parameters of arterial stiffness in patients with arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis of different degrees of severity
Sayganov S., Gumerova V., Gomonova V.
Arterial hypertension and diabetes developed in pregnancy
Zagarskikh E., Partsernyak S., Rishchuk S., Proshchai G.
Arterial hypertension or hypertension type of neurocirculatory asthenia in persons of military age
Korneeva N., Khabibrahman E., Dyakonova E., Patsuk S.
Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (autopsy observation)
Vasyukova O., Tsareva N., Chernyaev A., Mikhaleva L., Samsonova M.
Stress-induced arterial hypertension
Ambatiello L.
Changes in retinal vascular structure and blood biochemical markers of modeled white rats in short-term arterial hypertension
Aliyeva G., Garaeva G.
Chronic kidney disease in outpatients with arterial hypertension: clinical characteristics and treatment efficacy (according to the national registry)
Oschepkova E., Aksenova A., Orlovsky A., Chazova I.
Erratum in “Iron metabolism in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension”. DOI:
Zhilenkova Y., Zolotova E., Vasilyeva E., Simakova M., Karelkina E., Goncharova N., Moiseeva O., Vavilova T.
Five-year dynamics adrenergic reactivity of erythrocytes after radio-frequency sympathic denervation of renal arteries in patients with resistant arterial hypertension
Rebrova T., Falkovskaya A., Afanasiev S., Mordovin V., Zyubanova I., Muslimova E.
Technology for early differential diagnosis of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy
Mudrov V., Mudrov A.
A clinical case of drug-induced arterial hypertension caused by glycyrrhizic acid
Antropova O., Osipova I., Silkina S., Obrazcova L.
Comorbid pathology in patients with hyperuricemia in the Khabarovsk region
Otteva E., Pyatnitskaya P., Khoruk L., Kocherova T.
Analysis of the controlled essential hypertension’s pharmacotherapy in general practice
Slobodyanyuk A., Kupaev V.
Uric acid levels and metabolic shifts in hypertensive patients with moderate excretory dysfunction
Zhloba A., Subbotina T.
Assessment of daily blood pressure parameters in patients after injury
Galaktionov D., Kuchmin A., Pukhova U., Nagorny M., Zubakova M., Borisov I.
Endocan is a key player in cardiovascular disease: A review
Alieva A., Reznik E., Baykova I., Teplova N., Makeeva L., Voronkova K., Khadzhieva N., Modestova A., Totolyan G., Valiev R., Li A., Kotikova I., Nikitin I.
Association between atmospheric air temperature and blood pressure among adult population in different seasons
Rastokina T., Kudryavtsev A., Unguryanu T.
Peculiarities of the course of COVID-19 in patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases (literature review)
Sharipova M., Ivkina M., Arkhangelskaya A., Gurevich K.
Knowledge of senior students in the definition, classification, and approaches to the treatment of arterial hypertension. Final results of the PHYSTARH project
Bontsevich R., Vovk Y., Gavrilova A., Batishcheva G., Goncharova N., Elizarova I., Ketova G., Barysheva V., Bikkinina G., Myronenko O.
Pathogenetic therapy of pulmonary hypertension
Tsareva N., Khachaturov M., Avdeev S.
SLC2A9 Genotype Distribution and Left Atrium Diameter in Patients with Arterial Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation
Snezhitskiy V., Kopytsky A., Barysenko T.
Sacubitril/valsartan as a component of therapy for chronic heart failure
Danilov A., Evseev A., Evseeva M., Pavluchenkova O., Pereverzev V.
Renal hemodynamics in patients with diabetic nephropathy caused by arterial hypertension using magnetic laser therapy
Evsina M., Borzunova Y., Fedorov A., Kaisinova A., Gulyaev V., Gaidamaka I., Zelensky V.
Therapy of dysrhythmias in young women with estrogen deficiency, arterial hypertension, and "metabolically healthy" abdominal obesity
Khabibulina M.
Changes in the penile microcirculation in the treatment of mixed erectile dysfunction on the background of arterial hypentension in locomotive team workers
Arkhipova A., Neymark B., Neymark A.
