Author Details

Фисун, А. Я

Issue Section Title File
Vol 330, No 1 (2009) Articles Organizational aspects of using of sanatorium-resort complex of the Armed Forces in local wars and armed conflicts PDF
Vol 330, No 2 (2009) Articles Stressindutsirovannaya arterial'naya gipertoniya u lits opasnykh professiy: klinicheskie priznaki, povedencheskie osobennosti, sutochnye profili arterial'nogo davleniya i vozmozhnosti lecheniya
Vol 330, No 2 (2009) Articles Serdechnaya nedostatochnost' i uroven' natriy-ureticheskogo peptida u bol'nykh, perenesshikh infarkt miokarda
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) Articles Causes of hepatic cirrhosis and it’s results by the patients, observed in multiprofile hospital PDF
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) Articles Correction of mitral regurgitation in conditions of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease PDF
Vol 330, No 7 (2009) Articles Piggy grippe: epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis PDF
Vol 330, No 8 (2009) Articles System of rehabilitation in the Armed Forces: history, now-day’s and perspectives of development PDF
Vol 339, No 7 (2018) Articles Influence of the Arctic factor on artetial hypertension and atherosclerosis in military troops PDF
Vol 339, No 8 (2018) Articles Yubilei PDF
Vol 339, No 7 (2018) Articles Prominent figure in military medicine (to the 100th anniversary N.G.Ivanov) PDF
Vol 339, No 12 (2018) Articles Unusual anniversary: the centenary of the Military Medical Academy in 1898
Vol 337, No 1 (2016) Articles Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: results of activity and tasks for 2016 PDF
Vol 337, No 4 (2016) Articles Prospective planning of activity of the Medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020
Vol 337, No 5 (2016) Articles Zika virus infection: clinical and diagnostic aspects and organization of preventive measures PDF
Vol 337, No 7 (2016) Articles Stiffness of the arterial wall and predicted vascular age as a predictor of cardiovascular disease when stress-induced hypertension in the military personnel.
Vol 336, No 1 (2015) Articles Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: the results of the activities and the main tasks for 2015 PDF
Vol 336, No 6 (2015) Articles Medical and technical means for united circle of evacuation measures in military-medical organisations of the Ministry of Defence.
Vol 336, No 8 (2015) Articles Who was the head of the General Military Medical Department in 1917-1918.
Vol 336, No 9 (2015) Articles Organisation of medical care delivery to citizens, enjoying a right to get medical care at military-medical organisations of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.
Vol 336, No 12 (2015) Articles Equipment of field units of the medical service of the Armed Forces with modern medical complexes on the basis of pneumo-frame modules, and procedure of the use
Vol 335, No 1 (2014) Articles The Russian Armed Forces Military Medical Service: condition and ways of improvement PDF
Vol 335, No 3 (2014) Articles Prophylaxis of substance abuse in the Aimed Forces: organization and performance of screening PDF
Vol 335, No 6 (2014) Articles Psychology and psychopathology of information warfare
Vol 335, No 8 (2014) Articles Medical rehabilitation in the armed forces: history, current state and prospects PDF
Vol 335, No 11 (2014) Articles Ebola virus disease: clinical and diagnostic aspects and organization of treatment-and-prophylactic measures
Vol 334, No 7 (2013) Articles Improvement of the system of medico-evacuational interventions in the troops with the help of mobile specialized elements
Vol 334, No 9 (2013) Articles Methods of substance abuse prevention in the Armed Forces
Vol 334, No 10 (2013) Articles About development of All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine at the present stage
Vol 334, No 11 (2013) Articles Experience of medical support organization of the tank biathlon competition
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) Articles Juridical, science-methodical and economic aspects of organization of medicamentary help in military health service
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) Articles Rezul'taty lecheniya arterial'noy gipertonii na rabochem meste u lits opasnygkh professiy
Vol 335, No 2 (2014) Articles Hi-tech health care: modern status and prospects of development in medical facilities of the Ministry of Defence PDF
Vol 340, No 12 (2019) Articles Infowar and mental health
Vol 340, No 12 (2019) Articles Yubilei
Vol 340, No 8 (2019) Articles «The Heart of a Soldier»: from the history of the concept to modern ideas.
Vol 341, No 4 (2020) Articles Features of the organization of medical support for troops (forces) in the Arctic zone
Vol 341, No 3 (2020) Articles Modern approaches and technologies used in the medical support of military personnel in the Far North
Vol 341, No 1 (2020) Articles Ways to reduce mortality in modern hybrid warfare: injured to a surgeon or surgery to a wounded?
Vol 341, No 5 (2020) Articles Military psychiatry during the Great Patriotic War
Vol 341, No 4 (2020) Articles Features of providing medical equipment to troops (forces) in the Arctic zone
Vol 341, No 2 (2020) Articles Features of the organization of anti-epidemic measures in the troops (fleet forces) in the Far North and in the Arctic
Vol 341, No 3 (2020) Articles Features of the organization of therapeutic assistance to military personnel in the Arctic region
Vol 341, No 8 (2020) Articles The principle of separation in the training of field surgeons and its practical implementation
Vol 341, No 11 (2020) Articles Correction of arterial hypertension and psycho - emotional stress with a transcutaneous electrical stimulator «AVR - 051»
Vol 342, No 8 (2021) Articles Legal aspects of providing the high - tech medical care to military personnel

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