
Rehabilitation of patients after a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 at the second and third stage
Kovlen D., Abuseva G., Khoziainova S., Kondrina E., Podberezkina L., Ischuk V., Karpova T., Konoplyankin I., Kovalev A., Tolmachev S.
The most important aspects in the rehabilitation of semiprofessional athletes after an anterior cruciate ligament injury: to operate or not?
Ulyanov I., Proshlyakov V., Zasyadko K., Shumkin Y., Agaltsova A., Plesovskikh I., Morozova A., Nikolaeva A., Frolova A.
Significance of the second stage of medical rehabilitation after arthroplasty of large joints
Nikolaev N., Petrova R., Preobrazhenskaya E., Ivanov M., Trifonova O.
Medical and social characteristics of people with disability and neuromuscular, skeletal, and movement-related disorders
Povorinskii A., Vladimirova O., Shoshmin A., Riabokon A.
New approaches to the question of training for the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled
Loginova E., Matveeva M.
Overview of the verticalization of technology: history of the occurrence and relevance of application
Podolskaya J., Borisov I., Sukhbaatar O., Sorokina V.
Assessment of disturbed functions in patients with chronic heart failure using International classification of functioning ICF categories
Stolov S., Makarova O., Vladimirova O., Privalov K.
Physiotherapy methods in the complex of cognitive rehabilitation of patients in the late recovery period in patients after ischemic stroke
Mikhailova A., Korchazhkina N., Koneva E., Kotenko K.
Effectiveness and Safety of Robotic Mechanotherapy with FES and VR in Restoring Gait and Balance in the Acute and Early Rehabilitation Period of Ischemic Stroke: Prospective Randomized Comparative Study
Lutokhin G., Kashezhev A., Pogonchenkova I., Rassulova M., Turova E., Utegenova Y., Shulkina A., Samokhvalov R.
Identification of clinical and rehabilitation groups among patients with cervical tetraplegia
Bushkov F., Razumov A., Sichinava N.
Predictors of the Effectiveness of Medical Rehabilitation of Patients with Cerebral Palsy
Sheyko G., Belova A.
Development of a rehabilitation direction in the treatment of military personnel with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems in the «Podmoskovye» health-resort of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
Sobolev А., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova А., Kovlen D., Kondrina Е., Adkhamov B., Saveliev D., Ivashchev V.
Organizational aspects of the sanatorium-resort treatment of victims at work: Using the example of Kuzbass
Gavrilyuk O., Karasaeva L., Blyumina A., Goryainova M.
Virtual reality as a technology of multimodal correction of post-stroke motor and cognitive disturbances in conditions of multitasking functioning (literature review)
Kostenko E., Petrova L., Pogonchenkova I., Kopasheva V.
Influence of complex application of heliox therapy and acupuncture on maximally corrected visual acuity in patients with acute form of central serous chorioretinopathy
Sheludchenko V., Drakon A.
Assessment of the quality of knowledge about medical rehabilitation among doctors
Evstigneeva I.
Psychological consequences of combat trauma at the hospital stage of rehabilitation
Kryukov E., Ovchinnikov D., Yusupov V., Golovko K., Zelenina N., Korzunin V., Dorofeev I., Chernyavsky E.
Assessment of functioning indicators of people with disability and impaired neuromuscular, skeletal, and movement-related functions based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health considering environmental barriers
Povorinskii A., Vladimirova O., Shoshmin A., Kulinich T.
Disability indicators for the social protection and rehabilitation measures in the population of the Russian Federation
Goryainova M., Karasaeva L., Nurova A., Pavlova S., Azovtsev D., Goryainov I.
Modern system of rehabilitation and habilitation of military personnel with limb amputation
Trishkin D., Sergoventsev A., Yudin V., Budko А., Pastukhov A., Derbilov А.
The choice of tactics of rehabilitation measures in patients with chronic paraproctitis, depending on the volume of surgical intervention based on quality of life indicators
Kovalev S.
Features of the organization of medical rehabilitation at the present stage
Sereda A., Puzin S., Memetov S., Kim V., Ilyukhin R.
Overcoming Unilateral Spatial Agnosia in the Late Recovery Period of Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report
Zagaynova A., Kuzyukova A., Dobryakova V., Rashidova E.
Сourse features of a new coronavirus infection in a comorbid patient
Kharitonov M., Ivanov V., Grishaev S., Maltseva O., Bulka E., Bulka K.
Internet technologies in the psychological rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases: literature review
Lyamina N., Golubev M., Zaitsev V.
Methodical Aspects of the Deployment of a Medical Rehabilitation Center Based on the Military SPA Organization
Shakula A., Trebina N., Kosov V., Svist N.