Association of arterial hypertension and periodontal disease: a review of new data
Trukhan D., Sulimov A., Trukhan L.
Iron metabolism in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Zhilenkova Y., Zolotova E., Vasilyeva E., Simakova M., Karelkina E., Goncharova N., Moiseeva O., Vavilova T.
Applying of magnetic resonance tomography for assessment of cardiac remodeling and risk stratification in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Shariya A., Martynyuk T., Shariya M., Ustyuzhanin D.
High-sensitivity troponin I in patients with arterial hypertension
Pereverzeva K., Nizov A., Bark S., Sherbakova O.
The effect of abdominal obesity on the level of inflammatory markers in young people with hypertension
Polonskaya Y., Kashtanova E., Stakhneva E., Shramko V., Sadovski E., Ledovskikh S., Khudyakova A., Ragino Y.
A structure of the antihypertensive drugs consumption in the population of several regions of the Russian Federation
Blinkova P., Petrukhina I., Lebedev P., Ryazanova T., Gladunova E.
Electrophysiological properties of the atrial myocardium and cardiac conduction system in patients with atrial fibrillation and different comorbidity
Gorev M., Fettser D., Kovalevskaya E., Poteshkina N., Urazovskaya I., Saiganov S.
Arterial hypertension in pregnant women: «comorbidity» or a risk factor for postoperative infectious complications?
Korobkov N., Bakulina N., Maximov M.
Stenosis of the trunk of the left coronary artery in idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. Case report
Ivanov S., Edemskiy A., Vasiltseva O., Chernyavskiy A., Kalashnikova M., Seletskaya S.
Cardiovascular therapy in patients hospitalized for elective large joint arthroplasty: real-world practice review
Okisheva E., Mironova O., Madoyan M., Fidanyan S., Semenova A., Panferov A., Strokov A., Tarabarko I., Garkavi A., Lychagin A., Fomin V.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: literature review
Surikova N., Glukhova A.
Predictors of late complications in pregnant women with arterial hypertension
Khalenko V., Arzhanova O., Mozgovaya E.
The fundus of the eye as a target organ in hypertension: a literature review
Barsukov A., Yasenovets M., Shcherbakova K., Iakovlev V., Chumak B., Borisova E., Maltsev D., Burnasheva M., Kulikov A.
Some indicators of left ventricular dysfunction in hypertensive patients, depending on the level of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1
Kalinkina T., Lareva N., Chistyakova M.
The role of stress and sleep disorders in the development of cardiovascular complications in patients with arterial hypertension: what is important for an internist to know? A review
Ionin V.
Chemerin as a cardiovascular biological marker: Present and future
Alieva A., Reznik E., Teplova N., Baykova I., Shnakhova L., Kotikova I., Shekshebekova A., Nikitin I.
Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence Rate in Different Clinical Groups: Coronary Artery Disease and Age Matter
Gorev M., Urazovskaya I.
The incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications in patients with uncontrolled hypertension
Denisova A., Solntseva T., Zarmanbetova A., Tkacheva A., Sivakova O., Chazova I.
Possible pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac troponin level elevations in blood serum and urine in arterial hypertension
Chaulin A.
Salusin-α and salusin-β as new biological markers in cardiovascular diseases: literature review
Alieva A., Reznik E., Teplova N., Gyzyeva M., Rakhaev A., Kotikova I., Nikitin I.
Possibilities of noninvasive diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases associated with atherosclerosis
Salyamova L., Pavlenko K., Khromova A., Oleynikov V.
Hypotensive therapy in obstetric practice
Ziganshin A., Maksyutova A.
International multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study assessing the efficacy and safety of sequential therapy with Mexidol® and Mexidol® FORTE 250 in patients with chronic brain ischemia (memo): subanalysis in patients with arterial hypertension
Zakharov V., Ostroumova O., Kochetkov A., Klepikova M., Fedin A.
Blood pressure variability, endothelial dysfunction, and C-reactive protein levels in arterial hypertension in combination with coronary artery disease
Musikhina N., Petelina T., Gapon L., Kostousova A.
Predictors of cardiovacular risk as prognostic factors of adverse course and outcomes of COVID-19 in young and middle age adults
Bratilova E., Kachnov V., Tyrenko V., Afonaskov O.
Trends in the antihypertensive drugs consumption in the population of several regions of the Russian Federation
Blinkova P., Petrukhina I., Lebedev P., Ryazanova T., Gladunova E.
Age-dependent aspects of informativeness of surrogate indices of insulin resistance in the formation of menopausal metabolic syndrome
Ruyatkina L., Ruyatkin D., Shcherbakova L.
The efficiency of two-level electrovectorcardiographic diagnostics of left ventricular hypertrophy in the medical examination of urban and rural population
Riabykina G., Vishniakova N., Fedorova V.
Left ventricular global function index and peculiarities of daily blood pressure profile in patients with arterial hypertension
Minushkina L., Brazhnik V., Selezneva N., Kapustina A., Alekhin M., Zateyshchikov D.
Clinical and anamnestic analysis of in-patients with COVID-19 infection hospitalized during one month
Gubareva E., Fatenkov O., Konstantinov D., Gubareva I.
School of Health for patients with arterial hypertension
Skvortsov V., Tagiyev F., Volodina D.
Features of hemodynamic and structural parameters of the heart in young people with varying stages of cardiometabolic risk
Parve S., Sineglazova A.
E-cigarettes as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases: a narrative literature review
Surikova N., Glukhova A.
Genotypic stratification of risk of acute cerebral circulation disorder
Nikulin D., Chernova A., Nikulina S., Prokopenko S., Mar'ina N.
Experience of remote monitoring of treatment quality in patients with arterial hypertension during the current pandemic period
Bekhbudova D., Akhmedova T., Abieva E., Israfilbekova F., Dadashova G.
The influence of some general diseases for changes on the ocular surface after trabeculectomy
Аntonova А., Nikolaenko V., Brzheskiy V., Vuks A., Koskin S.
A clinical case of COVID-19 infection in a young patient with a соmorbid pathology
Vorobeva O.
The relationship between impaired uteroplacental blood flow and blood pressure level in pregnant women with chronic and gestational hypertension
Medubayeva M., Kerimkulova A., Latypova N., Veber V., Idrisov A., Nurpeissova R., Mar­kabayeva M.
Assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system in young and middle-age military men depending on the level of blood serum uric acid
Shapoval D., Dydyshko V.
Significance of vascular remodeling and vagosympathetic tone in the implementation of the antihypertensive effect of indapamide retard
Iskenderov B., Lokhina T., Berenstein N.
Disorders of the fatty acid spectrum of erythrocytes and blood plasma of adolescents with recurrent cephalgia associated with hypertension: approaches to correction
Evert L., Potupchik T., Kostyuchenko Y., Ignatova I., Teslenko V.
Optimization of blood pressure control in patients with resistant arterial hypertension and visceral obesity
Deneka I., Rodionov A., Fomin V.
Influence of vascular remodelling and reduced heart rate variability at indapamide efficacy in patients with arterial hypertension
Iskenderov B., Lokhina T., Mozhzhukhina I., Berenshtein N., Zaitseva A.
Hyperuricemia and kidney damage in patients with cardiovascular disease: A review
Mironova O.
Subclinical markers of liver damage in patients with arterial hypertension and obesity
Sadulaeva I., Yushchuk E., Khalikova L., Krikunova O., Trofimenko O., Medvedeva E.
Contribution of polymorphism of genes of aldosterone synthetase CYP11B2 (C-344T), adrenergic receptors type 1 ADRB1 (Gly389Arg) and type 2 ADRB2 (Arg16Gly) to formation of different obesity phenotypes
Shulkina S., Larina O., Alikin S., Zhelobov V., Smirnova E., Antipova A., Kolomeets N., Kobernik M.
Identifying genomic variations in metabolic syndrome as a research strategy
Khidirova L., Bolshakova M.
Effect of metabolic therapy on the state of the vascular bed in premenopausal dyslipidemia
Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.
Treatment of comorbid patients over 80 years old: focus at arterial hypertension (analysis of real clinical practice)
Safronenko V., Chesnikova A.