Some features of the effect of different methods of medical rehabilitation on the intensity of pain syndrome in patients after an ischemic stroke in the late recovery period
Mikhailova A., Korchazhkina N., Koneva E., Kotenko K.
Functional disorders of the respiratory system after a new coronavirus infection COVID-19
Savushkina O., Zaytsev A., Kryukov E., Cherniak A., Malashenko M., Kulagina I., Chernov S., Aseeva N.
Hormonal rehabilitation of patients with cervical cancer after radical surgical treatment
Urmancheeva A., Bernstein L., Бурмина М., Zeldovich D., Gamayunova V., Kovalenko I.
Rehabilitation diagnosis in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system using categories of the international classification of functioning. Part 1
Tsykunov M.
The role of the International classification of functioning in the complex rehabilitation of cardiac patients
Stolov S., Makarova O.
The main directions of improving the system of medical care for medical rehabilitation in the health resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense
Dolgikh S., Didenko S., Kirsanova A., Kovlen D., Kondrina E., Adkhamov B., Ivashchev V., Shishkin Y.
Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention after acute myocardial infarction: a modern view on the problem
Sayutina E., Osadchuk M., Romanov B., Tuaeva E., Butorova L., Dibirova G., Kireeva N., Korzhenkov N.
Rehabilitation of the disabled with osteoarthritis in a multidisciplinary rehabilitation center
Syrnikova B., Storozhenko D., Storozhenko E., Temirov R.
Accelerated recovery program in neurosurgery (current trends)
Yarikov A., Filyaeva A., Perlmutter O., Fraerman A., Tsybusov S., Mukhin A., Sosnin A., Gunkin I., Simonov A., Gunkin I., Simonov A., Istrelov A., Pavlova E., Volkov I.
A modern approach to the rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the bones of the lower extremities
Bodrova R., Petrova R., Delyan A., Preobrazhenskaya E., Nikolaev N., Gumarova L., Ivanov M., Kamaleeva A.
Experience of using the sensor treadmill to improve the functions of pacing, cognitive abilities and psychoemotional status in patients with ischemic stroke
Mikhailova A., Korchazhkina N., Koneva E., Kotenko K., Elfimov M.
Development of machine technology for land rehabilitation
Natriashvili T., Makharoblidze Z., Margvelashvili V., Sharashenidze S.
Long-term results of the restoration of the mobility of the mandible after fractures and prolonged immobilization
Valieva L., Pankratov A., Ivanov S., Khandzratsyan A., Kogay V.
Organization of Remote Rehabilitation in the Russian Federation: a Literature Review
Sheiko G., Belova A., Karyakin N., Daminov V., Shabanova M., Ananyev R., Sushin V., Vorobyova O.
Algorithm for formulation a rehabilitation diagnosis using the international classification of functioning in a patient with a stroke: clinical case
Ivanova G., Bodrova R., Builova T., Karimova G., Komarnitsky V.
Factors determining the readiness of a patient with coronary artery disease to use telemedicine technologies for rehabilitation: prospective cohort study
Zvereva T., Pronina A., Babichuk A., Pomeshkina S., Barbarash O.
Analysis of the need for rehabilitation measures for children with disabled living in boarding schools in Moscow
Bolod S., Karasaeva L., Mechtanova Y.
Experience of use of the extended complex of ophthalmononeurostimulation in patients with non-exudative atrophic (geographic) form of age-of-aged macular degeneration
Drakon A., Korchazhkina N., Sheludchenko V.
Biopsychosocial approach to the rehabilitation of people with disabilities due to stroke based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Lomonosova O., Vladimirova O., Pomnikov V., Karasaeva L., Goryainova M., Corneeva S., Gryaznov A.
Study of polymorbidity in patients with musculoskeletal diseases at the stage of medical and ­physical rehabilitation
Rukodaynyy O., Moroga D., Kicha D., Fomina A., Goloshchapov-Aksenov R.
Comprehensive rehabilitation of cancer patients: A review
Gameeva E., Stepanova A., Tkachenko G., Gridnev O., Sviridov S., Shestopalov A.
Features of Physical and Motor Development of Children with Congenital Heart Diseases
Savova E., Zavarina A., Shvedunova V., Ermolenko M.
Dynamic electric neurostimulation in the cognitive rehabilitation of patients in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke
Drobyshev V., Shpagina L., Abramovich S., Mashanskaya A.
Dynamic Changes in Brain Perfusion after Cognitive Rehabilitation in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Tonkikh O., Samoylova I., Matveyeva M., Shuliko L.