Pharmacoepidemiological analysis of antihypertensive therapy in older age groups with senile asthenia syndrome
Davidov E., Yaskevich R.
Clinical-hemodynamic efficiency of fixed combined hypotensin therapy for patients with heavy arterial hypertension
Gizi Azayeva N.
Impact of comorbid pathology on the cytokine cascade in the population of a large industrial city (using Chelyabinsk as an example)
Simbirtsev A., Ryabova L., Savchuk K.
Gender peculiarities of clinical manifestations in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure in combination with senile asthenia syndrome
Safronenko V., Chesnikova A.
Psychoemotional status and arterial hypertension in children: search for correlation and clinical application
Pavlinova E., Lippert V., Dakuko A.
Treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease from the perspective of the 2023 European recommendations
Sigitova O.
Modern therapy for cardiac arrhythmias in patients with hypertension and obesity
Khabibulina М., Elistratov D., Shamilov М.
Effect of Femoklim on the state of blood vessels in hypoestrogenemia and arterial hypertension
Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.
Primary hyperaldosteronism: existing problems and possible solutions
Ladygina D., Vastistova A., Shilenkova E., Platonova N., Beltsevich D., Fadeev V.
Resolution of the expert council «Possibilities of neuroprotective therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and cognitive disorders»
Martynov A., Tanashyan M., Malyavin A., Bogolepova A., Borovkova N., Eliseeva L., Zhuravleva M., Zakharov V., Koryagina N., Mikhin V., Osipova I., Ostroumova O., Pozdnyak A., Portnyagina U., Statsenko M., Tyrenko V., Chesnikova A.
Correction of risk factors in patients with atrial fibrillation
Prekina V., Kunyaeva T., Shokina S., Samolkina O., Skopina Y.
Management of patients with arterial hypertension and atrial fibrillation
Chazova I., Golitsyn S., Zhernakova J., Zheleznova E., Kropacheva E., Mironov N., Kostiukevich M., Laiovich L., Utsumueva M., Iuricheva I., Litvin A., Elfimova E., Rogoza A., Panchenko E.
Seasonal Fluctuations in Hemodynamic Characteristics in Patients with Increased Meteosensitivity: a Survey
Knyazeva T., Abramova B., Grishechkina I., Valtseva E., Yakovlev M.
The state of hemodynamics in middle-aged and elderly people
Yushchuk V., Chepurnova N., Markelova E., Knysh S., Trankovskaya L., Voroshilov A.
Features of the psychoemotional state and quality of life of practically healthy individuals (hyperreactors) working on a rotational basis in the Arctic region
Samoilova E., Gapon L., Guskova O., Kalugin A., Nistryanu D., Cheremnykh D., Peshteryan V.
24-hour blood pressure monitoring during treatment with free and fixed combinations of antihypertensive drugs
Gumerov F., Mayanskaya S., Malysheva E.
Assessment of the social effectiveness of providing medical care to patients with a cardiological profile using the method of remote monitoring of blood pressure
Fedotkina S., Karailanov M.
Evaluation of the effect of metabolic therapy on the state of blood vessels in estrogen deficiency and hypertension
Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.
Risk factors and circulatory system pathologies in military personnel in the Arctic region
Kryukov E., Fisun A., Halimov Y., Gaiduk S., Agafonov P.
Pharmacoepidemiology of arterial hypertension in adult population of Donetsk city with COVID-19
Nalotova O., Alesinsky M., Nalotov S., Serdyuk E., Nalotova E., Galaeva Y.
Combination therapy of newly diagnosed intermediate-risk pulmonary arterial hypertension: A review
Lyapina I., Zvereva T., Martynyuk T.
Features of vectorcardiograms in patients with hypertension complicated by chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricle ejection fraction
Sakhnova T., Blinova E., Yurasova E., Uskach T., Blinova N., Aidu E., Trunov V., Saidova M.
Use of orthodontic treatment protocols in patients with chronic periodontitis and arterial hypertension
Eremin A., Lepilin A., Lipatova T.
Level of stress in adolescents with functional somatic disorders. Correction methods
Kostyuchenko Y., Potupchik T., Evert L., Chudinova O.
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