Topical electrostimulation for correction of respiratory disorders in spinal cord injury: A review
Toriya V., Vissarionov S., Savina M., Baindurashvili A., Pershina P.
Breath assessment at with post-tuberculosis patients suffered new coronavirus infection
Balasaniants G., Abdrakhmanova S., Gilmutdinova L., Farkhshatov I.
Mechanotherapy and virtual reality technologies in the rehabilitation of patients with post-covid syndrome: impact on endurance, muscle strength, gait and balance
Ansokova М., Marchenkova L., Fesyun A., Yurova O.
A.F. Kaptelin
Board E.
Immune dysfunction in millitary personnel participating in special tasks and the possibility of medical and psychological rehabilitation
Zaitseva N., Bagmet A., Tsygan V.
Application of the International classification of functioning, disability and health in medical rehabilitation of children with severe traumatic brain injury
Akhmadullina E., Bodrova R., Rakhmaeva R.
Use of hydrobalneotherapy in ambulatory rehabilitation of patients with post-COVID syndrome
Shchikota A., Pogonchenkova I., Rassulova M., Filippov M., Golubev M., Cherepanov I.
Rehabilitation strategies following endometrial cancer treatment: exploring contemporary approaches and management issues
Blinov D., Solopova A., Achkasov Е., Sandzhieva L., Korabelnikov D., Bykovshchenko G., Petrenko D.
Kinesiotaping in cerebral palsy rehabilitation
Kiselev D., Andronova L., Levkov V., Panyukov M., Tokhtieva N., Laisheva O., Milovskaya T., Lobov A., Polyaev B.
Analysis of the characteristic features of psychosocial adaptation of patients with coronary heart disease to chronic heart failure
Zhidyaevskij A., Galyautdinov G., Mendelevich V.
Experience in organizing nutritional support in cancer patients at the Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Centre
Potapov A., Аgababyan T., Dorozhkin A., Pimonova I., Nevolskikh A., Ivanov S., Kaprin A.
Efficacy and Safety of Remote Physical Rehabilitation in Patients with Hip or Knee Replacement: a Prospective Randomized Comparative Study
Sheiko G., Karyakin N., Belova A., Daminov V., Sushin W., Shabanova M., Vorobyova O., Ananyev S.
«Conscious correction of scoliosis and posture disorders» in the complex rehabilitation treatment of degrees 1–3 thoracic spine idiopathic scoliosis
Levkov V., Andronova L., Shavyrin I., Panyukov M., Butorina A., Polyaev B., Lobov A.
Comparative Analysis of Personality-Related and Value-and-Meaning-Related Characteristics of Narcological Patients and Healthy Individuals (Abstainers) in Terms of Tertiary Prevention
Korduban V., Buzik O., Agibalova T.
Vitamin D in rehabilitation of older patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and laryngeal cancer
Velikaya O., Nedomolkin S., Nedomolkina S.
Possibilities of using hyperbaric oxygen therapy at different stages of cardiac surgery
Krylov V., Kolchina E.
Development of a system of medical rehabilitation in sanatoriums and resorts organizations of the Eastern Military District
Demeev Y., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Tikhansky S., Bai S., Kovlen D.
Sensorimotor Rehabilitation and Psychotherapeutic Techniques Effect on the Psychoemotional State in the Stroke Recovery Period
Kuzyukova A., Pekhova Y., Odarushenko O., Yurova O., Fesyun A.
Outpatient medical rehabilitation
Kuzyakina A., Kupreychick V., Bogatirev A., Anastasevich O., Lutsky L., Treger I.
Long-term effects of a home exercise program in patients with acute myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention: prospective observational study
Matveeva I., Bubnova M., Aronov D., Persiyanova-Dubrova A., Poddubskaya E.
Features of the formation of postoperative scars under the influence of rehabilitation programs in patients with chronic paraproctitis in the early postoperative period after minimally invasive surgical hospital-replacing technologies
Kovalev S., Kotenko K.
Opinion of Obstetricians and Gynecologists on Problems of Rehabilitation of Women with Early Reproductive Losses
Aleshkina O., Konovalov O.
Phthisioophthalmological sanatarium “Krasny Val” under conditions of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic
Ustinova E., Simchuk M., Astakhov S., Kuznetsova T., Bataev V., Lyapin S., Bezrukavaja T.
Effectiveness of a novel hydrolysate collagen formulation in the complex treatment and rehabilitation of patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis
Repetyuk A., Ternovoy K.
Technical means in the rehabilitation of disabled people aged 18 years and older with HIV/AIDS
Ugleva E., Karasaeva L.
Role of radiologic imaging in selection of sanatorium rehabilitation regimen in patients with degenerative spine disease
Shershnev S., Ipatov V., Zheleznyak I., Babirin V., Zakolodnev I., Boykov I., Rameshvili T.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine: Annual Update on Bibliometric Indicators Including Scopus Quartile (Q3)
Mzhelsky A.
Indicators of the need of disabled people for vocational rehabilitation activities
Goryainova M., Karasaeva L., Nurova A., Petrova O., Ugleva E., Ogay D.
Modern approaches to improving medical rehabilitation in the Southern Military District
Papko S., Sergoventsev A., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova A., Kovlen D., Podberezkina L., Smolnikov A., Obertynskaya L.
Analysis of the needs of disabled people for employment in a special workplace in the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg
Karasaeva L., Goryainova M.
Methods for rehabilitation of cancer patients in gynecology
Petrozhitskaya A.
How to organize medical rehabilitation?
Ivanova G., Melnikov E., Belkin A., Beliaev A., Bodrova R., Builova T., Maltseva M., Mishina I., Prokopenko S., Sarana A., Stahovskaya L., Hasanova D., Thsikuniv M., Samalov N., Suvorov A., Shmonin A.
Standardization of rehabilitation medical cards for adult patients with musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems dysfunction
Ivanova G., Suvorov A., Novikov A., Belova A., Vorobyova O., Tsykunov M., Builova T., Shmonin A., Maltseva M.
Effects of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the course of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
Byalovsky Y., Ivanov A., Rakitina I.
Rehabilitation of patients with chronic heart failure: opportunities and unresolved issues
Vladimirskiy V., Bobylev Y.
Methods of assessing the quality of life in women with malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system
Solopova A., Blinov D., Achkasov E., Sandzhieva L., Korabelnikov D., Bykovshchenko G., Petrenko D.
Аpplication of rehabilitation technologies to improve cognitive functions in patients with ischemic stroke
Mikhailova A., Korchazhkina N., Koneva E., Kotenko K.
Application of International Classification of Functioning, Vital Disabilities and Health to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation in a psychiatric hospital
Petrova N., Vishnyakova E., Kalinina S.
Statistical indicators of primary and secondary disabilities in children born with very low and extremely low bodyweight
Goryaynov I., Vladimirova O., Belavina E., Karol E., Goryaynova M., Karasaeva L.
Organization of accelerated recovery and early rehabilitation of surgical patients within the framework of the service of anesthesiology and resuscitation: literature review
Manevskiy A., Sviridov S., Oprishchenko S., Polunina N., Polunin V.
Change in Walking Parameters of Paralympic Athletes Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Using WALKBOT Training System at Recovery Stage of Rehabilitation
Gorelik V., Filippova S., Smentyna O., Revchuk L., Davydova Y.
Postoperative rehabilitation of neurosurgical patients after spinal cord surgery – results of our own study
Fantalis D., Bordovsky S., Preobrazhenskaya I.
Clinical efficacy of electrophoresis of hydrobiont collagenase isoenzymes at the rehabilitation stage in women with vulvar lichen sclerosus
Ignatovskiy A., Kruglova L.
Comprehensive rehabilitation for injuries to the medial collateral ligament of the knee in skiers and snowkiters
Levkov V., Ikonnikova M., Andronova L., Remizov A., Panyukov M., Butorina A., Polyaev B., Lobov A., Plotnikov V., Platonova A.
High-Intensity Pulsed Magnetotherapy in the Rehabilitation Programme of Patients with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Polyneuropathy: a Prospective Randomized Clinical Study
Kulchitskaya D., Fesyun A., Yurova O., Konchugova T., Yakovlev M., Apkhanova T., Gushchina N., Kudryavtsev A.
The effectiveness of the inclusion of ozone therapy in comprehensive rehabilitation programs for post-COVID syndrome
Tsvetkova A., Koneva E., Malyutin D., Lysak A., Kostenko A.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Yuri Leonidovich Shevchenko as a person and his attitude to dentistry and maxillofacial surgery
Iordanishvili A.
The effect of the Pisa syndrome on balance and gait in Parkinson’s disease: a comparative study
Nazarova K., Nalobina A.
Dynamics of anxiety, depression, and quality of life after early physical rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgical correction of acquired mitral valve defect: clinical prospective randomized study
Lyapina I., Argunova Y., Shaleva V., Dren’ E., Pomeshkina S., Barbarash O.
Organizational basis of cardiorehabilitation
Misyura O., Shestakov V., Zobenko I., Karpukhin A., Aleksandrov P., Goryunova A.
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